[The names followed by an asterisk (*) have been already noted in more detail in the Biographical Index of vol. i.] A - ABD-EL-KADER (1807-1883). Celebrated Arab Emir, who maintained a desperate struggle against the French in Algiers for fifteen years. He was eventually captured in 1847 by General LamoriciÈre, sent to France, and imprisoned at Pau, then at Amboise. Napoleon III. set him at liberty, and he afterwards remained loyal to France. He died in Syria, where he had withdrawn.
- ACERENZA, the Duchesse d' (1783-1876). Jeanne, Princesse de Courlande, married in 1801 FranÇois Pignatelli of Belmonte, Duc d'Acerenza. She was the third daughter of Pierre Duc de Courlande, and sister of the Duchesse de Talleyrand.
- ACTON, Lady. She was the daughter of the Duke of Dalberg, and married Lord Acton as her first husband. Her second husband was Mr. George Leveson, afterwards Lord Granville.
- ADÉLAÏDE, Madame* (1777-1847). Sister of King Louis-Philippe, over whom she exerted a great influence.
- ADOLPHUS OF NASSAU (1250-1298). He was elected Emperor of Germany in 1292 on the death of Rudolph of Hapsburg, to the exclusion of Albert, son of this Prince. Germany revolted against him, and he was conquered and killed by his rival, Albert of Austria, at the battle of GÖllheim.
- AFFRE, Denis Auguste (1793-1848). Archbishop of Paris from 1840. On June 25, 1848, Mgr. Affre went to the barricades in the Faubourg Saint Antoine and was struck by a bullet while beseeching the insurgents to surrender. He died two days later in consequence of this wound.
- AGNÈS SOREL (1409-1450). Lady of Honour to Isabelle de Lorraine. AgnÈs Sorel attracted the notice of Charles VII. and became his favourite. He gave her a castle at Loches, the comtÉ of PenthiÈvre, the manors of RoquessiÈre, Issoudun, and Vernon-sur-Seine, and finally the seat of BeautÉ in the Bois de Vincennes, whence she took the name of Dame de BeautÉ.
- ALAVA, Don Ricardo de* (1780-1843). Spanish officer and diplomatist.
- ALBUFÉRA, the Duchesse d' (1791-1884). Daughter of the Baron de St. Joseph. She married in 1808 Marshal Suchet, Duc d'AlbufÉra, who died in 1826.
- ALDBOROUGH, Cornelia, Lady.* Daughter of Charles Landry.
- ALFIERI, Count Victor* (1749-1803). Italian tragic poet. He secretly married the Countess of Albany.
- ALIBAUD (1810-1836). Assassin who attempted the life of King Louis-Philippe on the evening of June 25, 1836, and was executed on July 11 following.
- ALTENSTEIN, Baron Karl of (1770-1840). Prussian statesman from 1808 to 1810. He was Financial Minister, and afterwards, under King Frederick William III., became Minister of Religion and Education.
- ALTON-SHÉE DE LIGNIÉRES, Edmond, Comte d' (1810-1874). Peer of France in 1836. At first closely attached to the Constitutional Monarchy of July, he suddenly changed under the influence of the ideas of 1848, and took part in the manifestations of the advanced party. Under the Second Empire he abandoned his political connections.
- ALVANLEY, Lord* (1787-1849). A society figure and English officer, known for his wit.
- ANCILLON, Jean Pierre FrÉdÉric (1766-1837). Of Swiss origin, he became Minister of the Reformed Church of Berlin and Professor at the Military Academy. In 1806 Frederick William III. requested him to undertake the education of the Prince Royal, afterwards Frederick William IV. Admitted to the court, Ancillon was influential there until his death. He married three times: in 1792, Marie Henriette Baudouin, who died in 1823; in 1824, Louise MoliÈre, who died in 1826; in 1836, Flore Tranouille d'Harley and de Verquignieulle, of an old Belgian family.
- ANDRAL, Madame. Daughter of M. Royer Collard. She married the famous Dr. Andral.
- ANGLONA, the Prince d' (1817-1871). Son of a General in the Spanish Army. He married in 1837 the daughter of the Duke of Frias and became Duke of Uceda, a title which belonged to his wife's family.
- ANGOULÊME, the Duc d' (1775-1844). Also known as the Dauphin, after his father, King Charles X., had ascended the throne in 1824. In 1799, at Mitau, he married his cousin, Marie ThÉrÈse Charlotte, only daughter of King Louis XVI. He was Commander-in-Chief of the French Army sent to Spain in 1823, captured the fort of Trocadero, and showed his moderation by the ordinance of Andujar. He died in exile at Goritz, and left no children.
- ANGOULÊME, the Duchesse d' (1778-1851). Marie ThÉrÈse Charlotte of France, only daughter of King Louis XVI. and of Marie Antoinette. At her birth she received the title of Madame Royale. She shared the captivity of her family, and in 1795 the Directory consented to exchange her for the commissaries sent back by Austria. She married her cousin, the Duc d'AngoulÊme, and returned to Paris with him in 1815. Exiled once more in 1830, she never returned to France, and died at Frohsdorf.
- ANNE OF AUSTRIA* (1602-1666). Queen of France and Regent during the minority of Louis XIV.
- ANNE DE BRETAGNE (1476-1514). Queen of France. Daughter of FranÇois II. of Brittany, she married in succession Charles VIII. and Louis XII., and brought to the Crown the Duchy of Brittany, to which she was heiress.
- APPONYI, Count Antony (1782-1852). Austrian diplomatist. He was first Envoy Extraordinary to the court of Tuscany, then Ambassador at Rome until 1825. Afterwards he was Ambassador at London and then at Paris, where he remained until 1848. In 1808 he married Theresa, daughter of Count Nogarola of Verona.
- ARGOUT, the Comte d' (1782-1858). French politician and financier, he became Councillor of State in 1817, and then Peer of France. From 1830 onwards he was a member of several Ministries, and retained the post of Governor of the Bank of France until his death.
- ARNAULD D'ANDILLY (1588-1674). After a long life at court he retired in 1644 to Port Royal des Champs. While in retirement here he translated the Confessions of St. Augustine, wrote memoirs, &c. His son was the Marquis de Pomponne, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his daughter the Mother Superior AngÉlique de Saint Jean, Abbess of Port Royal.
- ARNAULD, Antoine (1612-1694). Theologian and philosopher. He first studied law and was then attracted by the rigid Christianity of the Jansenistes, and became the militant theologian of Port Royal. He composed in collaboration with Nicole the Logic of Port Royal, and with Lancelot the Grammar. He was the brother of Arnauld d'Andilly.
- ARNAULD, Mother Superior Marie AngÉlique de Sainte Madeleine (1591-1661). Sister of Arnauld d'Andilly and of A. Arnauld. She was Abbess of Port Royal des Champs from the age of fourteen. She introduced the Cistercian reforms and spirit.
- ARNAULD, Mother Superior AngÉlique de Saint Jean (1624-1684). She was the daughter of Arnauld d'Andilly and Abbess of Port Royal, as was her aunt, the Mother Superior AngÉlique de Sainte Madeleine. She has a large place in the records of Port Royal worthies; she also wrote "Narratives," "Reflections," &c.
- ARNIM, the Baron of (1789-1861). Prussian diplomatist. He was sent to Brussels in 1836 and Paris from 1840 to 1848. After a short time at Berlin as Minister of Foreign Affairs, in 1848, he retired from politics.
- ARSOLI, Camille, Prince Massimo and d' (1803-1873). Chief Minister of the Pontifical posts. In 1827 he married Marie Gabrielle de Villefranche-Carignan, and on her death he married the Comtesse Hyacinthe de la Porta Rodiani.
- ARSOLI, Princesse d' (1811-1837). Marie Gabrielle de Villefranche. Daughter of the Baron de Villefranche, who married Mlle. de la Vauguyon.
- ATTHALIN, the Baron Louis Marie (1784-1856). A General of Engineers in France. He served with distinction in the campaigns of the Empire, and under the Restoration became aide-de-camp to the Duc d'OrlÉans. Under the July monarchy he filled various diplomatic posts, and became Peer of France in 1840. He retired into private life after 1848.
- AUBUSSON, the Comte Pierre d' (1793-1842). Colonel of Infantry. In 1823 he married Mlle. RouillÉ du Boissy du Coudray, and died insane in 1842.
- AUBUSSON, Mlle. NoÉmi d'. Born in 1826. She was the daughter of the Comte Pierre d'Aubusson. She married, in 1842, Prince Gontran of Bauffremont.
- AUGUSTA OF ENGLAND, Princess* (1797-1809). Duchess of Cambridge. She was daughter of the Landgrave Frederick of Hesse Cassel.
- AUMALE, Henri d'OrlÉans, duc d' (1822-1897). Fourth son of King Louis-Philippe and of Queen Marie AmÉlie. He distinguished himself by his brilliant military exploits in Algiers. He left France in 1848 and returned after 1871. He again became an exile, and did not return until 1889. His talents as historian procured his entry to the French Academy. He bequeathed to the Institute of France his beautiful estate of Chantilly.
- AUSTIN, Sarah (1793-1867). An English writer who translated many German books into English and wrote moral and educational works.
B - BADEN, Grand Duke Leopold of (1790-1858). Succeeded his brother Louis in 1830. He married Princess Sophia, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus IV., King of Sweden.
- BADEN, Grand Duchess Stephanie of (1789-1860). Daughter of Claude de Beauharnais, Chamberlain to the Empress Marie Louise. She married in 1806 the Grand Duke Charles Louis Frederick of Baden, who died in 1818.
- BADEN, Princess Marie of (1817-1887). Daughter of the Grand Duke Charles Louis of Baden and of StÉphanie de Beauharnais. She married in 1842 the Duke of Hamilton, and was left a widow in 1863.
- BAGRATION, Princess (1783-1857). Catherine Skavronska, married, in 1800, Prince Peter Bagration, who was killed at the Borodino in 1812. In 1830 the Princess married an English Colonel, Sir John Hobart Caradoc, Lord Howden. The Princess was a friend of Prince Metternich.
- BALBI, the Comtesse de (1753-1839). Daughter of the Marquis de Caumont La Force. She married the Comte de Balbi and became Lady of Honour to the Comtesse de Provence. The Comte de Provence, afterwards Louis XVIII., honoured him with his friendship. The Comtesse de Balbi possessed every charm of beauty and mind.
- BALLANCHE, Pierre Simon (1776-1847). A mystical writer who for some time conducted at Lyons a large printing and publishing establishment which he had inherited. He then settled at Paris, where he became intimate with Madame de StaËl, Chateaubriand, Joubert, etc. He became a member of the French Academy in 1844.
- BALZAC, HonorÉ de (1799-1850). One of the most fertile and remarkable contemporary novelists, especially powerful in his profound analysis of human passion.
- BARANTE, the Baron Prosper de (1782-1866). He was successively auditor to the State Council, entrusted with diplomatic missions, Prefect of the VendÉe and of the Loire-InfÉrieure, then Deputy, Peer of France, and Ambassador at St. Petersburg. As writer and historian he was most successful and his History of the Dukes of Burgundy secured him a seat in the French Academy.
- BARANTE, the Baronne de. NÉe d'Houdetot. Of Creole origin, she was renowned for her beauty.
- BENDEMANN, Edward (1811-1889). A German painter who acquired a brilliant reputation at an early age. Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts at Dresden, he executed the frescoes in the throne-room of the royal castle of that town. In 1860 he became director of the Academy of DÜsseldorf in succession to Schadow whose daughter he had married.
- BARBET DE JOUY, Joseph Henri (1812-1896). Director of the Museum of the Louvre and member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
- BARROT, Odilon* (1791-1873). French politician.
- BARTHE, FÉlix* (1795-1863). French magistrate and statesman.
- BASTIDE, Jules (1800-1879). An ardent Liberal connected with the Carbonari; he conducted a desperate opposition to Charles X. Under Louis-Philippe he was Commander of the National Guard, was compromised and condemned to death for his share in the outbreak upon the funeral of General Lamarque; he escaped and fled to London. Afterwards he returned to France and conducted the National after the death of Armand Carrel. In 1848 he was a Deputy, and for a short time Minister of Foreign Affairs. Under the Empire he held aloof from politics.
- BATHURST, Lady Georgina. Wife of Lord Henry Bathurst, one of the chief members of the Tory Party.
- BATTHYANY, Countess* (1798-1840). NÉe Baroness of Ahrennfeldt.
- BAUDRAND, the General Comte* (1774-1848). Aide-de-camp to the Duc d'OrlÉans.
- BAUDRAND, Madame. The great fashionable milliner at Paris in 1836.
- BAUFFREMONT, the Duchesse de (born in 1771). Daughter of the Duc de la Vauguyon. She married, in 1787, Alexandre, Duc de Bauffremont. She was very intimate with the Prince de Talleyrand.
- BAUFFREMONT, the Princesse de (1802-1860). Laurence, daughter of the Duc de Montmorency. She married, in 1819, Prince ThÉodore de Bauffremont. She was the elder sister of the Duchesse de ValenÇay.
- BAUFFREMONT, the Prince Gontran de. Born in 1822. He married, in 1842, Mlle. d'Aubusson de La Feuillade.
- BAUSSET, the Cardinal de (1748-1824). Bishop of Alais. He was made a Peer at the Restoration and received his Cardinal's hat in 1817. The previous year he had entered the French Academy. He wrote a Life of FÉnelon and a Life of Bossuet.
- BAUTAIN, the AbbÉ (1796-1867). A pupil of the Normal School, where he studied under M. Cousin. He was appointed Professor of Philosophy at the College of Strasburg in 1816, and took orders in 1828. In 1849 Mgr. Sibour, Archbishop of Paris, appointed him Vicar-General. The AbbÉ Bautain pursued almost every branch of human knowledge.
- BAVARIA, the Queen Dowager of (1776-1841). Princess Caroline of Baden, daughter of Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden; she married Maximilian of Bavaria in 1797, and became a widow in 1825.
- BAVARIA, King Louis I. of (1786-1868). Ascended the throne of Bavaria in 1825 on the death of his father, Maximilian I. King Louis abdicated in 1848 after making Munich the Athens of Germany.
- BAVARIA, Queen Theresa of (1792-1854). Daughter of Duke Frederick of Saxe-Hildburghausen, afterwards Saxony Altenburg.
- BAVARIA, Prince Royal of (1811-1864). Maximilian II., son of King Louis I., whom he succeeded in 1848. In 1842 he married Princess Marie of Prussia.
- BEAUVAU, the Prince Marc de (1816-1883). Married as his first wife, in 1840, Mlle. Marie d'Aubusson de La Feuillade, and as his second wife Mlle. AdÈle de Gontaut-Biron.
- BECKET, St. Thomas (1117-1170). Archbishop of Canterbury. Assassinated at the foot of the altar by the courtiers of Henry II., King of England. Pope Alexander III. canonised him as a martyr.
- BEGAS, Charles Joseph (1794-1854). German painter; pupil of Gros, with whom he studied at Paris. In 1822 he went to Italy, and in 1825 he settled at Berlin, where he became painter to the King of Prussia, Professor and Member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
- BELGIANS, King of the, Leopold I. (1790-1865).
- BELGIANS, Queen of the,* Louise, Princesse d'OrlÉans (1812-1850). Second wife of Leopold I. of Belgium and daughter of Louis-Philippe.
- BELGIOJOSO, Princess (1808-1871). Christina Trivulzio, married, in 1824, the Prince Barbiano Belgiojoso. Her dislike of the Austrians drove her to leave Milan and settle at Paris in 1831, where she attracted attention by her beauty, her cleverness, and her foreign ways. Princess Belgiojoso published in 1846, under an obvious pseudonym, a work in four volumes, entitled An Essay on the Formation of Catholic Dogma, which aroused much discussion. When Piedmont declared war upon Austria in 1848 the Princess hastened to Milan, fitted out and paid a battalion. After the peace she was exiled, and returned to Paris, where she gained a living for the most part with her pen, as her property had been confiscated by the Austrian Government. It was not restored to her until 1859, when she returned to Italy and plunged eagerly into politics.
- BENKENDORFF, Count Constantine of (1786-1858). Chief of the staff of the Emperor Nicholas I. of Russia. He was for sometime Minister at Stuttgart, where he died.
- BERGERON, Louis.* Born in 1811. French journalist.
- BERNARD, Simon, Baron (1779-1839). Peer of France and Minister of War under Louis-Philippe, after serving under the Emperor Napoleon I. and under the first Restoration.
- BERRYER, Antoine* (1790-1868). French lawyer.
- BERTIN DE VEAUX, M.* (1771-1842). French journalist.
- BERTIN DE VEAUX, Madame, nÉe Bocquet. Daughter-in-law of M. Merlin.
- BERTIN L'AÎNÉ, Louis FranÇois (1766-1841). French publicist. Founded the Journal des DÉbats with his brother, Bertin de Veaux.
- BERTIN, Madame. Mlle. Boutard, sister of an art critic on the Journal des DÉbats. She married M. Bertin the elder.
- BERTRAND, the Comte (1773-1844). The faithful friend of Napoleon I., whose aide-de-camp he was, and whom he followed to Elba and St. Helena.
- BERWICK, Duchess of (1793-1863). Dona Rosalia Ventimighi Moncada was born at Palermo, and was a daughter of the Count of Prado. She was Lady of Honour to Queen Isabella and Chief Lady of the Palace. Her son, the Duke of Berwick and of Alba, married the eldest sister of the Empress Eugenie.
- BILZ, FrÄulein Margarete von (1792-1875). At first piano mistress to Princess Marie of Baden (afterwards Lady Hamilton), and then Lady of Honour to the Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden.
- BINZER, Frau von (1801-1891). NÉe von Gerschau. She married, in 1822, Herr von Binzer, a German man of letters.
- BIRON, Henri, Marquis de (1803-1883). He married Mlle. de Mun, sister of the Marquis de Mun, who bore him no children. Left a widower at an early age, he then lived with his brother, the Comte Etienne de Biron.
- BIRON-COURLANDE, Prince Charles of. Born in 1811. He married, in 1833, a Countess of Lippe-Biesterfeld.
- BIRON-COURLANDE, the Princess Fanny of (1815-1883). Sister of the Countess of Hohenthal and of Madame de Lazareff. Princess Fanny married General von Boyen.
- BJOERNSTJERNA, Countess of (1797-1865). Elizabeth Charlotte, daughter of the Field-Marshal, the Count of Stedingk, Swedish Ambassador in Russia, and sister of the Countess Ugglas. She married, in 1815, the Baron of Bjoernstjerna, appointed Swedish Minister at London in 1828. He died in 1847.
- BLITTERSDORFF, Baron Frederick of (1792-1861). A statesman in Baden. He was Diplomatic Minister at St. Petersburg in 1816, and Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Envoy to the Germanic Confederation in 1821, Minister of Foreign Affairs at Carlsruhe in 1835. In 1848 he retired from politics. He had married Mlle. Brentano.
- BONALD, the Vicomte de (1754-1840). The most famous representative of the monarchical and religious doctrines of the Restoration. He became an ÉmigrÉ in 1791, and returned to France when the Empire was proclaimed; from 1815 to 1822 he was a Deputy, and became Peer of France in 1823, and afterwards member of the French Academy. He laboured incessantly with pen and sword to support the throne and the altar, and thus contributed to the return of religious ideas to France.
- BONAPARTE, Madame LÆtitia (1750-1836). LÆtitia Ramolino, of an Italian family, was married at the age of sixteen to Charles Bonaparte, by whom she had thirteen children. Napoleon I. was her second son. In 1814, after the fall of the Empire, she retired to Rome, where she lived in seclusion.
- BONAPARTE, Joseph (1768-1844). Elder brother of Napoleon I., Joseph Bonaparte married, at Marseilles in 1794, the daughter of a merchant, sister of the wife of Bernadotte, Marie Julie Clary. He shared in the coup d'État of the 18th Brumaire, and several times governed France in the absence of Napoleon. In 1806 he was appointed King of Naples and transferred to the throne of Spain in 1808, which he lost in 1813; after the downfall of the Empire he withdrew, first to the United States, and then to Florence, where he died.
