For the necessity of these emendations I am wholly responsible. In a few of the earlier lays the lines are not properly indented. In one or two cases the category is wrongly printed as part of the dai—as under Lay 1. In a very few instances a capital letter is mistakenly used—thus Tsuma for tsuma. In the following instances it is better to print place-names with initial capital—Kashihara, Ohotsu, Shirokane, Chitose, Kagu, Katsu, Tagi, Kamu, Yuki. Where eta is found it should be read eba. Some few cases of u for a, u for n, u for i, a for o, e for i, or the reverse, occur—they are quite obvious. Occasionally words are joined which on the whole are better separated, as Kata nashi, or the reverse. ManyÔshiu. | Lay | 20, 4, | omi, dele o. | | 24, 62 n., | for yum ino read yumi no. | | 26, 65, | for wo read mo. | | 27, 52, | for imo gara read imo ga na. | | 28, 56, | for no read ni. | | 29, n. 3, | dele (hauka I). | | 36, 6, | for Fugi read Fuji. | | 69, 20, | for kaha read kuha. | | 100 (dai), | read i tsu tose. | | 104, 29, | read taharete. | | 105, 41, | read haha. | | 107 (dai), | read Naniha. | | 113, 8, | read kagahi. | | 123, 16, | for momo read onomo. | | 124, 11, | for hitase read hitasa. | | 124, 20, | for skikame read shikame. | | 126, 12, | for aho read ahi. | | 165, 7, | for afuteshi, read afubeshi. | | 166, 10, | for kimi read kuni. | | 195, 4, | for mi read nu. | | 196, 33, | } for nakazu read nakayu. | | 180, 8, | Page | 147 | above 212 insert—Maki XVII, Kami. Same heading to pp. 149, 151. | Lay | 221, 28, | for no read mo. | | 223, 51, | for yoki read yohi. | | 230, 17, | for hashike read hashiki. | | 263, 53 n., | for ‘lightly’ read ‘gravely, seriously’. | Page | 194, l. 5, | for no read ni. | | 200, l. 7, | for to read wo. | | 201, last line, | for oha read oho. | | 205, l. 13, | read notamahamu. | | 206, l. 5, | read nagareki. | | 207, l. 9, | for mi read no. | | 224, n. 3, | for ‘right’ read ‘night’. | | 237, bottom line, | read Hitori. | | 238, l. 8, | mono hito goto is better. | | 239, l. 8 (from bottom), | read gushite. | | 245, l. 6, | for niho read nihohi. |