- Absolution, 43, 60 f.
- Ælia (Jerusalem), 52
- Æmilianus, Governor of Pannonia, 14, 65
- Prefect of Egypt, 16, 27, 46 f.
- Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem, 51
- Bishop of Tyre, 52
- a martyr, 38
- Alexander Severus, Emperor, 12, 66
- Alexandrians, letter to, 28, 70 ff.
- Alogi referred to, 84
- Ammon, a martyr, 40
- Ammonarion, a martyr, 39
- Antioch, Council of, 10, 51, 103
- Apollonia, a martyr, 36
- Arabia, 10, 41, 52
- Aristotle referred to, 28, 95
- Arius, heresy of, 20, 56, 108
- Ater, a martyr, 39
- Athanasius, 9, 19 ff., 103 ff.
- Baptism of heretics, 15, 26, 51 ff., 59
- Basil, Bishop of CÆsarea, 9, 22, 80
- Basilides, letter to, 26, 29, 76 ff.
- Benson, Archbishop, 14, 34, 51, 52, 55
- Besas, a martyr, 38
- Bethune-Baker, Dr., 22
- Bithynia, Churches of, 52
- Cappadocia, Churches of, 52, 54
- Catechetical School of Alexandria, 9, 10, 11, 12, 32
- Cemeteries, Christian, 17, 47
- Cephro, 17, 46, 48 f.
- Cerinthus, heresy of, 85
- ChÆremon, Bishop of Nilopolis, 41
- a deacon, 46, 64
- Chronicon Orientale, 52
- Pope, title of, 57
- Prayers for Emperor, 47
- Procopius of Gaza, 30
- Promises, treatise on the, 23, 28, 29, 82 ff.
- Ptolemais, 55
- Ptolemy, a martyr, 40
- Quinta, a martyr, 35
- Rationalis, office of, 16, 17, 67
- Refutation and Defence, 21 f., 101 ff.
- Refutation of Allegorists, 29, 82
- Repentance, 59, 62
- Rufinus, 22, 64
- Sabaita, 10
- Sabellius, heresy of, 18 ff., 27, 55, 101 ff.
- Sabinus, Prefect of Egypt, 13, 35, 43, 50
- Saracens, 41
- Sarapion, case of, 26, 42 f.
- Soldiers as Christians, 40, 63
- Sophocles referred to, 100
- Stephen, Bishop of Rome, 15, 34, 53, 54
- Swete, Dr., 23, 78
- Synnada, Synod of, 15, 55, 58
- Syria, Churches of, 52
- Taposiris, 13, 16, 44
- Thelymidrus, Bishop of Laodicea, 52
- Theoctistus, Bishop of CÆsarea, 52
- Theophilus, a martyr, 40
- Theotecnus, Bishop of CÆsarea, 29
- Thucydides quoted, 28, 71
- Timotheus, a boy, 11, 44, 64
- Trullo, Council in, 76, 78
- Valerian, Emperor, 14, 16, 17, 47, 65
- Westcott, Bishop, 23, 24, 78
- Xyst
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