(References are to pages.) A. - Abdomen, 101, 254
- Abdominal cavity, 101, 254
- Abdominal fermentation, 182
- Abdominal post, 351
- Absence of normal moisture in skin, 200
- Alimentary canal, 96
- Anatomical guides, 225
- Anatomy, 33
- Angiology, 34
- Antemortem staining, 191
- Anus, 112
- Apnea, 157
- Aponeuroses, 55
- Appendix, 109
- Arterial system, 125
- Arteries, structure of, 58
- Artery, differentiated from nerve, 215
- Artery, differentiated from vein, 215
- Artery, how to cut for injection, 216
- Artery, how to raise, 214
- Artery, selection of, 211
- Ascending color, 111
- Asphyxia, 157
- Axillary artery, location, 231
- Aztecs embalming, 19
- Azygos system, 125
B. - Babylonian embalming, 17
- Bandage test, 159
- Belgian embalming, 18
- Bladder, urinary, 118
- Blood, 61
- Blood coagulation, 65
- Blood corpuscles, 63, 64
- Blood plasma, 62
- Blood, removal of, 264
- Blood vascular system, 123
- Bones, 48, 69
- Bones of face, 74
- Bones of lower extremity, 77
- Bones of pelvic girdle, 78
- Bones of thorax, 76
- Bones of upper extremity, 77
- Boudet, 22
- Brachial artery, location, 234
- Britain embalming, 18
- Bronchus, 87
C. - Cadaveric lividity, 168
- Caecum, 109
- Cancerous spots, 190
- Capillary circulation, 132
- Capillary congestion, 204
- Cardia, 104
- Carotid artery, location, 225
- Cartilage, 48
- Cavities, 79
- Cavity embalming, 247
- Cell, 35
- Cerebro-spinal cavity, 79, 247
- Charge of embalming, 222
- Chemical action, 202
- Christian embalming, 20
- Circle of Willis, 127
- Clavicle bone, 77
- Coagulation of blood, 65
- Collateral circulation, 147
- Colon, 111
- Coma, 157
- Cooling of the body, 167
- Coronary circulation, 142
- Cranial cavity, 79, 247
- Cranial evisceration, 351
- Cranial nerves, 81
- Cranium, 94
D. - Descending colon, 112
- Descriptive anatomy, 33
- Diaphragm, 99
- Desiccation, 196
- Digestive fermentation, 180
- Direct incision, 257
- Discolorations, 187
- Discolorations after death, 196
- Discolorations before death, 188
- Disinfectants, 221
- Drying action of formaldehyde, 197
- Duodenum, 107
E. - Ecchymosis, 191
- Egyptian embalming, 5
- Embalming, 153
- Embalming, abdominal cavity, 254
- Embalming, Aztec, 19
- Embalming, Babylonian, 17
- Embalming, Belgian, 18
- Embalming, Britain, 18
- Embalming, cavity, 247
- Embalming, cerebral cavity, 247
- Embalming, charge, 222
- Embalming, chest cavity, 252
- Embalming, crania cavity, 247
- Embalming, early Christians, 20
- Embalming, Egyptian, 5
- Embalming, Ethiopian, 17
- Embalming, French, 18
- Embalming, Greek, 17
- Embalming, Guanch, 3
- Embalming, Hindoo, 18
- Embalming, Indian, 19
- Embalming, Jewish, 15
- Embalming, later European, 20
- Embalming, Norsemen, 18
- Embalming, Persian, 16
- Embalming, Peruvian, 19
- Embalming, Roman, 17
- Embalming, Scythian, 17
- Embalming, subcutaneous tissue, 260
- Embalming, thoracic cavity, 252
- Epigastric region, 103
- Esophagus, 99, 250
- Ethiopian embalming, 17
- Ethmoid bone, 74
- European embalming, 20
F. - Face bones, 74
- Falcony, 23
- Fascia, 43
- Fat, 56
- Feather test, 159
- Femur bone, 78
- Fermentation, 179
- Fermentation, abdominal, 182
- Fermentation, digestive, 180
- Fermentation, gastric, 184
- Fermentation, intestinal, 185
- Fermentation, metabolic, 181
- Fermentation, putrefactive, 181
- Fermentation, spirituous, 180
- Feverish condition, 199
- Fibula bone, 78
- First call, 205
