Agrippa (Cornelius). Account of some of his works, 19 D'Aguesseau (Chancellor). Account of his Library, 72 Alcove, the. Description of Lorenzo's, 481, 482 Alcuin, 167 Alfred, 169 Alphonso. An obstinate literary character, 14 Ames (Joseph), 340 Ancillon. Pillage of his library, 522 Anne Boleyn. Her coronation dinner described by Stow, 216, 217 Anselm, 174 Anstis (John). Original letter of, 239 Literary character of, 337, 338 Antiphoners, 115 Antonio (Nicolas). See Bibliographical Index. Arch (Messrs. John and Arthur). Their purchase of Sandford's Genealogical History, l.p., 492 Aristotle's Works—printed upon vellum, 519 D'Artois (Count). Catalogue of his library, 72 Purchase of the ValliÈre Collection, 97 Ascham, (Roger). His 'Schoolmaster' commended, 283 Ashmole (Elias). Some account of, 293-296 Askew (Dr. Anthony). Some account of, with specimens of his library, 388-391 Atticus. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 128-132, 137 Auctions of Books. Their origin in this country, 304-308 Warmth of bidders at, 307 Audiffredi (Jean Baptiste). See Bibliographical Index. Autumnal Morning, 480, 481 Baber (Rev. Henry Hervey). Preparation of the Catalogue of the Museum printed books, 90 His edition of Wickliffe's translation of the New Testament, 339 Bacon (Roger, or Friar), 180-183 Bacon (Sir Nathaniel). Libellous character of, 237 Bagford (John). Some account of, 326-331 Wood-cut of his rebus, or device, 331 Baillet (Adrien). Some account of, 43-45—See Bibliographical Index. Baker (Thomas). Some account of, 341-343 Extract from his will, 342 Baker (late Mr. George). Copy of Reed's catalogue of books, 457 Catalogue of Strawberry-Hill Pieces, 539 Bale (John, Bishop of Ossory). Some account of, 246-248 His portrait, 247 Baltimore (Lord). His 'Gaudia Poetica,' 532 Barnes (Juliana). Her Work on Hunting, &c., 124, 325, 381, 384, 519 BarthÉlÉmy (AbbÉ). Catalogue of his library, 74 Bartholin. See Bibliographical Index. Beauclerk (Hon. Topham). Account of his library, 394, 395 Becket (Thomas À), 176 Account of his murder, 177 Bede, 166 Bedford (John, Duke of). His beautiful Missal, 190, 191 Beloe (Rev. Mr.). See Bibliographical Index. Benedict (Biscop), 165 Benet (Sir John). Assists Sir T. Bodley in erecting the Bodl. Library, 275 Bernard (Dr. Francis). Some account of his library, 316, 317 Engraving of his portrait, 503 Bernardo. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 124 His copy of an Illustrated Chatterton, 500 of Walton's Complete Angler, ib. Berryer (Mons.). His care and skill in having his books bound, 513 Beughem. See Bibliographical Index. Bibles. Ancient English, 238 Bibliographers. Character of aspersed, 483 Bibliography. Cabinet of, 21 Opinions of foreign critics thereupon, 24, 25 Outline of its rise and progress, 29-99 Utility and importance of the study so called, 552 Bibliomania. History of the Bibliomania, or of English Book-Collectors, 165-461 See Chronological Index. Definition of, and works upon, 485-487 Symptoms of the Disease so called; being a passion for | 1. Large Paper Copies, 487, 488, 491-494 Tall and Fine paper do., 494 2. Uncut Copies, 494-496 3. Illustrated Copies, 496-511 4. Unique Copies, 511-514 5. Copies printed upon Vellum, 515-521 6. First Editions, 521-525 7. True Editions, 525-527 8. Books printed in the black letter, 527-531 9. for private distribution, 532-534 10. at a Private Press, 533-539 11. suppressed, condemned, &c., 537 12. All the editions of a work, 542-546 13. Large