Although the present lecture seems to require some introductory remarks, they must necessarily be brief—our time being limited and this discourse rather discursive; yet it is sufficiently condensed to suit the present occasion, and illustrates fully the truthfulness of the axiom that—A little learning is a dangerous thing: from its tendency to inspire its possessors with vanity rather than with the humility which always accompanies profound knowledge. You are no doubt all, or most of you, well acquainted with the use made of Astrology and Alchemy in the dramas of Shakspeare—"The Antiquary" of the "Wizard of the North"—the "Strange Story" of Lord Lytton—the "Faust" of GoËthe; and are probably familiar with the more instructive works of Scott on Demonology, and of Brewster on Natural Magic. Now we always find that fiction is more suitable than truth for romantic writings; truth is circumscribed, but the fictions whether of Astrology, Alchemy, or any other pseudo-philosophy are erratic, the delight of poets and There is no end of fabulous writings of the class we call novels and romances, and no end of deceptions which we patronize as tricks of legerdemain; the one gratifies our imagination and fancy, the other takes our common sense by surprise; but all these are harmless because only presented to us for our amusement. Delusion, however, assumes a startling character when romance in the form of mystic writings, and jugglery in the form of pretended communication with the spirit-world demand our respect and serious attention, by claiming to have a divine origin. But hallucination of the human intellect, as we shall see, is not confined to such remote visionary speculations, and it is not unimportant to remark that in mathematics, as in physics, and in other branches of investigation, there is a singular persistency in upholding errors. A contemporary astrologer, assuming the pseudonym of Zadkiel, tauntingly observes in his preface to a recent publication: "This is the age of inquiry; and yet prejudice continues to press down her leaden foot upon the neck of examination in this matter"—that is, Astrology. Now with this reproof before us we hope to discuss the subject with becoming propriety. ASTROLOGY.The splendour of the sun by day, the glories of the firmament by night, together with the sublimity of all celestial phenomena, attract alike the attention of the most simple and the most intellectual among mankind. The distance, the magnitude, and the grandeur of the entire planetary system while exciting emotions of awe, reverence, and devotion among the mass of the human race, have at the same time been studied from the earliest period of man's history to the present time superstitiously by one class of observers, and scientifically by another. As the telescope was not invented before the 17th century, it is evident that the study of Astronomy without that instrument must previously have been pursued under amazing difficulties; and we might have expected that when first used by Galileo at Venice in 1609, its introduction would have been hailed without a dissentient voice. Such, however, was not the fact, according to Sir David Brewster, "The principal Professor of Philosophy at Padua Such being the crude state of astronomical science in the 17th century, it must have been comparatively imperfect throughout all preceding centuries; and open to mystical appropriation and abuse by Egyptians, Chaldeans, Hindus, Chinese, and European and other ancient astrologers. Among that motley group the most learned were found strangely associated with ignorant impostors, and their activity in writing and travelling served to spread their different systems over the entire civilized world. It was not until late in the 17th century that Astrology could be absolutely de Astrology is merely a philosophism, being empirical, wholly visionary, a mere fanciful system compounded of incongruous mixtures of astronomical with human events, of mythology with theology, and of facts with pure fiction. It has been variously designated Judicial, Hororary, Atmospherical, and Mundane, Astrology. It has also many off-shoots subservient to Magic or the black art, Sorcery, Witchcraft, and other pretended mysticisms ostentatiously styled occult philosophy. We may first observe that Astrology lays no claim to inspiration, but affects a very ancient unknown origin, tracing back to a dark, heathenish, and superstitious age, in the very infancy of traditional knowledge, when the boldest assertions of the seer were received as the authority of an oracle, no one daring to question their validity. Whatever is remotely possible the Astrologer accepts as a fact; while ignorant of much around him, he assumes with the utmost complacency an intimate acquaintance with the sun and planets thousands upon thousands of miles off; yea with the sun 969,272 miles To show what a modicum of learning, and how trifling an acquaintance with matters of natural philosophy will serve the Astrologer, we will turn to a modern treatise published in the year 1801, by Francis Barrett, (styling himself a student of Natural and Occult Philosophy) a quarto volume of upwards of 370 pages, entitled, "The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer," which affords a pretty clear insight into the nature of the superstitions which from an