[The following is from Birch’s MSS. in the British Museum, No. 4459; and portions have been quoted in the Commentary, under each article of invention named herein.] INVENTIONS OF YE E’ARLE OE WORCESTR. The Qvint E’ssence of Motion, or a C’ollection of all kinds of Movements, to wit, C’ircular, to & fro; Perpendicular, upwards & downewards; side motions, to ye right & left; straight Motions, forewards & backwards with a Circular Vehiculum, to wch any of these, may bee applicable or moveable to all ye points of ye C’ompasse: At each of wch, it will bee as powerfull as if it were fixt to one place or Center. All & every of these, by hight of Art, Industry, & Experimt working ye same Individuall & Intrinsecall effect, without disturbance one to ye other: & yet by these absolutely contrary Motions soe perform’d, most strange & incredible E’ffects may bee brought to passe, to ye Admiration even of ye greatest Mathematicians. The knowledge of these things, rendring all things as feacible to him, yt is Master of this Art, as it is to make a C’ircle with a paire of C’ompasses, or a straight line, wth a sqvare or Ruler. They beeing a direct abstract of Arithmetick, contrived by mee. And by ye power of those, I have perfected these following Conclusions, wth some hundreds besides all experimented by mee. (1) I can render an ordinary Watch, wch beeing once wound up, will goe constantly, during a Mans life, beeing vsed but once in 24. houres, & (though oftner look’t on:) it is still ye same, & though not look’t on for a weeke, still ye same, if not bruised. (2) By this I can make a Vessel of as great burthen, as ye River can beare, to goe agt ye streame, wch ye more rapid it is, ye faster it shall advance, & ye moveable part yt workes it, may bee by one man still guided, to take ye best advantage of ye streame, & yet to steer the boat to any point. And this E’ngine is applicable to any Vessell or Boate, whatsoever; without being therefore made on purpose; And worketh these effects. It roweth, it draweth, it driveth (:if need bee:) to passe London bridge agt ye streame at low water: And a boate lying at Anchor, the E’ngine may be used for loading or vnloading. (3) By this I can make an Artificiall Bird to fly wch way & as long as I please. (4) By these I can make a ball of S’ilver or G’old wch throwne into a pale or poole of Water, shall rise againe to ye perfect houre of any day or night: The superficies of ye Water shall still show the houre distinctly, even ye minutes, if I please. (5) By this I can make a C’hilde in a C’oach, to stop ye horses (runing away) & shall be able to secure hims. & those yt bee in ye C’oach, having a little E’ngine placed therein, wch shall not bee perceived in what posture soever ye horses draw: a C’hildes force shall bee able, to disengage them, from overturning ye C’oach or prejudicing any body in it. (6) By these I can make one pound raise an hundred, as high as ye one pound falls, & ye one pound taken off ye 112lb shall againe descend, performing ye entire effect of an hundred waight (i.e.) have yt force wch nothing lesse, then 112lb can have any other way. An incredible effect till seene, but true as strange. (7) By these a C’hilde shall raise as much water 100 foot high (speaking within C’ompasse) as 6. horses can force vp any other way. (8) By these I can stop any other Mans Motion, & render it Null, since from any point of ye C’ompasse, I can forceably & effectually cause a counterbuffe or absolute obstruction of such Motion, wch way I please all wayes, beeing indifferent to mee to worke a perfect resistance, & to countermine their Intentions, or to force their Motions a cleane contrary way. The 9 was left out in ye Original C’opy. (9) S’oe here yu have 9 figures represented, wch in Arithmetick, make all numbers imaginable, soe by ye helpe of these Motions, noe Manufacture, but may be demonstrated exqvisitely & demonstrably & with great ease and facility. And noe Conclusion in ye Mathematicks or Mechanicks, but may by these bee brought to passe in great perfection & to admiration. Yet as ye most excellent tooles cannot worke alone; nor any C’ymeter is soe sharp to cut wthout an arme to guide it. S’oe without Knowledge, Art, & Ingenuitie, these are fruitlesse. But being set to worke by one of noe more Knowledge then myselfe, am capable off, they will performe wt is here asserted & more then I could write, from one end off ye yeare to ye other. (Note.—No. 9 is here stated to be left out, but may not the first named, or “Quintessence of Motion,” be No. 1, so making up Nine in all? [See pp. 530, 531.] In the next line the copyist has first written 8 and then altered it to 9, to accord with the sense of the passage.) |