i. | Japanese, Imari porcelain (‘Old Japan’). (H. c. 19 in.) Vase, slaty-blue under glaze, iron-red of various shades and gold over glaze. Early eighteenth century. Salting collection. | (Frontispiece.) | ii. | Chinese, Ming porcelain. (H. c. 15 in.) Jar with blue-black ground and thin, skin-like glaze. Decoration in relief slightly counter-sunk, pale yellow and greenish to turquoise blue. Probably fifteenth century. Salting collection. | (Tofacep.44.) | iii. | (1) Chinese. (H. c. 9 in.) Figure of the Teaching Buddha. Celadon glaze, the hair black. Uncertain date. British Museum. (2) Chinese, probably Ming dynasty. (H. 11¼ in.) Vase with open-work body, enclosing plain inner vessel. Thick celadon glaze. Victoria and Albert Museum. | (Tofacep.64.) | iv. | Chinese, Sung porcelain. (H. c. 12 in.) Small jar with thick pale-blue glaze, and some patches of copper-red; faintly crackled. Circa 1200. British Museum. | (Tofacep.71.) | v. | Chinese, Ming porcelain. Three small bowls with apple-green glaze. Fifteenth or sixteenth century. British Museum. (1) Floral design in gold on green ground. (Diam. 4¾ in.) On base a coin-like mark, inscribed Chang ming fu kwei—‘long life, riches, and honour.’ (2) Similar decoration and identical inscription to above (diam. 4¾ in.), set in a German silver-gilt mounting of sixteenth century. (3) Shallow bowl (diam. 5¼ in.). Inside, apple-green band with gold pattern similar to above; in centre, cranes among clouds—blue under glaze. | (Tofacep.81.) | vi. | Chinese. Ming porcelain. (H. 7¾ ins.) Spherical vase, floral decoration of Persian type in blue under glaze; the neck has probably been removed for conversion into base of hookah. Probably sixteenth century. Bought in Persia. Victoria and Albert Museum. | (Tofacep.84.) | vii. | (1) Chinese. Ming porcelain. (H. c. 18 in.) Baluster-shaped vase; greyish crackle ground, painted over the glaze with turquoise blue flowers (with touches of cobalt), green leaves and manganese purple scrolls; a little yellow in places, and around neck cobalt blue band under glaze. On base, mark of Cheng-hua, possibly of as early a date (1464-87). British Museum. (2) Chinese. Ming porcelain. (H. c. 19 in.) Vase of square section with four mask handles, imitating old bronze form. Enamelled with dragons and phoenixes; copper-green and iron-red over glaze with a few touches of yellow, combined with cobalt blue under glaze. Inscription, under upper edge, ‘Dai Ming Wan-li nien shi.’ Circa 1600. British Museum. | (Tofacep.90.) | viii. | Chinese. Ming porcelain. Covered inkslab (L. 9¾ in.), pen-rest (L. 9 in.), and spherical vessel (H. 8 in.). Decorated with scroll-work in cobalt blue under the glaze. Persian inscriptions in cartels, relating to literary pursuits. Mark of Cheng-te (1505-21). Obtained in Pekin. British Museum. | (Tofacep.94.) | ix. | Chinese, turquoise ware. Probably early eighteenth century. Salting collection. (1) Pear-shaped vase (H. 8½ in.), decorated with phoenix in low relief. Six-letter mark of Cheng-hua. (2) Plate with pierced margin (diam. 11 in.). Filfot in centre encircled by cloud pattern, in low relief. (3) Small spherical incense-burner (H. 5 in.). Floral design in low relief. | (Tofacep.98.) | x. | Chinese, famille verte. (H. 18 in.) Vase of square section, decorated with flowers of the four seasons. Green, purple, and yellow enamels and white, as reserve, on a black ground. Mark of Cheng-hua. Circa 1700. Salting collection. | (Tofacep.100.) | xi. | Chinese, famille verte. (H. 26 in.) Baluster-shaped vase, decorated with dragons with four claws and snake-like bodies amid clouds. Poor yellow, passing into white, green of two shades, and manganese purple upon a black ground. A very thin skin of glaze, with dullish surface. Probably before 1700. Salting collection. | (Tofacep.102.) | xii. | Chinese, egg-shell porcelain. Famille rose. (1) Plate (diam. 8¼ in.). On border, vine with grapes, in gold. In centre, lady on horseback, accompanied by old man and boy carrying scrolls. 1730-50. British Museum.