ancient period even to that date obtained credence and were popular with the multitude. Treating of the wonders of Natural Magic previous to entering on the main topic of his treatise, he adduces a few of what he conceives to be ordinary matters of fact, assuring us that:— If any one shall, with an entire new knife, cut asunder The loadstone, (he observes), possesses an eminent medical faculty against many violent and implacable disorders;—the back of the loadstone, as it repulses iron, so also it removes gout, swellings, rheum, &c. that is of the nature or quality of iron. Likewise the wearing the loadstone eases and prevents the cramp, and such like disorders and pains. The influences of the stars appear to be as intimately known to Astrologers as though they had walked among, and carefully examined and fully realized their occult properties, for example:— In every work observe Mercury, for he is a messenger between the higher gods and the infernal gods; They say of the Sun and Moon:— The Sun is the lord of all elementary virtues;—it disposes even the very spirit and mind of men. The Moon (says Barrett) measures the whole space of the Zodiac in the time of 28 days, hence it is that the wise men of the Indians, and most of the ancient astrologers have granted 28 mansions to the Moon, which, being fixed in the eighth sphere, do enjoy divers names and properties, from the various signs and stars which are contained in them; through which, while the Moon wanders, it obtains many other powers and virtues; but every one of these mansions, according to the opinion of Abraham, contained twelve degrees, and fifty-one minutes, and almost twenty-six In a similar manner the remaining three quarters have the characters of their several mansions allotted to them with equal exactness, and of course indisputable veracity also. We have here a fair example of the arrogant assumptions of ancient and indeed of all astrologers, magicians, and sorcerers, men who are incompetent to elucidate the ordinary phenomena of nature in the animal or vegetable creation, and yet with unbounded effrontery affect to build up an empirical system, delivered in a language of their own invention, a pompous parade of jargon In Judicial Astrology it is not thought requisite to consider more than a certain number of the planets, after a method simplified by antient astrologers or astronomers, which is found to be so compact and so complete in governing the destinies of the human race that modern intelligence has failed to enlarge the field of heavenly influences. Varley notes that:—the antients discovered that the circle of the Zodiac, about 16 degrees in width, and through the middle of which runs the Ecliptic, or sun's path through the 12 signs, contains the heavenly bodies, named planets, and the principal fixed stars, and nearly the whole of the materials or significators, from which predictions are obtained. He remarks that:—In forming a horoscope, this circle is divided into 12 equal parts, corresponding with the spaces containing the 12 hours. These 12 divisions are called houses; and they always remain fixed, while the Zodiac with the 12 signs, and all the heavenly bodies belonging to it, are considered to be moving through them all, every 24 hours. The lord of the ascendant is the planet which rules the signs rising at birth. In drawing horoscopes it is usual to make the figure square instead of round. (See Plate 1, Fig. 1.) The various significations arising from the aspects of the starry heavens at the time of birth are so exceedingly numerous, that we must refer the curious in such matters to the works themselves, in which all these pretended revelations are minutely recorded. Mankind rank astrologically as being of four temperaments. 1. One class is said to answer to the fiery trigon, also called diurnal, masculine, and choleric, consisting of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, which contains the spirited, generous, magnanimous, and princely natures. 2. We have next the earthy trigon, being nocturnal, feminine, and melancholic, consisting of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, containing the careful, sordid, and penurious qualities. 3. Thirdly, the aËrial trigon, which is diurnal, masculine, and sanguine, consisting of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, contains the humane harmonies, and courteous principles. And— 4. Fourthly, the watery trigon, which is nocturnal, feminine, and phlegmatic; namely, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, including the cold, prolific, cautious and severe qualities. Take as a brief illustration of the manner in which Astrologers presumptuously assign to the planets their several offices relating to human nature the following:— Those born when Aries ascends are born under the sign Aries and planet Mars. This is the diurnal, fair, and masculine house of Mars, and partakes also largely of the nature of the magnanimous Sun, and the benevolent and moral Jupiter, who rule the fiery trigon, of which Aries is the first sign. As affecting physiognomy we are assured that: The Scorpio noses are more aquiline than those of Aries, and are more frequently conspicuous for a sort of bracket shape beneath, which prevents the under part of the nose from forming a right angle with the upper lip; while the under lip, both