and Voluminous Works, 546 | | Probable Means of the Cure of | 1. Studying of Useful & Profitable Works, 548 2. Reprints of scarce and valuable Works, 549 3. Editing of the best Authors, 550 4. Erection of Literary Institutions, 551 5. Study of Bibliography, 551, 552 | Bibliomaniacs. Character of, 4 Book-auction bibliomaniacs, 307 Black Letter. Passion for books printed in the, 527-531 Blandford (Marquis of). His zeal in collecting books printed by Caxton, 322 Blenheim. Account of the library there, 321 Blount (Thomas). See Bibliographical Index. Bodleian Library. Catalogue of, 74 History of its erection, 270-278 List of some of the contributors to, 272, 273 Bodley (Sir Thomas). Some account of, 270-278 Wood-cut portrait of, 277 Bodoni. Beauty of his books printed upon vellum, 520 Books. Ancient prices of, 114-119 Illuminated, 150 of terror. Their effects upon young minds, 202-204 Skill of the Ferrar family in binding, 289-292 Account of ancient binding of, 117-119 Skill in modern book-binding, 513, 514 Importation of in barrels, 190 Sales of by public auction, 304-308, 457 Printed upon vellum, 321, 322, 352, 515-519 upon satin, 512 in the black letter, 527-531 for private distribution, 532-534 at private presses, 533-539 Book-rooms, or Libraries. Simplicity of ancient, 195, 196 Booksellers. Of respectability in London, 308, 470 in Scotland, 415 in Provincial Towns, 470 Book-Story. A romantic one, 358-361 Boston (John), 189, 190 Boucher (Rev. Jonathan). His Supplement to Johnson's Dictionary, 448, 449 Account of his library, 450 Braithwait (Richard). His poetry commended, 299-301 Brand (Rev. John). Account of his library, 452-454 Bridges (John). Sale of his library, 362 Britain, Little. Famous for the bookselling trade, 300, 310, 311 Britton (Thomas). Some account of, 331-333 Sale of his library, 333 Bulmer (Mr. William). His sumptuous edition of Shakspeare, 427 The same, a unique copy of, 512 His edition of the Deserted Village upon satin, 512 Bure (Guillaume FranÇois De, and Guill. le Jeune De). See Bibliographical Index. Burney (Rev. Charles, LL.D.). His fortunate purchase of a Manilius, 522 His edition of Bentley's Epistles, 532 Burton (Robert), 286 Bury (Richard De). Editions of his Philobiblion, 29 Extract from, 109 Account of, 185-187 Bute (Marquis of). His copy of Hogarth's Prints, 509 His collection of the devices of Pope Sixtus V., 540 His valuable Granger, 565 Butler (Mr. Charles). His literary character, 34 Caillard (M.). His uncut first Homer, 79, 496 His nicety in having his books bound, 513 Caille (Jean de La). See Bibliographical Index. Cambridge. Catalogue of the books contained in the University wanted, 319 Canute, 172 Carlisle (Earl of). His "Father's Revenge," 532 Casiri. See Bibliographical Index. Catalogues. Importance of making good ones, 383 Foreign and English. See "Catalogue," Bibliographical Index. Caxton (William). Reviled by Bale, 174 His various printed books, 197, &c. See Bibliographical Index. His portrait, 382 Cecil. Libellous character of, 237, 238 Charles the Fifth of France. Founder of the Royal Library, 185, 186 Description of do., 186 Chauncey (Dr. Charles and Nathaniel). Account of their libraries, 416, 417 Cheering. Explanation of this word, 20, 37 Chess. Game of, described, 155-163 Chevillier (Andrew). See Bibliographical Index. Chi Ho-am-ti. An incendiary of libraries, 27 Chivalry and Romances. Books relating thereto, 152-154 Christie (John). His "Dissertation on Etruscan Vases," 532 