Chapter VII. Flowering Plants of Gairloch.


It is matter of regret that no adequate herbarium has been prepared for Gairloch. With the aid of Lady Mackenzie of Gairloch, Mrs Fowler of Inverbroom, Mr O. H. Mackenzie, Mr A. Davidson, and other helpers, a list has been compiled, and is appended to these notes. It is imperfect, but we hope that it may lead to a more accurate and complete account of the flora of the parish.

Visitors to Gairloch are invited to add to our list, and any botanical information they may be willing to impart will be received with thanks. But they are appealed to to abstain (when searching for plants) from anything like a trespass or an infringement of the privileges of others. Thoughtlessness on the part of a few, may bring discredit on botanists generally.

Searchers for wildflowers are further entreated, not to eradicate any plant that may be found,—nay, not even to greatly reduce its dimensions; remembering that others ought to be allowed the chance of observing it, and that it is unfair to rob a country of its charms. Two instances are given in our "Introduction" of the destruction of ferns by tourists. Surely a word to the wise is sufficient.

The larger and more showy of our woodland plants, as well as of many kinds that should flourish on the edges of moors and about cultivated land, have become rare, and in some cases have altogether disappeared, since the introduction of sheep-farming into Gairloch. Not only do the smearing materials applied to sheep poison the ground, and being washed down into streams check the multiplication of trout, but the close nibble of sheep deteriorates pasture, and destroys many succulent plants. In spring, before the grass on the hills has made any growth, the sheep everywhere attack the primroses, so that no early blooms can be found except among wet places and rocks. The ewes and lambs are often kept near home until summer has set in, and one can almost fancy that they have a special taste for the choicest flowering plants. Dr Mackenzie attributes the present scarceness of wildflowers to the appetites of sheep, and all who have considered the question entirely concur in this opinion. Dr Mackenzie, writing of the first quarter of the nineteenth century, says, "The braes and wooded hillocks were a perfect jungle of every kind of loveable shrubs and wildflowers, especially orchids, some of the epipactis tribe being everywhere a lovely drug."

Most of the best flowers are now only met with on steep banks, among rocks, by road sides, on soft boggy ground, by the sea-shore, or in other localities not much frequented by sheep. The epipactis ensifolia, formerly abundant, is now almost unknown in Gairloch. In June 1883 I discovered a specimen on a stony bank by water. In 1885 there were two plants at the same place. I have not seen it elsewhere, nor had Mr O. H. Mackenzie seen it until this plant was found.

Most of the gayest wildflowers are over by the time the run of tourists begins. Many of the loveliest bloom in June or early in July. A bouquet of wildflowers, well arranged in masses, does not stand long in water, but is difficult to beat for graceful forms and exquisite tones of colour. The yellow iris, the rosy sea-thrift, the purple orchis, the orange St John's wort, the ragged robin, the blue hyacinth, and the lilac valerian, are eminently fitted to display the taste of the fair florist.

Though many beautiful flowers have disappeared before September, yet in autumn the country becomes brilliant with a fresh supply. The moors are purple with heather and ling, and also teem with the orange-coloured bog asphodel, whilst the patches of corn are ablaze with the brilliant yellow corn marigold so popular for bouquets. From March to October each month has its peculiar gems, and this Highland parish yields not only the rare alpine plants of the mountains, but many equally prized treasures of the rocks and strands that edge the sea lochs. There are also several interesting plants that abound in fresh-water lochs, such as the white water-lily, the water-lobelia, and the bog-bean.

Of the rarer plants found in Gairloch the following are perhaps worthy of special note, viz., the narrow-leaved helleborine, the long-leaved sun-dew, the pale butterwort, the purple saxifrage, the stone bramble, the cloudberry, the cranberry, the water avens, the chickweed wintergreen, the arrow-grass, the trollius, the water lobelia, and several uncommon ferns.

The following list includes the indigenous trees and all the ferns I know; several plants are doubtful natives, such as the corn-poppy and corn-cockle. The order of arrangement is that adopted in Sowerby's "British Wildflowers":—

Flowering Plants of Gairloch.