being usually small, recedes in a greater degree, as if drawn tightly When we meet in volume after volume with page after page of such composition as this, when we reflect on the sublimity of the heavens and the paltriness of such combinations as are here given of the planets with mundane affairs, we ask the reasons for arriving at such judgments. To be told that it is so because it is so; or because it was an ancient belief, and is to be found in the writings of Ptolemy, Nostradamus, Dr. John Dee, William Lilly, or Zadkiel; or because it has often proved as true in its predictions as the telling fortunes by means of a pack of cards, is no evidence whatever; yet the Astrologer boasts of his very paralogisms. Zadkiel, in prefacing a work by Lilly, says:—If a proposition of any nature be made to any individual, about the result of which he is anxious, and, therefore, uncertain whether to accede to it or not, let him but note the hour and minute when it was first made, and erect a figure of the heavens, (See Plate 1, Fig. 1,)—and his doubts will be instantly resolved. He may thus, in five minutes, learn infallibly whether the affair will succeed or not; and, consequently, whether it is prudent to adopt the offer made or not. Such is the belief of this sound, intelligent man, as we fully believe him to be in other respects. But we say it is not given to man to assign special influences to the stars, to select one portion and discard all the rest, or to be more intimately acquainted with the starry heavens above him, than with the stony earth he inhabits, and with his fellow creatures around him. The works claiming to expound this pretended Occult Philosophy prescribe such childish processes that one naturally wonders how in the midst of so much impudent imposture Astrology and its kindred pursuits ever found or retained any honest partizans. Take, for example, the use of fumigations, such as of frankincense, &c. to Saturn; of cloves, &c. to Jupiter; of odoriferous woods to Mars; of all gums to the Sun; of roses, violets, &c. to Venus; of cinnamon, &c. to Mercury; of the leaves of vegetables to the Moon; of all or any of which there must be a good perfume, odoriferous, and precious, in good matters; but in evil ones quite the contrary. The Zodiac is also favourably affected by proper suffumigations. Astrologers in their Demonology profess to be able to ascertain the characters and seals of spirits, They affect to have suitable bonds by which spirits can be bound, invoked, or cast out. Of Necromancy they pretend to two kinds, one of which is raising the body of a deceased person, which it is said cannot be done without blood;—the other sciomancy, which is the production of a mere shade or shadow. The exorcisms and conjurations of Magicians are so audaciously profane and blasphemous as to be unworthy of even a passing notice. ALCHEMY.We shall now proceed to consider Alchemy, another but very different chimerical pursuit, which was early cultivated in the East, and is generally ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, although its more enthusiastic admirers pretend to trace a knowledge of it to Adam. Our principal business, however, is with the so-called Hermetic Philosophy, treating of vaunted methods of transmuting the base metals into gold. It is doubtful Among the adepts there were no doubt a select few who employed themselves in their prolonged labours in all sincerity, and who were not unfrequently repaid with remarkable, and unexpected results. Brass, being the result of copper combined with zinc, would appear a singular transformation. Many stones, or more properly, ores, would yield sulphur and metals; sulphur would be found apparently to dissolve iron; and certain salts, when distilled, would yield corrosive acids. Alchemy thus presented to the ancient adepts many of the ordinary wonders of modern chemistry; in short, the latest adept of the present century is no other than an unlettered chemist. It was peculiar to the Alchemists to treat all their operations as secrets; which, when recorded, were described partly by symbols and partly in a novel nomenclature, invented to conceal their mysteries from vulgar gaze or imitation. Alchemical writings are very numerous, it might be impossible to procure a complete bibliographical list of them, but they may be estimated at from 3000 to 4000 works, and an astonishing number of manuscripts. Their authors indulge in such terms as the Ph[oe]nix, to indicate the quintessence of Fire; Realgar, for the fume of minerals; Guma, also Luna Compacta, for quicksilver; Hadid, for iron; Aurum potabile, for liquor of gold; Anathron, for saltpetre; Malek, for salt; Terra fidelis, for silver; Tinkar, for borax; and Weidenfeld, in an Alchemical Treatise, published in 1685, addressing students, says:— "Under heaven is not such an art, more promoting the honour of God, more conducing to mankind, and more narrowly searching into the most profound secrets of nature, than is our true and more than laudable Chymy." And at the conclusion of his address he observes: "Nothing remains but upon our bended knees to return most humble thanks to the Father of Lights, in vouchsafing us this art by the writings of his servants, and the high priests of Nature; without which, it would be beyond the power of man to arrive at so great a degree