- A
- Admiral of Mosquito Land, 237
- Admiration of a Careful Critic, 160
- All within the Ken of Columbus, 106
- America—Opportunity, 353
- The Continent of the Future, 339
- The Old World, 327
- Flag, 330
- Futurity, 327
- Idea, 348
- National Haste, 336
- Nationality, 341
- Scenery, 378
- Unprecedented Growth, 337
- Welcome, 360
- Ancient Anchors, 61
- An Appropriate Hour, 135
- Arma Virumque Cano, 168
- At Palos, 284
- Atlantic and Pacific, 356
- Attendant Fame Shall Bless, 310
- B
- Barcelona Statue, 81
- Bartolomeo Columbus, 124
- Beauties of the Bahama Sea, 95
- Belief of Columbus, 164
- Bible, 308
- Boston Statue, 93, 280
- Bright's Beatific Vision, 334
- Brilliants from Depew, 117
- Bronze Door at Washington, 272
- Brothers across the Sea, 334
- By Faith Columbus found America, 108
- By the Grace of God He Was What He Was, 203
- C
- Cabot's Contemporaneous Utterance, 97
- Capitulations of Santa FÉ, 98
- Captain and Seamen, 95
- Care of the New World, 162
- Cause of the Discovery, 184
- Celebration at Hamburg, 154
- Center of Civilization, 356
- Children of the Sun, 272
- Christopher, the Christ-Bearer, 268
- Circular Letter, Archbishop of New Orleans, 241
- Claim of the Norsemen, 266
- Columba Christum-Ferens—What's in a Name, 240
- Columbian Chorus, 368
- Columbia, Columbus' Monument, 347
- Columbia's Emblem, 371
- Columbian Festival Allegory, 250
- Columbia—A Prophecy, 333
- Columbia, Queen of the World, 351
- Columbia's Unguarded Gates, 300
- L
- Lake Front Park Statue of Columbus, 185
- Land of Liberty, 370
- Last Days of the Voyage, 269
- Launched out into the Deep, 277
- Legend of Columbus, 69
- Legend of a Western Island, 85
- Legend of a Western Land, 84
- Liberty Has a Continent of her Own, 379
- Life for Liberty, 153
- Like Homer, a Beggar in the Gate, 106
- Love of America, 380
- Love of Country, 343