Thalictrum alpinum—Alpine meadow rue.
Anemone nemorosa—Wood anemone.
Ranunculus aquatilis—Water crowfoot.
" hederaceus—Ivy-leaved crowfoot.
" flammula—Lesser spearwort.
" ficaria—Small celandine; pilewort.
" acris—Buttercup.
" repens—Creeping buttercup.
" bulbosus—Bulbous buttercup.
Caltha palustris—Marsh marigold.
Trollius europÆus—Globe flower.
Berberis vulgaris—Barberry; doubtful native.
NymphÆa alba—White water-lily.
Papaver dubium—Long-headed poppy.
" rhoeas—Corn poppy.
Chelidonium majus—Celandine.
Fumaria capreolata—Rampant fumitory.
" officinalis—Common fumitory.
Corydalis claviculata—Climbing corydalis.
Cakile maritima—Sea rocket.
Crambe maritima—Sea-kale.
Coronopus didyma—Small wart-cress.
Capsella bursa-pastoris—Shepherd's purse.
Lepidium Smithii—Smooth-fruited pepperwort.
Cochlearia officinalis—Scurvy-grass.
" anglica—English scurvy-grass.
" danica—Danish scurvy-grass.
Draba verna—Whitlow-grass.
" incana —Twisted-podded Draba.
Cardamine pratensis—Lady's smock.
" hirsuta—Hairy bitter-cress.
Arabis petrÆa—Rock-cress.
" hirsuta—Hairy wall-cress.
Barbarea vulgaris—Winter cress; yellow rocket.
Sisymbrium thalianum—Thale-cress.
Sinapis arvensis—Charlock; wild mustard.
Viola palustris—Marsh violet.
" canina—Dog violet.
" tricolor—Heart's-ease; pansy.
" lutea—Mountain pansy.
Drosera rotundifolia—Sun-dew.
" longifolia—Long-leaved sun-dew.
" anglica—Great sun-dew.
Polygala vulgaris—Milkwort.
Silene acaulis—Moss campion.
" maritima—Sea campion.
Lychnis flos-cuculi—Ragged Robin.
" diurna, and var. vespertina—Campion.
Agrostemma githago—Corn-cockle.
Sagina procumbens—Creeping pearlwort.
Spergula arvensis—Spurrey.
" subulata—Small hairy spurrey.
Stellaria media—Chickweed.
" holostea—Starwort.
Arenaria peploides—Sea sandwort; sea pimpernel.
Cerastium vulgatum—Broad-leaved mouse-ear.
" viscosum—Narrow-leaved mouse-ear.
Linum catharticum—Little flax.
Radiola millegrana—All-seed.
Malva sylvestris—Common mallow; doubtful native.
" moschata—Musk mallow; doubtful native.
Hypericum perforatum—Common St John's wort.
" pulchrum—Small St John's wort.
Parnassia palustris—Grass of Parnassus.
Geranium sanguineum—Crimson crane's-bill.
" lucidum—Shining crane's-bill.
" Robertianum—Herb Robert.
" molle—Soft crane's-bill.
Erodium cicutarium—Heron's-bill.
Oxalis acetosella—Wood-sorrel.
Ulex europÆus—Furze; whin.
Anthyllis vulneraria—Kidney-vetch.
Medicago lupulina—Black medick; doubtful native.
Trifolium repens—White clover.
" pratense—Red clover.
" procumbens—Hop trefoil.
" minus—Lesser yellow trefoil.
Lotus corniculatus—Bird's-foot trefoil.
Vicia cracca—Tufted vetch.
" sativa—Tare.
" sepium—Bush vetch.
Ervum hirsutum—Hairy tine-tare.
Lathyrus pratensis—Meadow vetchling.
Prunus spinosa—Blackthorn.
" padus—Bird-cherry.
" cerasus—Wild gean.
SpirÆa ulmaria—Meadow-sweet.
Geum urbanum—Common avens.
" rivale—Water avens.
Rubus idÆus—Raspberry.
" fruticosus—Bramble.
" saxatilis—Stone bramble.
" chamÆmorus—Cloud-berry.
Fragaria vesca—Wild strawberry.
Comarum palustre—Marsh cinque-foil.