of knowledge." Some notion of the extravagance of the language employed may be obtained from his description of a Philosophical Wine, literally, rectified spirits of wine, or alcohol. He assures us that, on opening a vessel of it, "a wonderful scent" should arise: "so as that no fragrancy of the world can be compared to it; inasmuch as putting the vessel to a corner of the house, How ardent an adept this Alchemist was may be gathered from his exclamation:—"May the God of Heaven put prudence in the heart of evangelical men, for whom I compose this book, not to communicate this venerable secret of God to the reprobates." Among the remarkable discoveries made by Alchemists, due to the carefully noted and carefully examined failures and accidents, as well as successes, of their endless combinations of matter, under the treatment of fire and water, the most distinguished is that of gunpowder, noted in a recipe left on record by Roger Bacon, who died in the year 1284. He clearly names the mixture of Saltpetre with Sulphur, but the third ingredient, Carbon, is concealed in the form of an anagram. Lord Bacon, Luther, Spinoza, Leibnitz, and many eminent moderns, were impressed with a belief in the possibility of transmuting lead, tin, copper, or other But if ever any pursuit was more open to fraudulent practices than another, surely the pretended possession of a transmuting powder or elixir afforded a grand arena for their exercise. In this enlightened age, although we cannot fail to look with charity on the arduous labours of those adepts who honestly mixed devotional exercises with laborious experimental operations, selecting times and seasons for their alchemical work, and noting with accuracy the hours and days of fusions, sublimations, distillations, lixiviations, and so forth; still, it is scarcely possible to refrain from smiling at the docile simplicity of Ashmole in denouncing a certain class of Alchemists, as pretended masters and adepts, seeing "they are mere practisers of legerdemain," while he himself gave credence to the story of the warming-pan, already named as being shown to Queen Elizabeth, which was clearly a flagrant piece of fraud practised by Kelly, a common adventurer, and from his youth remarkable only for his indifferent character. An easily performed trick was effected by means of Alchemy no doubt tended to improve Medical science, by the introduction of many new mineral and vegetable preparations, but the healing art treated after the manner of the Hermetic Art, was laid open to every description of quackery. It is not our intention, however, to enlarge on this department, which has steadily advanced at every stage of improvement in chemical science. SQUARING THE CIRCLE.Of Mathematical Problems, the most perplexing to ancient and modern mathematicians, although of late years said to be satisfactorily demonstrated, and no longer desiderata of Geometry, are— 1. The Quadrature or Squaring of the Circle;—2. The Duplication, or doubling of the Cube;—and 3. The Trisection of the Angle. In his "Popular Astronomy," It is mathematically equal to the product of the length of the circumference, multiplied by half the radius. To square a circle of a given diameter in mÈtres, is the same as giving the number of squares, of a mÈtre in each side, of which the surface is the equivalent. If, the diameter being given, the exact circumference were known by a sort of inspiration, the superficial extent of the circular space would be deducible from the two numbers, by the mere multiplication of the numerical length of the circumference by the fourth of the diameter, or half the radius. "The sect of squarers then," Arago adds,—"are searching after a solution which is proved to be impossible, and which, moreover, would be of no practical use, even if their foolish hopes were crowned with success." In the "Birds" of Aristophanes, the character is introduced of a geometer, who is going to make a square circle, showing how early this chimerical performance became an object of ridicule. Thales, Anaxagoras, Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Plato, Apollonius, Ptolemy, with other ancient mathematicians, have given methods for approximating to the area of the circle; and many also among the moderns. In 1775, the Paris Academy of Science determined to discourage papers devoted to this subject, and their course DUPLICATION OF THE CUBE.The Duplication of the Cube it is asserted can readily be demonstrated. It is usually called the Delian Problem, from its having been suggested by the oracle of Apollo at Delphos, requiring that Apollo's cubical altar should be doubled. It is something in its favour to say that the enquiry has had the attention of Newton and of Huygens. TRISECTION OF AN ANGLE.Lastly, we shall notice among problems of this class—the Trisection of an Angle, which it is asserted can only be accomplished by means of the conic sections and some other curves. A rule for the cubic equation by which the problem of trisection is solved has been given by Cardan. The difficulty only arises when we attempt the trisection of any other than a right angle, its trisection being easily effected with a pair of compasses. On this subject it has been observed that, "there is no more trouble in trisecting an angle, not a right angle, than in finding a cube root." These three