A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y ABEN, a fugitive, 84 Aberac, Celtic name of York, 34 Adam, abbot of Meaux, 61 Adams, abbot of Valle Crucis, 167 Adeliza, Queen, 83 Adrian IV., Pope, 161 Ældred, abbot of Rievaulx, 49 Agatha, St, 50, 52 Aidan, St, 5, 17, 18, 187 Aifwardus, abbot of Evesham, 147 Ailesbury, Earls of, 44, 45 Aislabie, William, 63 Alban, St, British martyr, 2, 27, 161, 162, 163, 164 Albert, archbishop of York, 36 Albini, Gundreda de, 42, 43 Alcuin, schoolman of York, 34 Aldhelm, St, 7, 88, 89, 124 Aldwius, bishop of East Anglia, 112 Alexander, abbot of Kirkstall, 74 Alexander II., Pope, 112 Alneto, Robertus, hermit of Hode, 42 Amphibalus, St, 161, 163 Anselm, abbot of Bury St Edmunds, 115 Aragon, Catherine of, 78 Archibald, St, 6 Ardern, Thomas, 78 Arimathea, St Joseph of, 1, 122 Arthur, King, 2, 122, 123, 124, 135 Arviragas, King, 122, 123 Aschewine, bishop of Dorchester, 140 Asser, Bishop, 98 Athanasius, St, 1 Athelstan, King of Wessex, 37, 78, 89 Aucherius, abbot of Reading, 82 Augustine, St, 1, 4, 98, 99, 122, 151 Auxerre, city of, 3, 57, 58 BALDWIN, abbot, 112 Baliol, Robert, 189 Baliol, Edward, 178 Baliol, John, 195 Baliol, Bernard de, 20 Bauzan, Richard, 104 Beatoun, archbishop, 172 Beauchamp, Beatrice de, 184 Bede, the Venerable, 7, 22, 23, 24 Bedford, Robert, (tomb), 141 Bellenden, Robert de, 178 Benedict, St, 58 Bennet, William, prior of Finchale, 26 Bernard, St of Clairvaux, 49, 64 Berthwald, King, 88 Betun, Roger de, bishop of Hereford, 136 Bewfforest, Sir Richard, abbot of Dorchester (tomb), 141 Bewfforest, Richard (tomb), 141 Bienfaite, Richard de, 133, 134 Bigod, Hugh, 134 Bigod, Roger, 134 Birinus, St, 5, 139, 141 Bird, prior of Bath, 128 Biscop, Benedict, 6, 22, 23 Biwell, Walter, chaplain to Bernard de Baliol, 20 Blois, Henry de, 94, 95, 122 Bohemia, Anne of, 155 Bonham, Sir William, 178 Boreham, Richard, abbot of St Albans, 161 Bowes, Sir G., 182, 183, 184, 189 Bradley, abbot of Fountains, 63 Bradley, Dean, 160 Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 13, 115 Breton, Bishop J., 122 Brewster, Sir David, 187 Brittany, Alan of, Earl of Richmond, 34 Bronescombe, Walter de, bishop of Exeter, 104 Browne, Sir Anthony, 79 Bruce, Robert, 174, 176, 187, 189, 198 Bruce, Edward, 170 Burgh, Hubert de, 111 Byron, Sir J., 13, 143, 144 CÆDMON, Anglican poet, 7 CÆsar, Claudius, 1 CÆn, Paul de, abbot of St Albans, 161 Canmore, Malcolm, 197 Canute, King, 9, 114 Caradercus, Duke of Cornwall, 124 Caractacus, 1, 124 Carnaby, Sir R., 21 Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 71 Caxton, William, 159 CÉrisy, Walter of, 147, 149 Chad, St, 6 Chamberlayne, Edward, 178 Chantry, Bishop Rogers, 98 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 184 Cheney, Sir T., 77, 78 Chinnock, John de, 126 Christina, abbess of Romsey, 95 Chrysostom, St, 1 Claughton, Thomas Leigh, bishop of St Albans, 161 Clement, Abbot, 98 Clifford, Henry, Earl of Cumberland, 71 Clinton, Lord Edward, 109 Coel, king of Britain, 124 Columba, St, 17, 169 Comyn, William, Earl of Buchan, 169 Constantine the Great, 27 Corbeuil, William de, archbishop of Canterbury, 76 Cowley, Abraham, 82 Crawfurd, Abbot, 178, 182 Cromwell, Oliver, 89, 108 Cromwell, Secretary, 21 Curteys, abbot of Bury St Edmunds, 116 Cuthbert, St, 6, 17, 18, 187, 188 Cynegils, king of Wessex, 5, 139 DACRE, Lord, 189 Darnley, Lord, 180 David, St, 135 Davell, Henry, abbot of Whitby, 54 Denmark, Margaret, princess of, 175, 178 Denny, Sir A., 117, 119 Dent, William, abbot of St Mary’s, York, 34 Devergoil, Lady, 195, 196 Devonshire, Amicia, Countess of, 103 Diocletian, Emperor of Rome, 2, 27 Douglas, Archibald, Earl of, 194 Douglas, Margaret, Countess of, 195 Drake, Sir Francis, 103, 104, 143 Drayton, Sir J. (tomb), 141 Dromore, bishop of, 50 Drostan, St, 169 Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury, 8, 125 ECGFRID, king of Northumbria, 20, 22 Edmund, St, king and martyr, 7, 112, 124 Edmund, Ironsides, 9, 124 Edgar, king of Wessex, 8, 124, 128 Edred, son of Edward the Elder, 84, 106 Edward, the Elder, 94, 112 Edward, the Confessor, 9, 112 Edwaldus, brother of St Edmund, king and martyr, 98 Edwin, king