NINE ILLUSTRATIONS BY E. G. DALZIEL The moment comes, the fire is dying—and the child is dead—The Long Voyage "Oh, git along with you, sir, if you please, me and Mrs. Bigby don't want no male parties here"—Births—Mrs. Meeks of a son "Look at the snivelling milksop," said my uncle—The Poor Relation's Story In the midst of the kitchen ... sits a young, modest, gentle-looking creature, with a beautiful child in her lap—On Duty with Inspector Field "Whether he was the vicar, or Moses, or Mr. Burchill, or a conglomeration of all four, I knew not"—The Ghost of Art "Are you from the country, young man?" "Yes," I say, "I am"—The Detective Police "In another room were several ugly old women crouching, witch-like, round a hearth, and chatting and nodding, after the manner of monkeys"—A Walk in a Workhouse "Mr. Blinkins, are you ill, sir?"—Our School He took her in his arms and told her it was fancy—A Christmas Tree |