celebrated problems have received the attention of mathematicians in every age and country, and led to many learned discussions, and controversial writings. But in point of litigiousness the Squarers of the Circle most decidedly carry off the palm, having frequently laid and lost heavy wagers, and even appeared in a Court of Justice to settle their monetary disputes. They are renowned for their pamphlets, in which philosophers of every class are charged with prejudice, conceit, and ignorance, and denounced for their want of candour and consistency in not giving audience to the projector of the last best demonstration. PERPETUUM MOBILE.To conclude this Lecture we shall offer a few remarks on Perpetuum Mobile, or the search for a means of obtaining a mechanical perpetual motion. As a mathema If we considered wear and tear the question would be settled at once, but this is allowed as the single exception, and therefore any machine constantly renewing the means that first moved it might be deservedly called a perpetual motion. Until a history of the schemes invented by numerous ingenious mechanics was published in 1861, inventors of this class were continually though unconsciously reproducing obsolete contrivances, from taking up the ordinary idea that a wheel may be kept constantly over-weighted on one side, so as to raise the next weight which is to perform the same miracle of art. It is singular to observe this particular coincidence of the inventive faculty of man, and it shows next to a demonstration, that if all mechanical inventions were swept from the face of the earth they would be reproduced in some remote age. A common error with those who toil at perpetual A ball descending a semicircular path, as suggested by Dr. Henderson, will only rise to the same height as that from which it fell; and will afterwards gradually diminish in velocity until it rests at the centre. If it would ascend to a height greater than that from which it descended, then indeed an inclined path might return the ball to repeat such evolutions until quite worn out. And as regards the weighted wheels, it is always overlooked that they come to rest from the same fact, that the vertical line of descent and that of ascent are equal, however much the weights may on one side recede from the centre, while on the other side the weights are approaching the centre. (See Plate 6, Fig. 1.) The most famous perpetual motive schemes were The Marquis gives a brief notice of his plan, in his "Century of Inventions," a curious catalogue of his several ingenious schemes. But of Orfyreus's wheel we know nothing more than was communicated by the eminent mathematician, 'S Gravesande, to Sir Isaac Newton, after an external view of it, while it was rotating in a chamber of the residence of the Prince of Hesse Cassel. The most singular part of this strange delusion is the fact of its strong hold on the minds of its infatuated votaries. Once bewitched with the idea of at last succeeding in the attainment of his grand design, fortune, health, and reputation, are resolutely set at nought, in the delirium of delight that follows; and more unreasonable creatures can scarcely be found than such self-deluded individuals, for they cannot, or will not, be convinced that their utmost efforts can at best but produce an amazingly curious toy; and nothing can be more futile than to expect any higher application, assuming such a discovery were possible. The best proof of the sincerity and earnestness of those who seek the attainment of a mechanical perpetual We have thus reviewed summarily, chimeras which are mainly associated with Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Mechanics, and which have swayed the human mind more or less from a period anterior to the Christian era. The list of this species of deceitful systems of pseudo-philosophy, and of profitless problems, might have been enlarged; but what has been advanced may suffice as a warning to the uninitiated to beware of blind guides and of visionary pursuits. Science has lost nothing by its professors exercising that degree of caution, which all classes of superficially learned men, affecting to possess original and valuable views on certain matters, call prejudice: which, in such cases, generally means no more than the Table of diameters of planets with drawings. The Moon's diameter is 2,160 miles; and its distance from the Earth is 237,000 miles. [Text alternative to image:]
Aries and Scorpio are the house of Mars | ? |
Taurus and Libra are the house of Venus | ? |
Gemini and Virgo are under the dominion of Mercury | ? |
Cancer is the house of the Moon | ? |
Leo is the house of the Sun | ? |
Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter | ? |
Capricorn is the house of Saturn | ? |
And Aquarius is governed by the Herschel Planet | ? |
Plate II.
This table gives the usual symbols employed for indicating the several planets, and which are still retained in Astronomy for simplicity of expression, but which Astrologers venerate as possessing a cabalistic character.
Associated with these symbols are the names of certain principal angels, spirits, or demons, forming, however, but a small proportion of such airy nothings.
The Astrological Symbols were also employed by the Alchemists to indicate the seven metals then known.
Plate III.—Squaring the Circle.