Chronicles, Ancient. Reprints of, 337 Cinelli (John). See Bibliographical Index. Clavel (Robert). His book-catalogues, 306 Clerk, or Clergyman. Regulations concerning, 151 Clungeon (John), 288 Cobham (Thomas, Bishop of Worcester), 192 Colbert (J.B.). Catalogue of his library, 78 Colet (John, Dean). Some account of, 218-220 Print of his supposed study, 219 Collins (Anthony). Sale of his library, 363 Conringius (Herman). See Bibliographical Index. Conybeare (Rev. Mr.). His Copy of Lord Surrey's Translation of part of the Æneid, 241 Coryate (Thomas), 281 Cotton (Sir Robert). Some account of, 267-269 Covent Garden Theatre. Quarrels relating thereto, 17 Cox (Captain). Some account of, 266, 267 His library, 267 Cranmer (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury). Some account of, 248, 249 His Bible upon vellum, 248 Expense of his execution, 249 Crevenna Library. Catalogues of, 79 Critics and Criticism. True spirit and character of, 15 Superficialness and severity of, 553 Crofts (Rev. Thomas). Account of his library, 396-398 Cromwell (Thomas). His conduct in respect to the Reformation, 229 Crowles. His copy of an illustrated Pennant, 499 Dalrymple (Alexander). Sale of his library, 458 Daly (Denis, Rt. Hon.). Account of his library, 414, 415 Dee (Dr. John). Some account of, 261-265 His library, 264 Denis (Michael). See Bibliographical Index. Devonshire (late Duchess of). Her "Mount St. Gothard," 532 Didot. Skill of his printing upon vellum, 521 Dodd (James William). Account of his library, 403 Dormer (General). Catalogue of his library, 375 Douce (Francis). His partiality for a foreign bibliographical work, 55 Preparation of the Lansdowne collection of MSS., 90 Account of Wolsey's property, 225 Skill in Old English and French literature, 531 Criticisms on his "Illustrations of Shakspeare," &c., ib. Dramatic Libraries, 402, 403 Dramatica Notitia, 456 Dream. Lysander's, 473-480 Dunstan (St.). His work "De occulta philosophia," 134 Some account of, 171 Dyson (Henry), 302 Education of Youth, 282-285 Edward the First, 183 Edward the Third, 119, 184 Edwards (Mr.). His copy of the Catalogue of the Crevenna Library, 79 zeal in the importation of foreign books of rarity and value, 90 copy of the first edition of Livy—upon vellum, 519 Catalogues commended, 123 In possession of the Bedford Missal, 191 His painting of Erasmus and Froben by Fuseli, 223 communication respecting Count M'Carthy's books, 518 Elizabeth (Queen). Her book of devotions, 119 Plate of the golden cover of, 250 Account of her love of books, 249, 254 Engravings from her Prayer-book, 252, 253 Ellis (Sir Henry). Preparation of Catalogue of the Museum printed books, 90 His bibliographical communications, 118, 227, 297 Edition of Fabian's Chronicles, 523 English. Want of curiosity respecting their own literary history, 36 Importance of a national press to, 551 Episode. What is meant thereby, 105 Erasmus. Some account of, 222-224 Painting of him and Froben, 223 Print of his study, 224 Rude wood-cut portrait of him, ib. A copy of his first edition of the Gr. Test.