CHAPTER VI DEVICES UTILIZING CAPILLARY ATTRACTION AND PHYSICAL AFFINITY Ludeke and Wilckens's Device In 1864, Johann Ernst Friedrich Ludeke, of London, and Daniel Wilckens, of Surrey, applied for British patent on "Improvements in Motive Power by Capillary Attraction." They describe their invention as follows: Our invention consists of improvements in motive power by capillary attraction constructed as follows: Figure 1 of the accompanying drawings represents in horizontal section a square case or cistern; this cistern is filled with water nearly to the top, and two wheels marked a, a, and b, b, are placed in the water in the cistern. By capillary attraction the water rises between the two wheels marked x, x, to a height above the level of the water in proportion to the distance of the wheels from each other at x, x. As the water rises between the wheels marked x, x, above its level, the weight of water between the wheels at x, x, will cause the wheels to continually revolve. Figure 2 represents the same as Figure 1, but in a vertical section. The said power may be obtained by wheels moved on axis, or by other apparatus by rise and fall in the water by vertical motion. The Jurin Device The device which we have designated "The Jurin Device," was not, in fact, invented by Jurin. James Jurin furnished an account of the invention to The Royal Society of London, and it appears in the reports of that society published in 1720. The invention was by a friend of Jurin's whose name he does not give in the account. Jurin's account of his friend's invention is as follows: Some days ago a method was proposed to me by an ingenious friend for making a perpetual motion, which seemed so plausible, and indeed so easily demonstrable from an observation of the late Mr. Hawksbee, said to be grounded upon experiment, that though I am far from having any opinion of attempts of this nature, yet, I confess, I could not see why it should not succeed. Upon trial indeed I found myself disappointed. But as searches after things impossible in themselves are frequently observed to produce other discoveries, unexpected by the Inventor; so this Proposal has given occasion not only to rectify some mistakes into which we had been led, by that ingenious and useful member of the Royal Society above named, but likewise to detect the real principle, by which water is raised and suspended in capillary tubes, above the level. My friend's proposal was as follows: Fig. 1. Let ABC be a capillary siphon, composed of two legs AB, BC, unequal both in length and diameter; whose longer and narrower leg AB having its orifice A immersed in water, the water will rise above the level, till it fills the whole tube AB, and will then continue suspended. If the wider and shorter leg BC, be in like manner immersed, the water will only rise to same height as FC, less than the entire height of the tube BC. This siphon being filled with water and the orifice A sunk below the surface of the water D E, my friend reasons thus: Since the two columns of water AB and FC, by the supposition, will be suspended by some power acting within the tubes they are contained in, they cannot determine the water to move one way, or the other. But the column BF, having nothing to support it, must descend, and cause the water to run out at C. Then the pressure of the atmosphere driving the water upward through the orifice A, to supply the vacuity, which would otherwise be left in the upper part of the tube BC, this must necessarily produce a perpetual motion, since the water runs into the same vessel, out of which it rises. But the fallacy of this reasoning appears upon making the experiment. Exp. 1. For the water, instead of running out at the orifice C rises upwards towards F, and running all out of the leg BC, remains suspended in the other leg to the height AB. Exp. 2. The same thing succeeds upon taking the siphon out of the water, into which its lower orifice A had been immersed, the water then falling in drops out of the orifice A, and standing at last at the height AB. But in making these two experiments it is necessary that AG the difference of the legs exceed FC, otherwise the water will not run either way. Exp. 3. Upon inverting the siphon full of water, it continues without motion either way. The reason of all which will plainly appear, when we come to discover the principle, by which the water is suspended in capillary tubes. Mr. Hawksbee's observation is as follows: Fig. 2. Let ABFC be a capillary siphon, into which the water will rise above the level to the height CF, and let BA be the depth of the orifice of its longer leg below the surface of the water DE. Then the siphon being filled with water, if BA be not greater than CF, the water will not run out at A, but will remain suspended. This seems indeed very plausible at first sight. For since the column of water FC will be suspended by some power within the tube, why should not the column BA, being equal to, or less than the former, continue suspended by the same power. Exp. 4. In fact, if the orifice C be lifted up out of the water DE, the water in the tube will continue suspended, unless BA exceed FC. Exp. 5. But when C is never so little immersed in the water immediately the water in the tube runs out in drops at the orifice A, though the length AB be considerably less than the height CF. Mr. Hawksbee, in his book of Experiments, has advanced another observation, namely, that the shorter leg of a capillary siphon, as ABFC, must be immersed in the water to the depth FC, which is equal to the height of the column, that would be suspended in it, before the water will run out of the longer leg. Exp. 6. From what mistake this has proceeded, I cannot imagine; for the water runs out at the longer leg, as soon as the orifice of the shorter leg comes to touch the surface of the stagnant water, without being at all immersed therein. Jurin's attitude concerning his friend's discovery is pleasing. He appears to have had better judgment than to rush into print, or herald forth that