Mr. James Smith, of Liverpool, the most laborious among recent workers in this field of enquiry, claiming to have propounded several simple and exact methods, offers the following as sufficiently demonstrative:—
I construct my diagrams in the following way:—I draw two straight lines at right angles, making O the right angle. From the point O, in the direction OA, I mark off four equal parts together equal to OA, and from O, in the direction of OB, I mark off three of such equal parts together, equal to OB, and join AB. It is obvious, or rather self-evident, that AOB is a right-angled triangle, of which the sides that contain the right angle are in the ratio of 4 to 3, by construction. With A as centre and AB as interval, I describe the circle X, produce AO and BO to meet and terminate in the circumference of the circle at the points G and C, and join AC, CG, and BG, producing the quadrilateral ACGB. I bisect AG at F, and with O as centre, and OF as interval, describe the circle Z. The line OF is the line that joins the middle points of the diagonals in the quadrilateral ACGB; and it follows that,
{AG2 + CB2 + 4(OF2)} = {AC2 + CG2 + BG2 + AB2.}
When AO = 4, we get the following equation:—
{52 + 62 + (4 × 1'52)} = {52 + sqrt(102) + sqrt(102) + 52,} or, {25 + 36 +
Now, to square the circle, or, in other words, to get exactly equal in superficial area to the circle X, I will show how to find it. From the point G draw a straight line—say G m—perpendicular to ED, making G m equal GD. Produce GA to a point n, making G n equal to 2AG - GD, and join n m. The square on n m will be the required square. (I have indicated this square by dotted lines.) For example:—If AO = 4, then AG = 5, and GD = 1'25; therefore {2 AG - GD} = {10 - 1'25} = 8'75 = Gn: and Gm = 1'25; therefore, Gn2 + Gm2 = 3-1/8 (AB2); that is, {8'752 + 1'252} = 3-1/8 (52), or, {76'5625 + 1'5625} = {3'125 × 25}; and this equation=Area of the Circle X; and area of the square on n m :: and it follows, that the area of every circle, is equal to the area of a square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, of which the sides that contain the right angle are in the ratio of 7 to 1, and the sum of these two sides equal to the diameter of the circle. In many ways I have proved this fact, by practical or constructive geometry.
Plate IV.
Duplication of the Cube.—In his "Young Geometrician; or, Practical Geometry without Compasses," 1865, Mr. Oliver Byrne's 40th Problem is as follows:—
Let AB be the side of a given cube BD. It is required to find AC, the side of another cube CE, so that the solid contents of the cube CE are double the solid contents of the cube BD.
Ancient and modern mathematicians (says Mr. Byrne) have in vain attempted to solve this problem geometrically, that is, by the ruler and compasses only.
Let AB = BG = GR = RQ = QP = QO = OR = VZ. The length of the shortest side of the lesser set square; a line of any other given length may be applied. Draw OP and VR parallel to it; then apply the set squares in close contact, the edge OV of OVT passing through the point O, while the points of V and Z of ZSV fall exactly on the lines RV, RZ. Then draw the line ZBC, cutting FA produced in C; then the cube on AC is double the cube on AB.
Plate V.
Trisection of an Angle.—In his work entitled Young Geometrician, 1865, Mr. Oliver Byrne gives as the 39th Problem: To divide a given angle BAC into three equal angles:—
The line A m is made = p q, the least side of the lesser triangular ruler; by (II) p m is drawn parallel, and m n perpendicular to AB. Then both rulers are kept in motion, and at the same time in close contact, as represented in the figure, until p falls on the line p m, and n on the line m n; r nA passing through the angular point A.
Then the angle DAB is one-third of the angle CAB. Mr. Byrne asserts that this problem is not capable of solution by the straight line and circle. Mathematicians
Plate VI.—Figure 1.
Perpetuum Mobile. Desaguliers demonstrated the absurdity of attempting to raise weights enclosed in a cellular wheel, simply by providing for their approach in succession nearer to the centre on the ascending side, while they should be projected further from the centre on the descending side. He remarks:—
Those who think the velocity of the weight is the line it describes, expect that that weight shall be overpoised, which describes the shortest line, and therefore contrive machines to cause the ascending weight to describe a shorter line than the descending weight.
For example, in the circle A B D a, the weights A and B being supposed equal, it is imagined that, if by any contrivance whatever, whilst the weight A describes the arc A a, the weight B is carried in any arc, as B b, so as to come nearer the centre in its rising, than if it went up the arc B D; the said weight shall be overpoised, and consequently, by a number of such weights, a perpetual motion produced.