—upon vellum, 225 Editions of his words, 222 Eugene (Prince). His magnificent library, 322 Evans (Mr. R.H.). His edition of Old English Ballads, 267, 320 A respectable vender of classical books, 308 His copy of his Recueil des Historiens des Gaules, 492 His reprint of Hakluyt's Voyages, 550 Fabricius (John Albert). See Bibliographical Index. Fabricius (John). See Bibliographical Index. Falconer (William). Poem of the Shipwreck printed upon satin, 512 Farmer (Rev. Richard, D.D.). Account of his library, 423-426 Faulkener (Henry). A skilful and honest book-binder, 199 Ferdinand. A romantic book-story concerning, 358-361 Ferrar Family. Their attachment to books, and skill in book-binding, 289-292 Fillingham (late Mr. William). His library and character of, 403 First Editions. Passion for collecting, 521-525 Fishing. Whether a merry or contemplative art, 126 Fitzwilliam (Lord Viscount). His collection of Rembrandt's Prints, 509 Fletewode (Serjeant William). Account of his monastic library, 386 Florizel. His attachment to hawking, &c., 543 Folkes (Martin). Some account of, 367-369 Sale and analysis of his library, 367 Wood-cut of his portrait, 369 Fopling (Sir). His periwig, 122 Ford (Mr.), bookseller. His catalogues commended, 123, 470 Froissart (Sir John). A presentation copy of his Chronicles, 184. See Johnes (Colonel Thomas). Gaddius. His bibliographical work, 39 Gaignat (Louis Jean). Catalogue of library, 81, 162 Gesner (Conrad). See Bibliographical Index. His works on Natural History, 546 Gifford (Mr. William). His edition of Massinger, 550 forthcoming edition of Ben Jonson, ib. Gilbie (Anthony). His character of Henry the Eighth, 215 Gilchrist (Octavius). His edition of Bp. Corbett's Poems, 550 Girald Barri, 174, 178, 179 Glastonbury Monastery Library, 178 Godstow Nunnery Library, ib. Golden Legend, by Caxton, 198 Goldsmyd (Mr. John Lewis). His vellum copy of "Le Passe Temps," &c., 203 Gonzalo. A vain literary character, 12 Gossett (Rev. Dr. Isaac), 363, 407 Gough (Richard). Sale of his library, 460 Goujet (Claude Peter). See Bibliographical Index. Grailes. Definition of, 150 Granger (Rev. James). His Biographical History of England, 500 Grangerite spirit, 112, 497, 507 Grenville (Right Hon. Thomas). His large-paper copy of Hist. Steph. & Vit. Typ. Paris, 47 His large-paper copy of Renouard, 69 A similar copy of the ValliÈre Catalogue, 97 A similar copy of Sandford's Genealogical History, 492 A similar copy of Strype's Annals, 492 Grenville Homer. Published by the Grenville Family, 491 Grollier (John). Some account of, 488-490 Pattern of the binding of his books, 489 Gutch, (Mr.), bookseller, 404, 470 Hamper (Mr. William). His bibliographical communications, 117, 529 Harley (Robert, Earl of Oxford). Some account of, 347-354 Analysis of his library, 349-353 Pope's eulogy upon, 353, His bibliomaniacal enthusiasm, 348-352, 468, 470 Literary characters. Quixotic, 6, 7 Careless, 7 Acrimonious, 8 Vain, 12, 13 Obstinate, 14 Critical, 14, 15 Useful, 553 Lomeier (John). See Bibliographical Index. Lomenie (Cardinal de Brienne). Account of, and catalogue of his library, 84, 85 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Co. Their extensive trade as booksellers, 308 Lorenzo. A neighbour of the author, 4 His house and grounds, 4 library, 164 drawing-room, 213 alcove, 480-482 Lort (Dr. Michael). Account of his library, 411-413 Lotichius (Peter). His Latin verses concerning his library, 113 Lumley (John, Lord), 281, 287 Luttrel (Narcissus). His extraordinary collection of books, 323 Lysons (Mr. Samuel). His large paper copy of Weever's Funeral Monuments, 492 Macartney (Mr.). Account of his library, 407 Maddison (John). Sale of his library, 459 Magliabechi (Antonio). Some account of, 85-87 Maittaire (Michael). Some account of, 47. See Bibliographical Index. Sale of his library, 364 Malvolio. Sale of his busts and statues, 26, 472 Manton (Dr.) Sale of his books, 306 Marcellus. