TO THE CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. A. Advantageous change of centres, 452–456. Æolipile, fire-blowing, 542, 543. Alarm for locks, 501. Anchor, to weigh up, 405, 406. Antiquities, military, 473, 474. Approaching blind, an, 432. Arithmetical instrument. 512. Arquebuse, 466; À Croc, 466; noticed, 474. Artificial fountain, 413, 414; river, 419; bird, 440; ring horse, 524. Ashmole’s Museum at Oxford, 356. Aubrey, Mr., “a professed virtuoso,” 352. Authors, old scientific, enumerated, 359. B. Bacon, Lord, notice of, 345. Bacon, Roger, his invention, 357. Balance water-work, 415, 416, 417. Balfour, Sir William, note, 452. Ball, Mr., “another virtuoso,” 352. Bate, John, his “Mysteries of Nature and Art,” a favourite work, 359; his style and the Marquis’s compared, 361; raises water, 479, 480; weather glass, 546; on filling Æolipiles, 480; notices “condensation,” 480; his use of the technical term “force,” 483, 484. Bells, discourse by. 449. Bird, an artificial flying, 440–443, 516. Blind, an approaching, 432. Blunderbuss, or Musketoon, 473; noticed, 474. Boat driving against wind and tide, a, 407–411. Boats, patent paddle, 410, 411. Bogaerts, Peter, his canal lock, 419. Bourne, William, on “shooting in great ordnaunce,” 400. Boyle, Hon. Robert, entrusted with the secret of Papin’s fountain, 351. Boxes of a cabinet, to lock, 510; dicing box, 521, 522. Bracelet alphabet, 435. Bradley, R., mentions “the late Mr. Savery,” 487; account of his engine, 487. Branca, his steam jet, 479. Brazen head, 346; a brazen or stone, 515–520. Browne’s calculating Serpentine scale, 512. Buckets, to raise water, 415–418; two buckets, 416–418. Bumbasses and bullets, to shoot, 421. C. Candles, a brass mould for, 514, 515. Cannon, tried before Charles I., 467, 468; improvements in, 468; extraordinary, 469; various, 469; experiments at Woolwich, 1651, 469; to charge fifty, 472. Cannon, “to level by night,” 400; Bishop Wilkins’ remarks, 422, 423; burst by water, 475; charged with water, 481, 482. Carabines, often discharging, 463; particulars of, 466; noticed, 474. Caus, Salomon de, notice of, 369, 370, 372, 542; his work, 476; fountain and description, 476, 477, 478; comment on, 478, 479. Century of Inventions, its name, 345; MS. copy, 346; the MS. and first edition, 347; title pages, 347; why misunderstood, 350; nature of articles therein, 353; as a literary work, 358; its value, 358; variations on its title, 358; verbal peculiarities, 360; its practical tendency, 361; its author’s object, 361; its form, 362; similar early statements, 362; its style accords with the legal form in use for patent specifications, 363; agreement between the “Century” and the Marquis’s patent, 363, 364; classical scholars have misapprehended the work, 366; its suggestive character, 367; a greater work intended, 367; conflicting opinions, 367; how to be viewed and estimated, 368; Century. first edition, 346; last edition, 346; its unreliable character, 347. Chair, an imprisoning, 513. Character, a universal, 433. Charles II. had a curiously contrived box from the Marquis, 356. Cipher and character, 391; a one-line cipher, 391; the same refined, 392; reduced to a point, 393; varied significally to all the 24 letters, 394; key to the Marquis’s cipher discovered, 552. Claudius, of Rome, his Bucket fountain, 416. Coach-saving Engine, 414, 415. Conceited tinder-box, 439. Condensation applied to ebbing and flowing, 419–421; applied to drawing weights, 423–425; applied to draught, 427, 428; applied to two globes, 456–462; noticed by J. Bate, 480. Continually going watch, 508. Conveyance, a secret comb, 511; knife, spoon, or fork, 511 Cross-bow, noticed, 474; a double, 528. D. Dark, to write in the, 503. Decks, false