- BONAPARTE, JÉrÔme* (1784-1860). Youngest brother of Napoleon I.
- BONAPARTE, Lucien* (1775-1840). Third brother of Napoleon I.
- BONAPARTE, Prince Louis (1808-1873). Son of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, and of Hortense de Beauharnais. Prince Louis had an adventurous youth: in 1836, at Strasburg, and in 1840, at Boulogne, he attempted to overthrow Louis-Philippe, and to restore the Empire for his own purposes. Condemned to perpetual confinement, he was imprisoned at Ham; thence he escaped, fled to Belgium, and returned to France after the revolution of 1848. He was elected President of the Republic on November 16 of the same year. Four years later the Empire was proclaimed, and Prince Louis reigned till 1870 under the name of Napoleon III.
- BORDEAUX, the Duc de* (1820-1883). Son of the Duc de Berry and grandson of King Charles X. He afterwards took the title of Comte de Chambord.
- BOSSUET, Jacques BÉnigne (1627-1704). Of a magistrate's family, he was brought up among the Jesuits and received Holy Orders in 1652. He was Bishop of Condom in 1669 and then Bishop of Meaux. In 1670 he was appointed tutor to the Dauphin of France, and composed for that prince several educational works (Discourses upon Universal History, &c.) and showed himself a zealous defender of French liberty.
- BOURDOIS DE LA MOTTE, Edme Joachim (1754-1830). A doctor at the Hospital of La Charity in Paris, he was detained at La Force during the revolutionary disturbances and then followed the army of Italy. In 1811 he was appointed Court doctor at Rome and was also attached to the Court under the Restoration. He became member of the Academy of Medicine in 1820.
- BOURLIER, Comte (1731-1821). He studied theology at Saint Sulpice, was appointed Bishop of Evreux in 1802 and entrusted by Napoleon I. with several confidential missions to the Pope. He was made peer of France by Louis XVIII. in 1814.
- BOURLON DE SARTY, Paul de. He was Prefect of Marne and had married Mlle. Adrienne de Vandoeuvre.
- BOURQUENEY, Baron, afterwards Comte de* (1800-1869). French diplomatist.
- BRESSON, Comte Charles* (1788-1847). French diplomatist.
- BRETZENHEIM VON REGÉCZ (the Princess of). Born in 1806, Caroline, daughter of Prince Joseph of Schwarzenberg, married Prince Ferdinand of Bretzenheim, Chamberlain to the Austrian Court.
- BRÉZÉ, Marquis de Dreux—(1793-1846). An officer who shared in the last campaigns of the Empire. As aide-de-camp to Marshal Soult at the Restoration, he followed the king to Ghent; in 1827 he retired and became peer of France after his father's death in 1829. In the Upper Chamber he was one of the most ardent leaders of the Legitimist party against the government of Louis-Philippe.
- BRETONNEAU, Dr. Pierre* (1778-1862). A doctor at Tours.
- BRIGNOLE, Marchesa of. NÉe Anna Pieri, of a noble family of Sienna. She was the mother of the Marquis of Brignole, for a long time Sardinian Ambassador at Paris and of the Duchess of Dalberg. She died in 1815 during the Congress, at Vienna, whither she had accompanied the Empress Marie Louise.
- BRIGODE, Baron de (1775-1854). He entered the Council of State as auditor in 1803 and was deputy in the legislative body in 1805. In 1837 he was appointed peer of France. After the Revolution of 1848 he retired to private life.
- BROGLIE, Duc Victor de* (1785-1870). French Statesman.
- BROGLIE, Duchesse de* (1797-1840). NÉe Albertine de StaËl.
- BROGLIE (Mlle. Louise de). Born in 1818; married in 1836 the Comte d'Haussonville.
- BROSSES, Charles de (1709-1777). A Frenchman and a learned man of letters; the author of a work on Italy which was very successful.
- BROUGHAM, Lord* (1778-1868). English statesman.
- BÜLOW, Baron Heinrich von* (1790-1846). Prussian Diplomatist.
- BÜLOW, Frau von (1802-1889). Daughter of Wilhelm von Humboldt and wife of Baron Heinrich von BÜlow, with whom she resided in London from 1830 to 1834.
- BULWER, Sir Henry (1804-1872). English diplomatist. First attached to the legations of Berlin, Vienna and the Hague and constantly resident in Paris. From 1843 to 1848 he was Minister Plenipotentiary in Spain. After marrying the youngest of the daughters of Lord Cowley he represented his country in the United States, in Tuscany and at Constantinople in 1858.
- BUOL-SCHAUENSTEIN, Count (1797-1865). Austrian diplomatist at Florence in 1816, at Paris in 1822, at London in 1824; then Minister at Carlsruhe, at Darmstadt in 1831, at Stuttgart in 1838, at Turin in 1848, and finally at St. Petersburg. He became Privy Councillor and accompanied in 1851 the Prince of Schwarzenberg to the conference of Dresden. In 1852 he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. He resigned in 1859.
- BUOL, Countess (1809-1862). Princess Caroline of Isenburg married in 1829 Count Buol. From her mother, nÉe Baroness of Herding, she inherited an enormous fortune.
- BURGUNDY, the Duchess of (1685-1712). Marie Adelaide, daughter of Victor Amadaus, first King of Sardinia, a great favourite at the Court of France. This princess died in the flower of her youth, six days before her husband and, like him, of the measles. She had several children, one of whom survived and became Louis XV.
- BUSSIÈRE, Jules Edmond de (1804-1888). Diplomatist, ChargÉ d'affaires at Darmstadt and then at Dresden. Louis-Philippe raised him to the peerage in 1841. In 1848 he retired to private life.
- BYRON, George Gordon, Lord* (1788-1824). Famous English romantic poet.
C - CALATRAVA, Don JosÉ Maria (1781-1846). Spanish statesman and defender of the liberty of his country. Deported in 1814, he was unable to return to Spain until the Constitution was re-established in 1820. As Minister of Justice in 1823 he was obliged to take ship for England during the period of the French occupation. In 1830 he joined the Junta in power at Bayonne. In opposition to Martinez de la Rosa, he joined the National Guard of Madrid in 1835. When the Queen had taken the oath to observe the Constitution, the chief power returned to his hands, and after many proofs of his incapacity he was made a Senator.
- CAMPAN, Mme.* (1752-1822). Famous in the history of French Education.
- CANOVA, Antonio* (1757-1822). Celebrated Italian sculptor.
- CAPUA, Prince of (1811-1862). Charles Ferdinand, brother of King Ferdinand of Naples. He had been suspected of participation in intrigues against the dynasty and was exiled. He contracted a morganatic marriage in England with Miss Penelope Smith by whom he had two children who were not recognised by the Royal Family of Naples. After 1860 he obtained from Victor Emanuel an appanage which was afterwards confirmed to his widow and her children during their life.
- CAPRARA, Cardinal J. B. (1733-1810). Bishop of Iesi; he performed several diplomatic missions with success and was appointed by Pope Pius VII. as legate a latere to the French Government, and while occupying this position he concluded the concordat of 1801. He was appointed Archbishop of Milan and in this town crowned Napoleon as King of Italy.
- CARADOC, Sir John Hobart (1799-1873). Afterwards Lord Howden. Colonel in the English Army and English Minister at Rio de Janeiro and at Madrid.
- CARAMAN, Marquise de. CÉsarine Gallard de BÉarn married the Marquis Victor de Caraman and was left a widow in 1836.
- CARIGNAN, Prince EugÈne de (1816-1888). Son of the Baron of Villefranche and of Mlle. de la Vauguyon. The King of Sardinia, Charles Albert, recognised him as a prince of the blood. He was an Admiral in the Sardinian Navy and Regent of the kingdom during the wars of 1859 and 1866. By a morganatic marriage he had several children to whom King Humbert gave the title of Counts of Villefranche Soissons, though he recognised no kind of tie with the house of Savoy.
- CARIGNAN, Philiberte de (1814-1874). Daughter of the Prince de Villefranche of the House of Carignan, by his marriage with Mlle. de la Vauguyon.
- CARLOTTA, The Infanta* (1804-1844). Sister of Queen Christina of Spain.
- CAROLATH-BEUTHEN, Prince Heinrich von (1783-1864). Cavalry general in the Prussian army and chief huntsman to the Court. His first wife was a Countess Pappenheim, by whom he had two daughters, and his second wife was his cousin, the Countess Firks, by whom he had no children.
- CAROLATH-BEUTHEN, Princess Adelaide (1797-1849). Daughter of the Count of Pappenheim, Lieutenant-General of Bavaria. She married in 1817 Prince Heinrich Carolath.
- CAROLATH-BEUTHEN, Princess Lucia. Born in 1822. Eldest daughter of Prince Heinrich Carolath. She married the Count of Haugwitz and became a widow in 1888.
- CAROLATH-BEUTHEN, Princess Adelaide. Born in 1823. Youngest daughter of Prince Heinrich Carolath.
- CAROLATH-SAABOR, Prince Friedrich von (1790-1859). Major in the Prussian army and Councillor at GrÜnberg, Silesia. He had married the daughter of Prince Heinrich XLIV. Reuss.
- CAROLINE, Maria (1752-1814). Queen of Naples. Daughter of the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. This Princess married Ferdinand IV., King of Naples in 1768. Her influence induced him to declare war upon the French Republic, and she brought down upon him the vengeance of Napoleon I. Driven from her States, Queen Caroline withdrew to Austria and died at SchÖnbrunn. She was the mother of Queen Marie AmÉlie.
- CAROLINE, the Empress (1803-1884). Princess Caroline of Savoy, daughter of Victor Emanuel I. and twin sister of the Duchess of Lucca. She married in 1831 Ferdinand II., Emperor of Austria.
- CARRACI, Annibale* (1560-1609). Famous Italian painter.
- CARREL, Armand* (1800-1836). French publicist.
- CASANOVA DE SEINGALT (1725-1803). Famous adventurer of the eighteenth century and the son of actors. He was by turn a journalist, a preacher, and, in particular, a lady-killer. He was intimate with Rousseau, Voltaire, Souvaroff, Frederick the Great, and Catherine II. In distress and pecuniary want he followed Count Waldstein-Dux to Bohemia to become his librarian. At Dux he composed his memoirs, an unrepentant confession of his life, and a more lively than moral picture of society.
- CASTELLANE, the Comtesse de* (1796-1847). CordÉlia Greffulhe. Married in 1813 to the Comte de Castellane, afterwards Marshal of France.
- CASTELLANE, the Marquis Henri de (1814-1847). Eldest son of the Marshal de Castellane; auditor to the Council of State, and Councillor-General of Cantal. He was appointed Deputy in 1844. In 1839 he married Mlle. Pauline de PÉrigord, grand-niece of the Prince de Talleyrand and daughter of the Duchesse de Dino, author of these memoirs.
- CÆSAR, Julius (101-40 B.C.). A famous Roman General, celebrated for his conquest of Gaul.
- CHABOT, Philippe de (1815-1875). Ph. de Chabot, Comte de Jarnac, followed a diplomatic career and retained throughout his life a profound attachment for the House of OrlÉans. He had been appointed French Ambassador at London in 1874, but died shortly after of pleurisy.
- CHABROL DE CROUSOL, Comte de (1771-1831). Member of the Council of State under Napoleon I.; President of the Imperial Court of Orleans and Prefect of the Rhone in 1814; Director of registration and State lands in 1822; Naval Minister in 1823 and Finance Minister in 1829.
- CHALAIS, the Prince de (1809-1883). Elie Louis Roger, eldest son of the Duc de PÉrigord. He married Elodie de Beauvilliers de Saint-Aignan, and was left a widower in 1835.
- CHAMPCHEVRIER, Madame de. A highly respected lady who occupied the mansion of Champchevrier near Cinq-Mars in Touraine about 1840, when she was well advanced in years.
- CHARLES THEODORE (1724-1799). Elector of Bavaria. He did not care for Munich and settled at Mannheim. A statue was erected to him at Heidelberg.
- CHARLES IV (1316-1378). Emperor of Germany. Son of John of Luxemburg, King of Bohemia. He succeeded his father in 1346, and was elected Emperor in 1347. In 1356 he published the famous "Golden Bull," which laid down the Constitution of the Empire and remained authoritative until 1806. He was the first Prince of Germany who sold titles of nobility. He founded the Universities of Prague and Vienna.
- CHARLES X.* (1757-1836). King of France from 1824 to 1830.
- CHARLOTTE, Queen (1744-1818). Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Married in 1761 King George III. of England, by whom she had a very large number of children.
- CHASTELLUX, Madame de, nÉe ZÉphyrine de Damas. She married as her first husband M. de VogÜÉ.
- CHATEAUBRIAND, the Vicomte de* (1768-1848). French man of letters.
- CHOISEUL PRASLIN, The Comtesse de. Born in 1782. Second wife of the Comte RenÉ de Choiseul Praslin, daughter of FranÇois de RougÉ, Comte du Plessis BelliÈre.
- CHOMEL, Dr. (1788-1859). A French doctor, and the first to establish a proper clinical school at the Hospital of Charity. A pupil of Corvisard, Chomel became the doctor of King Louis-Philippe.
- CHREPTOWICZ, Countess. Died in 1878. Helena, daughter of the Comte de Nesselrode. Married Count Michael Chreptowicz, who served for a long time in the Russian diplomatic service and was made Court High Chamberlain during the last years of the reign of Alexander II.
- CLAM GALLAS, Count Edward of (1805-1891). Austrian cavalry general, who played an important part in the wars in which Austria was involved after 1848. He resigned in 1868 in anger at the attacks made upon his conduct of the campaign of 1866 against Prussia in Bohemia, although a court-martial had entirely exonerated him.
- CLANRICARDE, Lord* (1802-1874). English politician.
- CLANRICARDE, Lady. Died in 1876. Daughter of the famous Canning.
- CLARY-ALDRINGEN, Prince Charles (1777-1831). He married the Countess Louise Chotek.
- CLAUSEL, Comte Bertrand (1772-1842). Enlisted as a volunteer in 1791. He was rapidly promoted. In 1805 he became general of division and served in Italy, Dalmatia, Illyria, and won much reputation during the war in Spain. After the Hundred Days when he joined Napoleon, he withdrew to the United States and did not return until the armistice of 1820. In 1827 he was a deputy and a member of the Liberal opposition, and after 1830 he was appointed Governor of Algiers, but was a failure at the Siege of Constantine and was superseded. He then retired.
- CLÉMENT DE RIS, Mlle. Married Admiral la RonciÈre le Noury. She was a daughter of a senator of the Empire, and occupied the chÂteau of Beauvais near ValenÇay.
- CLÉMENTINE, Princess (1817-1907). Princesse ClÉmentine d'OrlÉans, daughter of King Louis-Phillipe. Married in 1843 Prince Augustus of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Duke of Saxony.
- CLERMONT TONERRE, Prince Jules de (1813-1849). Second son of the Duc AimÉ de Clermont Tonnerre, sometime Minister of War, and Peer of France. Prince J. de Clermont Tonnerre married Mlle. de Crillon.
- COBURG, Prince Ferdinand of* (1816-1888). Husband of DoÑa Maria da Gloria, Queen of Portugal.
- COBURG, Duke Ernest I. of Saxe- (1784-1844). This Prince succeeded his father, Duke Francis, in 1806. His first wife was Princess Louise of Saxe-Coburg Altenburg, who died in 1831. In 1832 he married Princess Antoinette of WÜrtemberg.
- CŒUR, The AbbÉ (1805-1860). Born of a merchant's family, who were traditionally supposed to have descended from the famous banker of Charles VII., the AbbÉ Coeur was professor of philosophy in the seminary of Lyons. After 1827 he came to Paris and attentively followed the lectures of MM. Guizot, Villemain and Cousin, and then devoted himself to preaching. In 1840 he preached a course of Lenten sermons at Saint Roch, after which King Louis-Philippe gave him the cross of the Legion of Honour. In 1848 he was appointed to the Archbishopric of Troyes. He delivered the funeral oration over Mgr. Affre.
- COGNY, Dr. Doctor of ValenÇay.
- COIGNY, the Duc de (1788-1865). He entered the army as a volunteer in 1805; lost his arm at the battle of Smolensk, was appointed cavalry colonel after the return of the Bourbons, in 1814 was appointed aide-de-camp to the Duc de Berry, and then entered the service of the Duc de Bordeaux. In 1821 he took the place of his grandfather, Marshal de Coigny in the Chamber of Peers. After vain efforts to secure from Charles X. in 1830 the revocation of the Ordinances, M. de Coigny swore fidelity to the July monarchy. In 1837 he was knight of honour to the Duchesse d'OrlÉans, and in 1843 was promoted to field-marshal.
- COIGNY, the Duchesse de. She was an English woman by birth, and daughter of Sir H. J. Dalrymple Hamilton. She married the Duc de Coigny in 1822.
- COLLARD, Madame Hermine. Brought up by Madame de Genlis; the circumstances of her birth were entirely obscure.
- COMBALOT, the AbbÉ ThÉodore (1798-1873). A French preacher. He was ordained at a very early age and became a zealous partisan of Lamennais, though at a later date he disavowed his doctrines. His sermons attracted keen attention, owing to their political character.
- CONDÉ, Louis II., Prince de (1621-1686). Called the Great CondÉ, first Prince of the blood and first known as the Duc d'Enghien. He was famous for his victories at Rocroi, Friburg, Nordlingen, and Lens. After taking an unfortunate share in the troubles of the Fronde, the Prince de CondÉ was restored to his command at the time of the treaty of the Pyrenees and performed admirable service during the wars in Flanders and in the Franche ComtÉ.
- CONYNGHAM, Francis Nathaniel, Marquis of* (1797-1882). English politician.
- CORMENIN, Vicomte de (1788-1868). Publicist, Councillor of State, deputy, and famous as a pamphleteer under the pseudonym of Timon.
- CORNELIUS, Peter von (1787-1867). Famous German painter of the School of DÜsseldorf. He studied for several years at Frankfort-on-Maine and at Rome. His composition was magnificent and his power of drawing remarkable.
- COSSÉ BRISSAC, the Duc de (1775-1848). A member of the administration under the Empire, he joined the Restoration and entered the Chamber of Peers in 1814. He then became a supporter of the July Monarchy.
- COURLANDE, Duchesse de (1761-1821). NÉe Comtesse de Medem, she married the Duc Pierre de Courlande, by whom she had four daughters. The youngest was the Duchesse de Dino, author of these memoirs.
- COUSIN, Victor* (1792-1867). French philosopher.
- COWPER, Lady* (1787-1869). Afterwards Lady Palmerston.
- CRÉMIEUX, Adolphe (1796-1880). Lawyer and French politician. A member of the National Defence in 1870.
- CRESCENTINI, Girolamo (1769-1846). Famous soprano singer, known as the Italian Orpheus. He went on the stage in 1788, and was heard at Rome, Verona, Padua, Vienna, and Lisbon. Napoleon kept him at Paris from 1806 to 1812. He afterwards became a professor in the Conservatory at Naples.
- CRUVEILHIER, Dr. Jean (1791-1874). Doctor and famous French anatomist. He was born at Limoges and studied at Paris, where he had a large and select practice.
- CUBIÈRES, General de (1786-1853). In 1804 he left the military school of Fontainebleau and distinguished himself at Austerlitz and at Auerstadt. He obtained the cross of honour at Eylau, the rank of captain at Essling, and became major of cavalry during the campaign of 1813, colonel in 1815, and covered himself with glory at Waterloo. When he was retired by the Second Restoration he obtained the post of receiver-general of the Meuse, and in 1832 was given the command of the expeditionary force of Ancona. He was appointed general and was twice Minister of War in 1839 and 1840. In 1847 he was involved in a deplorable affair and accused of bribing the Minister Teste to secure the concession of the salt-mines of GouhÉnans. He was then tried before the Court of Peers, condemned to civil degradation, and fined ten thousand francs. In 1852 he was exonerated by the Court of Appeal of Rouen.
