
A concise handbook dealing with the most important points of the sanitation of Indian Bazaars is much needed; this is an endeavour to supply the want and put the information available on the subject in a convenient form, so as to facilitate the organization, and control the working of the sanitary department of a municipality. It is not within the scope of this work to allude to large waterworks or drainage schemes, but merely to show how existing arrangements can be improved.

The real secret of sanitation is the prompt removal of fÆcal matter and refuse from the neighbourhood of inhabited buildings before it has time to decay, as in the early stages of putrefaction emanations are evolved which are highly dangerous to health; it is also an admitted fact that the common fly is a considerable factor in disseminating disease, as it conveys germs on the pads of its feet from infected matter to the food-supply of the inhabitants.

My thanks are due to many who have been good enough to assist me in this work, and especially to Lieutenant-Colonel Whitwell and Captain J. C. Vaughan of the Indian Medical Service; to Mr. A. E. Silk, Sanitary Engineer to the Government of Bengal; and to Captain D. Meagher, the Officer in charge of the Government Farm at Allahabad.

G. W. D.
November 1901.

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