Only perfect apples should be stored for later use. Use apples with bruises, skin breaks, or decayed spots as soon as possible. Brief StorageStore slightly underripe apples for 2 weeks or less in a cool place, 60° to 70° F., to ripen. Apples that are ripe enough for eating will keep in your home refrigerator for a week or longer. Place them in the humidifier compartment or in a moisture-resistant container, such as a polyethylene bag. Fruit needs some ventilation, however. The polyethylene bags in which apples are sometimes purchased have small holes. If you prepare your own bags for storing apples, cut a few scattered half-inch holes. Longer StorageMost varieties of apples will keep several months if stored at lower temperatures. Freezing will lower the quality of apples. For directions on long-term storage of apples, see Home and Garden Bulletin 119, “Storing Vegetables and Fruits in Basements, Cellars, Outbuildings, and Pits.” Send your request on a post card to the Office of Information, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Please include your ZIP Code. |