Drop P hilanthropist, far-sighted millionaire,Lover of prose and friend of poetry, What needs my pen in furtherance declare Thou art also a friend of liberty,— Thou art, indeed, a very Prince of Peace, Who, conscious of the uselessness of war, Believest man's red carnage soon should cease, And nations now for nobler things prepare: What needs my pen in furtherance recite Thy kindly interest in the weal of man— Yet, lacking need, I nothing lose to write, But rather gain in praising as I can, For, if thy wealth the world sweet peace may give, Perhaps my lines in praise of peace may live. Press of TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION LABEL CARBONDALE PA Munn's Review Transcriber's notes: The index entries for "The Miner" and "Love of Country" have been moved from after "The Sinking of the Titanic". In "The Miner" a stanza break was inserted before the line "Nor tender leaf nor fragrant flower". The following is a list of other changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. And prohesy too plainly the unseen; As mocks advce and takes a happy pace, These, his instructors, will reherse him well, Ringing shot and shreiking shell, Thou are also a friend of liberty,— Believeth man's red carnage soon should cease, |