- CUMBERLAND, Ernest Augustus, Duke of* (1771-1851). Youngest son of George III., King of England.
- CUMBERLAND, Duchess of.* NÉe Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
- CUNEGONDE, Saint. Died in 1040. Empress of Germany and wife of Henry II. of Bavaria. Her festival is March 3.
- CUVIER, Rodolphe. Protestant pastor to the Duchesse d'OrlÉans. He belonged to another branch of the family of the famous naturalist who bears that name.
- CUVILLIER FLEURY, Alfred Auguste (1802-1887). French man of letters on the staff of the Journal des DÉbats, and appointed by King Louis-Philippe to attend upon his fourth son, the Duc d'Aumale, whose tutor he became, and afterwards his secretary of instructions. He was elected member of the French Academy in 1866.
- CZARTORYSKI, Prince Adam* (1770-1861). Formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Emperor Alexander I. of Russia.
- CZARTORYSKI, Prince Adam (1804-1880). Son of Prince Constantin Czartoryski and of Princess Angelica Radziwill. He first married in 1832 his cousin-german, Princess Wanda Radziwill, and as his second wife in 1848, Countess Dzialynska.
- CZARTORYSKI, Princess Wanda (1813-1846). Daughter of Prince Antony Radziwill and of Princess Louise of Prussia. She married in 1832 Prince Adam Czartoryski.
D - DALBERG, the Duc de* (1773-1833). Son of the Primate and Archchancellor of the same name.
- DARMÈS. Attempted to assassinate King Louis-Philippe on October 15, 1840.
- DARMSTADT, Princess Marie of. Born in 1824, she married the hereditary Grand Duke of Russia in 1841.
- DECAZES, Elie, Duc* (1780-1846). French politician.
- DELAVIGNE, Casimir (1793-1843). Lyric and dramatic poet. He entered the Academy in 1825. His Liberal ideas had brought him into disgrace under the Restoration; King Louis-Philippe, then Duc d'OrlÉans, extricated him from his troubles by making him Librarian of the Palais Royal.
- DEMERSON, the AbbÉ (1795-1872). A French priest who took orders in 1819 and was the incumbent of Saint SÉverin, then of Saint Germain l'Auxerrois from 1838 to 1850, when he was appointed to Notre Dame de Paris.
- DEMIDOFF, Count Anatole (1813-1870). Count Demidoff, Prince of San Donato, married in 1841 Princess Mathilde, daughter of King Jerome of Westphalia. She was called Princess Mathilde de Montfort.
- DENIS BARBIER. One of the servants of Pouch Lafarge. He forged some notes of hand for his master, when the latter, who was an incompetent man of business, came to Paris, and he remained his agent.
- DENMARK, King Frederick III. of (1768-1839). He succeeded his father in 1815 and married the daughter of the landgrave of Hesse Cassel.
- DENMARK, Prince Christian of (1786-1848). This Prince married as his first wife a Princess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, from whom he was divorced. His second wife was Princess Caroline of Schleswig-Holstein Augustenburg. By his first marriage he had a son, Frederick, who succeeded him as Frederick VII.
- DENMARK, Princess Christian of (1796-1881). The second wife of Prince Christian, nÉe Princess of Schleswig-Holstein Augustenburg.
- DESJARDINS, the AbbÉ (1756-1833). Ordained in 1775, he was Vicar-General of Bayeux, went into exile in England and afterwards in America during the revolution and did not return to France till 1802. He became superintendent of foreign missions at Paris, when the Emperor Napoleon arrested him on suspicion, imprisoned him at Vincennes and then exiled him to Verceil. When he returned to France at the Restoration, he refused the Bishopric of Blois in 1823 and that of ChÂlons in 1824, but was appointed Vicar-General at Paris.
- DIEFFENBACH, Johann Friedrich (1794-1847). Famous Prussian oculist who discovered the operation for curing squint. He died suddenly in the operating room of the Charity Hospital at Berlin, of which he was director from 1840.
- DIESKAU, Mlle. Sidonie de. Died at a very advanced age. She lived at Gera in Saxony, near Altenburg, and was a near neighbour of the castle of LÖbichau.
- DINO, the Duc de (1813-1894). Known first under the name of Comte Alexandre de PÉrigord,* he assumed this title in 1838 when his father became Duc de Talleyrand.
- DOHNA, Countess Marie (1805-1893). NÉe FrÄulein von Steinach, she married in 1829 Count Dohna who for long years was landrat at Sagan and held the estate of Kunzendorf in that neighbourhood.
- DOLOMIEU, the Marquise de* (1779-1849). Lady of Honour to Queen Marie AmÉlie.
- DON CARLOS OF BOURBON* (1788-1855). Second son of Charles IV. and brother of Ferdinand VII., kings of Spain. After his brother's death in 1833, he stirred up civil war in an attempt to seize the throne.
- DON FRANCISCO* (1794-1865). The Infanta of Spain. Married the Infanta Carlotta.
- DOSNE, M. First clerk in a banking house at Paris, he became a stockbroker in 1816. After the July revolution he resigned and became Receiver-General for FinistÈre, and four years later Receiver-General for the North. He became Governor of the Bank of France and one of the chief shareholders in the mines of Anzin, and largely increased his fortune.
- DOSNE, Mme. Wife of the stockbroker and mother of Mme. Thiers.
- DOSNE, Mlle. FÉlicie. Sister of Mme. Thiers. A very religious woman, she devoted her whole life to her sister and brother-in-law and published in memory of M. Thiers in 1903, some of his posthumous papers, under the title of "The Occupation and Liberation of the Territory" (1871-1875). She died soon afterwards at a very advanced age.
- DOUDAN, XimÉnÈs (1800-1872). At first tutor in the house of the Duc de Broglie, he became chief of the political Cabinet of the Duc, who held him in great esteem, and afterwards retained his services as private secretary.
- DUBOIS, M. Deputy of the Loire InfÉrieure and member of the Royal Council of Education and director of the normal school.
- DUCHÂTEL, Charles, Comte* (1803-1867). French politician.
- DUFAURE, Jules Armand Stanislas (1798-1881). Lawyer and French statesman. Appointed deputy in 1834, he joined the Liberal Constitutional party; was Councillor of State in 1836 and Minister of Public Works in 1839. He supported the Republic in 1848 and became Minister of the Interior, but held aloof from politics under the Second Empire. In 1871 he became Minister of Justice. He afterwards obtained a seat in the Senate and secured the passing of the law of Guarantees.
- DUPANLOUP, FÉlix Philibert (1802-1878). A most distinguished priest, his early reputation was due to his famous catechisms. After 1835 he became Vicar-General of the diocese of Paris and Superior of the little seminary of Saint Nicholas. He then took an active part in the discussions concerning the freedom of education. In 1849 he was appointed Bishop of OrlÉans, was a member of the Academy in 1854 and became famous for his defence of the Papal Chair at the time of the Italian expedition. In 1869 he was present at the Council of Rome and returned to Orleans, remaining with his flock during the war. After the conclusion of peace he was appointed a member of the assembly by his grateful people.
- DUPIN, AndrÉ Marie* (1783-1865). French lawyer and magistrate.
- DUPREZ, Gilbert Louis (1806-1879). Famous French singer attached to the Paris Opera for ten years. He had an incomparable tenor voice.
- DÜRER, Albert (1471-1528). Famous German painter and engraver with a rich sense of colour and a clever and realistic touch. He excelled in portraiture and the art of engraving was largely improved by him.
- DURHAM, Lord Lambton, Earl of* (1792-1840). English statesman.
- DUVERGIER DE HAURANNE, Prosper (1798-1887). A French politician. One of the leaders of the dynastic opposition under the July monarchy and one of the organisers of the banquets in 1848. He was a member of the anti-Napoleonic minority, and was imprisoned and exiled after the coup d'État of December 2, 1851, but was able to return to France in 1862. He then abandoned active politics and wrote a history of parliamentary government in France, which secured his admission to the Academy in 1870, in place of the Duc de Broglie.
E - EDOUARD. The famous lady's hairdresser at Paris under Louis-Philippe.
- ELIZABETH OF PRUSSIA, Queen (1801-1873). Daughter of King Maximilian of Bavaria, she married in 1823 the Crown Prince of Prussia, who ascended the throne in 1840 as Frederick William IV. Queen Elizabeth became a widow in 1861 and afterwards lived in retirement.
- ELLICE, Mr. Edward* (1787-1863). English politician, son-in-law of Lord Grey.
- ELSSLER, Theresa (1806-1878). Famous German dancer. Made Baroness of Barnim by King Frederick William IV. in 1850 on the occasion of her marriage with Prince Adalbert of Prussia.
- ELSSLER, Fanny (1810-1886). Sister of the foregoing and, like her, a famous dancer. She appeared in every theatre in Europe and America, and retired in 1845 to her fine estate near Hamburg. She had acquired a large fortune.
- EMMANUEL PHILIBERT, known as Ironhead (1528-1580). Duke of Savoy. This prince entered the service of his uncle the Emperor Charles Quint. He distinguished himself at the siege of Metz in 1552, received command of the imperial army in 1553, and gained the battle of Saint Quentin in 1557 for Philippe II. He recovered his duchy of which Francis I. had deprived his father, in 1559 by the treaty of Cateau CambrÉsis, and married Margaret of France, sister of Henry II. His statue, the work of the sculptor Marochetti, stands in the centre of the square of San Carlo at Turin.
- ENTRAIGUES, AmÉdÉe Goveau d'.* Born in 1785. Prefect of Tours. He married a Princess Santa Croce, ward of the Prince de Talleyrand.
- ENTRAIGUES, Jules d'.* Born in 1787. Brother of the prefect, and owner of the chÂteau of la MoustiÈre, near ValenÇay.
- EON DE BEAUMONT, Charles (1728-1810). Famous for the doubt concerning his sex, as he appeared sometimes as the knight and sometimes as the lady of Eon. He won distinction early in the diplomatic career, and was for fourteen years the secret agent of Louis XV. The revolution deprived him of his pension and reduced him to giving fencing-lessons; and only through the help of some friends did he escape poverty.
- ESPARTERO, Joachim Baldomero (1792-1879). Enlisted in 1808, and had a brilliant military career. He joined in the expedition to Peru in 1825, and came back with a handsome fortune. On the death of Ferdinand VII., he supported the Queen Regent, Maria Christina. His success against the Carlists secured his nomination in 1836 as commander-in-chief of the army of the North and as Viceroy of Navarre. In 1840, when the Queen-Regent had abdicated, the Cortes transferred the regency to Espartero, but he was defeated in 1842, and retired to England till 1847. In 1854 and 1868, he recovered his power for a short space of time. In 1870, the Cortes offered him the crown, which he refused in view of his great age and the want of an heir.
- ESTERHAZY, Prince Paul* (1786-1866). Austrian Diplomatist.
- EXELMANS, Isidore, Comte* (1775-1852). One of the most brilliant generals of the Empire, who was made a peer of France and a marshal under the July monarchy.
F - FAGEL, General Robert* (1772-1856). Dutch diplomatist.
- FALK, Anton Reinhard* (1776-1843). Dutch diplomatist.
- FÉNELON, FranÇois de Salignac de la Mothe- (1651-1715). Archbishop of Cambrai and tutor to the Duc de Bourgogne. He adopted the doctrines of the Quietists, and was vigorously opposed by Bossuet. He was as great a writer as he was a preacher.
- FERDINAND VII.* (1784-1833). Eldest son of King Charles IV. of Spain and his successor. He was dethroned by Napoleon I. in favour of his brother Joseph, but reascended the throne in 1814.
- FERRUS, Guillaume Marie AndrÉ (1784-1861). A French doctor. He introduced some valuable reforms into the asylum at BicÊtre, of which he was chief doctor. In 1830 he was appointed consulting doctor to the King, and soon became a member of the Academy of Medicine and a commander of the Legion of Honour.
- FESCH, Cardinal Joseph (1763-1839). Brother of Mme. Laetitia Bonaparte, he was appointed Archbishop of Lyons in 1802 by his nephew Napoleon I. He was French Ambassador at Rome, then chief almoner and senator. He returned to Rome at the Restoration and died there.
- FIESCHI, Joseph* (1790-1835). The would-be assassin of King Louis-Philippe, July 28, 1835.
- FIQUELMONT, the Comte Charles Louis de (1777-1857). Born in Lorraine, he entered the Austrian army in 1793, and shared in the campaigns from 1805 to 1809. In 1815 he was sent as minister to Stockholm, and in 1820 in the same capacity to Florence. He was appointed Ambassador at St. Petersburg, where he lived for several years, and did not return to Austria until 1840. He then became Minister of State, and for a short time Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1848. His only daughter had married Prince Edmond Clary.
- FITZ-JAMES, Jacques, Duc de (1799-1846). He married, in 1825, Mlle. de Marmier.
- FLAHAUT, the General, Comte de* (1785-1870). Peer of France under Louis-Philippe, senator and Ambassador under Napoleon III.
- FLAHAUT, the Comtesse de,* died in 1867. Daughter of the English admiral, Lord Keith.
- FLAHAUT, ClÉmentine de (1819-1835). Daughter of the Comte and Comtesse de Flahaut.
- FONTANES, Louis de (1757-1821). A poet and graceful orator and a great favourite of Napoleon I. A member of the legislative body in 1804, he became president in 1805. In 1808 the Emperor appointed him High Master of the University; in 1810 he was called to the Senate and afterwards supported the Restoration.
- FOULD, BÉnÉdict (1791-1858). Son of a Jewish banker who had founded the important firm of Fould, Oppenheim & Co. He was deputy from 1834 to 1842 and Knight of the Legion of Honour from 1843.
- FOULQUES III., Nerra or the Black (987-1039). Count of Anjou. He made war upon Conan, first Duke of Brittany, whom he defeated and killed, and upon Eudes II., Count of Blois, by whom he was defeated. Foulques made three pilgrimages to the Holy Land in expiation of his violent life. His niece Constance married King Robert.
- FOY, Comte Fernand (1815-1871). Son of General Foy; he was appointed Peer of France by King Louis Philippe, and though constantly loyal to the constitutional monarchy, he showed a strong leaning to liberalism. He was devoted to charitable works from an early age.
- FRANÇOIS I.* (1494-1547). King of France and adversary of Charles V.
- FREDERICK II., known as the Great* (1712-1786). King of Prussia and founder of the Prussian military power.
- FREDERICK VII. (1808-1863). King of Denmark. He was the only son of Prince Christian of Denmark and of his first wife, Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Twice divorced, he was exiled for some years to Jutland and did not ascend the throne until 1848.
- FREDERICK WILLIAM, known as the Great Elector of Brandenburg (1620-1688). He ascended the throne in 1640 and organised the Prussian Army.
- FREDERICK WILLIAM III. (1770-1840). King of Prussia. He succeeded his father Frederick William II. in 1797. He had married a Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, known as Queen Louise. She died in 1810 and in 1824 he contracted a morganatic marriage with the Countess Augusta of Harrach, to whom he gave the title of Princess of Liegnitz.
- FREDERICK WILLIAM IV. (1795-1861). King of Prussia. He ascended the throne in 1840 on the death of his father. He had married in 1823 Princess Elizabeth of Bavaria by whom he had no children.
- FRIAS, Duke of* (1783-1851). Spanish ambassador, statesman and man of letters.
- FRONSAC, Duc de. Died in 1791. Son of Marshal Richelieu whom he only survived three years.
G - GAGE, Sir William Hall (1777-1865). An English Admiral who took an active part in the operations against Napoleon I. He was appointed Lord of the Admiralty in 1841. In 1860 he received the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath.
- GARIBALDI, Mgr. Antoine (1797-1853). Archbishop of Myra in 1844; Nuncio at Paris in 1850 in succession to Cardinal Tonari, he was himself succeeded by Mgr. Sacconi.
- GARNIER-PAGÈS (1801-1841). At first a lawyer, he shared in the Revolution of 1830 and became one of the leaders of the Republican party. He was then prosecuted several times after the insurrection of 1832 and acquired great popularity.
- GENLIS, Mme. de (1746-1830). FÉlicitÉ Ducrest de Saint Aubin married the Comte de Genlis at the age of fifteen. Her aunt, Mme. de Montesson, introduced her to the household of the Duc d'OrlÉans who soon selected her as the governess of his children. Mme. de Genlis became an exile in 1792, returned to France after the 18th of Brumaire and became the correspondent of Napoleon I., whom she provided with information about the customs and etiquette of the old Court. She lived in retirement after 1814. She was the author of a large number of works, of which her books on education are the most remarkable.
- GÉRARD, FranÇois Pascal Simon (1770-1837). Famous French painter who studied under David at the same time as Drouais, Girodet and Gros. He devoted himself to portrait painting in which he showed remarkable talent. He was made Baron by Louis XVIII.
- GÉRARD, Etienne Maurice, Comte* (1773-1852). Marshal of France.
- GERSDORFF, Baron Ernest Christian Augustus of (1781-1852). He took part in the Congress of Vienna as the representative of Saxony. He was Minister at London and at the Hague, and resigned in 1848. He had married a Countess of Freudenstein.
- GERSDORFF, Baron Adolphus of (1800-1855). Officer in the Prussian Army. He resigned and married FrÄulein Marianne von Schindel. In 1827 he became land agent of Princess Pauline of Hohenzollern and of her sister the Duchess of Acerenza.
- GIRARDIN, the Comte Emile de (1806-1881). A son of General Alexandre de Girardin and husband of Delphine Gay. He was a famous publicist and the founder of halfpenny newspapers. He was a deputy from 1877 to 1881. When his wife died in 1855 he married the widow of Prince Frederick of Nassau, from whom he was judicially separated in 1872.
- GIRAUD, Augustin (1796-1875). A landowner at Angers where he was mayor under Louis-Philippe. As a member of the Legislative Assembly of 1849, he belonged to the Left. He was a Knight of the Legion of Honour.
- GIROLET, the AbbÉ* (1765-1836). A Benedictine of the congregation of Saint-Maur and an intimate friend of the Talleyrand family.
- GIVRÉ, Baron de (1794-1854). He entered the diplomatic career at an early age and was attached to the Embassies of London and Rome; when the Polignac ministry came to power he resigned and became a contributor to the Journal des DÉbats. In 1837 he was appointed deputy and voted with the OrlÉanist majority.
- GLOUCESTER, Duchess of* (1776-1857). Fourth daughter of King George III. of England.
- GÖCKING, Herr Leopold von (1748-1828). Prussian poet and State Councillor who elaborated several projects for customs reform.
- GOETHE, Wolfgang (1749-1832). The most famous German poet, author of Faust, Werther, &c. He was a Councillor and then a Minister of State under the Grand Duke Charles Augustus of Weimar.
- GONTAUT-BIRON, Duchesse de* (1773-1858). Governess of the Children of France whom she followed into exile in 1830.
- GONTAUT-BIRON, Vicomte Elie de (1817-1890). Elected as a Deputy to the National Assembly in 1871, he was Ambassador of the Republic at Berlin. He restored the relations that had been broken by the war and remained for six years in this difficult post.
- GOUIN, Alexandre Henri (1792-1872). Studied at the Polytechnic School, became a deputy in 1831, and was asked to take the portfolio of Agriculture and Commerce in 1840 under the Thiers Ministry.
- GOURGAUD, General (1783-1852). He entered the service in 1801, distinguished himself at Austerlitz where he was wounded, at Jena, at Friedland, at Essling, and above all at Wagram. He took a glorious part in the Russian and French campaigns; he accompanied the Emperor to St. Helena, but misunderstandings with one of his companions in exile forced him to separate from them. In 1818 he published a book called "The Campaign of 1815," and in consequence his name was struck off the army list of Louis XVIII., but he returned to the service under Louis-Philippe, who appointed him general of division and chose him as his aide-de-camp. In 1840 he accompanied the Prince de Joinville to St. Helena, brought back with him the ashes of Napoleon and was then raised to the Peerage.
