

[At page 284 of the “Life” is a copy of an undated letter, which may have been one addressed to the Duke of Albemarle. The Marquis speaks of the neglect of two petitions, which may be the one given at page 282, and the present petition, to the matter of both of which the annexed letter from the Duke of Albemarle may refer. It would thus appear that his petitions lay neglected for two months.]

State Papers.

Vol. 152, No. 82. Petition of the Marquis of Worcester.

To the King’s most excellent Majesty,

The Petition of Edward Earl and Marquis of Worcester.

That the Petitioner having with great loyalty expended and lost his whole fortune (being very considerable) for the interest of the Crown, and public services whereby he is reduced to that deplorable condition through his debts and wants, that he is not capable to eat bread of his own, or allow himself the freedom of the streets, being deprived hereof through the clamour of his creditors, whose moneys were really borrowed for the use, and on the desire of your Majesty’s royal father of blessed memory, your sacred Majesty [sic] and for advancing public services to the general good of the kingdom and security of your Royal person and dignity, of which the Petitioner hath paid above £35,000 since your Majesty’s happy restoration, besides many former sums lent and expended, for which it is humbly presumed your sacred Majesty (when rightly informed) will have particular regard to release and to pay such great acts of loyalty as the Petitioner can make appear, as well for justice as an encouragement for all loyal subjects hereafter to expose themselves and fortunes at any rate for your Royal interest, as the Petitioner hath without precedent, truly and really done in many eminent particular services, too tedious to trouble your Majesty with, being more fit to be heard and prepared by some of your Majesty’s most honourable privy Council, who are the most proper advisers in such cases, whose report and advice in this matter to your Majesty may prove a redemption to the Petitioner, a royal exoneration to your Majesty, and a great encouragement to all good subjects for the future, to expose themselves as the Petitioner hath done, for your Majesty’s less trouble and better understanding of the premisses, and what shall be made appear concerning the same.

The Petitioner’s most humble request is, that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to recommend and refer the Petitioner to be fully heard touching his services, loans, disbursements, losses, and sufferings to the Lord High Chancellor of England, and the Lord Privy Seal, the Duke of Albemarle, the Marquis of Dorchester, the Earl of Anglesey, the Earl of Loutherdale; the Lord Holles, the Lord Ashley, Lord Arlington and Mr. Secretary Morrice, or to such of them, or other, as your Majesty shall think fit. And that your Majesty will be pleased to order the said Lords to refer to reports to your Majesty with all convenient speed the Petitioner’s whole case, as they shall find it, with their opinions to your Majesty for such just and speedy satisfaction for the relief of the Petitioner, and encouragement for his long endeavouring for the public good, as shall be thought fit, whereby he may be enabled to stop the mouths of his numerous and clamorous creditors, and live himself without disgrace to nobility, or being further necessitated to importune your Majesty. And that, until the Petitioner’s case can be reported, and fitted for your Majesty’s royal pleasure, your Majesty will be pleased to order the Petitioner, some small sum out of the privy purse for the present support of his wife and family who exceedingly want the same.

And your Petitioner will ever pray, &c. &c.

[See Cal. State Papers, Dom. Series, 1665–66. Edited by Mrs. M. A. E. Green, 8vo. 1864. P. 330, No. 82.]

State Papers.

Vol. 144, No. 27. Duke of Albemarle to Lord Arlington.

My Lord,—At the request of my Lord Marquis of Worcester I make bold to write to your Lordship in his behalf, you know his Lordship’s business so well that I shall not need to state it to you. I desire your Lordship’s assistance to him in the dispatch of his Lordship’s concerns before you, whereby your Lordship will oblige my Lord of Worcester, and also him who is,

Your Lordships very humble servant,


Cockpit, 3 Jan. 1665.

Addressed at the back—“For the Right Honourable Henry Lord Arlington, Principal Secretary of State these, at Oxford.”

[*** Calendared under 1666.]

Vol. 142. No. 11, 2. Reference to the Lord Chancellor and others.

[See Cal. State Papers, Dom. Series, 1665–66. Edited by Mrs. M. A. E. Green, 8vo. 1864. P. 189, No. 27.]

State Papers. Vol. 152, No. 10.

Reference to Sir Thomas Ingram—[Ent. Book 18, page 200.]

Marquis of Worcester.

Upon the Petition of the Marquis of Worcester, who desiring to be heard in his suit about Mr. Hall, to be referred to the Chancellor of the Dutchy.

March 24, 1665–66.

His Majesty is graciously pleased to refer the suit of the honourable Petitioner unto the Rt. Honble. Sir Thomas Ingram, Knt., and to consider thereof, and to report his opinion thereupon to his Majesty, who will then declare his further pleasure, with a gracious regard to the Petitioner’s services and sufferings.

[See Cal. State Papers, Dom. Series, 1665–66. Edited by Mrs. M. A. E. Green, 8vo. 1864. page 316, No. 11, 3.]

State Papers. Vol. 152, No. 82.

[Reference thereon to the Lord Chancellor and others.]

At the Court of Whitehall, March the [March 24, 1665–6.]

His Majesty is graciously pleased to refer this honourable Petitioner, and his suit, to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of England, and the Lord Privy Seal, the Duke of Albemarle, the Marquis of Dorchester, the Earl of Anglesey, the Earl of Loutherdale, the Lord Holles, the Lord Ashley, myself, and Mr. Secretary Morrice, or to any three or more of them, who are hereby authorized to take special care to find out the truth of the whole particulars, which will be afforded by the Petitioner, and to report the same to his Majesty, their opinions of the most proper and expeditious way for his Majesty to answer the Petitioner’s desires, so far as the same shall be found just, upon whose report his Majesty will take a speedy course for the Petitioner’s satisfaction.

[No signature, date, or endorsement. But in Cal. State Papers, 1665–66, reference is made, p. 316, No. 11, to Ent. Book 18, p. 18, which supplies the date 24 March, 1665–6.]

[See Cal. State Papers, Dom. Series, 1665–66. Edited by Mrs. M. A. E. Green. 8vo. 1864, page 330, No. 82.]


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