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 135 Marchand (Prosper). See Bibliographical Index. Marlborough Gems. In Woodhouse's collection, 441-444 Martin (Thomas, of Palgrave). Account of his library, 384-386 Mary (Queen of Philip II.). Commended by a Roman Catholic writer, 236 Mary (Queen of Scots). Her portrait, 254 Mason (George). Account of his library, 419-423 Maunsell (Andrew). His catalogue of English books, 280 Mazzuchelli (Giovanni Maria). See Bibliographical Index. M'Carthy (Count). Catalogue of a former library of, 85 His present fine collection of books, 518, 519 Mead (Richard, M.D.). Some account of, 364-366 Sale of his library, pictures, and coins, &c., 365 Account of his family, 366 Medici (Lorenzo De). Catalogue of the Oriental MSS. in the library of, 87 Meerman (Gerard). See Bibliographical Index. Menalcas. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 136 Menander. A literary character, 7 Mercier (De St. Leger). See Bibliographical Index. Mercurii. Attending book-sales, 134 Middleton (Rev. Conyers, D.D.). See Bibliographical Index. Miller (Thomas). Account of, 471 Miller (William). His illustrated copy of Scott's Dryden, 497 edition of the Shipwreck, 512 of the Memoirs of Grammont, 564 Mills (George Galway). His fine library, 447 Mirabeau (Victor Riquetti, Marquis De). Catalogue of his library, 88 His passion for beautiful books, 514 Missals. Beauty of their execution, 150, 520 The Toletan and Mazarabic, 160, 161 Monasteries. Books contained in, 177 Visitors of, 231 Ancient hospitality of, 234 Alleged abandoned lives of the keepers, 232 Depositories and promoters of literature, 234 Devastation of, 231-235 Monastic Life. Comparison between the monastic and chivalrous age, as most favourable to the Bibliomania, 149 Monro (Dr. John). Account of his library, 417, 418 Montfaucon (Bernard De). His bibliographical labours, 89 Moonlight night. Influence of, 5, 368 More (John, Bishop of Ely). Some account of, 318, 319 More (Sir Thomas), 220-222 Morhof (Daniel George). Some account of, 46 Murray (John). Some account of, 331 Museum, The British. The librarians of commended, 36 Catalogue of its Printed Books and Manuscripts, 89, 90 Mustapha. A book-auction bibliomaniac and book vender, 122, 138 Naude, or NaudÆus (Gabriel). His works commended, 38. See Bibliographical Index. Nelson, Life of. Printed upon vellum, 521 Neville (George, Archbishop of York). Feast at his inthronization, 200 Fond of astrology, ib. Niceron. See Bibliographical Index. Nicholls (Mr. John). His communications respecting Dr. Mead's family, 366 Nicol (Mr. George). His anecdotes concerning some volumes printed by Caxton, 382 North (Francis, Lord-Keeper), 309 —— (Dr. John), 310, 311 Their passion for books, 312 Oldys (William). His literary labours appreciated, 500. See Bibliographical Index. Omar. Supposed destroyer of the Alexandrian library, 28 Orlando. Character of, 105-113 Osborne (Thomas). The bookseller, 345, 348, 355 Painted Glass. Hearne's commendation of, 107 Panzer (George Wolfgang Francis). See Bibliographical Index. Papillon (Mr. David). Book-anecdote concerning him and Osborne, 355 Paris de Meyzieux. Account, and catalogues, of his fine library, 90, 408-411 Parker (Matthew, Archbishop). Some Account of, 257-261 Catalogue of his MSS., 98 Antiquity of the British Church, 257-259, 400 Libellous life of, 258 His consecration, 260 Woodcut portrait of, 261 Paterson (Samuel). His