CHAPTER I | PAGE | Paris, May 9—A crowded drawing-room—Eridge Castle—Trouble in Paris—A Naval Spectacle. | 1 | CHAPTER II | A Visit from the Duke of Wellington—Politics at Paris—The King's Birthday—The Princess Victoria—European complications. | 12 | CHAPTER III | M. Thiers' Marriage—Talleyrand summoned to Paris—Return to London—Lady Jersey and the Duc d'OrlÉans—Dinner with the King. | 19 | CHAPTER IV | Warwick Castle—Queen Adelaide—The Duke of Wellington—London at its best—Woburn Abbey—M. de Lieven's recall—A rift in the Cabinet—Lord Brougham—Dinner with Palmerston—Lord Grey's difficulties—Palmerston's methods—Oxford and the Duke—Kings in exile—A jovial monarch—Mirabeau—Talleyrand's Memoirs—The King's health—Don Carlos and Court—A Schism at Almack's—Resignation of Lord Grey—Don Carlos escapes—Lord Melbourne's position—Revolutionary politics—European politics—Spanish affairs—Palmerston's incivility—A scene at the levÉe—Last days in England—Talk with Louis-Philippe—George Sand—English visitors—A royal visit—M. de Talleyrand resigns—Lord Brougham in Paris—A State trial—Talleyrand's successor. | 27 | CHAPTER V | A Court at the Tuileries—Cabinet making—Triumph of M. Guizot—Talleyrand and Church—Fieschi's crime—English politics—Thiers' difficulties—The King's courage—General SÉbastiani—A clever secretary—Marriage projects—State prisoners—British affairs. | 224 | APPENDIX I | 287 | APPENDIX II | 288 | BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX | 291 |