CHAPTER I. Drainage 1–5
II. Water-Supply 6–17
III. Road Making 18–21
IV. Building Construction 22–24
V. Latrines and Urinals 25–30
VI. Collection and Removal of Night-Soil 31–36
VII. Disposal of Night-Soil and Trenching Grounds 37–41
VIII. Collection and Disposal of Refuse 42–49
IX. Biological System for Disposal of Night-Soil 50–51
X. General Sanitation 52–56
APPENDIX A. Model Rules, Privies and Urinals 57–60
B. Form for Regulating Removal of Town Sweepings 61
C. Well Register 62
D. Model Building Regulations 63–67
E. Table for the Repayment of Loans 68
F. Rules for the preparation, submission and execution of projects of Water-Supply, Sewerage or Drainage, by Local Authorities 69–73
G. Form for Annual Report on Bridges and Culverts 74
H. Specification for Tar-Macadam 75–77

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