- Fluid, injection of, 218
- Foetal circulation, 144
- Foramen of Winslow, 121
- Fractures, 194
- Franchini, 22
- Franciolli, 23
- Freezing of the skin, 199
- French embalming, 18
- Frontal bone, 74
G. - Gall bladder, 114
- Gangrene, 191
- Gannal, 23
- Gas formation, 179
- Gastric fermentation, 184
- Glands, 47
- Greek embalming, 17
- Greenish tinge of putrefaction, 200
- Guanch embalming, 3
- Guides, anatomical, 225
- Guides, linear, 225
H. - Hair, 41
- Heart, 92
- Heart sac, 92
- Hindoo embalming, 18
- Histology, 33, 35
- Holmes, 25
- Humerus bone, 77
- Hunter, 21
- Hyoid bone, 75
- Hypochondriac region, 103
- Hypogastric region, 103
I. - Ileum, 108
- Ilium bone, 78
- Indian embalming, 19
- Inferior maxillary bone, 74
- Inferior turbinate bone, 75
- Inguinal region, 103
- Injection of fluid, 218
- Intestinal fermentation, 185
- Intestines, large, 108
- Intestines, 106
- Ischium bone, 78
J. - Jejunum, 107
- Jewish embalming, 15
K. L. - Lachrymal bone, 75
- Large intestines, 108
- Larynx, 84
- Leucocytes, 64
- Ligaments, 55
- Linear guides, 225
- Liver, 112
- Lumbar region, 103
- Lungs, 88
- Lymphatic circulation, 123, 147
- Lymphatics, 44
M. - Malar bone, 75
- Mediastinum, 91
- Membranes, 57
- Mesentery, 122
- Metabolic, fermentation, 181
- Mirror test, 159
- Modes of death, 155, 156
- Mouth, 97
- Mucous membranes, 57
- Muscles, 54
- Myology, 33
N. - Nails, 40
- Natural evaporation, 196
- Nerves, 53, 81, 82
- Neurology, 33
- Norse embalming, 18
- North American Indian embalming, 19
O. - Omentum, 121
- Omohyoid muscle, 75
- Osteology, 33, 69
P. - Palate, 97
- Palate bone, 75
- Pancreas, 115
- Parietal bone, 74
- Patella, 78
- Pelvic cavity, 118
- Pericardium, 92
- Peritoneum, 120
- Persian embalming, 16
- Peruvian embalming, 19
- Pharynx, 98
- Pigmentary atrophy, 189
- Pleura, 87
- Plugging orifices, 262
- Portal circulation, 144
- Position of body on embalming board, 210
- Positive signs of death, 162
- Postmortem discoloration, 203
- Postmortem staining, 204
- Poupart's ligament, 55, 56
- Premature burial, 164
- Prostate, 119
- Protoplasm, 35
- Pubic bone, 78
- Pulmonary circulation, 134, 141
- Purging, 249
- Putrefactive changes, 160
- Putrefactive fermentation, 181
- Pylorus, 104
R. - Radial artery, location, 237
- Radius bone, 77
- Raising an artery, 214
- Receptaculum chylii, 46
- Rectum, 112
- Regional anatomy, 34
- Removal of blood, 264
- Removal of urine, 263
- Ribs, 76
- Rigor mortis, 177
- Roman embalming, 17
- Ruysch, 21
S. - Salivary glands, 98
- Sarcolemma, 54
- Scapula bone, 77
- Scars, 194
- Scythian embalming, 17
- Selection of artery, 211
- Serous membranes, 57
- Signs of death, 155, 157
- Sinuses, 136
- Skeleton, 69
- Skin, 37
- Skin slip, 175
- Skull, 72
- Small intestines, 106
- Sphenoid bone, 74
- Spinal cavity, 81
- Spinal nerves, 82
- Spine, 71
- Spirituous fermentation, 180
- Spleen, 116
- Stomach, 103
- Sucquet, 23
- Superior maxillary bone, 74
- Suprarenal capsule, 117
- Surgical anatomy, 34
- Syndesmology, 33
- Synovial membranes, 57
- Systemic circulation, 125
- Systemic system, 134
T. - Tattoo marks, 194
- Teeth, 52, 97
- Temporal bone, 74
- Tendons, 55
- Tests of death, 155, 158
- Thoracic autopsy, 351
- Thoracic cavity, 83, 252
- Thoracic duct, 45
- Tibia bone, 78
- Tissue, 37
- Trachea, 85, 250
- Transverse colon, 111
- Treatment of accidents, 341
- Arm severed, 343
- Body severed, 342