Bibliotheca Universalis, 400 Payne (Mr.). His purchase of the Lamoignon library, 84 Peacham (Henry), 282 His "Compleat Gentleman" quoted, 283 Pearson (Thomas, or Major). Account of his library, 403-406 Pembroke (Earl of). His passion for books, 119, 324, 325 Pepys (Samuel). Account of his professional and book ardour, 319, 320 Peterborough Abbey Library, 178 (White, Kennet, Bishop of). His opinion of Wickliffe, 339 (Earl of). His passion for books, 119 Peters (Hugh). In possession of a part of Laud's library, 298 Pinelli. Catalogues of the Pinelli library, 91 An account of the library so called, 406, 407 Pitts, or Pitseus (Johannes). His work commended, 38 Porson (Richard). Sale of his library, 458 His erudition, and skilful penmanship, 459 Portraits. Sales of Engravings of rare and curious, 502-506, 510, 511 Algernon, Earl of Northumberland, by Hollar, 503 Anne, Queen of James I., by Visscher, 505 Banfi-Hunniades (John), by Hollar, 502 The same, with variations, ib. Berkeley (George, Earl of), by Hollar, 503 Bernard (Dr. Francis), ib. Bethell (Slingsby), by W. Sherwin, 506 Bohemia, King and Queen of, and family, 505 Buckingham (George, Duke of), sold by Stent, 503 CÆsar (Sir Julius) by Elstracke, 506 Catharine, Queen of Charles II., by Faithorne, 502 Cecyll (Edward), General, by Passe, 510 Chaloner (Sir Thomas), by Hollar, 502 Charles I., by Lombard, ib. The same, with Cromwell's head, ib. Princess Augusta Maria, daughter of, by Danckers, 505 Cole (Thomas), 506 Cromwell (Richard, Lord Protector), by Hollar, 504 Cumberland (George, Earl of), by R. White, 503 Darnley (Henry, Lord), by Passe, 505 Devereux, Earl of Essex, on horseback, by Hollar, 502, 504 The same, standing on foot, by do., 503, 504 Digby (Lord), in armour, after Vander Borcht, 604 Elizabeth (Queen), in superb court dress, by Passe, 502 superbly dressed, between pillars, 505 Frederic (Prince), &c., with Princess Elizabeth, by Elstracke, 505 Hay (Lord James), by Passe, 506 Henry the Eighth, by C. M[atsis], 505 Henry (Prince Frederic), by Delaram, 506 Hollar, his own portrait, 504 Hotham (Sir John), Governor of Hull, 506 Howard (Thomas, Earl of Suffolk), by Elstracke, 505 (Thomas, Earl of Arundel), 506 Isham (Sir Thomas), by Loggan, 602 Killegrew (Thomas), by Faithorne, 506 Lister (Sir Matthew, M.D.), by P.V. Somer, 504 Lloyd (Humphrey, of Denbigh), by Faber, ib. Lortie (Andrew), by Van Somer, 506 Lyon (Sir Patrick, of Carse), by White, ib. Malines (Samuel), by Lombart, ib. Marsham (Sir John), by R. White, 504 Mary, Queen of Scots, by Mynginus, 505 The same, veiled, &c., ib. Mascall (Edward), by Gammon, 506 Master Martin, by R. Gaywood, 504 Mountaine (George), Bishop of London, G.Y. sculpsit, 506 Newcastle Family, by Clowet, 503 O'Toole (Arthurus Severus Nonesuch), by Delaram, 506 Paston (Lady), wife of Sir W. Paston, by Faithorne, 504 (Sir William), by Faithorne, ib. Pembroke (Herbert, Earl of), by Hollar, 502 (Mary, Countess of), by Passe, 504 (Penelope, Countess of), by Hollar, ib. (Ann Clifford, Countess of), by R. White, ib. Portman (Sir William), 506 Rawdon (Marmaduke), by White, 506 Reynell (Carew), 504 Rupert (Prince), by Faithorne, 506 sold by R. Peake, 504 Sack (Mull'd), sold by Compton Holland, 511 Sackville (Richard, Earl of Dorset), by Passe, 506 Shaftesbury (Anthony, Earl of), by Blooteling, ib. Sheffield (Baron Edmond), by Elstracke, ib. Shirley (Lady Elizabeth), by Hollar, 503 The same, by do., ib. Sidney (Sir Philip), by Elstracke, 505 Sidney (Robert, Viscount