Perpetual Motion had been accomplished. Indeed, the account as given to the Royal Society was that of an experiment and a failure. Nevertheless, it presents an interesting point. Capillary Attraction, however, creates no new energy. Adhesion is a force, and is often quite a strong force in nature. If a rod or tube be held by the hand at one end, and the other end inserted in a liquid, it will be observed that in some instances, depending upon the nature of the material of the rod or tube, and the liquid, at the point of contact the liquid will slightly rise in the tube and on the outside edges of the tube. In other instances it will be depressed slightly at the same point. Whether it will be elevated or depressed depends on whether the adhesion of the liquid to the material of which the tube or rod is composed is greater than the cohesion of the particles of the liquid. If there be a depression it is manifest that the entire surface of the liquid will be slightly elevated by reason of the depression. On the contrary, if the liquid adheres to and creeps slightly upward on the tube or rod, then it is manifest that the surface of the liquid will come to rest slightly lower than though it did not so creep. The net result finally gets back to the principle of flotation. The immersion or insertion is a little more difficult in the case of depression, and a little easier in the case of elevation. There is no gain or loss of energy. It simply increases in one case, and diminishes in the other case the amount of displacement, with all the resulting mechanical phenomena. Sir William Congreve As stated in the preface of this work, pursuit of Perpetual Motion has by no means been confined to mechanics and tradesmen. Many men eminent, and even famous in professions, art and science have devoted much time and thought to the subject. Among such eminent men is to be mentioned Sir William Congreve, of England, a baronet. He was born 1772, and died in 1828. He was an artillerist and an inventor, and was a son of Lieutenant General Sir William Congreve; was distinguished as a military man, as a member of parliament, and as a business man; was an inventor of note, having invented a war rocket, a gun-recoil mounting, a time-fuse, a parachute attachment for rockets, a hydro-pneumatic canal lock sluice, a process for color painting, a new form of steam engine, a method of consuming smoke, a clock which measured time by a ball rolling down an inclined plane, besides other inventions and discoveries. He published a large number of works on scientific subjects. It is not, therefore, surprising that whatever Sir William Congreve said or did concerning any scientific or mechanical subject should have attracted general attention. He devised and made a Perpetual Motion Machine, which, like all others, failed to work. We submit that his plan is peculiarly ingenious, and we fail to see how, without a knowledge of the principles of Conservation of Energy, the Congreve idea should not have appealed to any one as reasonable, and its failure puzzling. An account of the Congreve device and an explanation of his ideas appeared in "The Atlas" in 1827, and the following description is taken from the article appearing in "The Atlas": The celebrated Boyle entertained an idea that perpetual motion might be obtained by means of capillary attraction; and, indeed, there seems but little doubt that nature has employed this force in many instances to produce this effect. There are many situations in which there is every reason to believe that the sources of springs on the tops and sides of mountains depend on the accumulation of water created at certain elevations by the operation of capillary attraction, acting in large masses of porous material, or through laminated substances. These masses being saturated, in process of time become the sources of springs and the heads of rivers; and thus, by an endless round of ascending and descending waters, form, on the great scale of nature, an incessant cause of perpetual motion, in the purest acceptance of the term, and precisely on the principle that was contemplated by Boyle. It is probable, however, that any imitation of this process on the limited scale practicable by human art would not be of sufficient magnitude to be effective. Nature, by the immensity of her operations, is able to allow for a slowness of process which would baffle the attempts of man in any direct and simple imitation of her works. Working, therefore, upon the same causes, he finds himself obliged to take a more complicated mode to produce the same effect. To amuse the hours of a long confinement from illness, Sir William Congreve has recently contrived a scheme of perpetual motion, founded on this principle of capillary attraction, which, it is apprehended, will not be subject to the general refutation applicable to those plans in which the power is supposed to be derived from gravity only. Sir William's perpetual motion is as follows: Let ABC be three horizontal rollers fixed in a frame; aaa, etc., is an endless band of sponge, running round these rollers; and bbb, etc., is an endless chain of weights, surrounding the band of sponge, and attached to it, so that they must move together; every part of this band and chain being so accurately uniform in weight that the perpendicular side AB will, in all positions of the band and chain, be in equilibrium with the hypothenuse AC, on the principle of the inclined plane. Now, if the frame in which these rollers are fixed be placed in a cistern of water, having its lower part immersed therein, so that the water's edge cuts the upper part of the rollers B C, then, if the weight and quantity of the endless chain be duly proportioned to the thickness and breadth of the band of sponge, the band and chain will, on the water in the cistern being brought to the proper level, begin to move round the rollers in the direction AB, by the force of capillary attraction, and will continue so to move. The process is as follows: On the side AB of the triangle, the