destroying, 405. Dee, Dr. John, his preface to Euclid, 361. Definition of the Engine, 496, 549, 550. Desaguliers, Dr., on automata, 443; on perpetual motion, 452, 453; account of Savery’s engine, 488–490; charge against Savery, 489. Discourse, mute and perfect, by colours, 399; by night, 399. Door, opening either way, 502; a conceited, 503. Doors, a pocket engine to open, 527. Double drawing engine for weights, 423. Double water-screw, 451; cross-bow, 528. Drebell, Cornelius, noticed, 402, 403. E. Ebbing and flowing river, 419; castle-clock, 420, 421; applied to two globes, 456–462. Engine, portable in one’s pocket, 400; ship destroying, 401; to drive and fasten to ships, 401; for cannon, 468; a semi-omnipotent, 529–531. Engine, a stamping, 520; a gravel, 525; a ship-raising, 526; a pocket, to open doors, 527. Escutcheon for locks, 500. Etten, Van, describes a fountain, 481; recommends heat, 481; cannon, 481, 482. Evelyn, John, his Diary, 351; his “boscoresque” grounds, 352. F. False destroying decks, 405. Fire-arrow, to shoot, 465. Flamstead, John, astronomer, 352. Flask-charger, 463; powder, noticed, 474. Fleet, to destroy a, 402. Force, as a technical term, explained, 483, 484. Fountain, artificial, 413, 414; De Caus, 477. Fringe-alphabet, 435. Fulton, Robert, noticed, 404. G. Garden, a floating, 412, 413; a river in, 419. Gallery, a transmittible, 502. Gloucester, moveable bulwark at the siege of, 431. Glove-alphabet, pincked, 435; primero gloves, 521. Gravel engine, 525. Grew, Dr., his discourse, 365. Guilford, Baron, Life of, 351; was “no concealed virtuoso,” 351; declines being proposed for the Royal Society, 352; his acquaintances, 352; visits Sir S. Morland, 353. Guns to shoot often, remark on, 472. H. Hallam, learning during the Middle Ages, 345. Harleian MSS., 346; Harquebus, particulars of, 466; for expeditious shooting, 466; À crock, 466. Head, a brazen or stone, 515–520. Herbert, Lord, son of the Duke of Beaufort, his letter, 350. Hoel, M., his hydraulic engine, 414. Hollowing on a water-screw, 450, 553. Hook, Dr., examines Papin’s fountain, 351; had seen the Marquis’s engine, 493. Horse, artificial ring, 524. Hour-glass fountain, 413, 414. Hour water-ball, 444. Hume, David, criticises the “Century,” 349. I. Imprisoning chair, 513; one at Rome, 514. Instrument, an arithmetical, 512; for perspective, 529. Invention, nature and progress of, 366. Inventions, estimated number in the “Century,” 353, 354; classified, 354; “tried and perfected,” 355; short list of, 357; a series of early, 362; early patented, 363; the Marquis’s “quintessence of,” 555. Inventors, early, statements of Inventions, 362. K. Kaltoff, Caspar, the Marquis’s faithful workman, 359; his death, 1664–5, 537; noticed, 538; various notices of him and his family at Vauxhall, 574. Kneffler, or Knuffler, Dr., noticed, 403. Knotted string alphabet, 435. Key, a triangle, 499; a rose, 500; a square, 500. L. Ladder, portable scaling, 445–448. Lambert, William, his petition respecting Vauxhall, 537. Lanthorn-alphabet, 435. Letters secretly conveyed in a comb, 511; in a knife, spoon, or fork, 511. Lever, a to and fro, 425, 426. Light pistol-barrels, 511. Locking of Cabinet-boxes, 510. Locks, an escutcheon for, 500; an alarum for, 501; ingenious and expensive, 501, 502. Lotherdale, Earl of, the Marquis promises him a curious box, 356. M. Middle Ages, the, 345. Military antiquities, 473, 474. Mill, a rasping, 512; a coining, 520. Minyons, minion, cannon, 467. Moor, Sir Jonas, mathematician, 352. Morland, Sir Samuel, his house, coach, and several inventions, 353; his patent for raising water from Mines (1661), 364, 365; his arithmetical instrument, 512. Muirhead, James P., M.A., his false estimate of the