Lisle), by Passe, 506 Smith (Richard), by W. Sherwin, 503 Somerset (Edward, Earl of Worcester), by Passe, 505 Stone-Eater (The), by Hollar, 502 Vere (Henry, Earl of Oxford), sold by Compton Holland, 505 The same, by Payne, Passe, &c., 510 Verney (Sir Greville), by Loggan, 506 Wetenhall (Edward, Bishop of Corke and Ross), by Becket, ib. Whitington (Richard, Lord Mayor of London), by Elstracke, 510 Willoughby (Sir Francis), by T. Man, 503 Windebank (Sir F.) and Lord Finch, 505 Wortley (Sir Francis), by Hertocks, 503 Wriothesley (Henry, Earl of Southampton), by Passe, 506 Wynn (Sir John, De Gwedir), by Vaughan, 506 York (James, Duke of), 505 Press, National. Want of, 551 Printers, English. Protected by the statute of Richard III., 114 Printing. Benefit of, 197 Print-sales. Barnard, 502, 503 Sir W. Musgrave, 503, 504 Miscellaneous, 604-506 Prints. Account of rare and curious ones, 502-511 Prospero. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 135 Psalters. The Author's Essay upon the ancient Psalters printed at Mentz, 42 Pynson (Richard), His books upon vellum, 216 Quin (Mr.). His passion for books printed upon vellum, 518 Quisquilius. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 126 Ranzau (Henry De). Inscription over his library door, 113 Ratcliffe (John). Account of his library, 392, 393 Comparison between the collections of West and Ratcliffe, 393 Rawlinson (Thomas). His p511-514 Utterson (Mr. Edward Vernon). His copy of Stubbes's Anatomy of Abuses, 279 of Scott's Discoverie of Witchcraft, 492 ValliÈre (Duc De La). Anecdote of him and the AbbÉ Rive, 59 Catalogues of his library, 97 Vellum, books printed upon, 68, 97, 321, 322—but see particularly 515-521 Visitors of ancient Monasteries, 231 Wakefield (Robert), 235, 413 Walpole (Francis). Heraldic quarterings of, 100 Walpole (Horace). See 'Strawberry Hill Press.' Wanley (Humphrey). Some account of, 346, 347 Warton (Thomas). Celebrated under the character of Menander, 7 West (James). Account of, and analysis of his library, 376-383 Prices of some of his books sold by auction, 377, 380, 381 Comparison of his library with J. Ratcliffe's, 393 Wicliffe (John). Bishop Fell's character of, 318 Mr. Baber's edition of his New Testament, 339 Life of, by Lewis, 340 Wilbraham (Mr. Roger). His copy of the 'Manner and Forme of Confession,' 224 Wilkes (John). Account of his Library, 447 Wilson (Thomas, Bishop of Sodor and Man). His edition of the Bible, 109 Witches. Tracts relating to, at Brand's sale, 454 Wolfius (John). See Bibliographical Index. Wood-cut portrait of, 112 Wolsey (Thomas, Cardinal), 225-228 His character by Skelton, Roy, and Tyndale, 225, 226, 227 Fine books presented to him, 227 Wood (Anthony). Some account of, 312-316. See Bibliographical Index. Woodcut portrait of, 315 Woodford (Emperor John Alexander). Sale of his library, 459 Woodhouse (Mr. John). His collection of prints, 441-444 His collection of books, 444-446 Worsley (Dr.). Sale of his books by auction, 306 Worsley (Sir Richard). His 'Museum Worsleyanum,' 532 Wright (Richard, M.D.). Account of his library, 401, 402 Wynne (Edward). Account of his library, 323, 324 Ximenes (Cardinal Francis). See Bibliographical Index. Life of him by Lord Holland, or Mr. Southey, a literary desideratum, 160 Youth. Character and History of the Education of the ancient English Youth, 282-285 ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /2/8/5/4/28540 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.