- GRAMONT, Madame de. Aunt of the Duc de Gramont of the branch of Aster, a member of the fraternity of the SacrÉ Coeur, and Mother Superior of the Paris house.
- GRANVILLE, Lord* (1775-1846). English diplomatist. For a long time Ambassador at Paris.
- GRANVILLE, Lady.* Died in 1862. She was a daughter of the Duke of Devonshire.
- GRANVILLE, Lady Charlotte Georgina. Died in 1855. Second daughter of Lord Granville. She married Alexander George Fullerton in 1833. Throughout her life she was very intimate with the Marquise de Castellane. Her novels brought her some literary fame.
- GREGORY VII., Hildebrand (1015-1085). Elected Pope in 1073, he was one of the greatest Roman pontiffs, and has been ever famous for his struggles with the Emperor of Germany.
- GREY, Lord* (1764-1845). English statesman.
- GREY, Lady* (1775-1861). NÉe Ponsonby.
- GRISI, Giulia* (1812-1869). An Italian singer of great talent and beauty.
- GRIVEL, the AbbÉ Louis Jean Joseph (1800-1866). From 1825 he was a preacher at Paris. In 1829 he was commissioned by the court to deliver the panegyric upon Saint Louis before the French Academy. He became almoner to the Chamber of Peers in 1834, and was appointed Canon of Saint Denis three years later.
- GROS, Antoine Jean (1771-1835). Famous historical painter. His father was a miniature painter and his first master. He then entered the studio of David. Forced to enter the army he acquired a special talent for battle pictures in the course of the military operations. From Charles X. he afterwards received the title of baron.
- GUERNON-RANVILLE, Comte de (1787-1866). French magistrate and statesman. In 1820 he was President of the Civil Court of Bayeux, where he was distinguished for his zeal and capacity. In 1829 the Prince de Polignac requested him to take the portfolio of education and public worship in his ministry. In the Council of Ministers he declared against the ordinances of July 1830, but signed them none the less. When tried with his colleagues by the Chamber of Peers, he was condemned to disfranchisement and perpetual confinement. The amnesty of 1836 restored him to liberty.
- GUICHE, the Duc de (1819-1880). Known later under the name of the Duc de Gramont. He was a diplomatist and French Ambassador at Turin, Rome, and Vienna, and was Minister of Foreign Affairs when war with Prussia was declared in 1870. In 1848 he had married an English woman, daughter of a Member of Parliament.
- WILLIAM I. (1772-1843). King of the Low Countries. Son of the Stathouder William V. of Nassau. Under his reign Belgium was separated from his throne after the revolution of 1830, and became an independent state. He had married Princess Frederica of Prussia, after her death he contracted a morganatic marriage with a Belgian, the Comtesse d'Oultremont. He abdicated in 1840.
- GUIZOT, FranÇois Pierre Guillaume* (1787-1874). French statesman and historian.
H - HAINGUERLOT, M. Died in 1842. He had married Mlle. StÉphanie Oudinot, daughter of Marshal Oudinot, Duc de Reggio.
- HAMILTON, John Church (1792-1882). Son of Major-General Hamilton, a friend of M. de Talleyrand. For a long time he was the aide-de-camp of Major-General Hamilton, who afterwards became President of the United States. Hamilton then became a lawyer and devoted his life to the perpetuation of his father's memory, whose life he wrote and whose works he published.
- HAMILTON, Duchess of (1817-1887). Maria Amelia, last daughter of the Grand Duke Charles Louis Frederick of Baden and of the Grand Duchess, nÉe StÉphanie de Beauharnais.
- HANOVER, the King of (1771-1851). Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland; ascended the throne of Hanover in 1837, after the death of his brother King William IV. of England.
- HANOVER, Prince George of (1819-1878). Afterwards George V. King of Hanover.
- HARCOURT, Lady Elizabeth (1793-1838).
- HARRISON, Miss. Governess of the three Princesses of Courlande, who afterwards became the Countess of Lazareff, the Countess of Hohenthal and Madame de Boyen. She lived until her death with Countess Lazareff at Dyrnfurth.
- HAUSSONVILLE, Comte Joseph Bernard d' (1809-1884). French politician and writer. He was a deputy under the July monarchy, and a member of the National Assembly in 1871. He was a member of the French Academy.
- HÉLIAUD, Comte de (1768-1858). He lived a somewhat solitary life in Touraine and died in the same year as his son who was an official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- HÉLIE. Footman to the Prince de Talleyrand for many years.
- HENEAGE, Mr. English diplomatist, attached to the Paris Embassy in 1840.
- HENNENBERG, Herr. Died in 1836. Councillor of Justice in the Courts of Berlin.
- HESSE, Prince George of (1793-1881). This Prince was in the Prussian service.
- HESSE-DARMSTADT, Grand Duke Louis II. of* (1777-1848). He had married a Princess of Baden.
- HESSE-DARMSTADT, Princess Elizabeth of (1815-1885). Daughter of Prince William of Prussia and brother of King Frederick William III. and elder sister of Queen Maria of Bavaria.
- HESSE-DARMSTADT, Princess Maria of (1824-1880). Daughter of Louis II., Grand Duke of Hesse. In 1841 she married the Hereditary Grand Duke of Russia, who succeeded his father, the Emperor Nicholas I., in 1855.
- HOHENLOHE-ÖRINGEN, Prince Frederick of. Born in 1812. A major of cavalry in the service of WÜrtemberg.
- HOHENTHAL, Count Alfred of. Born in 1806. Chamberlain to the King of Saxony. He married Princess Louise of Biron Courlande.
- HOHENTHAL, Countess Louise of (1808-1845). NÉe Princess of Biron Courlande.
- HOHENZOLLERN-HECHINGEN, Prince Frederick of (1776-1838). In 1800 he married Princess Pauline of Courlande, sister of the Duchesse de Talleyrand.
- HOHENZOLLERN-HECHINGEN, Princess of (1782-1845). Pauline, Princess of Courlande, daughter of Peter, Duke of Courlande.
- HOHENZOLLERN-HECHINGEN, Prince Constantine of (1800-1859). Son of Prince Frederick of Hohenzollern-Hechingen and of the Princess of Courlande. By a convention signed in 1849 Prince Constantine abdicated the government of the principality of Hohenzollern, in favour of the King of Prussia, and in 1850 received the title of Royal Highness. He first married the Princess of Leuchtenberg, by whom he had no children, and then contracted a morganatic marriage with the daughter of the Baron of Schenk, by whom he had two children, who bore the name of Rothenburg.
- HOLLAND, Lord* (1772-1840). English statesman. Nephew of the famous Fox.
- HOLLAND, Lady,* died in 1840. She was Lady Webster by her first marriage.
- HOTTINGER, Baron Jean Conrad (1764-1841). Of Swiss origin, M. Hottinger founded an important commercial firm at Paris. In 1810 he was made a baron of the Empire, and in 1815 elected to the Chamber of the Hundred Days. Afterwards he became president of the Chamber of Commerce, judge in the commercial court, and governor of the Bank of France.
- HOWARD OF WALDEN, Charles Augustus Ellis, Lord. Born in 1799. English diplomatist; under Secretary of State to the Foreign Office in 1824; minister at Stockholm in 1832, at Lisbon in 1834, and at Brussels in 1846.
- HÜBNER, Count of (1811-1892). In 1833 he entered the chancery of Prince Metternich, who recognised his capacity. He then became secretary to the Embassy at Lisbon, chief consul at Leipzig, and political adviser to Marshal Radetzky in Italy. He was made a prisoner in 1848, and was not set at liberty until after the conclusion of peace with King Charles Albert. In 1849 he was first Minister and then Ambassador at Paris until 1859. In 1867 he was appointed Ambassador at Rome. He then left the diplomatic service, and spent his time in travel and literary work.
- HUGEL, Ernest Eugene von (1774-1849). General in the Austrian service and for some time Minister of War. He had also been Austrian Minister at Paris.
- HUMANN, Mlle. Louise, born about 1757. Her piety outrivalled that of the Christians of the Primitive Church. At Strasburg, where she lived, she became the patroness of the AbbÉs Bautain, Gratry and Ratisbonne. She was a sister of the Bishop of Mayence and of the Finance Minister of King Louis-Philippe.
- HUMANN, Jean George* (1780-1842). French statesman and financier. Born of an old Alsatian family.
- HUMBOLDT, Baron William of (1767-1835). Statesman and Prussian philologist. In 1802 he was Minister at Rome and then became Councillor of State at Berlin and chief of the department of education and public worship. In 1808 he was appointed Plenipotentiary Minister at Vienna; in 1810 he took part in the Conference at Prague, and in 1815 in the Congress of Vienna. He was extraordinary envoy at London in 1816, then Minister of State and a member of the Commission entrusted with the preparation of the Prussian Constitution in 1818. In 1819 he resigned his posts and devoted his attention to literary work.
- HUMBOLDT, Alexander of (1769-1858). Great German naturalist and man of science, well known for his scientific travels in the New World, and by the genius which his numerous narratives of them display. He was a brother of the foregoing.
- HUMBOLDT, Frau Wilhelm von (1771-1829). Daughter of Frederick of DachrÖden. She had married Wilhelm von Humboldt in 1791.
- HUMBOLDT, Caroline von (1792-1837). Eldest daughter of Wilhelm von Humboldt.
- HYDE DE NEUVILLE, Baron Jean Guillaume (1776-1857). French politician. Deeply attached to the royalty. Implicated in a conspiracy against Napoleon I., he fled to the United States, and did not return to France until after the fall of the Empire. In 1815 he was a deputy; in 1816 he was Minister to the United States, and afterwards to Portugal. In 1828 he held the portfolio of Naval Affairs in the Martignac Ministry, but resigned when Polignac's Cabinet came into power. After 1830 he supported the desperate cause of the Duc de Bordeaux, and afterwards lived in retirement.
I - IBRAHIM PASHA (1772-1848). Son of the Viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali, whom he supported in the task of Egyptian re-organisation. He invaded Syria in 1832 at his father's orders, and was marching upon Constantinople when he was stopped at Kutayeh by the intervention of the European Powers. Some years afterwards, when war broke out again, Ibrahim won a decisive victory over the Turks at Nezib in 1839, but the treaty of London of July 15, 1840, and the bombardment of the Syrian ports by the English fleet obliged him to abandon the conquest of Syria for a second time. He then devoted his time to the domestic administration of Egypt.
- ISABELLA II.* (1830-1904). Queen of Spain.
- ISTURITZ, Xavier d', born in 1790. He was a Spanish statesman who held a seat from 1812 in the Cortes, and attracted attention by his revolutionary patriotism. While president of the Chamber of the Procuradores in 1835, his Liberal ideas brought him into trouble and he was obliged to take refuge in London. Afterwards he accomplished several missions to the different courts of Europe, and was even Ambassador at Paris from 1863 to 1864.
J - JACKSON, Andrew (1767-1845). American General and seventh President of the United States in 1829. In 1834 he claimed from France in very haughty terms an indemnity of twenty-five millions for the ships taken from the United States under the Empire. After holding the Presidency twice in succession, he retired into private life.
- JAUBERT, Chevalier (1779-1847). An Orientalist who accompanied Bonaparte to Egypt as interpreter. He was secretary and interpreter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Master of Requests, and then ChargÉ d'affaires at Constantinople. In 1819 he was Secretary and Interpreter to Louis XVIII.; he became a Member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Literature in 1830, and was made a Peer of France by Louis-Philippe.
- JAUBERT, Comte Hippolyte FranÇois (1798-1874). A French politician and man of learning. He was a Deputy in 1831, and Minister of Public Works in 1840. He was appointed Peer of France in 1844, when the fall of Louis-Philippe induced him to retire into private life.
- JAUCOURT, Marquise de* (1762-1848). NÉe Mlle. Charlotte de Bontemps.
- JERSEY, Lady Sarah* (1787-1867). Her drawing-room was one of the most famous in London.
- JOINVILLE, FranÇois d'OrlÉans, Prince de (1818-1900). Third son of King Louis-Philippe. He served in the navy and brought the remains of Napoleon back to France in 1840. In 1843 he married Princess Francisca of Braganza, daughter of the Emperor of Brazil.
- JUMILHAC, Odet de Chapelle de (1804-1880). Duc de Richelieu. A nephew by his mother of the Duc de Richelieu who died in 1822, M. de Jumilhac assumed his uncle's title and thus became a member of the Chamber of Peers. He was a Knight of the Legion of Honour.
K - KAROLYI, Countess Ferdinand (1805-1844). Daughter of Prince Ludwig of Kaunitz Rietberg. She married Count Louis Karolyi in 1823.
- KENT, Duchess of* (1786-1861). Sister-in-law of King William IV. of England and mother of Queen Victoria.
- KRÜDENER, Baroness of (1764-1824). Julia of Vietinghoff, daughter of the Governor of Riga; at the age of fourteen she married the Baron of KrÜdener, Russian Minister at Berlin, by whom she had two children. Her husband divorced her in 1791. After a series of adventures she became intimate with Queen Louise of Prussia, and then became a religious fanatic. In 1814 she was at Paris when the allies entered the town, and obtained great influence over the Emperor Alexander I. Expelled from Germany and from Switzerland she took refuge at her estates near Riga, and began a connection with the Moravian Brothers. She started for the Crimea in 1822 with the intention of founding an asylum for criminals and sinners.
- KRÜDENER, Baroness Amelia of (1808-1888). Daughter-in-law of the foregoing. She was a natural daughter of the Princesse de la Tour et Taxis, nÉe Mecklenburg-Strelitz, sister of Queen Louise of Prussia and of Count Maximilian of Lerchenfeld, who brought her up at his house and whose wife adopted her. In 1825 she married Herr von KrÜdener, and her second husband in 1850 was Count Nicholas Adlerberg, aide-de-camp to the Emperor Nicholas I. of Russia.
- KRÜGER, Francis (1797-1857). A famous portrait-painter at Berlin.
- KUHNEIM, Countess (1770-1854). By birth a During she was friend of Princess Charles of Prussia.
L - LA BESNARDIÈRE, J. B. Gouey de (1765-1843). Privy Councillor who lived for a long time in Touraine after his retirement in 1819.
- LABORDE, Comte LÉon de (1807-1869). ArchÆologist and traveller, and for a short time diplomatist. In 1840 he was appointed a deputy, and was director of the Museum of Antiquities in the Louvre from 1845 to 1848. He received a seat in the Senate in 1868.
- LABOUCHERE, Henry* (1798-1869). Member of the English Parliament.
- LA BRICHE, Comtesse de. Her salon became famous at Paris as she gathered distinguished men and famous writers about her. She possessed the chÂteau of Marais near Paris, where she often gave dramatic performances. Her daughter had married M. MolÉ.
- LA BRUYERE, Jean de* (1645-1696). Author of the Characters.
- LACAVE LAPLAGNE, Jean Pierre Joseph (1795-1849). He was a pupil of the Polytechnic School; he took part in the last campaigns of the Empire and resigned when the Bourbons were restored. He then devoted himself to the study of law, was called to the Bar at Toulouse and entered the magistracy. He was deputy for the department of Gers, and several times held the portfolio of finance. King Louis-Philippe entrusted to him the administration of the property of the Duc d'Aumale.
- LACORDAIRE, Henri (1802-1861). Famous French preacher, a Dominican of the Order of the Preaching Friars. He entered the French Academy in 1860 in place of M. de Tocqueville.
- LADVOCAT, M. King's attorney under the monarchy of 1830. As he was the bearer of nominations, Fieschi had applied to him upon his arrival at Paris to secure a post; after his attempted assassination Fieschi, who had taken a false name, was recognised by M. Ladvocat.
- LAFARGE, Mme. The mother of M. Lafarge. She was not able to avoid all suspicion in the course of the famous trial. She had broken the seals of her daughter-in-law's will to learn her dispositions.
- LAFARGE, M. A widower at the age of twenty-eight, Pouch Lafarge, who owned an iron works at Glandier (CorrÈze); he was an incompetent man of business, always reduced to extremities. He married Marie Capelle who gained a gloomy notoriety by poisoning him.
- LAFARGE, Mme. (1816-1852). Marie Capelle, an orphan, married M. Lafarge in 1839. As the result of the famous trial, she was condemned to perpetual imprisonment.
- LA FAYETTE, the Marquis de* (1767-1834). A deputy to the States General in 1789, he played a part in the revolutionary events of his time.
- LAFFITTE, Jacques (1767-1844). A French financier who played an important part in the July revolution, and was a Minister under King Louis-Philippe.
- LAMARTINE, Alphonse de (1790-1869). French poet and politician. He entered the Academy in 1830, and the Chamber of Deputies in 1834, and acquired a wide popularity which faded soon after 1848.
- LAMB, Frederick* (1782-1852). English diplomatist. Brother of Lord Melbourne and heir to his title.
- LAMBRUSCHINI, Cardinal (1776-1854). He was Bishop of Sabine, Archbishop of Genoa, and papal nuncio at Paris under Charles X. He received his Cardinal's hat in 1831. Pope Gregory XVI. appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs, then Secretary of Briefs, and Prefect of the Congregation of Studies. After the events of 1848 he followed Pius IX. to Gaeta.
- LANSDOWNE, Lady.* Died in 1865; she had married the Marquis of Lansdowne in 1819.
- LARCHER, Mlle. Henriette* (1782-1860). Governess of Mlle. Pauline de PÉrigord.
- LA REDORTE, the Comte Mathieu de* (1804-1886). French diplomatist.
- LA REDORTE, the Comtesse de. Died in 1885. NÉe Louise Suchet, daughter of the Marshal d'AlbufÉra.
- LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, the Comte SosthÈne de. Duc de Doudeauville (1785-1864). Aide-de-camp to the Comte d'Artois under the Restoration. He was always an ardent Legitimist, and also had paid much attention to literature.
- LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, Marie de. Died in 1840. She was the daughter of the Duc de SosthÈne de la Rochefoucauld Doudeauville and granddaughter of the Duchesse Mathieu de Montmorency.
- LA ROVÈRE, the Marquise de (1817-1840). Elizabeth of Stackelberg. A Russian by birth, she became a Catholic upon her marriage with the Marquis de la RovÈre and died soon after her marriage. Her tomb of white marble is in the Campo Santo of Turin.
- LAS CASES, the Comte Emanuel de (1800-1854). He had followed his father to St. Helena. The Revolution of 1830 afterwards found a warm supporter in him. When he was elected deputy he joined the ranks of the Liberal party and entered the Senate after the coup d'État of December 2, 1852.
- LAVAL, the Prince Adrien de* (1768-1837). Peer of France and diplomatist.
- LAVAL, the Vicomtesse de (1745-1838). Mlle. Tavernier de Boullongue had married in 1765 the Vicomte de Laval and was the mother of the Duc Mathieu de Montmorency, who was Minister of Foreign Affairs. She was a great friend of M. de Talleyrand.
- LAZAREFF, Madame de (1813-1881). She was born Princess Antoinette de Biron Courlande.*
- LÉAUTAUD, the Comtesse de. Alexandrine ClÉmentine de NicolaÏ daughter of the Marquis and Marquise Scipion de NicolaÏ, nÉe Lameth. Her name appeared in the Lafarge trial with reference to a theft of diamonds of which Madame Lafarge was accused, and which she asserted had been handed to her by Madame de LÉautaud.
- LEBRUN, Pierre Antoine (1785-1873). Man of letters and member of the French Academy from 1828. From 1830 to 1848 he was a director of the Royal printing house; in 1839 he was made a Peer of France, called to the Senate in 1853 and became grand officer of the Legion of Honour.
- LE HON, Count (1792-1868). Belgian statesman and Minister at Paris for many years.
- LEON, the Prince Charles Louis Jocelyn de (1819-1893). He assumed the title of Duc de Rohan on the death of his father in 1869. He had married Mlle. de Boissy in 1843.
- LERCHENFELD, Count Maximilian of (1779-1843). A Bavarian statesman who helped to draw up the Bavarian Constitution. In 1825 he became Finance Minister and resigned his post to become Ambassador to the Germanic Diet. He had married the Baroness Anne of Grosschlag.