Potentilla anserina—Goose-weed.
" reptans—Creeping cinque-foil.
Tormentilla officinalis—Common tormentil.
Alchemilla vulgaris—Lady's-mantle.
" alpina—Alpine lady's-mantle.
" arvensis—Field lady's-mantle.
Rosa involuta—Unexpanded rose.
" mollis—Soft-leaved rose.
" canina—Dog rose.
CratÆgus oxyacantha—Hawthorn.
Pyrus malus—Wild apple; crab.
" aucuparia—Mountain ash; rowan.
" aria—White beam-tree.
Epilobium angustifolium—French willow-herb.
" montanum—Broad-leaved willow-herb.
" alsinifolium—Chickweed willow-herb.
" alpinum—Alpine willow-herb.
CircÆa alpina—Alpine enchanter's nightshade.
Montia fontana—Water blinks.
Rhodiola rosea—Rose-root.
Sedum anglicum—Mountain stonecrop.
" acre—Stonecrop; wallpepper
" reflexum—Crooked stonecrop.
" glaucum—Glaucous stonecrop.
Saxifraga stellaris—Starry saxifrage.
" aizoides—Yellow mountain saxifrage.
" oppositifolia—Purple saxifrage.
" hypnoides—Ladies'-cushion.
Chrysosplenium alternifolium—Golden saxifrage.
" oppositifolium—Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage.
Hydrocotyle vulgaris—Marsh pennywort.
Ægopodium podagraria—Gout weed.
Bunium flexuosum—Earth-nut.
Œnanthe crocata—Hemlock dropwort.
Ligusticum scoticum—Scottish lovage.
Meum athamanticum—Spignel.
Crithmum maritimum—Samphire.
Angelica sylvestris—Wild angelica.
Heracleum sphondylium—Cow-parsnip.
Daucus maritima—Sea-side carrot.
Scandix pecten-Veneris—Venus's comb.
Anthriscus sylvestris—Cow-parsley; wild chervil.
Myrrhis odorata—Sweet cicely.
Hedera helix—Ivy.
Cornus suecica—Dwarf cornel.
Sambucus nigra—Common elder.
Viburnum opulus—Guelder rose.
Lonicera periclymenum—Honeysuckle.
Galium verum—Yellow bed-straw.
" palustre—White water bed-straw.
" saxatile—Smooth heath bed-straw.
" uliginosum—Rough marsh bed-straw.
" aparine—Goose-grass.
Sherardia arvensis—Field madder.
Asperula odorata—Woodruff.
Valeriana dioica—Marsh valerian.
" officinalis—Great wild valerian.
Scabiosa succisa—Devil's-bit.
" arvensis—Field scabious.
" columbaria—Small scabious.
Sonchus oleraceus—Sow-thistle.
Leontodon taraxacum—Dandelion.
Apargia hispida—Rough hawk-bit.
Hieracium alpinum—Alpine hawkweed.
" sylvaticum—Wood hawkweed.
Crepis tectorum—Smooth hawk's-beard.
Lapsana communis—Nipplewort.
Arctium lappa—Burdock.
" majus—Burdock.
Saussurea alpina—Alpine saussurea.
Carduus nutans—Musk thistle.
Cnicus lanceolatus—Spear thistle.
" palustris—Marsh thistle.
" arvensis—Common thistle.
" heterophyllus—Dark plume thistle.
Tanacetum vulgare—Tansy.
Artemisia vulgaris—Mugwort.
Antennaria dioica—Cat's-foot.
Gnaphalium sylvaticum—Highland cudweed.
" supinum—Dwarf cudweed.
Tussilago farfara—Colt's-foot.
Petasites vulgaris—Butter-bur.
Senecio vulgaris—Groundsel.
" JacobÆa—Common ragwort.
" aquaticus—Marsh ragwort.
Aster tripolium—Sea starwort.
Solidago virgaurea—Golden-rod.
Bellis perennis—Daisy.
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum—Ox-eye daisy.
" segetum—Corn marigold.
Pyrethrum inodorum—Corn feverfew.
Matricaria chamomilla—Wild chamomile.
Anthemis maritima—Sea chamomile.