Now the velocity of any weight is not the line which it describes in general, but the height that it rises up to, or falls from, with respect to its distance from the centre of the earth. So that when the weight describes the arc A a, its velocity is the line A C, which shows the perpendicular descent, and likewise the line B C denotes the velocity of the weight B, or the height that it rises to, when it ascends in any of the arcs B b, instead of the arc B D: so that, in this case, whether the weight B, in its ascent be brought
Indeed, if the weight at B, could by any means spring as it were, or be lifted up to x, and move in the arc x b, the end would be answered, because then the velocity would be diminished, and become xC.
Figure 2.
In "The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Marquis of Worcester," 1865, page 454, will be found a full account of the present diagram, which is intended to illustrate as far as possible, an approach to the probable construction of the wheel by the Marquis in the 56th article of his memorable "Century of Inventions."
If any likely-looking method, could, more than another, render hopelessness more hopeless, surely this mechanical demonstration must prove most efficient for that purpose. For here, we actually produce a wheel agreeing to the terms with which Desaguliers closes his demonstration, when he suggests the only likely method to effect the end proposed, namely, perpetual motion. We find the fallen weight is absolutely "lifted up" as he desires, and "moves in the arc" he describes, and yet although he declares that then "the end would be answered"—it absolutely is not answered in this instance.
It is not requisite to calculate throughout the effect of the Marquis's entire number of 40 weights; four will suffice, taking the vertical and horizontal spokes a a a a, showing two rings a and b; one, b, 12 inches within the other, so that the wheel being, as the Marquis says, 14 feet diameter, the inner ring will be 12 feet diameter. Now let each
We shall then find by admeasurement that the upper weight on the vertical spoke is 7 feet from the centre, and the lower weight 6 feet; while at the same time there appears to be a preponderance due to the superior length of the horizontal arm A´; but against this latter we have the rising weight b´D, 1 foot from the centre, which, added to the 6 feet on the horizontal spoke, neutralizes the hoped-for effect, and the wheel remains in statu quo.
One Volume 8vo., of 650 pages, illustrated with Steel Engravings of two unpublished Portraits and 45 Wood Engravings, price 24s,
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with a commentary thereon.
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"A monument raised late, it is true, but not too late, to a great and modest genius. A national biography which illustrates and elevates our ideas of the past, and a contribution which the world will recognize to the European history of Science."—Dublin University Magazine, September, 1865.
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"Here we have an elaborate—although of course not a completely exhaustive—account of his life; at any rate the most complete account of him ever likely to be written—a work filled with abundant evidence of the most painstaking research, a work written in a generous and sympathising spirit, and with every attribute of conscientiousness."—Engineering, 5th January, 1866.
"The production of this volume is no common achievement; Mr. Dircks has undertaken to write the life of a man about whom the public know very little.
"He has, we think, collected some curious information, and established the claim of the Marquis to be the first constructor of a steam-engine. The reprint of the celebrated Century of Inventions adds greatly to the interest of the volume."—The Spectator, 14th September, 1867.
One Volume, 8vo., price 21s, only 100 copies printed,
"The present volume is, as it were, a supplement. [To. Mr. Dircks's Life of the Marquis of Worcester.] It contains what the French call 'piÈces justificatives,' on which that biography was founded; and such other materials connected with the history of Lord Worcester's family and his invention of the steam-engine as will prevent, as far as possible, a repetition of the gross errors hitherto promulgated on these subjects."— Notes and Queries, February 3, 1866.
One Volume, post 8vo., with 130 wood engravings, price 10s 6d,
With an Introductory Essay.
"The literature of this subject [Perpetual Motion] is very extensive, but scattered mainly through Patent Records and ephemeral pamphlets. We would especially refer the curious reader to a recent work by Mr. Dircks, entitled Perpetuum Mobile, to which we have been indebted for historical notices. It is extremely complete and interesting as a history."— Chambers's EncyclopÆdia, Part 15, 1865.
"A very useful collection on the history of the attempts at perpetual motion, that is, of obtaining the consequences of power without any power to produce them."—Professor De Morgan's Budget of Paradoxes, No. 28.—AthenÆum, July 15, 1865.
One Volume, post 8vo., with portrait, price 3s 6d,
"In his Introduction, Mr. Dircks has clearly stated the claims of invention, and fairly discussed the only just grounds that can give claim to priority of invention."—The Mining Journal, February 7, 1863.