of Northumbria, 27, 35, 36 Egremont, boy of, 70 Egclwya, bishop of Durham, 84 Egwine, St., 147, 149 Elfrida, queen of Wessex, 100 Elwina, abbess of Romsey, 95 Eneas, 34 Elyote, John, 102 Eoves, a shepherd, 149 Ercombert, king of Kent, 76 Ethelmer, Earl of Cornwall, 98 Erinsuis, chaplain to Queen Maud, 135, 136 Espec, Walter, 49 Ethelbald, king of Mercia, 106 Ethelburga, queen of Northumbria, 27, 35 Ethelbert, king of Kent, 4 Ethelbert of East Anglia, 162 Ethelburh, queen of Wessex, 124, 125 Ethelfleda, daughter of Oswy, king of Northumbria, 54 Ethelmer, Earl of Cornwall, 98 Etheldreda, queen of Northumbria, 20 Ethelred, king of Mercia, 149 Ethelred the Unready, 9, 100, 101, 147 Ethelwerdus, or Egelwaldus, 98 Ethelwold, abbot of Abingdon, 84, 85 Ethelwold, archbishop of Winchester, 94 Eugenius II, 84, 108 Eure, Sir Ralph, 184, 191, 193 FAIRFAX, 37 Fane, Sir H., 79 Farringdon, Henry, abbot of Reading, 82 Fastolph, abbot of Fountains, 67 Felix, St, the “Apostle of East Anglia,” 5 Ferrars, Robert, Earl of, 120, 122 Fillan, St, 174 Finchale, Godricus de, 24, 25, 26 Finian, St, of Clonard, 3 Fitz-Alan, Walter, 196 FitzBardolph, Akarius, 44, 46 Fitz-Hamon, Robert, 130 Frampton, Sir Robert, 90 France, King John of, 161 Frithwaldus, governor of the Province of Surrey, 81 Fuller, Robert, abbot of Waltham, 117 Fursey, a Scottish monk, 5 GALLOWAY, Fergus, Lord of, 194 Gausbertus, abbot of Battle, 80 Geoffrey, abbot of Croyland, 106, 107 Gerald, abbot of Furness, 40, 42 Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, 2 Germanus, St, monk of Auxerre, 57 Gildas, British historian, 1 Gilmer, 80 Giraldus, abbot of Tewkesbury, 132 Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 112 Gloucester, Walter de, 137 Godwin, 147 Grainvilla, Richard de, 165 Gregory, Pope, 4, 151 Gregory, abbot of Stanlawe, 31 Grendon, Serle de, 142 Gresham, Sir Richard, 63 Greslei, Robert, 109 Grenville, Sir R., 103 Grimstone, Hugh, abbot of Kirkstall, 74 Grimthorpe, Lord, 161 Gross, William de, Earl of Albemarle, 61, 108 Guthlac, St, 106 Guinevere, Queen, 124 HADRIAN, 128 Roger, bishop of Sarum, 136 Roger, bishop of Salisbury, 96 Roaldus, Constable of England, 50 Romaine, John, archdeacon of Richmond, 52 Romille, Alice de, 68, 70 Russell, Lord, 13, 100 SALETH, hermit, 74 Samson, Abbot of Bury St Edmunds, 115 Scudamore, John, Lord, 121 Scott, Michael, 187 Scott, Walter, Sir, of Buccleuch, 184 Scrope, Richard, 51 Sebert, king of the East Saxons, 158 Sedbergh, Adam, abbot of Jervaulx, 44 Serlo, dean of York, 63, 65 Sevam, robber, 59 Severus, 35 Sexburga, Queen, 76 Shaw, George, 196 Sigberct, king of East Anglia, 5, 112 Sigge, a robber, 59 Shurland, Robert de (tomb), 77 Skelton, first Poet Laureate, 159 Somerset, Protector, 189 Sparke, Thomas, prior of Lindisfarne, 18 Staunton, John, abbot of Dale, 143 Stockton, Sir John, 109 Strail, James, 184 Stratherne, Gilbert, Earl of, 174 Strehall, prior of Finchale, 26 Strode, Ralphe de, 184 Stumpe, William, clothier, 88 Surrey, Lord, 191, 193 Sweyn, 9, 95, 113, 128 TANNER, William, 141 Taylor, Walter, 92 Theocus, hermit, 130 Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, 6 Thirlby, bishop of Westminster, 159 Thomas, archbishop of York, 19, 20 Thurstan, archbishop of York, 42, 64 Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury, 122, 126 Tison, Gilbert, standard-bearer of England, 55 Tickhill, John of, 25 Tosti, dean of York, 63, 65 Tovi, standard-bearer to Canute, 117 Tudor, Mary, queen of France, 115 Tyler, William, M.A., 102 UCHTRED, 194 Ultcyter, abbot of Croyland, 106 VALENCE, Aymer de (tomb), 156 Villula, John de, COLSTON AND CO. LTD., PRINTERS, EDINBURGH FOOTNOTES:
Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber: | Kirstall=>Kirkstall {pg xi} | “In 1775 the first Cathedral was built by King Offa.=> “In 775 the first | Cathedral was built by King Offa. {pg 128} | ST ALBAN’S (Mitred Benedictine)=> ST ALBANS (Mitred Benedictine) {pg 161} | Euginius III., Pope, 84, 108=> Eugenius III., Pope, 84, 108 {pg 201} | Sedburgh, Adam, abbot of Jervaulx, 44=> Sedbergh, Adam, abbot of Jervaulx, 44 {pg 203} | PART IV—NORTHERN COUNTIES=>PART IV—WESTERN COUNTIES {pg 120} | |