- LESTOCQ, Frau von (1788-1849). Widow of General Lestocq, Governor of Breslau, who died in 1818. She was the chief lady at the Court of Princess William of Prussia, by birth Princess of Hesse Homburg, and sister-in-law to King Frederick William III.
- LEUCHTENBERG, Prince Augustus Charles of* (1807-1835). For a short time he was the husband of DoÑa Maria, Queen of Portugal.
- LEVESON, George (1815-1891). He was secretary to his father, Lord Granville, English Ambassador at Paris, and then secretary to the Foreign Minister. In 1846, on his father's death, he inherited his title and entered the House of Lords. He held Government offices at different times, and eventually retired in 1886 with Mr. Gladstone.
- LEZAY MARNÉSIA, the Comte de* (1772-1857). Prefect and Peer of France under the Bourbons, and Senator under the Empire in 1852.
- LIAUTARD, the AbbÉ (1774-1842). He studied at the College of Sainte Barbe at Paris and was then called to the colours by the decree of August 23, 1793. He was one of the most brilliant pupils of the Polytechnic School, but renouncing the world, he entered the seminary of Saint Sulpice, and was ordained priest in 1804. Afterwards he founded the college which was to become the College of Stanislas and then became the chief priest of Fontainebleau after refusing the bishopric of Limoges.
- LICHTENSTEIN, the Princess of (1776-1848). By birth she was the LandgrÄfin Josephine of FÜrstenberg, and had married in 1792 Prince Johann Josef of Lichtenstein.
- LIEBERMANN, the Baron Augustus of (1791-1841). Prussian diplomatist at Madrid in 1836 and at St. Petersburg in 1840.
- LIEVEN, the Prince de* (1770-1839). Russian diplomatist, and for twenty-two years Ambassador at London.
- LIEVEN, the Princesse de* (1784-1857). NÉe DorothÉe de Benkendorff.
- LIEGNITZ, the Princess of (1800-1873). The Countess of Harrach contracted a morganatic marriage in 1824 with King Frederick William III. of Prussia, who gave her the title of Princess of Liegnitz.
- LINANGE, Prince Charles of (1804-1856). Son of the Duchess of Kent by her first marriage. He married the Countess of Klebelsberg.
- LINDENAU, Baron Bernard Augustus of (1780-1854). Learned German astronomer and politician. He held several diplomatic posts and became Home Secretary in Saxony. In 1830 he worked energetically to form a Constitution for this country. He founded an astronomical museum at Dresden.
- LINGARD, John (1769-1851). An English historian and a Catholic Priest who had been educated at Douai with the Jesuits.
- LISFRANC DE SAINT MARTIN, Jacques (1790-1847). Famous French surgeon who made a great reputation under the Second Restoration.
- LOBAU, the Comte de (1770-1838). As a volunteer he took an active part in the campaigns of the Republic and of the Empire. After Leipzig, when he was involved in the capitulation of Gouvion Saint-Cyr, he was sent to Hungary as a prisoner where he remained until the Restoration. During the Hundred Days he commanded the first military division and the sixth army corps at Waterloo, where he was captured by the English. From 1815 to 1818 he was exiled and then lived in retirement until 1823, when he entered the Chamber of Deputies. He was made Peer of France and Marshal in 1831, and successfully opposed the outbreaks which took place at Paris in 1831 and 1834.
- LOBAU, wife of the foregoing. She was the daughter of Madame d'Arberg and sister-in-law of General Klein.
- LÖWENHIELM, Count Gustavus Charles Frederick of (1771-1856). Swedish diplomatist; Extraordinary Minister to the Congress of Vienna in 1815 and Swedish Minister in Austria in 1816. He held a corresponding post at Paris where he resided for thirty-eight years. He had a large fortune which he used very nobly.
- LÖWENHIELM, the Countess of (1783-1859). FrÄulein von SchÖnburch-Wechselburg married as her first husband, in 1806, Count Gustavus of DÜben, then the Swedish chargÉ d'Affaires at Vienna. In 1812 she was left a widow, and in 1826 married the Count of LÖwenhielm, who had previously been the husband of a Baroness of Gur.
- LÖWE-WEIMAR, the Baron FranÇois Adolphe de (1801-1854). He belonged to a family of German Jews, but was converted to Christianity and came to Paris, where he made a name for himself in literature. M. Thiers entrusted him with a diplomatic mission in Russia. He was appointed Consul-General to Bagdad, where he distinguished himself in 1847 by his devotion during a cholera epidemic. Afterwards he was Consul-General at Caracas.
- LOGERE, M. de. AttachÉ to the French legation at Berlin.
- LOTTUM, Count Charles Henry of (1767-1841). Infantry General and Minister of State in Prussia under Frederick William III., and afterwards Minister of the Exchequer. He married FrÄulein Frederica of Lamprecht.
- LOUIS-PHILIPPE I.* (1773-1849). King of the French from 1830-1848.
- LOUVEL, Louis Pierre (1783-1820). A working saddler whose political fanaticism led him, on February 13, 1820, as people were leaving the opera, to assassinate the Duc de Berry, son of Charles X., nephew of Louis XVIII., with the object of bringing the dynasty of the Bourbons to an end. He was condemned by the Court of Peers and executed.
- LOW COUNTRIES, Queen of the (1774-1837). Wilhelmina, daughter of King William II. of Prussia, and wife of King William I. of the Low Countries.
- LOW COUNTRIES, Princess Frederica of the* (1808-1870). By birth Princess Louise of Prussia and daughter of Frederick William III.
- LUCCA, the Duchess of (1803-1879). She was a daughter of the King of Sardinia and twin sister of the Empress Caroline of Austria, wife of the Emperor Ferdinand II.
- LUTTEROTH, Alexander of (1806-1882). Born at Leipzig, he served in the French diplomatic service during his youth. He married a Countess BatthyÀny.
- LYNDHURST, Lord (1772-1864). An English politician of the Tory party. In three Cabinets he held the Great Seal, and occupied in succession the highest political posts in his country. His second wife was a Jewess, Mrs. Norton, for which reason he vigorously supported the Bill for the admission of Jews into Parliament.
M - MACDONALD, Marshal Alexander (1765-1840). Born of an Irish family, he saw service in all the campaigns of the Republic and the Empire. In 1804 he was dismissed for defending Moreau and did not return to the service until 1809, when his distinguished conduct at Wagram gained him the title of the Duke of Tarentum. After the abdication of Napoleon I. he was appointed peer of France and Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, a post which he held until 1831.
- MACDONALD, General Alexandre de (1824-1881). Duke of Tarentum. Only son of Marshal Macdonald and of Mlle. de Bourgoing, cousin of King Charles X. and of Madame la Dauphine. On the accession of Napoleon III. he became Chamberlain of the Emperor and Knight of the Legion of Honour. He was a Deputy in 1852, Senator in 1869, and retired into private life in 1870.
- MAGON-LABALLUE DE BOISGARIN, Mlle. (1765-1834). She was born of a noble family who had become boat-builders, and married in 1779 the Comte de Villefranche, of the house of Carignan. After his death she lived very quietly at Paris.
- MAHMUD II. (1785-1839). Sultan of the Ottoman Turks. He ascended the throne in 1808. His wars were the ruin of his empire, but his domestic administration was marked by great reforms; he introduced Western sciences and institutions, drilled his troops in European style, and guaranteed religious toleration by a firman of 1839.
- MAILLÉ, the Duc de (1770-1837). Charles FranÇois Armand de la Tour-Landry, Duc de MaillÉ, was before the Revolution first Gentleman of the Chamber of Monsieur; he became an ÉmigrÉ with the Prince and held aloof from politics until the fall of the Empire. He took a large share in the Royalist movement of 1814, and resumed his former duties under King Louis XVIII., who made him a Peer of France. He refused to take the oath to the July monarchy,
- MAINTENON, the Marquise de* (1635-1719). Morganatic wife of King Louis XIV. and a famous educationist.
- MAISON, the Marshal* (1771-1840). Peer of France and French diplomatist, and member of several Cabinets.
- MAISON, wife of the foregoing, Marie Madeleine FranÇoise Weygold, was born in Prussia in 1776 and in 1796 married Marshal Maison, at that time Major.
- MALESHERBES, ChrÉtien Guillaume Lamoignon de (1721-1794). Son of Chancellor Lamoignon, he was a Minister with Turgot under Louis XVI.; he defended the King before the Convention, and died himself upon the scaffold. He was a member of the French Academy.
- MALTZAN, Count Mortimer of (1783-1843), First gentleman at the Prussian Court. Chamberlain and major and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Vienna. He married a Countess of Golz.
- MANNAY, the AbbÉ Charles (1745-1824). He studied at St. Sulpice, where he distinguished himself. After his ordination as priest he became chief vicar and then canon of the cathedral of Rheims. When the Revolution broke out he retired to England and Scotland, and in 1802 was appointed Bishop of TrÈves. He resigned in 1814 and returned to France, where, in 1817, he was appointed Bishop of Auxerre, and in 1820 of Rennes. He was a great friend of the Prince de Talleyrand.
- MARBEUF, the Marquise de (1765-1839). She married in 1784 the Comte, afterwards the Marquis de Marbeuf, gentleman of the chamber of the Comte de Provence and Field Marshal, afterwards Governor of Corsica. She was left a widow in 1786, and retired to the convent of the SacrÉ Coeur, where she took the veil.
- MARBOIS, the Marquis de BarbÉ* (1745-1837). French diplomatist and politician, for a long time president of the financial court.
- MARCHAND, Louis Joseph Narcisse (1791-1876). First Groom of the Chamber of the Emperor Napoleon I., whom he followed to St Helena. To him the Emperor dictated his "Summary of the Wars of Julius CÆsar," which Marchant published in 1836. On his deathbed Napoleon gave him the title of Comte, and then entrusted him with his will. On his return to France Marchand married, in 1823, the daughter of General Brayer, and settled at Strasburg. In 1840 he was associated with the Prince de Joinville to bring back the remains of the Emperor from St. Helena, and was made Knight and afterwards Officer of the Legion of Honour.
- MARCHESI, Luigi (1755-1829). A famous Italian singer whose method became supreme in the musical art. His first appearance was at Rome in 1774. Every capital in Europe attempted to secure his presence, but in the theatre of his native town, Milan, he ended a career which had brought him both honour and riches.
- MARESCALCHI, the Comtesse de, died in 1846. She was the daughter of the Marquis de Pange and of Mlle. de Caraman.
- MAREUIL, the Comte Joseph Durand de* (1769-1855). French diplomatist.
- MARIA II., OR DOÑA MARIA DA GLORIA* (1819-1853). Queen of Portugal.
- MARIE AMÉLIE, the Queen* (1782-1866). Wife of Louis-Philippe, King of the French.
- MARIA CHRISTINA, the Queen (1806-1878.) Daughter of Francis I., King of the Two Sicilies, she was the third wife of Ferdinand VII., King of Spain. In 1833 she became a widow and Queen-Regent, and in 1834 married Ferdinand MuÑoz, officer in the Life Guards, who was made Duke of Rinanzares. After she had been obliged to leave the country and hand over the regency to Espartero, Duke of the Victoire, Queen Christina returned to Spain in 1843, and then governed in the name of her daughter, Isabella II. She was again exiled in 1854, withdrew to Paris, and lived there until her death.
- MARIE DE MEDICIS* (1573-1642). Wife of the King of France, Henry IV., and Regent during the minority of her son, Louis XIII.
- MARIE D'ORLÉANS, the Princess* (1813-1839). Daughter of King Louis-Philippe and wife of Prince Alexander of WÜrtemberg.
- MARIE LOUISE, Archduchess (1791-1847). By her marriage with Napoleon I. she became Empress, and after her husband fell she secured the duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastella. After the Emperor's death she married the Count of Neipperg, by whom she had three children. Her third husband was the Count de Bombelles.
- MARIA THERESA, the Empress* (1717-1780). Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary; wife of Francis of Lorraine.
- MARLBOROUGH, the Duchess of (1660-1744). Sarah Jennings married, about 1680, the famous English general, John Churchill, afterwards Duke of Marlborough. The Duchess of Marlborough was the favourite of Queen Anne, over whom she exerted great influence.
- MAROCHETTI, Baron Charles (1805-1867). Born at Turin. His father adopted the French nationality when he was ten years of age; he studied at the LycÉe Napoleon at Paris. He studied sculpture in the studio of Bosio, pupil of Canova, and then spent eight years at Rome. He left a son, who resumed his Italian nationality, entered the diplomatic career, and was Ambassador at St. Petersburg.
- MARS, Mlle. Famous actress at the ComÉdie FranÇaise.
- MARTIN DU NORD, Nicolas Ferdinand Marie Louis Joseph* (1790-1847). Magistrate and French politician.
- MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA, FranÇois* (1789-1862). Spanish man of letters and politician.
- MASSA, the Duchesse de.* Born in 1792. Daughter of Marshal Macdonald.
- MASSIMO, Princess Christine. Died of cholera in 1837. Daughter of Prince Xavier of Saxony and of Countess Claire of Spinucci.
- MATHIEU, M. A French painter who gave lessons in drawing to the daughters of the Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden.
- MATUSIEWICZ, Count Andrew Joseph* (1790-1842). Polish diplomatist in the Russian service.
- MAUSSION, the Baron Alfred de. At first, like his brother Adolphe, he entered the army and became an officer. He was a very intimate friend of the Montmorency family, being a distant relation, and was also well known to the Dosne family. He became the friend of M. Thiers, who appointed him consul at Rostock.
- MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN, the Grand Duchess of (1771-1871). Augusta, Princess of Hesse-Homburg, third wife of the Hereditary Grand Duke Frederick of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, whom she married in 1818, and who died before his father in 1819. The Grand Duchess was also the step-mother of the Duchesse d'OrlÉans.
- MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN, the Princess Helena (1814-1858). She married, in 1837, the Duc d'OrlÉans, by whom she had two children, the Comte de Paris and the Duc de Chartres. She became a widow in 1842. She was the daughter of the second marriage of the Hereditary Grand Duke Frederick of Mecklenburg, who died in 1819, with a Princess of Saxe-Weimar.
- MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ, the Grand Duke of (1779-1860). He succeeded his father, the Grand Duke Charles, in 1816, and married, in 1817, a Princess of Hesse Cassel. He was brother to Queen Louise of Prussia.
- MEDEM, Count Paul* (1800-1854). A Russian diplomatist, cousin of the Duchess de Dino.
- MEDICIS, Lorenzo de, known as the Magnificent (1448-1492). A patron of arts and letters, he honoured with his friendship and his kindness Pico della Mirandola, Angelo Poliziano, and Michael Angelo, by whom his mausoleum at Florence was designed.
- MEHEMET ALI (1769-1849). Viceroy of Egypt. He began life as a merchant, became a soldier and fought against the French in 1799. In 1806 he was able to drive out the Governor of Egypt and proclaim himself Viceroy. As the Mameluks would not cease their revolts, he had them massacred throughout Egypt on March 1, 1811. In his two wars against the Porte, in 1832 and 1839, his lieutenant was his son Ibrahim, whose victory of Nezib laid the Sultan at his mercy. A European coalition in which France declined to take part, deprived him of the fruits of this victory, but for himself and his descendants he secured the Governorship of Egypt under the sovereignty of the Porte. He introduced great reforms into his country.
- MELBOURNE, William Lamb, Lord* (1779-1848). English politician, brother of Lady Palmerston.
- MÉRODE, the Comte Werner de (1816-1905). He married in 1843 his cousin Mlle. ThÉrÈse de MÉrode.
- METTERNICH, Prince* (1773-1859). Austrian diplomatist and statesman.
- METTERNICH, Princess Melanie of (1805-1854). Third wife of Prince Metternich and daughter of Count Francis of Zichy-Ferraris.
- MEUNIER. In 1836 was found guilty of complicity with Lavau, who had attempted to assassinate Louis-Philippe. He was a saddler and a benefactor of Lavau.
- MICHAEL ANGELO BUONAROTTI (1475-1564). Famous Italian painter, sculptor and architect. The most learned and profound of draughtsmen, he became architect of the Basilica of St. Peter at Rome after the death of Bramante, and built the sublime cupola which is its chief glory.
- MIRAFLORES, the Marquis de* (1792-1867). Spanish diplomatist and man of letters.
- MOIRA, Lord (1808-1843). Eldest son of the first Marquis of Hastings. He was Chamberlain in 1830 to King William IV. of England.
- MOLÉ, the Comte Mathieu* (1788-1855). French politician of an old parliamentary family.
- MOLÉ, the Comtesse.* Died in 1845. NÉe Mlle. de la Briche.
- MOLITOR, Marshal, Comte (1770-1849). He served throughout the wars of the Revolution and the Empire; was exiled at the Second Restoration and recalled in 1818 to his duties as Inspector-General. He commanded the second Army Corps during the Spanish War in 1823 and was then made Marshal and Peer of France. Under the July government, he was governor of the Invalides and Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honour.
- MOLLIEN, the Comtesse* (1785-1878). Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Marie AmÉlie.
- MONTALEMBERT, the Comte Charles de (1810-1870). French publicist and politician. One of the most brilliant defenders of Liberal Catholicism.
- MONTALIVET, the Comte de (1801-1880). A pupil of the Polytechnic School, he afterwards sat in the Chamber of Peers among the Liberals. Louis-Philippe appointed him Minister of the Interior in 1830 and afterwards Minister of Education and Public Worship. As the supervisor of the civil list he founded the museum of Versailles, increased the museum of the Louvre, and restored the palaces of Fontainebleau, Saint-Cloud, Trianon and Pau. He entered the Academy of Fine Arts in 1840. The events of 1848 sent him back to private life.
- MONTBRETON, Madame de. ClÉmence Marie de NicolaÏ, daughter of the Marquis and Marquise Scipion de NicolaÏ, whose name appears in the Lafarge trial.
- MONTEBELLO, NapolÉon Auguste Lannes de (1801-1874). Son of the famous marshal. Diplomatist and French Minister; he was made a Peer of France at the age of fourteen by King Louis XVIII. He supported the July monarchy and afterwards the Empire.
- MONTENON, M. de. A young man of La Creuse who was a constant visitor at the Castle of ValenÇay.
- MONTESQUIOU, the Comtesse Anatole de, born in 1794. Elodie, daughter of the Comte Henri de Montesquiou-Fezensac de Bacquencourt, married her cousin-german in 1809, who was aide-de-camp to Napoleon I. and afterwards Peer of France. She was the first lady at the Court of the Duchesse d'OrlÉans.
- MONTESSUY, the Comte de. A French diplomatist who acted as French Minister at Hanover in 1849, at Parma in 1855, at Darmstadt and at Frankfort from 1855 to 1858. He married a daughter of Prince Paul of WÜrtemberg by a morganatic marriage.
- MONTFORT, Mlle. de (1820-1904). The Princess Mathilde, daughter of Jerome, King of Westphalia, and of Catherine, Princess of WÜrtemberg. She married in 1841 the Comte Anatole Demidoff, Prince de San Donato.
- MONTMORENCY, the Duchesse de* (1774-1846). NÉe Mlle. de Matignon. She was the mother of Baron Raoul de Montmorency, of the Princesse de Beauffremont Courtenay, and of the Duchesse de ValenÇay.
- MONTMORENCY, Raoul, Baron de* (1790-1862). He took the title of Duc on his father's death in 1846.
- MONTMORENCY, the Duchesse Mathieu de. Died in 1858. Hortense de Chevreuse-Luynes had married Mathieu de Montmorency-Laval. Her only daughter was the first wife of the Duc SosthÈne de la Rochefoucauld-Doudeauville.
- MONTPENSIER, the Duchesse de* (1627-1693). Known under the name of la Grande Mademoiselle; she was the daughter of Duc Gaston d'OrlÉans.
- MONTROND, the Comte Casimir de.* Friend of M. de Talleyrand and sometimes entrusted with unimportant diplomatic missions.
