BY FATHER PROUT. When I was a boy In my father's mud edifice, Tender and bare As a pig in a sty; Out of the door as I Looked with a steady phiz, Who but Thade Murphy, The piper, went by; Says Thady, "But few play This music—can you play?" Says I, "I can't tell, For I never did try." So he told me that he had a charm To make the pipes purtily speak; Then squeezed a bag under his arm, When sweetly they set up a squeak! Fa-ra-la la-ra-la loo! Och hone! How he handled the drone! And then the sweet music he blew Would have melted the heart of a stone! | Pater me clauserat Domi homunculum; Grunniens sus erat Comes, ut mos: Transibat tibicen Juxta domunculam, Quando per januam Protuli os; Ille ait impromptu, "HÂc tibi num tu, Ut te sine sumptu Edoceam, vis?" Tum pressit amiculam Sub uln vesiculam QuÆ sonum reddidit Vocibus his: Fa-ra-la la-ra-la loo! Fe?, ?e?! Modo flens, modo flans, Magico e?e?e? Cor et aurem vel lapidi dans! | "Your pipe," says I, "Thady, So neatly comes over me, Naked I'll wander Wherever it blows; And, if my poor parents Should try to recover me, Sure it won't be By describing my clothes. The music I hear now Takes hold of my ear now, And leads me all over The world by the nose." So I follow'd his bagpipe so sweet, And I sung, as I leapt like a frog, "Adieu to my family seat, So pleasantly placed in a bog!" Fa-ra-la la-ra-la loo! Och hone! How we handled the drone! And then the sweet music we blew Would have melted the heart of a stone! | Cui ego tum: "Tu sic, ah! Me rapis musicÂ, Ut sequar nudulus Tibicen, te! Et si pater, testibus, QuÆrat me, vestibus, Redibit, Ædepol! Vacu re. Sic melos quod audio Me replet gaudio Ut trahor campos et Flumina trans;" Jam linquo rudibus Hic in paludibus, "Patris tigurium SplendidÈ stans." Fa-ra-la la-ra-la loo! Dum tibicen, tu, Modo flens, modo flans, Iteras e?e?e?, Cor et aurem vel lapidi dans. | Full five years I follow'd him, Nothing could sunder us; Till he one morning Had taken a sup, And slipt from a bridge In a river just under us, Souse to the bottom Just like a blind pup. He roar'd, and he bawl'd out; And I also call'd out, "Now, Thady, my friend, Don't you mean to come up?" ... He was dead as a nail in a door; Poor Thady was laid on the shelf. So I took up his pipes on the shore, And now I've set up for myself. Fa-ra-la la-ra-la loo! Och hone! Don't I handle the drone, And play such sweet music? I too, Can't I soften the heart of a stone? | Ut arte sic magic Egi quinquennium, Magistro tragica Accidit res; Bacchi nam numine, Pontis cacumine Dum staret, flumine Labitur pes! "E sinu fluctuum, O puer, duc tuum (Clamat) didascalum, Fer opem nans!" ... Ast ego renuo; Et sumens denuÒ Littore tibias Sustuli, fans, Fa-ra-la la-ra-la loo! Fe?, ?e?! Modo flens, modo flans, Magico e?e?e? Cor et aurem vel lapidi dans! |