weights bbb, etc., hanging perpendicularly alongside the band of sponge, the band is not compressed by them, and its pores being left open, the water at the point x, at which the band meets its surface, will rise to a certain height, y, above its level, and thereby create a load, which load will not exist on the ascending side CA, because on this side the chain of weights compresses the band at the water's edge, and squeezes out any water that may have previously accumulated in it; so that the band rises in a dry state, the weight of the chain having been so proportioned to the breadth and thickness of the band as to be sufficient to produce this effect. The load, therefore, on the descending side AB, not being opposed by any similar load on the ascending side, and the equilibrium of the other parts not being disturbed by the alternate expansion and compression of the sponge, the band will begin to move in the direction AB; and as it moves downwards, the accumulation of water will continue to rise, and thereby carry on a constant motion, provided the load at xy be sufficient to overcome the friction on the rollers ABC. Now, to ascertain the quantity of this load in any particular machine, it must be stated that it is found by experiment that the water will rise in a fine sponge about an inch above its level; if, therefore, the band and sponge be one foot thick and six feet broad, the area of its horizontal section in contact with the water would be 864 square inches, and the weight of the accumulation of water raised by the capillary attraction being one inch rise upon 864 square inches, would be 30 lbs., which, it is conceived, would be much more than equivalent to the friction of the rollers. The deniers of this proposition, on the first view of the subject, will say, it is true the accumulation of the weight on the descending side thus occasioned by the capillary attraction would produce a perpetual motion, if there were not as much power lost on the ascending side by the change of position of the weights, in pressing the water out of the sponge. The point now to be established is, that the change in the position of the weights will not cause any loss of power. For this purpose, we must refer to the following diagram. With reference to this diagram, suppose aaa, etc., an endless strap, and bbb, etc., an endless chain running round the rollers; AB C not having any sponge between them, but kept at a certain distance from each other by small and inflexible props, ppp, etc., then the sides A B and CA would, in all positions of this system, be precisely an equilibrium, so as to require only a small increment of weight on either side to produce motion. Now, we contend that this equilibrium would still remain unaffected, if small springs were introduced in lieu of the inflexible props ppp, so that the chain bbb might approach the lower strap aaa, by compressing these small springs with its weight on the ascending side; for although the centre of gravity of any portion of chain would move in a different line in the latter case—for instance, in the dotted line—still the quantity of the actual weight of every inch of the strap and chain would remain precisely the same in the former case, where they are kept at the same distance in all positions, as in the latter case, where they approach on the ascending side; and so, also, these equal portions of weights, notwithstanding any change of distance between their several parts which may take place in one case and not in the other, would in both cases rise and fall, though the same perpendicular space, and consequently the equilibrium, would be equally preserved in both cases, though in the first case they may rise and fall through rather more than in the second. The application of this demonstration to the machine described in Fig. 1, is obvious; for the compression of the sponge by the sinking of the weights on the ascending side, in pressing out the water, produces precisely the same effect as to the position and ascent of the weights, as the approach of the chain to the lower strap on the ascending side, in Fig. 2, by the compression of the springs; and consequently, if the equilibrium is not affected in one case—that is, in Fig. 2, as above demonstrated—it will not be affected in the other case, Fig. 1; and, therefore, the water would be squeezed out by the pressure of the chain without any loss of power. The quantity of weight necessary for squeezing dry any given quantity of sponge must be ascertained and duly apportioned by experiment. It is obvious, however, that whether one cubic inch of sponge required one, two, or four ounces for this purpose, it would not affect the equilibrium, since, whatever were the proportion on the ascending side, precisely the same would the proportion be on the descending side. This principle is capable of application in various ways, and with a variety of materials. It may be produced by a single roller or wheel. Mercury may also be substituted for water, by using a series of metallic plates instead of sponges; and, as the mercury will be found to rise to a much greater height between these plates, than water will do in a sponge, it will be found that the power to be obtained by the latter materials will be from 70 to 80 times as great as by the use of water. Thus, a machine, of the same dimensions as given above, would have a constant power of 2,000 lbs. acting upon it. We now proceed to show how the principle of perpetual motion proposed by Sir William Congreve may be applied upon one centre instead of three. In the following figure, abcd represents a drum-wheel or cylinder, moving on a horizontal axis surrounded with a band of sponge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, and immersed in water, so that the surface of the water touches the lower end of the cylinder. Now then, if, as in Fig. 2, the water on the descending side b be allowed to accumulate in the sponge at x, while, on the ascending side D, the sponge at the water's edge shall, by any means not deranging the