- MORTEMART, Arthur de. Only son of the Duc de Mortemart who died from injuries received by a fall from his horse in October 1840.
- MOTTEVILLE, Mme. de (1621-1689). FranÇoise Bertaut married in 1639 Nicolas Langlois, Seigneur de Motteville, who died in 1641. On the death of Louis XIII. in 1643, Anne of Austria called Mme. de Motteville to her Court, and admitted her to her intimacy. Mme. de Motteville left very interesting memoirs behind her.
- MOUNIER, Baron Claude Philippe Edouard (1784-1843). Auditor to the Council of State under the Empire, then Governor of Saxe-Weimar and afterwards of Lower Silesia. In 1809 he received the title of Baron, and in 1813 the post of Overseer of the Crown Buildings. Louis XVIII. confirmed him in this position and made him a Peer in 1819. He retained his seat in the Chamber of Peers and showed much talent in many discussions.
- MUÑOZ, Fernando (1810-1873). Of lowly parentage, he entered the Spanish Army at an early age and became a Life Guard. Queen Christina fell violently in love with him and contracted a morganatic marriage with him three months after the death of Ferdinand VII. MuÑoz showed no ambition and only consented to become Duke of Rianzares, noble of Spain and knight of the Golden Fleece.
- MUNSTER, Lord (1794-1842). George Fitz-Clarence, natural son of King William IV. and Mrs. Jordan. He entered the army at a very early age and became Major-General, member of the Privy Council, aide-de-camp to Queen Victoria and received the title of Lord Munster.
- MURAT, Mme. (1782-1839). Caroline Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon I. She married General Murat in 1800. In 1806 she was Grand Duchess of Berg and Queen of Naples in 1808. She became a widow in 1815 and then retired to Austria and afterwards to Florence where she died.
N - NAPIER, Sir Charles (1786-1860). A Naval Captain in 1810, he went through the Portugal Campaign. In 1815 he was placed on the retired list, but in 1829 he entered the service of Dom Pedro of Portugal with successful results. On his return to England he was elected member of the House of Commons in 1834, appointed Commodore in 1839, Rear-Admiral in 1846, and Vice-Admiral in 1853. In 1840 he supported the Turkish Fleet during the Syrian Expedition; but in 1853 he was less fortunate and failed before Cronstadt.
- NAPLES, the King of (1811-1859). Ferdinand II.,* son of King Francis I. and of Isabella of Spain.
- NAPLES, the Queen of (1812-1836). Maria Christina, daughter of the King of Sardinia, Victor Emanuel I. She married King Ferdinand II. in 1832.
- NAPLES, Prince Charles Ferdinand of (1811-1862). Brother of the Count of Syracuse and morganatic husband of Miss Penelope Smith, by whom he had two children. His son bore the title of Count Mascali.
- NAPLES, Prince Leopold of (1813-1860). (See Syracuse, Count of.)
- NEALE, the Countess Pauline (1779-1869). Of an Irish family which had been settled in Prussia for several generations. The Countess Neale was lady of honour to Princess Louise of Prussia and married Prince Antoine Radziwill in 1795.
- NEIGRE, the Baron (1774-1847). He enlisted as a volunteer in 1790, and had a brilliant career in the wars of the First Empire. In 1813 he was general of division; afterwards he supported the Bourbons, took part in the siege of Antwerp and held a seat in the Chamber of Peers until his death.
- NEIPPERG, Count Alfred of (1807-1865). Austrian Chamberlain and Major-General in the army of WÜrtemberg. He married as his second wife in 1840 Princess Maria of WÜrtemberg.
- NEMOURS, the Duchesse de (1625-1701). Marie d'OrlÉans, wife of Henry II., Duc de Savoie-Nemours, her cousin. In 1690 she obtained the Principality of NeuchÂtel. She has left graceful and lively memoirs of her life.
- NEMOURS, the Duc de* (1814-1896). Second son of King Louis-Philippe.
- NESSELRODE, Count* (1780-1862). Russian diplomatist and afterwards Imperial Chancellor of Russia.
- NESSELRODE, Countess, died in 1849. She was the daughter of Count Gourieff, who was Russian Financial Minister.
- NEUMANN, Baron. Austrian diplomatist who married the daughter of the Duke of Beaufort, in England.
- NEY, the wife of the Marshal. Duchesse d'Elchingen, Princesse de la Moskowa. NÉe AglaÉ Louise de Lascans, she had married Marshal Ney in 1802. Her mother had held a court post under Queen Marie Antoinette which had brought her daughter into connection with the Dauphine during their youth.
- NICOLAÏ, the Marquise Scipion de, nÉe Lameth. She was the mother of Madame de LÉautaud and Madame de Montbreton, who were implicated in the charge of diamond-stealing which arose in the Lafarge trial.
- NICOLE, Pierre (1625-1695). Moralist, theologian and controversialist, one of the most remarkable writers of Port Royal where he lectured upon literature. With Arnaud and Pascal he wrote against the Jesuits and was involved in the prosecutions directed against the Jansenists. He was obliged to leave France in 1679 and could only return through the intervention of Mgr. du Harlay, Archbishop of Paris.
- NINA LASSAVE. Daughter of Laurence Petit for whom Fieschi had conceived an ardent passion in his prison at Embrun. Nina, who was fifteen years of age, had been left to Fieschi by Laurence.
- NOAILLES, the Duc Paul de* (1802-1885). At the age of twenty he succeeded to the peerage on the death of his great-uncle, the Duc Jean de Noailles.
- NOAILLES, the Vicountesse de* (1792-1851). Daughter of the Duc de Poix, she married her cousin the Vicomte Alfred de Noailles.
- NOAILLES, the Comte Maurice de. Born in 1808, he married in 1842 his cousin Mlle. Pauline de Noailles, daughter of the Duc de Noailles.
- NORTON, Mrs., born in 1808. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton was the granddaughter of Sheridan. Her intimacy with Lord Melbourne was notorious and her husband began a suit against her for divorce in 1836, which caused much stir. The jury acquitted Lord Melbourne, notwithstanding the strong presumption against him. Mrs. Norton was separated from her husband and acquired a certain notoriety in English literature by her novels and newspaper articles.
O - O'CONNELL, Daniel* (1775-1847). Patriot and Irish agitator.
- O'CONNELL, Maurice. Died in 1853. Eldest son of Daniel O'Connell, whose policy he continued in the House of Commons.
- OFFALIA, the Comte d' (1777-1843). Spanish statesman. At first he was secretary to the embassy in Washington in 1800; in 1823 he became Minister of Justice; Ambassador at Paris in 1828; Minister of the Interior in 1832; head of the Cabinet and Foreign Minister in 1837.
- OLLIVIER, l'AbbÉ Nicolas ThÉodore. Born in 1798. Priest of Saint-Roch at Paris, he was appointed Bishop of Evreux in 1841.
- OMPTEDA, the Baroness* (1767-1843). NÉe the Countess of Schlippenbach.
- ORANGE, Prince William of* (1793-1849). He ascended the throne of Holland in 1840.
- ORANGE, Princess of.* By birth Anne Paulowna, daughter of the Emperor Paul of Russia.
- ORIE, Dr. Doctor of Bourgueil in Touraine. He died suddenly on the road between Benais and Bourgueil. On the spot where he expired a column has been raised with this inscription: "On this spot died Dr. Orie, July 14, 1846."
- ORLEANS, the Duc d'* (1741-1793). Louis Philippe Joseph, called Philippe EgalitÉ. He died on the scaffold of the Revolution.
- ORLEANS, the Duc d'* (1810-1842). Ferdinand, eldest son of King Louis-Philippe and Crown Prince.
- ORLOFF, Count (1781-1861). Alexis Fedorowitch, took part in all the wars against Napoleon I. and entered the Russian diplomatic service in 1828.
P - PAHLEN, Count.* Born in 1775. A Russian diplomatist and Ambassador at Paris.
- PALATINE, the Princess (1616-1684). Anne of Gonzague married Edward, Count Palatine, son of the Palatine Elector, Frederic V. and settled at Paris, where she was the ornament of the Court of Anne of Austria through her beauty and her wit. After a life of pleasure and political intrigue she suffered an overthrow by the influence of Mazarin and spent her last days in retirement. On her death Bossuet delivered a funeral oration upon her, one of the most remarkable that he composed.
- PALFFY the Princess. Born in 1774. Daughter of the Count of Hohenfeld and wife of Prince Joseph Palffy. She died in 1827.
- PALMELLA, the Duchess of. A descendant of Vasco di Gama, she had married Dom Pedro de Souza Holstein, Duke of Palmella, a Portuguese statesman.
- PALMERSTON, Lord* (1784-1865). English politician; for a long time Foreign Minister.
- PALMYRE, Madame.* A clever Parisian dressmaker.
- PARIS, the Comte de (1838-1894). Eldest son of the Duc d'OrlÉans and Princess Helena of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. After the death of the Comte de Chambord he became the head of the French house.
- PASCAL, Blaise (1623-1662). One of the greatest and most noble geniuses of the seventeenth century; a mathematician, physicist and philosopher. A quarrel between the Jansenists and the Jesuits gave him the opportunity of showing himself the most powerful writer in Port Royal.
- PASQUIER, Duc Etienne* (1767-1862). Politician and Peer of France. Appointed Chancellor in 1837.
- PASSY, Hippolyte Philibert* (1793-1880). French politician, deputy and member of the Institute.
- PEAN. One of the footmen of the Prince de Talleyrand.
- PEEL, Sir Robert* (1788-1850). English statesman and member of several Cabinets.
- PEMBROKE, Lady Catherine. Only daughter of Count Woronzoff, married in 1808, George Augustus, Lord Pembroke, who died in 1827.
- PENELOPE SMITH, Miss (1815-1882). Morganatic wife of Prince Charles of Naples, Count of Capua. Victor Emanuel recognised her possession of this title.
- PEPIN* (1780-1836). Grocer and accomplice of Fieschi, with whom he was executed.
- PÉRIGORD, the Comte Paul de (1811-1880). Paul Adalbert RenÉ de Talleyrand-PÉrigord, husband of Mlle. Amicide de Saint-Aignan, who died in 1854.
- PÉRIGORD, Mlle. Pauline de* (1820-1890). Daughter of the Duchesse de Dino. She married the Marquis Henri de Castellane in 1839.
- PÉRIGORD, Boson de (1832). Eldest son of the Duc de ValenÇay by his first wife, Mlle. de Montmorency. He afterwards bore the title of Duc de Talleyrand and de Sagan.
- PERPONCHER, the Comte Henri de (1771-1856). Infantry General in Holland. He became Minister of the Low Countries at the Court of Frederick William III.
- PERPONCHER, the Comtesse de. Died in 1861. AdÉlaÏde, Countess of Reede, married in 1816, Comte Henri de Perponcher.
- PERREGEAUX, the Comte de (1785-1841). After acting as auditor to the Council of State, he occupied certain administrative posts under the Empire. At the Restoration he was set aside, but King Louis-Philippe made him a Peer of France in 1831.
- PETETOT, the AbbÉ Louis Pierre (1801-1887). General Superior of the Order of the Oratoire, he was first priest of Saint Louis d'Antin and of Saint Roch, and administered the affairs of the Order for more than twenty years, resigning in 1884.
- PEYRONNET, the Comte de (1778-1854). An ÉmigrÉ during the Revolution and the Empire, he was elected deputy under the Restoration and joined the ultra party; as Minister of Justice under M. de VillÈle, he supported every retrograde measure. In 1829 he became Minister of the Interior under the Polignac Ministry and helped to draw up the ordinances which provoked the July Revolution. He was arrested and tried by the Court of Peers and condemned to perpetual imprisonment. He spent six years at the Fort of Ham, was then pardoned, after which he lived in complete retirement at his estate of Montferrand near Bordeaux.
- PIATOLI, the AbbÉ Scipion (1750-1809). Born at Florence, he took orders. Princess Lubomirska, nÉe Czartoryska, who was travelling in Italy, appointed him tutor to her nephew, Prince Henry Lubomirski. The AbbÉ came with her to Poland in 1787, and Count Ignatius Potocki, who was struck with his capacity, secured him the post of Secretary to King Stanislas Augustus. The AbbÉ Piatoli persuaded the King to join the Polish patriotic party himself and drew up the Constitution of May 3, 1791, after taking the chief share in discussion upon it. After the second partition of Poland he left the country and became tutor to the household of Princess Dorothea of Courlande. Afterwards, through the good offices of Prince Adam Czartoryski, he obtained a post in the service of Russia. Very learned, with a powerful imagination and lofty ideas, he was strongly imbued with the principles of Voltaire.
- PIUS VII., Pope (1740-1823). BarbÉ Chiaramonti, a Benedictine monk, and Bishop of Tivoli, received the purple with the bishopric of Imola in 1795, and was elected Pope in 1800. He reorganised his papal states, signed a Concordat with Napoleon, and came to Paris to crown him as Emperor in 1804. Seven years afterwards, having refused to drive out the enemies of France, he saw his states invaded and his provinces were united to the French Empire. As he had excommunicated the French Emperor he was forced to undergo a rigorous confinement at Fontainebleau. The Congress of Vienna restored his possessions in 1814, and he returned to them. He was so generous as to grant a refuge in Rome to several members of the family of the deposed Emperor.
- PIMODAN, the Marquis de. Born in 1789. Camille de RarÉcourt de la VallÉe Marquis de Pimodan, cavalry captain and honorary gentleman of the Chamber to King Charles X., and knight of the Legion of Honour. He married Mlle. de FrÉnilly in 1819.
- PISCATORY, ThÉobald-Emile (1799-1870). He went to Greece under the Restoration to support the cause of independence. In 1832 he was elected deputy and afterwards voted with the Conservative majority. From 1844 to 1846 he was Plenipotentiary Minister in Greece and cleverly counteracted English influence. In 1846 he was made Peer of France and in 1847 Spanish Ambassador. He abandoned political life after the coup d'État of 1851.
- PLAISANCE, the Duchesse de (1786-1854). Marie Anne Sophie, daughter of the Marquis of BarbÉ Marbois, married Lebrun, Duc de Plaisance. Witty and somewhat foreign in manner, she left France at an early age for Greece, where she died.
- PLESSEN, Herr von. Died in 1837. In 1832 he was Minister of the Privy Council of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg, and negotiated the marriage of Princess Helena with the Duc d'OrlÉans.
- POLIGNAC, Prince Jules de* (1780-1847). A Minister of Charles X. He signed the July Ordinances and was condemned by the Court of Peers, but released after the amnesty of 1837.
- POLIGNAC, the Princesse de (1792-1864). Charlotte Parkyns, daughter of Lord Radcliffe, married as her first husband the Marquis de Choiseul and as her second, in 1821, Prince Jules de Polignac.
- POMPONNE, the Marquis of (1618-1699). Simon Arnauld, Marquis de Pomponne, son of Arnauld d'Andilly; King's Councillor in 1644, he fell into disgrace with Fouquet, and was relegated to Verdun in 1662. Three years later he returned to favour, and was sent to Stockholm as Ambassador; afterwards the King appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs, and under his administration the glorious peace of Nimwegen was signed. He again fell into disfavour and did not return to office until after the death of Louvois.
- PONSONBY, Lord* (1770-1855). English Ambassador at Constantinople from 1822 to 1827.
- PONTOIS, Comte Charles Edouard de (1792-1871). A French diplomatist under Louis-Philippe; he was Plenipotentiary Minister of France in Brazil and then in the United States; afterwards he was French Ambassador at Constantinople. In 1846 he entered the Chamber of Peers.
- POTEMKIN, Ivan Alexiewitch (1778-1849). A Russian diplomatist and privy councillor. He was appointed Ambassador at Rome in 1840 and died at Naples.
- POZZO DI BORGO, Count (1764-1842). A Corsican by birth, he was a diplomatist in the service of Russia, and well known as Ambassador at Paris.
- PRASLIN, Marquis Charles Hughes ThÉobald de (1805-1847). He took the title of Duc on his father's death; became Knight of Honour to the Duchess d'OrlÉans in 1837; was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1839 to 1842, and was raised to the Peerage in 1845. In 1824 he married the daughter of Marshal SÉbastiani. Both came to a tragic end in 1847, as M. de Praslin killed his wife in a fit of madness and then committed suicide.
- PREISSAC, Comte FranÇois Jean de (1778-1852). Prefect of the Gironde and Peer of France in 1832. He married Mlle. de Francfort, daughter of a retired Colonel of a Royal Cavalry Regiment.
- PRIMATE OF FRANKFORT, Prince Charles of Dalberg (1744-1817). He took orders and became Privy Councillor in 1772 of the Elector of Mayence, then Governor of Erfurth and coadjutor to the Archbishop of Mayence, whom he succeeded in 1802. In 1806 he became Prince Primate of the Confederation of the Rhine, Sovereign Prince of Ratisbon and Grand Duke of Fulda. Charles of Dalberg solemnised at Frankfort in April 1810 the marriage of the Princess of Courlande with the Comte Edmond de PÉrigord, afterwards Duc de Dino, and after his father's death Duc de Talleyrand.
- PRUSSIA, Prince Frederick of (1794-1863). Only son of Prince Ludwig of Prussia and of Princess Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, sister of Queen Louise.
- PRUSSIA, Princess Frederick of (1799-1882). Daughter of the Duke of Anhalt Bernbourg, she had married Prince Frederick in 1817.
- PRUSSIA, Princess William of (1785-1846). Amelie Marianne, daughter of the Landgrave Ludwig of Hesse-Homburg, married, in 1804, Prince William of Prussia, brother of Frederick William III.
- PRUSSIA, Prince William of (1797-1888). Second son of King Frederick William III. As his elder brother had no children, he assumed the title of Prince of Prussia in 1840, when Frederick William IV. came to the throne. He succeeded the latter as King in 1861, and in 1870 became the first Emperor of Germany of the House of Hohenzollern.
- PRUSSIA, Princess William of (1816-1890). Princess Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach married, in 1829, Prince William, son of Frederick William III. She afterwards became the Empress Augusta.
- PRUSSIA, Prince Charles of (1801-1883). Third son of King Frederick William III. and of Queen Louise.
- PRUSSIA, Princess Charles of (1808-1877). Marie, daughter of the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, married Prince Charles of Prussia in 1827.
- PRUSSIA, Prince Albert of (1809-1872). Fourth son of King Frederick William IV., he married, in 1830, Princess Marianne of the Low Countries, whom he divorced in 1849. In 1853 he contracted a morganatic marriage with FrÄulein von Rauch, who was given the title of Countess of Hohenau.
- PRUSSIA, Princess Albert of (1810-1883). Marianne, daughter of the King of the Low Countries, married, in 1830, Prince Albert of Prussia, the youngest son of Frederick William III., by whom she had two children. On her divorce in 1849 she left the Prussian court.
- PRUSSIA, Prince Adalbert of (1811-1837). Son of Prince William of Prussia, brother of Frederick William III. and of the Princess of Hesse-Homburg. He was Commander-in-Chief of the Prussian Navy. He contracted a morganatic marriage in 1850 with Therese Elssler, who received the title of Baroness of Barnim.
- PRUSSIA, Princess Marie of (1825-1889). Sister of the foregoing. In 1842 she married the Crown Prince of Bavaria, who became King in 1848 under the name of Maximilian II., and died in 1864.
- PÜCKLER, Prince Hermann Ludwig Heinrich (1795-1871). An officer in the Life Guards at Dresden in 1804; he entered the Russian service, in which he remained from 1813 to 1815, and married in 1817 the daughter of Prince Hardenburg, from whom he separated in 1826. In 1863 he became a Member of the House of Lords in Prussia. He travelled a great deal, and was a lover of parks and gardens.
- PÜCKLER, Princess (1776-1854). Princess Anna Hardenberg married the Count of Pappenheim as her first husband in 1796. In 1817 she divorced him to marry Prince Hermann PÜckler, from whom she separated in 1826.
- PUTUS, Count Malte (1807-1837). AttachÉ to the Prussian Legation at Naples. He died of consumption. His sister was the Countess Lottum.
