- Page
- Baked beans 15
- Barbecued lima beans 16
- Beans and sausage, Mexican style 18
- Cheese meat loaf 13
- Chicken a la king 7
- Creamed chicken 6
- Ham and bean scallop 17
- Ham turnovers 11
- Jellied ham loaf 14
- Lamb or beef pie 9
- Pastry topping for lamb or beef pie 10
- Pork savory 12
- Salad dressing, cooked, for jellied ham loaf 19
- Turkey-macaroni casserole 8
- Home Freezing of Fruits and Vegetables G 10
- Home Freezers . . . Their Selection and Use G 48
- Home Care of Purchased Frozen Foods G 69
- Home Freezing of Poultry G 70
- Freezing Meat and Fish in the Home G 93
These publications are available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. This is a Consumer Service of USDA Human Nutrition Research Division Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. Issued July 1954 Revised April 1965 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:1965—O-763-705 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. D.C. 20402—Price 10 cents