Marquis’s character, invention, and “Century,” in his “Life of James Watt,” 369–372; his treatment of the subject, 370; erroneous opinion of the inventions of De Caus and the Marquis of Worcester, 372. Multiplied strength in little room, 406. Musketoons, or blunderbuss, 473. Muskets, often-discharging, 464; short, 465; particulars of, 466; ancient use of, 474. Musquetoons, oft-shooting, 472; on horseback, 472. Mute and perfect discourse by colours, 399; by night, 399. Mystical jangling of Bells, 449. N. Napier, Lord John, his secret inventions, 402. Needle-Alphabet, 434. Newcomen, noticed, 369. O. Often-discharging Pistol, 462; Peards, 471; Guns, 472. Ordnance, ancient, 473. P. Papin, Dr., his fountain, 361; experiments on steam, 498. Patent for the Marquis’s clocks, guns, &c., 557. Pattu, M., his water-screw, 451. Pear, an untoothsome, 512. Peards, oft shooting, 471. Pepys, Samuel, his Diary, 351. Perpetual Motions in M. ServiÈre’s cabinet, 350. Perspective instrument, 529. Petty, Sir William, his discourse, 365. Pincked Glove alphabet, 435. Pistol, oft-shooting, 462; ancient use of, 473; improved, 474; light barrels, 511. Pleasant floating garden, 413. Pneumatic propulsion, 412. Pocket Ladder, 447, 448; engine to open doors, 527. Point, a cipher reduced to a, 393. Portable “pocket” engine, 400; bridge, 428, 429; fortification, 429; engine, or ladder, 445–448. Powder flask, noticed, 474. Primero gloves, 521. Q. Quint-essence of motion, by the Marquis of Worcester, noticed, 357; a statement of 9 inventions, 555, 556. R. Ramsey, D., raises water by fire, 479. Rasping mill, 512. Ribbon, a discourse woven in, 503. River, in a garden, 418; ebbing and flowing, 419. Rollock, John, his verses allusive to condensation, 533; his tract containing his panegyric, the Act, &c., 559. Rome, an invention obtained there, 353; “Claudius his studies at,” 416. Royal Society, Transactions, 351; Baron Guilford declines being proposed for, 352; Sir W. Petty, and Dr. Grew, their discourses, 365; Savery exhibits his model, 484; “first appearance in the world” of Savery’s engine, 494. S. Sakers, cannon, 467. Savery, Thomas, noticed, 369; note, 371; model engine for raising water, 484, 485; his “Miners Friend,” 485; his description and the “Century” compared, 486, 487; Bradley’s account, 487; engine at Cambden House, 487; Switzer’s account, 487, 488; its discovery attributed to a tobacco-pipe, 488; the same to a Florence flask, 489; noticed by Dr. Desaguliers, 488–490; accused of obtaining and destroying the Marquis’s books, 489; this charge examined, 492, &c.; as an independent inventor, 497; his career, 498. Scantling explained, 348. Scarioni, Francesco, his Centuria, 346. Science, state of, to 1667, 348. Screwed ascent of stairs, 445. Sea-banks, to construct, 528, 529. Sea-castle, or fortification, 411, 412. Sea-sailing fort, 412. Seals, 387, 388; “abundantly significant,” 389; a cipher seal, 389, 390; private and particular to each owner, 391. Secret conveyance for letters, in a comb, 511; in a knife, spoon, or fork, 511. Secreti, by Scarioni, 346. Senses, alphabets by the, varied, 436. Serpentine scale, Browne’s calculating, 512. ServiÈre, M., his cabinet, 350. Ship-destroying engine, 401. Ship-raising engine, 526. Ship, to safeguard any, 404; an unsinkable, 404, 405; false decks, 405; anchor, to weigh up, 406; driving against wind and tide, 407; three ships, or a sea castle, 411; ships’ muskets, 471. Ship-musquets, to govern a whole side of, 471. Short writing, expeditious way of (supposed to be the Marquis’s invention), 349–398; authors on, 436–438. Sieve alphabet, 435. Smell, alphabet by, 435. Spring, strength-increasing, 421. Stairs, a screwed ascent of, 444, 445. Steam Engine, notice of the