ml@files@48187@48187-h@48187-h-2.htm.html#Page_46" class="pginternal">46 "Bull" Inn, ii., 119 —— in Bishopsgate Street, ii., 121 Burbage, James, ii., 45 Burleigh Street, ii., 215 Burlington House, ii., 53 Butler, Samuel, ii., 179 Button's Coffee-house, ii., 99 Byron, Lord, ii., 180 - Camden's description of St. Paul's Cathedral, ii., 33
- Candlewick Street, ii., 213
- Cannon Street, i., 116
- Canterbury, William de Corbeil, Archbishop of, i., 68
- Capital of Kings of Essex, i., 12
- Cardinal Wolsey, ii., 13
- —— Wolsey's Palace, i., 116
- Carlton Club, ii., 108
- Carpenters' Company, i., 200, 202
- Carthusian house, first, i., 87
- —— Order, i., 86
- Carved woodwork in City Churches, ii., 207
- Cassius, Dion, i., 3
- Castle, Baynard, i., 30, 122; ii., 213
- Castles of earth and timber, Early, i., 49
- Cathedral, St. Paul's, i., 16, 24
- "Catherine Wheel" Inn, ii., 123
- Cedd, St., i., 16
- Celtic London, i., 1-5
- —— site of, i., 2
- Chair in Fishmongers' Hall, ii., 92
- Chancery, difference between the Inns of Court and, i., 161
- —— Holborn and the Inns of Court and, i., 149, 177
- —— Inns of, i., 167
- —— Lane, i., 133, 153
- Change, Old, ii., 32
- Chantry Chapel of St. Bartholomew, built by de Walden, i., 72
- Chapel, Bridge, ii., 88, 90
- —— Guildhall, i., 182
- —— London Bridge, ii., 24
- —— of St. John, i., 36
- —— of St. Peter and Vincula, i., 42, 49, 57
- —— Pardon Churchyard and, i., 88
- —— Royal, at St. James's Palace, ii., 12
- —— Savoy, ii., 4
- "Chapter" Coffee-house, ii., 137, 139
- Charing Cross, the "Rummer" in, ii., 179
- —— "Three Tuns" at, ii., 71
- Charles I. a prisoner in St. James's Palace, ii., 9
- —— his execution, ii., 10
- Charles II. and th
187@48187-h@48187-h-7.htm.html#Page_146" class="pginternal">146
- Coin, clipping or "sweating," i., 109
- Coins found in the Thames, i., 10
- Colchester keep, compared with the keep of the Tower, i., 33
- Cold Harbour Gate, i., 41
- Colechurch, Peter of, ii., 85
- Coleman Street, i., 18
- Colet, i., 86
- Collections, Zoological, ii., 63
- Colony, Danish, ii., 208
- Commerce, Trade and, ii., 186
- Common Hall, i., 186
- "Common Playhouses," ii., 43
- Companies, Barges of City, i., 195
- —— Charity and Religion of City, i., 195
- —— City, i., 191
- —— Halls of the, i., 217
- —— Patron Saints of City, i., 196
- —— Promotion of trade by City, i., 196
- —— Spoliation of the, i., 214
- Company, Apothecaries', i., 201
- —— Armourers' and Braziers', i., 201
- —— Bakers', i., 201
- —— Barbers' or Barber Surgeons', i., 201
- —— Blacksmiths', i., 201
- —— Bowyers', i., 201
- —— Brewers', i., 201
- —— Broderers', i., 201
- —— Carpenters', i., 200, 202
- —— Clockmakers', i., 202
- —— Clockworkers', i., 199
- —— Coach and Coach Harness, i., 202
- —— Cooks', i., 202
- —— Coopers', i., 203
- —— Cordwainers', i., 203
- —— Curriers', i., 203
- —— Cutlers', i., 203
- —— Distillers', i., 203
- —— Drapers', i., 198
- —— Dyers', i., 203
- —— Fanmakers', i., 204
- —— Farriers', i., 204
- —— Feltmakers', i., 204
- —— Fishmongers', i., 195, 197, 198
- —— Fletchers', 201, 204
- —— Founders', i., 204
- —— Framework Knitters', i., 205
- —— Fruiterers', i., 205
- —— Girdlers', i., 205
- —— Glass-sellers', i., 206
- —— Glaziers', i., 206
- —— Glovers', i., 206
- —— Goldsmiths', i., 195, 197
- —— Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers', i., 206
54 - Drapers' Company, i., 198
- Drayton, Michael, ii., 171
- Dress of apprentices, i., 124
- Drury Lane Theatre, ii., 68
- Dryden, ii., 178
- "Duke Humphrey, to dine with," i., 117
- Duke of Albemarle, Monk, ii., 75
- —— of Gloucester, at Crosby Hall, Richard, ii., 190
- Duke's House Theatre, ii., 67
- —— Place, ii., 40
- Dyers' Company, i., 203
