- Actaeon torso, 41.
- Adorans of Boedas, 37.
- Agasias, 34, 40.
- Ageladas, 74.
- Agias of Delphi, 56.
- Ajax (Menelaos) and Patroclos, 48, 50.
- Alexander, British Museum head of, 21;
- Sieglin head of, 21;
- with lance, 42.
- Alexandria, school of, 19 sqq.;
- characteristics of, 21 sqq.;
- connexion with Antioch, 33;
- grotesques of, 27;
- pastoral reliefs of, 30;
- realism of, 25, 27 sqq.
- Andros, Hermes of, 54 sq.
- Anticythera, bronze figure from, 55 sq.
- Antioch, art of, 32 sq.;
- coins of, 33;
- Eutychides working at, 3;
- statue of, 33, 46, 47.
- Anytos, 60 sqq.
- Apelles, 15, 30.
- Aphrodite, armed, 66;
- with Ares, 74;
- Capitoline, 25;
- Capuan, 65 sq.;
- Cnidian, 25;
- from Cyrenaica, 22;
- of Daedalus, 5;
- Kallipygos, 8, 57;
- of Melos, 63 sqq.;
- with Triton at Dresden, 20, 21, 33.
- Apollo, Belvedere, 70;
- at Daphne, 33;
- torso in Berlin, 6;
- of Tralles, 17.
- Apollonios of Tralles, 48 sq.
- Apotheosis of Homer, 16, 30, 44.
- Appiades of Stephanos, 73.
- Ara Pacis, 14, 79, 80, 82.
- Arcesilaos, 69, 75.
- Archelaos of Priene, 16, 44.
- Ares Borghese, 74.
- Ariadne, Capitol, 26.
- Aristeas of Aphrodisias, 51.
- 50, 51.