first practical, 345; historical notices of and wavering character of opinions respecting the Marquis of Worcester, 368; progressive improvements, 368; false estimate of the Marquis in the “Life of James Watt,” 369. Steam, its power realized, 362. Strength-increasing spring, 421. Strength multiplied in little room, 406. String alphabet, knotted, 435. Stuart, Robert, contradicts himself, 370. Submarine vessel, 402. Switzer, S., his account of Savery’s engine, 487, 488. T. Tape or ribbon, a discourse woven in, 503. Taste, alphabet by, 435. Telegraph, electric, anticipated, 357. Telegraphy, systems of, 399. Tinder-box, a most conceited, 439. Tobacco-tongs engine, 445, 446. Touch, alphabet by, 435. Town, for guarding several avenues to a, 472. Tradescant, his museum, 356. Transparent water-screw, 450. Trithemius quoted, 393. U. Untoothsome pear, 513. V. Vacuum, noticed by John Bate, 360. Vauxhall Works, expense of, 358; William Lambert’s petition in respect to, 537; Venice, an invention obtained there, 353, 425. Verstegan, on science in 1605, 349. Vinci, Leonardo da, notice of, 345. W. Walpole, Horace, criticises the “Century,” 348, 349; groundless censure, 523, 524. Watch, a continually going, 508. Water, to drive up by fire, 475; heated in a cannon, 475; Dr. Ramsey’s patent, 479; raised by Bate, 479; Van Etten applies heat, 481; cannon experiment, 481, 482; Savery’s model, to raise, 484, 485. Water-screw, to make hollow, 450; a transparent, 450; a double, 451; plan of construction, 552, 553. Waterwork, a fire, 476; “the most stupendious work in the whole world,” 533–535; a stupendous, 536. Water-works, noticed by John Bate, 360; the Marquis acknowledges the passing of the Act for, 383. Watt, James, his engine, 369; indebted to the influence of capital, 369; false estimate of the Marquis in “The Life of,” 369–372. Weld, Mr., his “knick-knack-atary,” 352. Werden, Sir John, mathematician, 352. Wheel, great weighted, 452–456. Worcester, Marquis of, the Harleian MSS. not in his handwriting, 346; his engine in the Century, 353; estimated number of his inventions, 353, 354; classified, 354; his proposed work, 355; special notices of practice, 355, 356; silence of contemporaries, 356; promises a box to the Earl of Lotherdale, 356; a mysterious invention, 357; his pecuniary position, 358; expense of his works at Vauxhall, 358; analogous inventions in old authors, 359; enumerated, 359; seems to have been attached to Bate’s Mysteries of Nature and Art, 359; Water-works, noticed by Bate, 360; acquainted with Dr. Dee’s preface to Euclid, 361; styles of Bate and the Marquis compared, 361; in search of powerful mechanical aids, 361; realizes the power of steam, 362; writes his “Century” similar to patent specifications, 363, 364; his pre-eminent invention, 366; wavering character of historical notices of his invention, 368; false estimate of the Marquis’s personal character, his invention, and his “Century,” in the “Life of James Watt,” 369, 370, 371, 372; his general character, his inventions, and his work, 373; the modern steam engine owes its origin to the Marquis and his work, 369; his engine at work, 370; acknowledges the passing of the Act for his engine, 383; mentions the sacrifice of £700,000, 383; his “Golden Age,” 385; his supposed invention of Short Writing, 394; his cipher-written letter, 398; a model of his semi-omnipotent engine to be buried with him, 530; notice of his works at Vauxhall, 1647, 537, 538; statement in his Act of Parliament, 539, 540; construction of his engine, 551; key to his cipher discovered, 553; nine of his inventions, or quintessence of motion, 555; his patent for clocks, &c., 557; Rollock’s pamphlet, containing Act, &c., 559. Write, to, in the dark, 503. |