| | Page. | The Fight at Adobe Walls | Frontispiece | | From an oil painting by Miss Gwynfred Jones, Hansford, Texas, from her sketches of the battleground, as corrected by "Billy" Dixon. | | Buffaloes—"Just As They Looked in the Old Days." | 28 | Satank, the Old Tiger of the Kiowas | 58 | Indian Ration Day at Fort Sill, Oklahoma | 64 | Wood-Hauler Found Scalped Near Fort Dodge | 82 | | There are few photographs of this kind in existence. | "Billy" Dixon in His Prime as a Scout and Plainsman | 106 | Indian Camp of Buffalo Hide Tepees | 128 | | In this camp Chief Kicking Bird, Kiowa, was poisoned by his enemies, because of his unwillingness to sanction the Indian warfare against the United States government. | | James H. Cator, Zulu, Texas, Panhandle Pioneer | 160 | "Billy" Dixon's Log Homestead on Site of Original Adobe Walls | 172 | Chief Quanah Parker of the Comanches | 202 | High Bluff East of Adobe Walls on which Dixon Killed Indian at 1200 Yards | 232 | Ermoke and His Band of Murderous Kiowa Raiders | 256 | | These Indians are typical of the kind that roamed the Plains country. | Drew Dixon, Son of "Billy" Dixon—"A Sure Shot, Like His Father" | 274 | "Billy" Dixon, as He Appeared in Recent Years | 302 | Dixon Orchard at Adobe Walls | 308 | Adobe Corral Built by "Billy" Dixon | 312 | Life of "Billy" Dixon