A number of translations from the Fathers have already been published by the S.P.C.K. under the title “Early Church Classics.” It is now proposed to enlarge this series to include texts which are neither “early” nor necessarily “classics.” The divisions at present proposed are given below. Volumes belonging to the original series are marked with an asterisk. SERIES I.—GREEK TEXTS. - *The Epistle of St. Clement, Bishop of Rome. By the Rt. Rev. J. A. F. Gregg, D.D. 1s. 3d.
- *Clement of Alexandria: Who is the Rich Man that is being saved? By P. M. Barnard, B.D. 1s. 3d.
- *St. Chrysostom: On the Priesthood. By T. A. Moxon. 2s.
- *The Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles. By C. Bigg, D.D. 1s. 3d.
- *The Epistle to Diognetus. By the Rt. Rev. L. B. Radford, D.D. 1s. 6d.
- St. Dionysius of Alexandria. By C. L. Feltoe, D.D.
- *The Epistle of the Gallican Churches: Lugdunum and Vienna. With an Appendix containing Tertullian’s Address to Martyrs and the Passion of St. Perpetua. By T. H. Bindley, D.D. 1s. 3d.
- *St. Gregory of Nyssa: The Catechetical Oration. By the Ven. J. H. Srawley, D.D. 2s.
- *St. Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of St. Macrina. By W. K. Lowther Clarke, B.D. 1s. 3d.
- *Gregory Thaumaturgus (Origen the Teacher): the Address of Gregory to Origen, with Origen’s Letter to Gregory. By W. Metcalfe, B.D. 1s. 6d.
- *The Shepherd of Hermas. By C. Taylor, D.D. 2 vols. 2s. each.
- *The Epistles of St. Ignatius. By the Ven. J. H. Srawley, D.D. 2 vols. 1s. 3d. each.
- *St. Irenaeus: Against the Heresies. By F. R. M. Hitchcock, D.D. 2 vols. 2s. each.
- Palladius: The Lausiac History. By W. K. Lowther Clarke, B.D.
- *St. Polycarp. By B. Jackson. 1s. 3d.
SERIES II.—LATIN TEXTS. - *St. Augustine: The City of God. By F. R. M. Hitchcock, D.D. 1s. 6d.
- *St. Cyprian: The Lord’s Prayer. By T. H. Bindley, D.D. 1s. 6d.
- Minucius Felix: The Octavius. By J. H. Freese.
- *Tertullian: On the Testimony of the Soul and On the Prescription of Heretics. By T. H. Bindley, D.D. 2s.
- *St. Vincent of Lerins: The Commonitory. By T. H. Bindley, D.D. 2s.
SERIES III.—LITURGICAL TEXTS. Edited by C. L. FELTOE, D.D. - St. Ambrose: On the Mysteries and on the Sacraments. By T. Thompson, B.D.
- *The Apostolic Constitution and Cognate Documents, with special reference to their Liturgical elements. By De Lacy O’Leary, D.D. 1s. 3d.
- *The Liturgy of the Eighth Book of the Apostolic Constitution, commonly called the Clementine Liturgy. By R. H. Cresswell. 1s. 6d.
- The Pilgrimage of Etheria. By M. L. McClure.
- *Bishop Sarapion’s Prayer-Book. By the Rt. Rev. J. Wordsworth, D.D. 1s. 6d.
(Other series in contemplation)