Drop L
ove of country is the life of war;
Love not your country then,
If loving it should lead you into war;
Oh do not be deceived—Love is broader,—
Love is broader than a wheatfield,
Love is broader than a landscape;
Do not be misled—love the world;
Begin at home—love your birthplace,
Then your county, then your state,
Then your country, then the countries
Of your brothers and sisters, who look
So much like you—like hands, like feet,
Like ears, like eyes, like lips; like sorrows,
Like hopes, like joys; like body, mind
And spirit, for the spirit of one man
Differeth not from the spirit of another,
Or high or low, or rich or poor, being
The same yesterday, to-day and forever.
Love of country is the life of war;
Love not your country then,
If loving it should lead you into war—
Should lead you into hatred
Of your neighbor's country—lead you
To strike down even unto death
Your brother who so resembles you,
Made in your image, and in the likeness
Of the living God.


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