- Broken neck, 341
- Burns, 347
- Chest crushed, 346
- Foot crushed, 345
- Gun shot in abdomen, 347
- Hanging, 341
- Head crushed, 345
- Head severed, 344
- Leg severed, 344
- Scalds, 347
- Strangulation, 341
- Treatment of diseases, 285
- Actinomycosis, 293
- Ague, 295
- Alcoholism, 354
- Anasarca, 339
- Aneurism, 328
- Anthrax, 285
- Aortic incompetency, 321
- Aortic insufficiency, 321
- Aortic regurgitation, 321
- Aortic stenosis, 321
- Appendicitis, 336
- Arsenicism, 357
- Arterio sclerosis, 325
- Ascites, 337
- Black death, 303
- Black vomit, 296
- Bubonic plague, 303
- Carbuncle, 285
- Carcinoma of liver, 333
- Cardiac atrophy, 324
- Cardiac dilatation, 324
- Cardiac thrombosis, 323
- Cerebro spinal fever, 286
- Cerebro spinal meningitis, 286
- Charbons, 285
- Chicken-pox, 309
- Chills and fever, 295
- Cholera, 302
- Cirrhosis of liver, 333
- Dengue, 294
- Diphtheria, 297
- Dropsy, 337
- Elephantiasis, 359
- Drowned cases, 359
- Endoarteritis, 325
- Endocarditis, 320
- Erysipelas, 287
- Famine fever, 308
- Farcy, 288
- Fatty degeneration of arteries, 326
- Floater, 359
- Gangrene, 362
- Gangrene of lungs, 312
- Glanders, 288
- Heat stroke, 357
- Hemopericardium, 319
- Hospital fever, 308
- Hydropericardium, 318
- Hydrophobia, 289
- Hydrothorax, 317
- Hypertrophy of heart, 324
- Influenza, 301
- Jail fever, 308
- Jaundice, 329
- Leprosy, 301
- Lockjaw, 292
- Lumpy jaw, 293
- Malaria, 295
- Malignant pustule, 285
- Marsh fever, 295
- Measles, 306
- Mercurialism, 357
- Mitral incompetency, 321
- Mitral insufficiency, 321
- Mitral regurgitation, 321
- Mitral stenosis, 322
- Morphinism, 356
- Mother and unborn child, 360
- Mumps, 307
- Obesity, 358
- Parotitis, 307
- Pericarditis, 318
- Peritonitis, 336
- Pertussis, 308
- Plumbism, 356
- Pneumonia, 314
- Pneumopericardium, 319
- Pulmonary abscess, 314
- Pulmonary hemorrhage, 312
- Pulmonary incompetency, 323
- Pulmonary insufficiency, 323
- Pulmonary stenosis, 323
- Putrid fever, 308
- Pyemia, 311
- Rabies, 289
- Relapsing fever, 290
- Rubeola, 306
- St. Anthony's fire, 287
- Scarlatina, 304
- Scarlet fever, 304
- Scarlet rash, 304
- Senility, 361
- Septicemia, 310
- Ship fever, 308
- Small-pox, 305
- Splenic fever, 285
- Spotted fever, 286
- Swamp fever, 295
- Syphilis, 290
- Tetanus, 292
- Tricuspid incompetency, 322
- Tricuspid regurgitation, 322
- Tuberculosis, 298
- Typhoid fever, 299
- Typhus fever, 308
- Varicella, 309
- Variola, 305
- Whooping cough, 308
- Wool-sorter's disease, 285
- Yellow fever, 296
- Treatment of posted cases, 351
- Abdominal post, 351
- Cranial evisceration, 351
- Posted cases, 352
- Thoracic autopsy, 351
- Trocar method, 255
U. - Ulna bone, 77
- Ulnar artery, location, 240
- Umbilical region, 103
- Ureter, 117
- Urinary bladder, 118
- Urine, removal of, 263
- Uterus, 118
V. - Vasa-vasorum, 60
- Vascular system, 123
- Veins, structure of, 60, 61
- Venous circulation, 134
- Venous congestion, 204
- Vermiform appendix, 109
- Vertebral column, 71
- Vomer, 75
W. - Winslow, Foramen of, 121
- Wounds, 193
Y. Transcriber's Note Original spelling, hyphenation and punctuation, even where inconsistent, have been preserved. Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Figure 10 (p. 60), which was printed upside down in the original, has been restored to proper alignment. Cover created by Transcriber and placed into the Public Domain. |