="/files/28742/28742-h/28742-h.htm#Page_218" class="pgexternal">218 —— Goldsmiths', i., 219186 Institute, ArchÆological, ii., 164 —— Anthropological, ii., 163 Introduction of Coffee, first, ii., 135 Invasion, Danish, i., 19 Ireland Yard, ii., 50 Ironmongers' Company, i., 199 —— Hall, i., 222 Islington, ii., 53 - Jacobite Coffee-houses, ii., 140
- James I. and the Temple, i., 144
- —— II., Grinling Gibbons's statue of, ii., 60
- Jeffreys, Judge, and Temple Church organ, i., 145
- Jewry Lane, Poor, i., 108
- —— Leicester, i., 108
- —— Old, i., 108
- —— Street, i., 108
- Jews, ii., 215
- —— Conversion of, i., 108
- —— disabilities of, i., 107
- —— expulsion of, i., 110
- —— Imprisoned in Tower, i., 58
- —— in London, i., 106
- —— Money-lending by, i., 107
- —— plundered, i., 122
- —— prejudice against, i., 109
- —— three hundred hanged, i., 109
- Johnson, Dr., in Fleet Street, ii., 172
- Johnson's Buildings, i., 146
- Joiners' Company, i., 207
- Jomsborg, i., 225
- Jones, Inigo, ii., 14, 52
- Jonson, Ben, ii., 168
- Jousts at Smithfield, i., 130
- Junior United Service Club, ii., 102
- Keep of Tower of London compared with Colchester keep, i., 33
- Kensington Palace, ii., 16
- Kidderminster Inn, i., 174
- Killigrew, ii., 69
- King Street, Westminster, Inns in, ii., 70
- King's Bench Walk, i., 144
- "King's Head" Inn, ii., 116
- "King's House," i., 61; ii., 67
- Kings of Essex, capital of, i., 12
- Kit Cat Club, ii., 177
- Knights Hospitallers, i., 140
- —— Templars, imprisonment, i., 59
- Kontors of the League, i., 226
- La Belle Sauvage Yard, ii., 127
- Labelye, builder of Westminster Bridge, ii., 94
- Lacy, Henry de, founder of Lincoln's Inn, i., 150
- Lady Chapel and printing shop, i., 82, 83
- Lamb Building, i., 147
- —— Charles, ii., Newgate, ii., 26
- —— Sessions House without, i., 164
- Newington, playhouse at, ii., 44
- New Inn, i., 173
- —— Temple, i., 163
- Nobility, houses of, i., 122
- "Nonesuch House," ii., 24, 91
- Norfolk, Duke of, i., 96
- Norman London, i., 21, 26
- —— Well, i., 62
- North, Sir Edward, i., 95
- Northburgh, Michael de, i., 89
- Northumberland Avenue, ii., 215
- —— Court, i., 154
- Norway, St. Olaf patron saint of, ii., 209
- Number of Churches in London, ii., 23
lass="indx">Rose playhouse, The, ii., 45, 47 Row, Cooks', ii., 213 —— Goldsmiths', ii., 32 —— Paternoster, ii., 215 Royal Asiatic Society, ii., 158 —— Chapel, at St. James's Palace, ii., 12 —— Exchange, ii., 28, 217, 218 —— Geographical Society, ii., 160 —— Institution, ii., 154 —— Mathematical School, ii., 198 —— Prisoners, i., 60 —— Society, ii., 72, 150 —— Society of Literature, ii., 156 Royalists, Crosby a prison for, ii., 191 Rugge's Diurnal, ii., 56 "Rummer" in Charing Cross, The, ii., 179 Russell Street, ii., 178 Rutland Place, i., 96 - Sackville, Thomas, first Earl of Dorset, ii., 171
- Saddlers' Company, i., 200, 210
- St. Andrew, Holborn, Church of, i., 164; ii., 207
- —— in the Wardrobe, Church of, ii., 50
- —— Undershaft, ii., 37, 204
- St. Andrew's Hill, ii., 50
- —— Holborn, ii., 207
- St. Ann's Chapel, Crypt of, i., 139
- St. Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield, i., 66
- —— Restoration of, i., 81, 84
- St. Bartholomew's Hospital, ii., 35, 196
- St. BÉnezet, ii., 85
- St. Bride, Church of, ii., 6
- St. Bruno, i., 86
- St. Buttolph, Church of, ii., 38
- St. Catherine Cree, ii., 204
- St. Cedd, i., 16
- St. Clement Danes, ii., 208
- St. Clement, patron saint of mariners, ii., 209
- St. Dunstan's, Stepney, ii., 204
- St. Ethelreda's, Ely Place, ii., 204
- St. George's Inn, i., 171
- St. Giles', Cripplegate, ii., 204
- St. Helen, Church of, ii., 41, 184
- "St. James's," Addison at the, ii., 180
- —— Coffee-house, ii., 137, 141
- —— Palace, ii., 7, 61
- —— Park, ii., 54
- —— Tooley, ii., 209
- York House, ii., 13
- Youths, Sports of London, i., 131
- Zoological collections, ii., 63
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