- Air (See Liquid Air).
- "A Journeyman Mechanic's" Device, 99
- Allaman's Animadversions on the Neglect of Orffyreus's Inventions, 239
- Anderson & Enbom's Pump, 76
- Archimedean Screw and Liquid, Device by Means of, 104
- "Artisan, The," Article Published in, 329
- Bags in Liquid, Compressible and Distensible, Device by Means of, 155
- Bellidor, B., His Account of Perpetual Motion Device, 46
- Bernoulli, John, Notice of, 336
- Arguments Supporting Possibility of Perpetual Motion, 336
- Black, James, His Device, 102
- BÖckler, George Andrew, His Plates, 81
- Buoyancy Through Media of Different Densities, 151
- Brewster, Sir David, Edited Lectures of James Ferguson, 44
- In Appendix to Ferguson's Lectures Gives Description of "Water-Blowing Machine", 148
- Is Attracted by Spence's Device, and Writes Letter Affording Description of Same, 170
- British Patents, 58; 120; 121; 125; 127; 129; 132, 140
- British Thermal Unit Defined and Explained, 264
- Cannon Balls and Oscillating Trough, 71
- Capillary Attraction and Physical Affinity, Devices by Means of (See Table of Contents), 5
- Capra, A., His Device, 32
- Compressible and Distensible Bags in Liquid, 155
- Congreve, Sir William, Notice of;
- His Perpetual Motion Devices, 182
- Conservation of Energy, Its Relation to Possibility of Perpetual Motion (See Table of Contents), 5
- Considered with Reference to Perpetual Motion, 269
- Proof and Illustration of, 200
- Anticipated by Newton, Galileo, Huyghens and Descartes, 272
- Copland, Robert, His "Improved Method of Gaining Power", 140
- Cunningham, George, His "Mercurial Pneumatic Device", 157
- "Darius Green and His Flying Machine", 16
- Desagulier, Rev. J.T., Proposition on the Balance, 47
- Article of, Concerning the Device of Marquis of Worcester and the Orffyrean Wheel, 222
- Dircks, Henry, Title Page Mention, 3
- His Books Mentioned, 7
- Comments by Author on His Works, 8
- Information Furnished by, Rearranged, 9
- His Classification of Devices, 19
- His "Life, Times and Scientific Labors of the Second Marquis of Worcester", 213
- Excerpt from, 228
- His Statement Concerning Arguments For and Against the Possibility of Perpetual Motion, 270
- Arguments by Others For and Against the Possibility of Perpetual Motion, Published by Dircks, Copied in This Work, 274
- Eaton's Perpetual Siphon, 145
- "Ed. Vocis Rationis," His Device, 78
- Ellis, George Henry (See Rathen & Ellis).
- Energy (See Momentum and Energy).
@g@html@files@44771@44771-h@44771-h-2.htm.html#Page_97" class="pginternal">97
- Welch, J., Article by, 351