Paris, January 2, 1836—Dispute with America—Country Life—Politics in Paris—Ministerial Crisis—The New Ministry—The "Imitation"—Spring—Lacordaire—M. Thiers—Prince Royal's Tour—The AbbÉ Girolet—The Princes at Berlin—Spanish Affairs—Mme. de Lieven—The Tour of the Princes—M. de Talleyrand—Address to the King—Alibaud—Cardinal de Retz—Duc d'OrlÉans Marriage—Letter from Vienna—Duchess Stephanie—Moral Reflections—Revolution at Lisbon—The Queen of Spain—The Political Prisoners—Outbreak at Strasburg—Death of Charles X.
Amiens, May 16, 1840—Travel in Belgium—Aix-la-Chapelle—The Art of Travel—Berlin—Life in Berlin—Princess Albert—The King's Illness—Tegel—Death of the King—The King's Will—The Funeral—Silesia—GÜnthersdorf—Wartenberg—News from Paris—Countess Dohna—Start for Berlin—At Berlin—Court of Condolence—Dresden—The Castle—Carlsbad—LÖbichau—Nuremberg—Baden—Egyptian Question—Umkirch—France and England—Foreign Politics—Mgr. Affre—Peace or War?—The Lafarge Case—Events in Prussia—Madame Lafarge—French Politics—Prospects of Peace—Queen Christina—The New Ministry—The King's Speech—Thiers and Guizot—News from Berlin—Napoleon's Funeral—Russian feeling.