Q - QUATREMÈRE DE QUINCY, Antoine Chrysostome (1755-1849). At an early age he devoted himself to the study of antiquity and art, and produced important works on these subjects. He was Deputy at Paris to the Legislative Assembly of 1791; member of the Council of the Five Hundred in 1797; theatrical censor in 1815; Professor of ArchÆology in 1818; and he was a member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Literature and of the Academy of Fine Arts.
- QUÉLEN, Mgr. de,* (1778-1839). Coadjutor to the Cardinal de Talleyrand PÉrigord, whom he succeeded as Archbishop of Paris in 1821.
R - RACHEL, Mlle. (1820-1858). A great tragic actress. She was the daughter of a poor Jewish pedlar called Felix. After a youth spent in poverty she entered the Conservatoire, made her first appearance at the Gymnase, and was admitted in 1838 to the ThÉÂtre FranÇais, where she gave an admirable exposition of the finest parts of Corneille and Racine. In 1856 she undertook a tour in America and contracted a pulmonary disease, of which she soon died.
- RACZYNSKI, Count Athanasius (1788-1874). A diplomatist in the Prussian service. For several years he was Minister at Lisbon and Madrid, showing the utmost unselfishness and never drawing his salary. The money thus accumulated is now in the hands of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is of the greatest service to diplomatists in distress. Count Raczynski was a very wealthy man, and made a fine collection of pictures, which he bequeathed to the Crown. He wrote several books upon art; his political correspondence has also been published. In 1816 he married Princess Anna Radziwill. He was a member of the House of Lords and a Privy Councillor.
- RADZIWILL, Princess Louise (1770-1836). Daughter of Prince Ferdinand of Prussia, youngest brother of Frederick the Great. She married Prince Antoine Radziwill in 1796.
- RADZIWILL, Prince William (1797-1870). An infantry general in the service of Prussia, he commanded in succession several army corps, and was a member of the House of Lords. His first wife, whom he married in 1825, was his cousin Helene Radziwill, who died in 1827. In 1832 he married the Countess Matilda Clary. He was the eldest son of Prince Antoine Radziwill and of Princess Louise of Prussia.
- RADZIWILL, Princess William (1806-1896). Matilda, daughter of Prince Charles Clary-Aldringen and of the Countess Louisa Chotek, married Prince William Radziwill in 1832.
- RADZIWILL, Princess Boguslaw (1811-1890). LÉontine, third daughter of Prince Charles Clary, married, in 1832, Prince Boguslaw Radziwill, youngest son of Prince Antoine Radziwill.
- RANTZAU, the Comte Josias de (1609-1650). He entered the French service in 1635 under King Louis XIII., having previously served the Prince of Orange, Christian IV., King of Denmark, Gustavus Adolphus, and the Emperor Ferdinand II. He was Marshal of France.
- RANTZAU, Count Antony of (1793-1849). Chamberlain and captain in the service of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
- RAQUENA, the Count of (1821-1878). Son of the Duke of Rocca, he bore this title after his father's death. He was a Spanish artillery officer, and afterwards served in the Royal Halberdier Corps and died with the rank of general. He was a great lord, a great gambler, and led a most adventurous life.
- RATISBONNE, the AbbÉ Marie ThÉodore (1802-1884). Son of a Jewish banker of Strasburg, he had just concluded his study of the law when he was converted to Catholicism and took Orders. He was known as a writer and a preacher, and founded the congregation of Notre Dame of Sion.
- RATISBONNE, Alphonse (1812-1884). Brother of ThÉodore Ratisbonne. He was also converted to Catholicism and entered the congregation of Notre Dame of Sion, founded by his brother.
- RAUCH, Christian Daniel (1777-1857). A famous Prussian sculptor. He went to Rome in 1804 for study, returned to Berlin in 1811, where he was greatly patronised by the Court.
- RAULLIN, M. French Councillor of State.
- RAVIGNAN, the AbbÉ de (1795-1858). Born at Bayonne, he began his career in the magistracy. In obedience to a call he then left the world, entered the Jesuit seminary, and afterwards the Jesuit Order. He was distinguished for his lofty morality and his power as a preacher. He delivered the funeral oration of Monseigneur de QuÉlen, Archbishop of Paris.
- RAYNEVAL, Maximilian de (1778-1836). A French diplomatist who received the title of Comte and the peerage for his services.
- RAZUMOWSKI, the Countess. She was born Princess Wiasemski.
- RÉCAMIER, Madame* (1777-1849). Famous for her beauty and for the deep friendship which united her with the greatest literary personalities of her time, in particular with Chateaubriand.
- RECKE, the Baroness of (1754-1833). Elizabeth Charlotte, Countess of Medem, sister of the Duchess of Courlande, married, in 1774, the Baron of Recke. She was divorced from him in 1776 and lost her only daughter in the following year. She travelled a great deal in Italy and Germany, and was in connection with all the literary men of her age. She was herself the author of several works.
- REDERN, the Countess of (1772-1842). Wilhelmina of Otterstaedt married Count Wilhelm Jacob of Redern and had two sons, William and Henry.
- REDERN, Count William of (1802-1880). A great Prussian landowner, a member of the House of Lords, and afterwards High Chamberlain at the Court of the Emperor William I.
- REDERN, the Countess of (1811-1875). Bertha Ienisz, daughter of a Senator of Hamburg, married, in 1834, Count William of Redern. She had only one daughter, who died when a minor.
- REEDE, the Countess of (1769-1847); nÉe Krusemacht, daughter and sister of two Prussian generals of that name. In 1823, when the Crown Prince of Prussia was married, she was appointed chief lady at the Court of the Crown Princess.
- REINHARD, Count Charles Frederick (1761-1837). Born at WÜrtemberg, he studied at the University of TÜbingen and knew Goethe. He entered the French diplomatic service in 1792 and was Plenipotentiary Minister at Florence in 1797, and in 1799 replaced the Prince de Talleyrand at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was made a Peer of France in 1832, after having been made Count in 1814. He was a Member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Literature and of the Academy of Moral and Political Science.
- REUILLY, M. A lawyer, Mayor of Versailles, and Knight of the Legion of Honour. In 1840 he was Deputy for Seine-et-Oise, and was member of the Constituent Assembly in 1848.
- RÉMUSAT, Comte Charles de* (1797-1875). French writer and politician.
- RETZ, the Cardinal de* (1614-1679). He played a great part during the Fronde and left some remarkable memoirs.
- REUSS-SCHLEITZ-KOESTRITZ, Prince Henry LXIV. (1787-1856). General and Field Marshal in the service of Austria and divisional commander at Prague. He led the 7th regiment of Hussars.
- RUESS-SCHLEITZ, Princess Sophie Adelaide. Born in 1800; daughter of Prince Henri LI. of Reuss-Ebersdorff.
- RIBEAUPIERRE, Count Alexandre de (1785-1865). Born of a family of French Switzerland. His grandfather went to Russia in the suite of the Princess Sophie of Zerbst, afterwards Catherine II. His father had married the sister of General Bibikoff; he was Major-General when he died at the siege of Ismail. Alexandre de Ribeaupierre devoted himself to diplomacy, and became Russian Minister at Constantinople and Berlin. He was made a Count in 1856 and married Mlle. Potemkin.
- RICHELIEU, the Duc de (1696-1788). Marshal of France and a brilliant figure at the Court of Louis XIV. and XV. In 1720 he entered the French Academy and became a friend of Voltaire. On the female side he was a great-great-nephew of the Cardinal, godson of Louis XIV. and of the Duchesse de Bourgogne. He first saw service under Villars. While Ambassador at Vienna he showed dexterity in arranging an agreement between France and Austria. After some military exploits in Germany during the Seven Years War, he spent the remainder of his life in intrigue and pleasures.
- RIGNY, Comte Henri-Gauthier de* (1783-1835). French admiral. Several times Minister and Ambassador at Naples.
- RIGNY, Vicomte Alexandre de (1790-1873). Son of a cavalry officer and of the sister of the AbbÉ Louis, he left the military school at Fontainebleau in 1807, and took part in the campaigns of Prussia, Poland, Austria, and Spain. As field-marshal in 1830, he joined the first expedition to Constantinople in 1836, and though he displayed incontestable bravery during the retreat, the gravest charges were brought against him by General Clausel. The Council of War unanimously acquitted him in 1837, but he was relegated to the command of the subdivision of the Indre until 1848 and placed on the retired list in 1849.
- RIGNY, Mlle. Auguste de. She was the daughter of General de Rigny and heiress of her uncle, Baron Louis.
- RIVERS, Lady, died in 1866. Susan Georgiana Leveson Gower, daughter of Lord Granville. She married in 1833 George Pitt, Lord Rivers.
- ROHAN, the Duc de (1789-1869). Fernand de Rohan Chabot followed his father into exile while a child. He then returned to France and entered the army at the age of twenty with the rank of sub-lieutenant of Hussars. At that time bearing the title of Prince de LÉon, he was present at the battle of Wagram and became aide-de-camp to the Emperor. In 1814 he was made a prisoner but was exchanged soon afterwards. Under the Restoration he became aide-de-camp to the Duc de Berry, then first equerry to the Duc de Bordeaux, and finally Field Marshal in 1824. After 1830 he retired.
- ROOTHE, Madame de. Famous for her beauty. She married the Duc de Richelieu who was then more than eighty years of age and whose third wife she was.
- ROOTHE, M. de. Son of the first marriage of the Duchesse de Richelieu.
- ROSAMEL, M. de (1774-1848). Claude Charles Marie du Camp de Rosamel. A French sailor; Captain in 1814 and Rear-Admiral in 1823. He went through the Algerian campaign in 1830; in 1836 he became Naval Minister in the MolÉ Ministry, and in 1839 entered the Chamber of Peers.
- ROSSE, Lawrence, Lord (1758-1841). In 1797 he married Miss Alice Lloyd. He was distinguished in the Irish Parliament for his popularity and his eloquence. On his father's death he succeeded to his seat in the House of Lords in 1807. He was the father of the learned astronomer William Rosse.
- ROSSI, the Countess (1803-1854). Henriette Sontag, of Swedish origin, was a famous singer. In 1830 she abandoned the theatre on her marriage with Count Rossi and was then a leading figure in aristocratic salons by reason of her intellectual grace and her dignified conduct. In 1848 pecuniary losses reduced her to reappear upon the stage in Paris and London. Afterwards she went to America and died of cholera in Mexico.
- ROTHSCHILD, Madame Salomon de* (1774-1855). She had married the second son of Mayer Anselme Rothschild, who founded the branches of the banking house in Vienna and Paris.
- ROTHSCHILD, James de (1792-1868). Fourth son of Mayer Anselme Rothschild, settled at Paris.
- ROUGÉ, Marquis Alexis de (1778-1838). Peer of France in 1815, he married in 1804 Mlle. de Crussol d'UzÈs.
- ROUSSEAU, J. J. (1712-1778). Famous writer and philosopher. Son of a watchmaker at Geneva, his education was greatly neglected. With Voltaire he was an important revolutionary influence in the eighteenth century.
- ROUSSIN, Admiral* (1781-1854). Peer of France, Ambassador at Constantinople from 1832 to 1834 and Naval Minister in 1840.
- ROVIGO, the Duc de (1774-1833). Anne Jean Marie RenÉ Savary. Aide-de-camp to General Bonaparte in Egypt, and afterwards commander of the picked bodyguard of the First Council. He was ordered to carry out the death sentence pronounced upon the Duc d'Enghien in 1804, and was then appointed General. After the battle of Friedland, he was made Duc de Rovigo; in 1810 he succeeded FouchÉ as Minister of Police. After 1815, the English refused to send him to St. Helena with Napoleon and the Restoration condemned him to death, but he escaped and was afterwards acquitted. In 1831 he commanded the army of Algeria, terrorised the natives by his severity, and constructed fine strategical roads.
- ROY, the Comte Antoine (1764-1847). A lawyer and afterwards deputy he became Finance Minister in 1818, and introduced valuable reforms into this department. He was a Member of the Chamber of Peers under the Restoration and under the July Monarchy.
- ROYER COLLARD, Pierre Paul* (1763-1845). French philosopher statesman and Member of the Academy.
- RUBINI, J. B.* (1795-1854). Famous Italian tenor.
- RUMFORD, Madame de (1766-1836). Mlle. de Paulze married the scientist, Lavoisier, as her first husband. He died upon the scaffold of the Revolution, and in 1804 she married Rumford, a German physician and philosopher. In 1814 she was left a widow. Her drawing-room at Paris was famous.
- RUMIGNY, Comte Marie ThÉodore de (1789-1860). He took part in the wars of the First Empire and was aide-de-camp to General GÉrard in 1812. In 1830 Louis-Philippe appointed him Field Marshal; after 1848 he accompanied the King to England and then lived in retirement.
- RUSSELL, Lord William* (1799-1846). English diplomatist and Ambassador at Berlin.
- RUSSELL, Lord John.* English statesman, member of several Ministries and twice Prime Minister.
- RUSSIA, Empress Marie of (1759-1828). Marie Feodorovna, formerly Sophie, daughter of Duke Frederick of WÜrtemberg, second wife of the Emperor Paul, mother of Alexander I. and of Nicholas I. She was left a widow in 1801.
- RUSSIA, the Grand Duchess Constantine of (1781-1831). Julienne, Princess of Saxe Coburg Gotha married in 1796 the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia and was baptized under the name of Anna Feodorovna.
- RUSSIA, the Emperor of (1796-1855). Nicholas I.*
- RUSSIA, the Empress of (1798-1860). Charlotte, daughter of Frederick William III. of Prussia, married in 1817 the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia, who ascended the throne in 1825.
- RUSSIA, Grand Duchess Helena of (1807-1873). Daughter of Prince Paul of WÜrtemberg and of his first wife, a princess of Saxe Altenburg. She married in 1824 the Grand Duke Michael of Russia, youngest son of the Emperor Paul.
- RUSSIA, the Grand Hereditary Duke of (1818-1881). Alexander, son of the Emperor Nicholas, whom he succeeded in 1855 as Alexander II., married in 1841 the Princess of Hesse Darmstadt.
- RUSSIA, the Grand Duchess Olga of (1822-1892). Daughter of the Emperor Nicholas I. of Russia. She married in 1846 the Hereditary Prince of WÜrtemberg, who succeeded his father in the same year.
S - SAGAN, the Duchess of (1781-1839). Wilhelmina, eldest daughter of Peter, Duke of Courlande. She was married three times: (1) In 1800 to Prince Henri de Rohan; (2) to Prince Troubetskoi, and (3) to Count Charles of Schulenburg who survived her. She died suddenly at Vienna and left no children.
- SAINT AUGUSTINE (354-430). Bishop of Hippo, son of Saint Monica and one of the fathers of the church.
- SAINT BLANCARD, the Marquis de (1814-1897). At one time page to King Charles X. He married Mlle. de Bauffremont.
- SAINT CYRAN, the AbbÉ de (1581-1643). Jean Duvergier de Hauranne studied in the University of Louvain and became connected with the Jansenists, whose doctrines he ardently embraced, and obtained the Abbey of Saint Cyran in 1620. Among his numerous disciples and friends were Arnauld, Lemaistre de Sacy, Bignon, etc. He attacked the Jesuits in several works and Richelieu kept him in prison for four years.
- SAINTE ALDEGONDE, the Comtesse Camille de* (1793-1869). Widow of an aide-de-camp of King Louis-Philippe.
- SAINTE AULAIRE, the Comte de* (1778-1854). Peer of France, diplomatist, and Ambassador at Rome, Vienna and London.
- SAINTE AULAIRE, the Comtesse de. NÉe Louise Charlotte Victoire de Grimoard de Beauvoir du Roure-Brison. She married in 1809 M. de Sainte Aulaire, who was already a widower.
- SAINT LEU, the Duchesse de* (1783-1837). NÉe Hortense de Beauharnais, she was the widow of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland and mother of Napoleon III.
- SAINT PRIEST, the Comte Alexis de,* diplomatist and French writer and member of the French Academy.
- SAINT SIMON, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de (1675-1755). A lord at the Court of Louis XIV. He wrote famous memoirs, important to the history of his time.
- SALERNO, the Prince of (1790-1851). Leopold de Bourbon, brother of Francis I., King of Naples, was Inspector-General of the Royal Guard and leader of the 22nd Regiment of Austrian Infantry. In 1816 he married the Archduchess Maria of Austria, and had a daughter who became the Duchesse d'Aumale.
- SALERNO, the Princess of (1798-1880). Maria, daughter of the Emperor Francis I. of Austria.
- SALVANDY, the Comte de* (1795-1856). French man of letters and politician; Ambassador and several times Minister.
- SALVANDY, the Comtesse de. Julie Ferey, daughter of a manufacturer and politician, married the Comte de Salvandy in 1823.
- SANDWICH, Lady, died in 1853. Louisa, daughter of Lord Belmore, married, in 1804, George John Montagu, Lord Sandwich, who died in 1818. One of his daughters was the first wife of Count Walewski.
- SAULX-TAVANNES, Duc Roger Gaspard de (1806-1845). He became a peer in 1820 on his father's death, but took no share in the work of the Chamber, and committed suicide at the age of thirty-nine, when his old ducal family became extinct.
- SAUZET, Paul* (1800-1876). Lawyer, Deputy, and Minister of Justice in 1836.
- SAXE-WEIMAR, Duke Bernard of (1792-1862). Infantry General in the service of the Low Countries.
- SAXONY, Augustus II., the Strong, Elector of (1670-1733). Afterwards King of Poland, elected after the death of John Sobieski by intrigue and bribery, and crowned at Warsaw in 1697.
- SAXONY, Princess Augusta of, born in 1782.
- SAXONY, Princess Amelia of (1794-1870). Sister of King Frederick Augustus and of Prince John of Saxony.
- SAXONY, King Frederick Augustus II. of (1797-1854). Ascended the throne in 1836, after having been co-regent since 1830, and promulgating a liberal Constitution for his people. An enlightened, liberal, and well-educated prince, he died in consequence of a fall from his horse, leaving no children.
- SAXONY, the Queen of (1805-1877). Maria, daughter of King Maximilian of Bavaria and wife of King Frederick Augustus II.
- SAXONY, Prince John of (1801-1873). This prince succeeded his brother, King Frederick Augustus, in 1854. He had married Princess Amelia of Bavaria, by whom he had several children, and was distinguished throughout his life for his great virtue and his learning.
- SAXONY, Princess John of (1801-1877). Amelia, daughter of King Maximilian of Bavaria and wife of Prince John of Saxony.
- SCHÖNBURG, Princess (1803-1884). Louise Schwarzenberg, sister of the Cardinal of that name, married, in 1823, Prince Edward of SchÖnburg Waldenburg.
- SCHÖNLEIN, Dr. Jean Luc (1793-1864). Doctor of medicine at Zurich. He was summoned to Berlin, where he obtained a great reputation.
- SCHRECKENSTEIN, Baron Maximilian of (1794-1862). For a long time first Gentleman at the Court of Princess Stephanie of Baden, and governor of the houses and property of this princess.
- SCHULENBURG-KLOSTERRODE, the Count of (1772-1853). He served in the Austrian diplomatic service and died at Vienna. He had married his cousin, the Countess Armgard of Schulenburg.
- SCHULENBURG, Count Charles Rudolph of (1788-1856). Austrian lieutenant-colonel; he married the Duchess Wilhelmina of Sagan, the eldest daughter of the last Duke of Courlande; this marriage was soon dissolved. In 1846 he undertook to administer the property of the Duchesse de Talleyrand. He died at Sagan of an apoplectic stroke and was buried there.
- SCHWARZENBERG, Charles Philippe, Prince of (1771-1820). First a soldier and then Austrian Ambassador at Paris. He negotiated the marriage of Napoleon with the Archduchess Maria Louisa. On the occasion of this marriage, in 1810, he gave a large ball, which had a fatal conclusion owing to a fire at the Embassy, when his wife perished in the flames.