xlii. | (1) Capo di Monte porcelain. Scent bottle (H. 3? in.). Child in swaddling-clothes of blue and lilac. Circa 1750. Victoria and Albert Museum. (2) Capo di Monte porcelain. Siren (H. 2? in.), plain white, made for stand of vessel. Circa 1750. From the Bandinel collection. Victoria and Albert Museum. (3) Capo di Monte porcelain. Triton (H. 2? in.). Plaque in low relief, made for application. Circa 1750. Victoria and Albert Museum. (4) Doccia porcelain. Cup with cover (H. 4? in.). Plain white, vine branches in relief. Victoria and Albert Museum. | (Tofacep.320.) | | xliii. | Chelsea porcelain. Saucer (diam. 4½ in.), sugar-basin (H. 4 in.), and cream-jug (H. 2¾ in.), forming part of an extensive tea equipage. Claret ground with rich gilding; pastoral figures in reserve panels. Circa 1760. Victoria and Albert Museum; Thomson bequest. | (Tofacep.340.) | xliv. | Chelsea porcelain. Two figures of minuet dancers (H. 11½ in. and 10¾ in.). Enamelled with winy-red, pale opaque turquoise, and a little green and iron-red—the lady’s stays lavender. These figures seem to have been suggested by the principal dancers in Watteau’s FÊte ChampÊtre now at Edinburgh (engraved by Laurent Carrs, 1734, as FÊtes Venitiennes). Circa 1760. Victoria and Albert Museum; Schreiber collection. | (Tofacep.342.) | xlv. | (1) Chelsea porcelain. Plate (diam. 8 in.) with wavy edge. Enamelled with shades of iron-red and green, with blue under glaze and gilding, in imitation of brocaded Imari ware. 1750-60. Victoria and Albert Museum. (2) Bow porcelain. Octagonal plate (diam. 9 in.). In centre, two fighting cocks, in the Kakiyemon style; the wreaths of flowers suggested rather by Dresden. Iron-red, claret, and an opaque, poor blue enamel, laid on thickly, with gilding. Circa 1760. Victoria and Albert Museum. | (Tofacep.346.) | xlvi. | Worcester porcelain. Tea-poy (H. 6½ in.), sugar-basin (H. 4¾ in.), and milk-jug (H. 5 in.) from a tea equipage. Trellis design. Circa 1780. Victoria and Albert Museum. | (Tofacep.362.) | xlvii. | Water-Colour Drawing (17 in. by 18½ in.), by Thomas Baxter, junior; signed and dated 1810. The studio of Thomas Baxter, senior, 1 Gough Square. Porcelain painters at work. A price-list of Coalport white china is seen on the wall. Victoria and Albert Museum. | (Tofacep.366.) | xlviii. | (1) Plymouth porcelain. Market-woman with flower-basket (H. 10 in.). Plain white, with lines of dirty brown in folds of drapery and stand. Circa 1770. Victoria and Albert Museum; Schreiber collection. (2) Bristol porcelain. Female figure, ‘Autumn’ (H. 10 in.). Belt with signs of zodiac. Enamels—green, lilac, iron-red, and yellowish-green, with gilding. Circa 1775. Victoria and Albert Museum; Schreiber collection. | (Tofacep.380.) | xlix. | (1) Bristol biscuit-ware. Medallion (max. diam. of plaque, 6 in.) with head of Washington in centre, from a contemporary medal (‘General of the Continental Armies’). Circa 1778. British Museum. (2) Bristol porcelain. Ink-stand (H. 7½ in.), in plain white ware, supported by three griffins. Victoria and Albert Museum. | (Tofacep.382.) |