
While the unhappy lover of the daughter of Hunniades breathed his last words to the solitary elements, his more fortunate friend received, in the centre of his scene of triumph, the glorious congratulations of his emancipated country. The discomfiture of the Turks was complete, and this overthrow, coupled with their recent defeat in Bulgaria, secured Christendom from their assaults during the remainder of the reign of Amurath the Second. Surrounded by his princely allies, and the chieftains of Epirus, the victorious standards of Christendom, and the triumphant trophies of the Moslemin, Iskander received from the great Hunniades the hand of his beautiful daughter. “Thanks to these brave warriors,” said the hero, “I can now offer to your daughter a safe, an honourable, and a Christian home.”

“It is to thee, great sir, that Epirus owes its security,” said an ancient chieftain, addressing Iskander, “its national existence, and its holy religion. All that we have to do now is to preserve them; nor indeed do I see that we can more effectually obtain these great objects than by entreating thee to mount the redeemed throne of thy ancestors. Therefore I say GOD SAVE ISKANDER, KING OF EPIRUS!”

And all the people shouted and said, “GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE ISKANDER, KING OF EPIRUS!”


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