Achillea ptarmica—Sneezewort.
" millefolium—Yarrow; milfoil.
Centaurea nigra—Black knapweed.
" cyanus—Corn-flower; blue-bottle.
Campanula rapunculoides—Creeping bell-flower.
" hederacea—Ivy-leaved bell-flower; doubtful native.
Lobelia dortmanna—Water lobelia.
Vaccinium myrtillus—Bilberry.
" vitis idÆa—Cow-berry.
Oxycoccus palustris—Cranberry.
Erica tetralix—Cross-leaved heath; bell-heather.
" cinerea—Common heath.
Calluna vulgaris—Ling; heather.
Azalea procumbens—Creeping azalea.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi—Red bear-berry.
Pyrola minor—Lesser winter-green.
" secunda—Serrated winter-green.
Ilex aquifolium—Holly.
Fraxinus excelsior—Ash.
Gentiana campestris—Field gentian.
Menyanthes trifoliata—Bog-bean.
Lithospermum maritimum—Sea gromwell.
Myosotis cÆspitosa—Tufted forget-me-not.
" arvensis—Field forget-me-not.
" collina—Early forget-me-not.
" versicolor—Changeable forget-me-not.
Lycopsis arvensis—Bugloss.
Atropa belladonna—Deadly nightshade.
Orobanche rubra—Red broom-rape.
Veronica serpyllifolia—Thyme-leaved speedwell.
" scutellata—Marsh speedwell.
" beccabunga—Brooklime.
" officinalis—Common speedwell.
" chamÆdrys—Germander speedwell.
" hederifolia—Ivy-leaved speedwell.
" agrestis—Germander chickweed.
Bartsia odontites—Red eye-bright.
Euphrasia officinalis—Eye-bright.
Rhinanthus crista-galli—Yellow-rattle.
Melampyrum sylvaticum—Wood cow-wheat.
Pedicularis palustris—Marsh red-rattle.
" sylvatica—Dwarf red-rattle.
Scrophularia nodosa—Knotty figwort.
" aquatica—Water figwort.
Digitalis purpurea—Foxglove.
Mimulus luteus—Yellow mimulus.
Mentha sylvestris—Horse mint.
" piperita—Peppermint.
" sativa—Water mint; whorled mint.
" arvensis—Corn mint.
Thymus serpyllum—Wild thyme.
Teucrium scorodonia—Germander.
Ajuga reptans—Bugle.
" pyramidalis—Pyramidal bugle.
Galeopsis tetrahit—Hemp-nettle.
" versicolor—Bee-nettle.
Lamium album—White dead-nettle.
" purpureum—Red dead-nettle.
Stachys sylvatica—Hedge woundwort.
" palustris—Marsh woundwort.
Nepeta cataria—Cat-mint.
Prunella vulgaris—Self-heal.
Scutellaria galericulata—Skull-cap.
Pinguicula vulgaris—Butterwort.
" lusitanica—Pale butterwort.
Utricularia minor—Small bladderwort.
Primula vulgaris—Primrose.
Glaux maritima—Sea milkwort.
Trientalis europÆa—Chickweed winter-green.
Lysimachia nemorum—Wood pimpernel.
Armeria maritima—Sea thrift.
Plantago major—Greater plantain.
" lanceolata—Ribwort.
" maritima—Sea plantain.
" coronopus—Buck's-horn plantain.
Beta maritima—Beet.
Chenopodium maritimum—Sea goosefoot.
" urbicum—Upright goosefoot.
" murale—Nettle-leaved goosefoot.
" album—White goosefoot.
" " var. candicans.
" " var. paganum.
Salicornia herbacea—Glasswort.
Salsola kali—Saltwort.
Scleranthus annuus—Knawel.
Atriplex patula—Spreading orache.
Polygonum viviparum—Alpine bistort.
" aviculare—Knot-grass.
" persicaria—Spotted persicaria.
" hydropiper—Biting persicaria.
" maritimum—Sea knot-grass.
" convolvolus—Black bindweed.
" amphibium—Water persicaria.
Rumex crispus—Curled dock.
" obtusifolius—Broad-leaved dock.