- SCHWEINITZ, Countess of (1799-1854). FrÄulein Dullack, married, in 1832, Count Hans Hermann of Schweinitz and became, in 1840, chief lady at the Court of Princess William of Prussia, by birth the Princess of Saxe-Weimar.
- SÉBASTIANI DE LA PORTA, Marshal* (1775-1851). Ambassador at Constantinople, Naples, and London.
- SÉBASTIANI, wife of the foregoing, died in 1842. A daughter of the Duc de Gramont. She had become an ÉmigrÉ at the age of sixteen with the Bourbons. Her first husband had been General Davidow, whom she married at Milan, and her second husband was General SÉbastiani, whose second wife she was.
- SÉGUR, the Comtesse de (1779-1847). FÉlicitÉ d'Aguesseau, sole heiress of the last Marquis of this name, she married Count Octave de SÉgur, major on the Staff of the Royal Guard, who died in 1818.
- SÉMONVILLE, the Marquis de* (1754-1839). Chief referendary of the Court of Peers.
- SERCEY, the Marquis de (1753-1856). Pierre CÉsar Charles Guillaume de Sercey was a very distinguished sailor. On the return of the Bourbons, in 1814, he was commissioned to treat with England for the exchange of the French prisoners. He was then appointed Vice-Admiral and entered the Chamber of Peers.
- SÉVIGNÉ, the Marquise de* (1626-1696). One of the most distinguished ladies at the Court of Louis XIV. and author of remarkable letters.
- SFORZA, Ludovico (1451-1508). Known as the Moor, he was the opponent of the House of Aragon in Italy, and summoned Charles VIII. there in 1494. After betraying the French he was attacked by Louis XII., who deprived him of his states and forced him to flee into Germany. The unpopularity of Trivulzo in the Duchy of Milan allowed Sforza to reconquer that province, but in 1500 he was defeated and captured at Novaro by the French. He was imprisoned at Loches, and died ten years later.
- SIDNEY, Lady Sophia,* died in 1837. Countess of Isle and of Dudley, fifth child of William IV. of England and of Mrs. Jordan.
- SIEYÈS, the AbbÉ (1748-1836). Vicar-General of Chartres and politician during the Revolution.
- SIGALON, Xavier (1790-1837). Historical painter. He was commissioned by the Government in 1833 to go to Rome and copy Michael Angelo's fresco of the Last Judgment. This magnificent reproduction, a tenth less in size than the original, is at the School of Fine Arts in Paris.
- SIMÉON, the Comte Joseph Balthazar (1781-1846). Master of requests at the Council of State and Peer of France in 1835; he had strong artistic tastes.
- SOLMS-SONNENWALD, Count William Theodore of (1787-1859). Cavalry captain and Chamberlain, son of the Countess Ompteda by her first marriage.
- SOLMS-SONNENWALD, the Countess of, born in 1790. By name, Clementina, daughter of the Count of Bressler.
- SOPHIA, the Archduchess (1805-1872). Daughter of King Maximilian of Bavaria. She married, in 1824, the Archduke Francis, and was the mother of the Emperor Francis Joseph I.
- SOULT, Marshal* (1769-1852). One of the most famous soldiers of the Empire and a Minister under Louis-Philippe.
- STACKELBERG, Count Gustavus of, Privy Councillor and Chamberlain to the Emperor Alexander I. He became Russian Ambassador and took part in the Congress of Vienna in 1815. In 1805 he married Mlle. Caroline de Ludolf, daughter of the Ambassador of Naples at St. Petersburg.
- STACKELBERG, the Countess of (1785-1868). NÉe Caroline de Ludolf, she married Count Stackelberg in 1805; when she was left a widow she settled at Paris.
- STANLEY, Lady. Henrietta Maria, daughter of Viscount Dillon, married in Italy, in 1826, Sir Edward John Stanley, member of the English Parliament.
- STOPFORD, Robert (1768-1847). An English Admiral who became famous in the chief naval campaigns of the Revolution and the Empire. In 1840 he bombarded Saint Jean d'Acre.
- STROGONOFF, Countess Julia. She had married a Spaniard, the Count of Ega, with whom she lived at Madrid, when she made the acquaintance of Count Gregory Strogonoff, who carried her off and married her. She was well received in St. Petersburg society, but owing to her false position, she could not obtain for a long time the Order of St. Catherine, which was her great ambition. She died at an advanced age between 1860 and 1870, after carefully tending her husband, who had become blind.
- STURMFEDER, Frau von (1819-1891). Camilla Wilhelmena of MÜnchingen had married the Baron of Sturmfeder and of Oppenweiller, and was Chief Lady at the Court of the Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden.
- SUTHERLAND, the Duchess of,* died in 1868. NÉe Lady Carlisle. She was mistress of the robes to Queen Victoria.
- SYRACUSE, the Comte de (1813-1860). LÉopold de Bourbon, son of Francis I., King of Naples and of Maria Isabella of Spain. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General, though he never received any command.
- SYRACUSE, the Countess of (1814-1874). See Carignan, Philiberte de.
T - TALARU, the Marquis de (1769-1850). M. de Talaru, on the return from exile in 1815, was called to the Peerage and became French Ambassador at Madrid in 1823. In 1825 he was Minister of State and a member of the Privy Council of Charles X., but went into retirement upon the Revolution of 1830. He had married Mlle. de RosiÈre-Saraus, widow of the Count of Clermont-Tonnerre, by whom he had no children, so that the house of Tonnerre became extinct with him.
- TALLEYRAND-PÉRIGORD, Cardinal of* (1736-1821). Alexandre AngÉlique, second son of Daniel de Talleyrand-PÉrigord, was Archbishop of Reims in 1777 and of Paris in 1817.
- TALLEYRAND, Charles Maurice, Prince de* (1754-1838). Prince of Benevento. He was Minister of Foreign Affairs, High Chamberlain of France, member of the Institute and Ambassador. He had abandoned the church into which he had been forced to enter, and was one of the best politicians of his time.
- TALLEYRAND, the Princesse de* (1762-1835). NÉe Catharine WerlÉe, of English origin, she went through a civil marriage in 1802 with the Prince de Talleyrand, by the order of the Emperor Napoleon, a marriage which was immediately dissolved.
- TALLEYRAND, the Duc de (1762-1838). Known as le bel Archambaud. He married in 1779 Mlle. Sabine de Senozan de Viriville, who was executed in 1793 during the Revolution.
- TALLEYRAND, the Comte Anatole de, died in 1838. Son of Baron Augustin de Talleyrand and of AdÉlaide de Montigny.
- TASCHERAU, M. (1801-1874). A French deputy. He first studied law; some interesting publications gained him a great reputation among scholars; he became chief administrator of the Imperial Library upon its reorganisation.
- TATITCHEFF, Demetrius Paulowitch de (1769-1845). A Russian diplomatist. Minister at Madrid in 1815, then at Vienna where he remained until 1845. He then became Councillor of State and Lord Chamberlain to the Emperor Nicholas.
- TAURY, the AbbÉ Francois Louis (1791-1859). Priest of Chauvigny; he was selected in 1832 by the AbbÉ Tournet, founder of the community of the Sisters of Saint Andrew, to succeed him as Superior General of that community. In 1845 he was appointed Vicar-General at Niort. He died of an apoplectic stroke when he was descending from the pulpit and about to celebrate Mass.
- TAYLOR, Sir Herbert* (1775-1839). Private Secretary to King George III., George IV., and William IV. of England.
- THERESA, the Archduchess (1816-1867). Daughter of the Archduke Charles and of the Princess of Nassau Weilburg. The Archduchess Theresa became the second wife of Frederick II., King of Naples, who married her in 1837.
- THIARD DE BUSSY, the Comte de* (1772-1852). French Marshal, liberal deputy, appointed French Minister of Switzerland in 1848.
- THIERRY, Augustin (1795-1856). Famous French historian; author of "Letters on the History of France," and "Narratives of Merovingian Times."
- THIERS, Adolphe* (1797-1877). French statesman and historian.
- THIERS, Mme.* (1815-1880). Elise Dosne, daughter of the stockbroker.
- THORWALDSEN, BarthÉlemy* (1769-1844). Famous Danish sculptor.
- TOCQUEVILLE, Comte Alexis de (1805-1859). Member of the Chamber of Deputies under Louis-Philippe where he supported the Opposition. On the coup d'État of December 2, he joined the representatives who signed the act of accusation against Louis Bonaparte and was imprisoned at Vincennes. He was released a short time afterwards and returned to private life. He was the author of "Democracy in America," and of the Ancien RÉgime.
- TORENO, the Count of* (1786-1843). Spanish statesman, deputy in the Cortes and several times Minister.
- TOUR ET TAXIS, the Princesse de la. Born in 1773. Theresa, daughter of the Grand Duke Charles of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, sister of Queen Louisa of Prussia, married in 1789 Prince Charles de la Tour et Taxis, Privy Councillor to the Emperor of Austria and Postmaster-General, an office which had been in his family since 1695.
- TROGOFF, Madame de. A Russian lady, a great friend of the Duchess Wilhelmina of Sagan, whose companion she had been. She lived at Versailles.
- TUSCANY, the Grand Duke of (1797-1870). Leopold II., Archduke of Austria, succeeded his father the Grand Duke Ferdinand III., in 1824. His first wife was a Princess of Saxony, and in 1833 he married the Princess Antoinette of the Two Sicilies.
V - VALÉE, Marshal Sylvain Charles (1773-1846). Fought in the campaigns of the Revolution and the Empire with distinction, and received the title of Comte from Napoleon. He supported the Second Restoration, and Charles X. made him a peer of France. In 1837 he gained his Marshal's baton at the capture of Constantine and then became Governor-General of Algeria. In 1840 he resigned this command in favour of General Bugeaud.
- VALENÇAY, Madame de. Wife of Jacques d'Etampes, Marquis de la FertÉ-Imbault, Marshal of France, who lived from 1590 to 1668.
- VALENÇAY, the Duc de* (1811-1898). Louis de Talleyrand-PÉrigord, Duc de Talleyrand and de ValenÇay, Duc de Sagan after the death of his mother, eldest son of Edmond, Duc de Talleyrand and of Princess Dorothea of Courlande.
- VALENÇAY, the Duchesse de* (1810-1858). NÉe de Montmorency.
- VALENÇAY, Yolande de (1833-1835). Daughter of the Duc and Duchesse de ValenÇay; she died of scarlatina when young.
- VANDOEUVRE, Baron William de (1779-1870). Auditor to the Council of State in 1806 and then deputy for the Aube; he became Peer of France in 1837. He married Mlle. Dassy.
- VATRY, the Baron de (1793-1871). AlphÉe Bourdon Vapereau de Vatry, aide-de-camp to Prince JÉrÔme Bonaparte. He left the army under the Restoration, became a stockbroker and made a large fortune. He was a deputy from 1835 to 1848.
- VATRY, the Baronne de. Died in 1881. She was the daughter of M. Hainguerlot, and married Baron AlphÉe de Vatry who died in 1871.
- VAUGUYON, Mlle. Pauline de la (1783-1829). Daughter of the Duc de la Vauguyon; she married in 1810 the Baron of Villefranche of the house of Carignan. She died of burns received in an accident at her villa at Auteuil and left three children: (1) a daughter who married Prince Massimo of Arsoli; (2) another daughter who married the Count of Syracuse of the house of Naples; (3) a son by name EugÈne, who was recognised by the King of Sardinia as a prince of the blood.
- VÉRAC, the Marquis de (1768-1858). Armand de VÉrac served for some time in the army of the Princes and then returned to France; he was exiled by Napoleon to Belgium eight years later. Under the Restoration he became a Peer of France and Governor of the ChÂteau of Versailles.
- VERNET, Horace (1789-1863). A famous French painter who followed the Algerian campaign and painted several battle scenes illustrating it.
- VERQUIGNIEULLE, the Marquise de. Flore Marie de Proudhomme et d'Harlay de Verquignieulle, married in 1836 M. Ancillon whose third wife she was. On his death in 1837, she returned to live in Belgium, her native country.
- VERTOT, the AbbÉ de (1655-1735). RÉne Aubert de Vertot first entered a religious vocation and became in succession a Capuchin monk under the name of Father Zacharie, a Premonstratensian and a member of the Order of Cluny. Then, being tired of the cloister life, he joined the secular clergy and became priest of Croissy-la-Garenne and of other places. He published a "History of the Revolutions in Portugal," but his favourite work was a "History of the Roman Republic."
- VESTIER, Phidias (1796-1874). Architect and Inspector of the historical monuments in the department of Indre-et-Loire. He was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour after building the railway station at Tours in 1849. He was the grandson of a painter, several of whose works are in the Louvre. Largely supported by the Duchesse de Talleyrand, he built numerous residences at Paris and several country houses in the valley of the Loire.
- VICENCE, the Duc de (1815-1896). Armand Alexandre Joseph Adrien de Caulaincourt first entered upon a diplomatic career, which he abandoned in 1837. Under the July monarchy he was a deputy, under the Second Empire a Senator, and was made Commander of the Legion of Honour in 1868.
- VILLEFRANCHE, Comte EugÈne de (1753-1785). This prince of the house of Carignan served in the French Army and was given by Louis XVI. the command of an Infantry Regiment which took the name of Savoie Carignan. He incurred the royal disfavour on account of his marriage with Mlle. Magon Laballue, left the army and died at an early age, and in obscurity at Domart in Picardie.
- VILLEFRANCHE, Baron Joseph Marie de (1783-1825). Son of the foregoing. He had a brilliant career in a cavalry regiment under the Empire, which was continued under the Restoration, and in 1823 he followed the Duc d'AngoulÊme into Spain. He died suddenly in a carriage of an apoplectic stroke. He had married the daughter of the Duc de la Vauguyon.
- VILLEGONTIER, Comte Louis de la (1776-1849). Prefect of the Allier in 1816, then Prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine and Peer of France in 1819; he took the oath to the Government of Louis-Philippe and supported his policy until 1848, when he retired into private life.
- VILLÈLE, Comte Guillaume Aubin de (1770-1840). Brought up in the Seminary of Saint Sulpice, he became an ÉmigrÉ during the Revolution and was ordained priest at DÜsseldorf; when he returned to France in 1802 he devoted himself to preaching. Louis XVIII. appointed him Bishop of Soissons; in 1824 he became Archbishop of Bourges and entered the Chamber of Peers at the same time. After 1830 he remained adverse to the new Government, and refused the Cross of the Legion of Honour in 1839. When Don Carlos was driven from Spain and interned at Bourges, the Archbishop offered him his palace for his residence, and received from this Prince the grand cordon of Charles III.
- VILLEMAIN, Abel FranÇois* (1790-1870). French professor, writer, and politician.
- VINCKE, Frau von (1766-1845). FrÄulein von Vincke married her relative, Herr von Vincke, and became lady-of-honour to Queen Louise of Prussia, who was very fond of her. After the death of this Princess she held a high position at court and in Berlin society.
- VIVIEN, Alexandre FranÇois Auguste (1799-1854). In 1840 he was Minister of Justice in the Thiers Ministry, and lent his name to the decree suppressing the deputy judges for the Court of the Seine.
- VOLTAIRE, Arouet de* (1694-1778). A French philosopher who exerted a vast influence upon the history and literature of the eighteenth century.
W - WAGRAM, Prince Napoleon Louis de (1810-1888). Son of the famous Marshal Berthier. He was a Peer of France in 1836 and Senator in 1848.
- WALEWSKI, Comte Alexandre (1810-1868). French politician and Minister under Napoleon III. He was the natural son of the Emperor Napoleon I., and of the Countess Marie Walewska, whom the Emperor had known at Warsaw in 1807.
- WALLENSTEIN (1583-1634). A famous soldier, born in Bohemia, and one of the greatest generals during the Thirty Years War.
- WALSH, Countess Agatha. Left a widow as early as 1806, she became first lady at the court of the Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden and did not retire until 1839. Her son, Theophilus, was a constant visitor at the Baden court.
- WALTER SCOTT (1771-1832). A Scotch novelist.
- WASA, Princess (1811-1854). Louise Stephanie, daughter of the Grand Duke Charles of Baden and of the Grand Duchess, nÉe Stephanie of Beauharnais.
- WEIZEL, Mlle. de. A very intimate friend of the family of Entraigues and of the Baron and Baronne Finot, who lived near ValenÇay.
- WELLINGTON, the Duke of* (1769-1852). A famous English General, the opponent of Napoleon and several times a member of the Cabinet.
- WERTHER, Baron* (1772-1859). Prussian diplomatist, Ambassador at Paris, and afterwards Minister of Foreign Affairs at Berlin.
- WERTHER, Baroness* (1778-1853). By birth the Countess Sophia Sandizell.
- WERTHER, Baron Charles (1809-1894). Son of the foregoing. In 1869 he took the place of the Count of Golz as Ambassador at Paris, and through his instrumentality a breach in relations took place, which led to the outbreak of the 1870 war. In 1874 he was appointed Ambassador at Constantinople, and retired to Munich in 1877.
- WEYER, Sylvan van de* (1803-1874). Belgian statesman and man of letters.
- WITTGENSTEIN, Prince William of Sayn- (1770-1851). Household Minister to King Frederick William III. of Prussia, and one of the most important personages at the Berlin court.
- WOLFF, Herr von. Councillor to the Prussian Ministry of the Interior for many years.
- WOLFF, Frau von. Daughter of the Councillor of Justice. Herr Hennenberg.
- WOLOWSKI, Louis (1810-1876). Born at Warsaw, he was naturalised in France after the Polish revolution of 1830, and devoted himself to the study of law and economic problems, in which he became a master.
- WORONZOFF-DASCHKOFF, Count Ivan (1791-1854). Russian Minister at Munich from 1824 to 1828, and at Turin till 1832. He then became Councillor of the Empire at St. Petersburg and Chief Master of Ceremonies at the Court. He was an enlightened patron of the arts.
- WURMB, Herr Friedrich Karl von (1766-1843). Staff Officer at Berlin. He resigned to marry FrÄulein von GÖcking, and became land agent to the Duchesse de Dino at Deutsch-Wartenberg.
- WURMB, Frau von (1783-1862). Wilhelmina of GÖcking, daughter of the Councillor of State to the Finance Ministry.
- WÜRTEMBERG, Duke Alexander of (1804-1855). He entered the Austrian Military Service, but after contracting a morganatic marriage in 1835 with a Countess Rheday he settled at Paris.
- WÜRTEMBERG, the King of* (1781-1862). William I.
- WÜRTEMBERG, Princess Maria of* (1816-1863). Daughter of King William I. and wife of General Neipperg.
- WÜRTEMBERG, Princess Sophia of* (1818-1877). Sister of the foregoing. She married William III., King of the Low Countries. She was a very distinguished Princess, and an intimate friend of the Emperor Napoleon III.
- WÜRTEMBERG, Prince Paul of (1785-1852). Brother of King William I. He married, in 1825, Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Altenburg, by whom he had several children. He afterwards contracted a morganatic marriage with an English woman and settled at Paris.
- WÜRTEMBERG, Prince Frederick of. Born in 1808, and son of the foregoing. He remained in the service of WÜrtemberg.
- WÜRTEMBERG, Prince Augustus of. Born in 1813, and brother of the foregoing. He entered the Prussian service.
X - XIMENES DE CISNEROS, the Cardinal of (1436-1517). A famous Spanish statesman and Archbishop of Toledo. He performed the greatest services to Charles V., who showed himself most ungrateful, and dismissed him after using his influence to procure his nomination as King of Castile and of Aragon.
Z - ZEA-BERMEDEZ, Don Francisco* (1772-1850). Spanish diplomatist. He belonged to one of the most ancient families of the reconquest.
- ZEA-BERMEDEZ, DoÑa de.* Died in 1848. By birth she was DoÑa Maria Antonia de Anduaga, of a family living in Guipuscoa, which included several diplomatists among its members. She was Lady Noble of the Order of Maria Louisa.
- ZOÉ. A negress in the service of the Vicomtesse de Laval and then in the service of the Duchesse Mathieu de Montmorency, with whom she ended her life.
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