Published 1839 Scene: | London, Portsmouth and the Country | Time: | About 1830 | CHARACTERS Nicholas Nickleby | A young gentleman | Mrs. Nickleby | His mother | Kate | His sister | Ralph Nickleby | His uncle | A miserly money-lender | Noggs | Ralph Nickleby's clerk | Squeers | The proprietor of Dotheboys Hall, a country school for boys | Mrs. Squeers | His wife | Fanny | Their daughter | Wackford | Their son | Smike | A poor drudge at Dotheboys Hall | Befriended by Nicholas. In reality Ralph Nickleby's son | Madame Mantalini | A London dressmaker | Kate's first employer | Mr. Mantalini | Her husband | Miss Knag | Her forewoman | Sir Mulberry Hawk | A dissolute man of the world | Lord Frederick Verisopht | A young nobleman | Hawk's friend | Mr. Vincent Crummles | Manager of a theater in Portsmouth | Mrs. Crummles | His wife | Ninetta | Their daughter | Known as "The Infant Phenomenon" | Mrs. Wititterly | A would-be fashionable lady | Kate's second employer | The Cheeryble Brothers | Twin merchants | Nicholas's benefactors | Bray | A spendthrift and invalid | Madeline | His daughter | Gride | A miser |