Drop W hen, in the days gone by, down the DelawareThe high Spring-floods, with an angry roar Were running like breakers far up the shore, Then the riverman by his chimney-seat Would feel his stout heart strangely beat— So 'twas ho! for the raft and the river again, The raft and the river for rivermen. When the creeks flow'd wild round the Delaware, And the rafts were waiting the raftmen there, Then these rivermen were ill-content Until their backs to the oars were bent— So 'twas ho! for the raft and the river again, The raft and the river for rivermen. When, in days gone by, down the Delaware Those great rafts tethered against the shore, Were loosed like chafing steeds once more, Then out of the valleys, and off the hills The raftmen came flocking with school-boy wills— And 'twas ho! for the raft and the river again, The raft and the river for rivermen. |