"In the collection of chronological and other data for the history of various branches and application of science, Mr. Dircks appears to be indefatigable."—The Electrician, February 27.
"It is a useful and clear digest of evidence, and apparently impartially put together."—The Practical Mechanics' Journal (Glasgow), July.
One Volume, post 8vo., with two portraits, price 4s,
I. The Philosophy of Invention, considered strictly in relation to Ingenious Contrivances tending to facilitate Scientific Operations, to extend Manufacturing Skill, or to originate New Sources of Industry.—II. The Rights and Wrongs of Inventors, Legally and Politically Examined.—III. Early Inventors' Inventories of Secret Inventions, employed from the 13th to the 17th Century, in substitution of Letters Patent.
"The author enters fully and effectually into the claims and grievances of the inventor. He discusses the arguments for and against the concession of patent right, and examines very ably leaders in the Times on patent monopoly; very clearly dissipating the sophism of the opponents of patent right; also Sir William Armstrong's evidence regarding 'patent monopoly,' &c., affording an interesting and useful publication from its many excellences."—The Scientific Review, September 2, 1867.
"The second part of the volume discusses the right of inventors to a property in their inventions, and thus raises the question of the patent laws, and the twofold issue, whether it will be better to retain them and reform them, or to sweep them away altogether. We are bound to admit that he treats this topic in a fair spirit, and without any taint of bigotry. Mr. Dircks is a man whose opinions are entitled to a hearing."— The London Review, September 21.
"Mr. Dircks treats the real problem and discusses the comparative merits of the existing system, and the advantages which he, together with many others, hopes would follow on the establishment of some judicial council of inventions. The difficulties of the question are enormous, and no one will think the less of them after having gone through this volume.
"The third part, or the lists of their inventions left by many great and some ingenious persons, is interesting and curious."— The Westminster Review, October.
One Volume, post 8vo., price 3s 6d,
With Bibliographical Notices of Works published by him; and a reprint of his Pamphlet entitled
"Mr. Dircks's is the first careful attempt to make posterity his (Hartlib's) friend."—The Examiner, 18th February, 1865.
"A scholar-like little monograph, giving all the information that can be given about a man whose name occurs in the correspondence of almost every eminent literary or scientific person of the time of the Commonwealth."—The Spectator, 20th May.
One Volume, post 8vo., with engravings, price 2s,
"Mr. Dircks gives us the benefit of all his progressive discoveries in the matter, from the paper first read at the British Association Meeting at Leeds, in 1858, to the more recent improvements, with full explanations of the machinery, apparatus, and processes adopted in these ghost dramas, and further favours the public with a number of new adaptations. As a curious description of these spectral illustrations, the book is most interesting."—The Technologist, January, 1864.
"A volume explanatory of the uncommonly clever and scientific "spectral illusion" which has of late fairly turned the public head."— The Dublin Builder, January 1.
"A few months ago all London was rushing off to see Professor Pepper's Ghost, as it was called, but which it now appears was the property of Mr. Dircks, and from which his good name was filched in a very unhandsome manner. Here then he tells us all about it, how the spectre was raised, and how we may ourselves at pleasure call spirits from the vasty deep."—The Bookseller, February 29.
Transcriber's Notes
Page 36: changed "Sorbiere" to "SorbiÈre" (15. Samuel SorbiÈre visited the works at Vauxhall)
Page 61: changed "Jupiper" to "Jupiter" (of cloves, &c. to Jupiter;)
Page 83: changed "BD2" to "BG2" ({AG2 + CB2 + 4(OF2)} = {AC2 + CG2 + BG2 + AB2.})
Page 83: changed "sqrt(102 52)" to "sqrt(102) + 52" ( ... = {52 + sqrt(102) + sqrt(102) + 52,})
Page 84: changed closing parenthesis to closing braces ( ... 9}={25 + 10 + 10 + 25} = 70)
Page 84: changed "tangental" to "tangential" (tangential to the circle X)
Page 84: changed "Q" to "2" (making G n equal to 2AG - GD)
Page 84: added missing opening parenthesis in "(I have indicated this square by dotted lines.)"
Page 84: changed "+ 1'25}" to "× 25" ({76'5625 + 1'5625} = {3'125 × 25})
Page 84: changed "hypothenuse" to "hypotenuse" (the area of a square on the hypotenuse)