[Abridged from the printed Specifications of the Patent Office.] MARQUIS OF WORCESTER’s PATENT.—SIGNET BILL. A.D. 1661. . . . NO. 131. Clocks, Guns, Carriages, Boats, &c. Charles R. Charles the Second, by the grace of God, &c., to all to whom these presents shall come greeting. Whereas our right trusty and entirely beloved couzin Edward, Marquesse of Worcester hath for many yeares applied his thoughts and studies, and hath beene at very great charges, to contrive and perfect divers rare and new Invenc~ons, contenting himselfe with the good and advantage which will redound to the publique and to every particuler industrious workman or curious persons who shall make vse of the said Invenc~ons, the products of his extraordinary expences and ingenuity: And whereas, amongst other vsefull and new Invenc~ons of farr greater consequence, the said Marquesse hath found out and experimented these severall new Invenc~ons herein-after perticularly menc~oned (that is to say)— “1. To make a watch or clock without string or chaine, or any other kind of winding up but what of necessity must follow if the owner or keeper of the said watch or clock will know the hour of day or night; and yet if he lay it aside several days and weeks without looking or meddling with it, it shall go very well, and as justly as most watches that ever were made. 2. And also an Invention to make certain guns or pistols, which in the tenth part of one minute of an hour may, with a flaske contrived to that purpose, be recharged, the fourth part of one turne of the barrel, which remains still fixt, fastening it as forceably and effectually as a dozen threads of any screw, which in the ordinary and usual way require as many turns. 3. Also an Invention to make an engine applicable to any coach, by which a child of six years old may secure from danger all in the coach, and even the coachman himself, though the horses become never so unruly, the child being able in the twinckleing of an eye to 4. Lastly, an Invention to make a boat that roweth, draweth, or setteth even against wind or stream, yea, both, and to any part of the compass which way soever the streame runs or wind blows, and yet the force of the wind or streame causeth its motion, nothing being required but a steersman, and whilst the boat stayeth to be loaded or unloaded, the streame or wind shall perform such work as any water mill or wind mill is capable of.” All which new Invenc~ons being of publique vse and benefitt if the same were put in practice, and the lawes of England haveing especially provided for the incouragement of such as are the first authors and inventors of profittable and ingenious Invenc~ons. Know Yee, that wee, of our especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere moc~on doe for vs, our heires and successors, give and grant vnto the said Edward, Marquesse of Worcester, his executors, administrators, assignee, and assignes, full power, licence, liberty, priviledge, and authoritye, that hee, they, and every of them, by themselves or his or their deputy and deputies, servants, agents, and workmen, or any of them, from tyme to tyme, and at all tymes hereafter dureing the terme of yeares hereafter in these presents expressed, shall and may vse, exercise, and imploy all and every or any of the aforesaid Invenc~ons, before in and by there presents perticulerly described, in such manner as to him, them, or any of them, in his and their best judgments and discrecc~ons, shall seeme meete, &c., &c. May it please yor most excellent Majestie. Yor Majtie is hereby graciously pleased to grant vnto Edward, Marquesse of Worcester the sole vse and exercise of his severall new Invenc~ons concerning watches or clocks, guns or pistolls, coaches, and boates, for fourteene yeares according to the forme of the Statute in that behalfe made and provided, and with such other clauses as are vsuall in grants of like nature. Signified to be yor Majesties pleasure vnder yor royall signe manuall. T. Palmer, 15 Nov. 1661. [Record mutilated.] |