equilibrium, be so compressed that it shall quit the water in a dry state, the accumulation of water above its level at x, by the capillary attraction, will be a source of constant rotary motion; and, in the present case, it will be found that the means of compressing the sponge may be best obtained by buoyancy, instead of weight. For this purpose, therefore, the band of sponge is supposed to be divided into eight or more equal parts, 1 2 3 4, etc., each part being furnished with a float or buoyant vessel, f 1, f 2, etc., rising and falling upon spindles, sss, etc., fixed in the periphery of the drum; these floats being of such dimensions that, when immersed in water, the buoyancy or pressure upwards of each shall be sufficient to compress that portion of the sponge connected with it, so as to squeeze out any water it may have absorbed. These floats are further arranged by means of levers lll, etc., and plates ppp, etc., so that, when the float f No. 1 becomes immersed in the water, its buoyant pressure upwards acts not against the portion of the sponge No. 1, immediately above it, but against No. 2, next in front of it; and so, in like manner, the buoyancy of f No. 2 float acts on the portion of the sponge No. 3, and f No. 3 float upon No. 4 sponge. Now, from this arrangement it follows, that the portion of sponge No. 4, which is about to quit the water, is pressed upon by that float, which, from acting vertically, is most efficient in squeezing the sponge dry; while that portion of the sponge No. 1, on the point of entering the water, is not compressed at all from its corresponding float No. 8, not having yet reached the edge of the water. By these means, therefore, it will be seen that the sponge always rises in a dry state from the water on the ascending side, while it approaches the water on the descending side in an uncompressed state, and open to the full action of absorption by the capillary attraction. The great advantage of effecting this by the buoyancy of light vessels instead of a burthen of weights, as in Fig. 2, is that, by a due arrangement of the dimensions and buoyancy of the floats immersed, the whole machine may be made to float on the surface of the water, so as to take off all friction whatever from the centre of suspension. Thus, therefore, we have a cylindrical machine revolving on a single centre without friction, and having a collection of water in the sponge on the descending side, while the sponge on the ascending side is continually dry; and if this cylinder be six feet wide, and the sponge that surrounds it one foot thick, there will be a constant moving power of thirty pounds on the descending side, without any friction to counteract it. It has been already stated, that to perpetuate the motion of this machine, the means used to leave the sponge open on the descending side, and press it dry on the ascending side, must be such as will not derange the equilibrium of the machine when floating in water. As, therefore, in this case the effect is produced by the ascent of the buoyant floats b, to demonstrate the perpetuity of the motion, we must show that the ascent of the floats f No. 1 and f No. 3 will be equal in all corresponding situations on each side of the perpendicular; for the only circumstance that could derange the equilibrium on this system, would be that f No. 1 and f No. 3 should not in all such corresponding situations approach the centre of motion equally; for it is evident that in the position of the floats described in the above figure, if f No. 1 float did not approach the centre as much as f No. 3, the equilibrium would be destroyed, and the greater distance of f No. 1 from the centre than that of f No. 3 would create a resistance to the moving force caused by the accumulation of the water at x. It will be found, however, that the floats f No. 1 and f No. 3 do retain equal distances from the centre in all corresponding situations, for the resistance to their approach to the centre by buoyancy is the elasticity of the sponge at the extremity of the respective levers; and as this elasticity is the same in all situations, while this centrifugal force of the float f No. 1 is equal to that of the float f No. 3, at equal distances from the perpendicular, the floats f No. 1 and f No. 3 will, in all corresponding situations on either side of the perpendicular, be at equal distances from the centre. It is true, that the force by which these floats approach the centre of motion varies according to the obliquity of the spindles on which they work, it being greatest in the perpendicular position; but, as the obliquity of these spindles is the same at all equal distances from the perpendicular, and as the resistance of the ascent of the floats is equal in all cases, the center of buoyancy will evidently describe a similar curve on each side of the perpendicular; and consequently the equilibrium will be preserved, so as to leave a constant moving force at x, equal to the whole accumulation of water in the sponge. Nor will this equilibrium be disturbed by any change of position in the floats not immersed in the water, since, being duly connected with the sponge by the levers and plates, they will evidently arrange themselves at equal distances from the center, in all corresponding situations on either side. It may be said that the equilibrium of the band of sponge may be destroyed by its partial compression; and it must be admitted that the centre of gravity of the part compressed, according to the construction above described, does approach the center of motion nearer than the center of gravity of the part not compressed. The whole weight of the sponge is, however, so inconsiderable, that this difference would scarcely produce any sensible effect; and if it did, a very slight alteration in the construction, by which the sponge should be compressed as much outwards as inwards, would retain the center of gravity of the compressed part at the same distance from the center of motion as the center of gravity of the part not compressed.