I. Tidings out of the North 1
II. How One set out to seek his Fortune 16
III. The Road to Nottingham 34
IV. To Horse and Away 49
V. In and Out of the “Golden Ram” 66
VI. The End of the Journey 81
VII. How the World dealt by a Gentleman 95
VIII. The Interposition of John Ridydale 113
IX. The Way to War 132
X. In the Trail of the Battle 152
XI. Comrades in Arms 171
XII. For the Honor of the Gwyeths 190
XIII. In the Fields toward Osney Abbey 208
XIV. Under the King’s Displeasure 224
XV. The Life of Edmund Burley 242
XVI. Roundheads and Cavaliers 258
XVII. The Stranger by the Way 274
XVIII. The Call out of Kingsford 290
XIX. The Riding of Arrow Water 307
XX. Beneath the Roof of Everscombe 324
XXI. The Fatherhood of Alan Gwyeth 340
XXII. After the Victory 358
A Roundhead Cavalier

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