- B
- Banjo, 120
- Bath-tub, 5–6–7
- Bending irons, 15, 48, 59
- Bib, wiping, 59, 68
- Bowls, closet, 4, 5
- C
- Caulking joints, 89, 90
- Cellar drainer, 84
- Cement, pipe joint, 122
- Cementing, 72, 73
- Circulation, hot water, 124, 129
- Closets, 3, 4, 5
- Cocks, stop and waste, 120
- Code-plumbing, 153
- brass clean-outs, 160
- change in direction, 159
- diameter of soil pipes, 158
- exhaust from steam pipes, 158
- filing plans, 154
- floor drains, 156
- fresh-air inlet, 155
- joints, 159
- laying of drains, 156
- lead waste pipe, 160
- leader pipes, 157
- main trap, 155
- materials of drains, 154
- old drains and sewers, 157
- over-flow pipes, 162
- plans and specification, 154
- roof flashers, 160
- safe and refrigerator pipes, 162
- size of drains, 155
- of waste pipes, 161
- solder nipples, 160
- traps, 160
- without vents, 162
- yard and area drains, 157
- Code, fixtures prohibited, 165
- horizontal vents, 164
- material and workmanship, 166
- offsets, 164
- privy vaults and cesspools, 166
- setting of fixtures, 164
- urinals, 165
- vent, pipe material, 162
- ventilation of traps, 162
- Connecting, sewers, 74
- Connections, of fixtures, 139
- Corporation cock and tap, 76–77
- Coupling, right and left, 116
- Covering, pipe, 131
- Cup joint, 14–66
- Curb cock, 77–81
- Cutters, pipe, 113
- Cutting, terra-cotta pipe, 72
- D
- Dies, 112
- Drainage, 2
- Drains, 82, 83, 84, 87, 92
- Drift plugs, 18
- Drum trap, 61, 65, 68, 107
- Durham work, 134
- E
- Earthenware, 3–5
- Expansion joints, 129
- F
- Ferrule, brass, 37–43
- File, 15
- Fittings, drainage, 136
- gas, 143
- screw pipe, 98
- soil pipe, 96
- Fixtures, 3
- Flushing, 3
- Flux, 12
- Fresh-air inlet, 105
- G
- Gas pipe and fittings, 143
- Goose neck, 81
- H
- Half and half solder, 21
- Hammer, 15
- Hangers, 121, 137
- Heaters, flue connection, 130
- gas coil, 126
- instantaneous, 127
- Hot water supply, 124
- House drains, 86
- I
- Inserting, terra-cotta pipe, 74
- Intercepting trap, 92, 93
- Iron enamelled ware, 3
- J
- Joints, amount of lead and oakum, 97
- caulk, 87, 89
- cup, 14
- expansion, 129
- of sub-soil, 84
- overcast, 17
- runner, 90
- rust, 97
- seams, 19
- solder, 14
- L
- Lavatories, 8, 99
- Lead connection, 78
- used in caulked joints, 89, 97
- Lead pipe, for water mains, 80
- preparing for wiping, 45
- use of, 27
- Leaders, pipes and traps, 93
- Long screws, 115
- M
- Main sewer, 81
- Mason trap, 104
- Measurements of piping, 146
- Melting point of metals, 21
- Metal, wiping, 31
- Meter, reading gas, 142
- N
- Nipples, cutting and threading, 114
- O
- Oakum, use of, 89, 97
- Overcast joint, 17, 67
- P
- Paste, 13
- Pipe, brass, 80
- covering, 131
- cutting, 93
- kinds of, 122
- service, 81
- soil, location, 95
- steel, 97
- tell-tale, 100
- terra-cotta, 69
- threading, 110
- wrought iron, 97
- Pipe laying, sewer, 71
- Piping, water, 120
- Planking, 70, 71
- Pressure, water, 119
- R
- Rain leaders, 86
- Reaming, 135
- Receptors, showers, 99
- Refill, trench, 75, 79
- Right and left couplings, 116
- S
- Sanitary drains, 91, 92
- Screw-pipe work, 134
- Seams, 19, 67
- Sewerage, system of, 86
- Sewers, 69, 81
- Shoe, use of, 75
- Shower stall, 150
- Sinks, 2
- Soil pipe, 95, 96
- Soils, 13
- Soldering iron, 11, 15, 66
- Solders, 21
- Stopcock, 45, 68, 81, 120
- Sulphur, 97
- Swab, 73, 81
- T
- Tables, angle measurements, 138, 139
- brass ferrules, 160
- fixtures and traps, 161
- lead waste pipe, 160
- measurements, 116
- roof drainage, 155
- screw-pipe, 134
- size of vent pipes, 163
- of waste pipe, 99
- soil and waste pipe, 158
- standard, threads, 110
- terra-cotta pipe, 75
- waste pipe, 161
- weight of cast-iron pipe, 156
- of solder nipples, 160
- Tallow, 13
- Tank, storage connections of, 125
- Tell-tale pipe, 100
- Terra-cotta pipe, 69, 75, 83
- Testing, gas pipe, 148
- Thermostat, 124, 126
- Tinning, brass, 38, 42, 45
- Tools, bending iron, 15
- caulking iron, 89
- cold chisel, 89, 93
- file, 15
- hammer, 15
- joint runner, 90
- ladle, 29
- pipe cutters, 113
- rasp, 15
- saw, 15
- shave hook, 15
- soldering iron, 15
- tap-borer, 15, 47, 59
- turn pin, 15
- vise, 111
- yarning iron, 89
- Traps, bag, 109
- centrifugal, 109
- cleansweep, 108
- drum, 107
- flask, 108
- house, 104
- intercepting, 92
- mechanical, 109
- non-syphoning, 107
- "S," 109
- sure-seal, 109
- Trenches, digging, 70, 81, 87
- refilling, 75
- water service, 76
- Tubs, bath, 6
- Tunnels, 73
- W
- Wash trays, 86, 99
- Water connection, 76
- supply, 118
- rivers and lakes, 119
- streams and brooks, 118
- under pressure, 119
- underground, 118
- Wiping, 29