" acetosa—Sorrel.
" acetosella—Sheep's sorrel.
Oxyria reniformis—Mountain sorrel.
Empetrum nigrum—Crow-berry.
Mercurialis perennis—Mercury.
Euphorbia helioscopia—Sun-spurge.
" peplus—Petty-spurge.
Callitriche verna—Springwater starwort.
Urtica dioica—Common nettle.
Ulmus montana—Wych elm.
Myrica gale—Sweet gale; bog-myrtle.
Betula alba—White birch.
" nana—Dwarf birch.
Alnus glutinosa—Alder.
Salix pentandra—Sweet willow.
" alba—White willow.
" angustifolia—Little tree-willow.
" ambigua—Ambiguous willow.
" reticulata—Net-leaved willow.
" viminalis—Common osier.
" cinerea—Grey sallow.
" caprea—Great sallow.
" nigricans—Dark-leaved willow.
" herbacea—Dwarf willow.
Populus tremula—Aspen.
Quercus robur, or pedunculata—Oak.
Corylus avellana—Hazel.
Pinus sylvestris—Scotch fir.
Juniperus communis—Juniper.
" nana—Dwarf juniper.
Orchis maculata—Spotted orchis.
Gymnadenia conopsea—Fragrant orchis.
Habenaria albida—Small white orchis.
" chlorantha—Butterfly orchis.
" bifolia—Smaller butterfly orchis.
Herminium monorchis—Green musk orchis.
Listera ovata—Tway-blade.
Epipactis ensifolia—Narrow-leaved helleborine.
Iris pseud-acorus—Yellow iris.
Hyacinthus non-scriptus—Wild hyacinth.
Allium oleraceum—Wild garlic.
" ursinum—Ramsons.
Tofieldia palustris—Scottish asphodel.
Narthecium ossifragum—Bog asphodel.
Juncus conglomeratus—Common rush.
" lamprocarpus, or articulatus—Jointed rush.
" triglumis—Three-flowered rush.
Luzula sylvatica—Great hairy-rush.
" spicata—Spiked hairy-rush.
Triglochin palustre—Arrow-grass.
" maritimum—Sea-side arrow-grass.
Potamogeton natans—Broad-leaved pond-weed.
" lucens—Shining pond-weed.
" oblongus—Oblong-leaved pond-weed.
Eriophorum vaginatum—Hare's-tail cotton-grass.
" angustifolium—Common cotton-grass.
Equisetum arvense—Field horse-tail.
" sylvaticum—Wood horse-tail.
" limosum—Smooth horse-tail.
" palustre—Marsh horse-tail.
Polypodium vulgare—Common polypody.
" phegopteris—Mountain polypody; beech fern.
" dryopteris—Tender three-branched polypody; oak fern.
Lastrea oreopteris—Sweet mountain fern; mountain buckler fern.
" filix-mas—Male fern.
" spinulosa—Narrow prickly-toothed buckler fern.
" dilatata—Broad prickly-toothed buckler fern.
Polystichum lonchitis—Holly fern.
" lobatum—Close-leaved prickly shield-fern.
Cystopteris fragilis—Brittle bladder fern.
Athyrium filix-foemina—Lady fern.
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum—Black spleenwort.
" trichomanes—Common wall spleenwort.
" viride—Green spleenwort.
" marinum—Sea spleenwort.
" ruta-muraria—Wall rue.
" septentrionale—Forked spleenwort.
Scolopendrium vulgare—Common hart's-tongue.
Blechnum boreale—Hard fern.
Pteris aquilina—Common brake.
Hymenophyllum Wilsoni—Scottish filmy fern.
Osmunda regalis—Royal or flowering fern.
Botrychium lunaria—Moonwort.
Ophioglossum vulgatum—Common adder's tongue.
Lycopodium clavatum—Common club-moss.
" annotinum—Interrupted club-moss.
" alpinum—Savin-leaved club-moss.
" selago—Fir club-moss.


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