Absolute reality, 23, 27
Absolutism, 97, 190;
Kant and, 99
Abstract definition, 20
Abstractions, 149-150, 174
Absurdities, 10
Achievements, 194
Action, kind of, 80
Adult life, 185, 186
America, 41
Amoeba, 91
Animals, dramatisation in primitive life of man, 4
Antiquity, 33
Apprehension, 142
Aquinas, 55, 106
Argumentation, 31, 132
Aristotle, 13, 17, 19, 55;
Bacon's charge against, 30-31, 36;
distinction in ends, 171;
experience, 79, 80;
forms, 105;
on change, 107;
on philosophy as contemplation, 109, 110;
on slavery, 191;
theory of the state, 44;
ultimate reality, 106
Art, 34, 103, 211, 212
Artisan, 15;
knowledge, 110
Associations, 205;
voluntary, 203
Astronomers, 65, 113
Astronomy, 75
Athenians, 13, 19
Augustine, St., 111
Authority, 48, 139, 195;
final, 161;
seat of, 160.
See also Final good
Bacon, Francis, 28, 81, 97;
criticism of the learning of his day, 29-30;
experience, 97-98;
"knowledge is power," 29;
summary of ideas, 29
Being, perfect, 111
Being and non-being, 107
Beliefs and facts, 12
Bentham, 166, 182, 188
Bergson, 71
Berkeley, 50
Biology, 75, 84
Bliss, 111, 112
Bosanquet, 134
Bradley, 107
Bruno, 66
Business, 41, 43, 183
Butler, Bishop, 21
Capital, 43
Capital and labour, 191
Capitalism, 41, 182
Castes, material, 59
Casuistry, 166
Causation, 63
Causes, 59, 60
Certainty, 21, 22
Change, ancient idea of, 57;
existing view, 113;
law of the universe, 61;
Plato and Aristotle on, 107;
progress and, 116
Chemistry, 75
Child life, 91-92, 184
Christian mediaeval philosophy, 17, 19
Christian theology, 111
Church, 47;
universal, 45
Classes, 75, 152, 155;
in the ancient conception of the world, 59
Classic conception of philosophy, 17, 22, 24, 74, 105
Classification, 152, 169
Common sense, 100
Communication at a distance, 118, 120
Comte, Auguste, 10
Conceptions, 81, 144, 145;
reconstruction in, moral, 161;
truth, 156
Concrete cases, in morals, 161;
in social philosophy, 188
Concreteness, 150
Condillac, 81
Conduct, 80;
right course, 163
Conflict, 108, 138, 140;
of ends, 166
Conscience, 46
Consequences, investigating, 163-164
Conservatism, 18, 33, 40, 100
Constant, 61
Contemplation, 109, 111
Contract theory of the state, 45
Control, 42, 64
Co-operation in research, 37
Cosmogonies and cosmologies, 9
Cosmology, 70, 75
Craftsmen, 12, 13
Criteria, 77
Crusades, 39
Cults, 8;
consolidation, 9
Custom, 17, 161
Dante, 55
Darwin, 75
Deduction, 148
Delusions, 139
Democracy, 47, 186, 206;
of facts, 66;
significance, 209
Demonstration, 20, 21, 31;
discovery vs., 32
Descartes, 50
Desires, 110, 111;
frustration, 104
Details, 141
Development, Aristotle's use of term, 57, 58
Diagnosis, 142
Direction, 176
Disagreeable, 103
Discipline, 103, 104, 184
Discord, 108
Discovery, contacts of 16th and 17th centuries, 39;
demonstration vs., 32;
logic of, 31, 33;
moral, 174
Distance, 118-119, 120
Doctrines, 8;
consolidation, 9
Dogma, 145, 159
Dreams, 119, 120, 139;
world of, 7
Dualism, 173
Duties and rights, 207
Earth, ancient conception, 55;
relation to universe, 66
Economic ends, 171-172
Education, 125, 183, 209
Efficient cause, 59, 60
Emotion, 103, 210
Empirical and rational, 81, 87
Empiricists, 78, 82
Ends, conflicting, 166;
fixed, 70;
intrinsic and instrumental, 170, 172-173;
means and, 72-73;
values, 175
English empiricism, 99
Environment, 10;
life and, 84
Epistemology, 49, 70, 123, 126
Errors, 35
Esthetic and practical, 66
Estheticism, 115-116, 117, 180;
science and, reconciling, 127
Ether, 55, 56
Ethical theory, 161
Europe, nationalistic movement, 201;
social cause of intellectual revolution in 16th and 17th centuries, 38-39
Evil, problem of, 177
Evolution, in Aristotle, 58;
of the state, 200-201
Existence, two realms, 22
Experience, 32;
as a guide in science and moral life, 78;
basis of old notion of, 79;
changed conceptions, 77;
classic notion and modern, 81;
combined doing and suffering, 86;
evil result of unimaginative conception of, 100-101;
Greek, 79;
modern appeal to, 48;
new conception, 83;
Plato, 92;
principles and, 48;
self-regulative, 94-95;
true "stuff" of, 91
Experimental method, 13
Experimentation, 42
Exploration, 39, 40
Facing facts, 140, 141, 143
Facts, 10, 98
Falsity, 158
Family principle, 189;
in the world at large, 61-62
Fanaticism, 168
Fancy. See Imagination
Fear, 40
Feudalism, 43, 45;
of the universe in ancient conception, 59, 61-62
Fighting, 15
Final cause, 59, 60, 68
Final good, 161-Pragmatism, 38
Judea, 9
Judgment, 133;
moral, 176;
standards, 175
Kant, 50, 83, 98, 206;
his philosophy and German character, 98-99
Kinship, 62
Knowledge, conception as beholding, 115;
degrees, 108;
empirical as organ of imagination, 73, 74;
existing practice, 112;
modern view of right way to get it, 113;
positive, 12;
positive vs. tradition, 16;
practical and operative, 121, 122;
sensations and, 87, 88, 89;
spectator conception, 112, 117
"Knowledge is power," 29, 42, 51
Law, 61, 64;
freedom and, 207;
reason and, 98.
See also Final good
Learning, Bacon's three kinds, 29
Licentiousness, 163
Life, 167, 211;
environment and, 84-85
Literary culture, 39
Locke, 35, 50, 81, 89, 152;
philosophic empiricism, 82
Logic, a science and an art, 135;
apparatus, 20, 21;
character, 132, 134;
importance, 138;
in morals and politics, 138;
inconsistencies, 134;
new, 36;
of discovery, 33;
of discovery vs. that of argumentation, 31;
theory, chaotic state, 133
Logical system, 9
Lotze, 134
Making a living, 211
Man, perfectibility, 49;
primitive, 4, 5;
savage and civilized, 85;
tool-maker, 71
Marcus Aurelius, 106
Materialism, 50, 70, 73, 171, 182
Mathematics, 137, 149
Matter, 72, 211
Means and ends, 72-73
Mechanics, 67, 69;
Greeks and, 67
Mechanism, 211
Mechanisation of nature, 71-72
Mediaeval Christianity, 17, 19, 126
Meliorism, 178
Memory, 1, 6, 103;
emotional character, 2;
individual and group, 8;
primitive, 3
Metaphysics, 17, 124, 126
Methods, 149;
social philosophy, 193;
true, 32
Middle Ages, 47, 64, 132
Military art, 15
Mill, J. S., 132
Mind, pure, 111
Miracles, 125
Mistakes, 175
Modern thought, 52;
Bacon as founder, 28;
early, 49, 50.
See also Thought
Mohammedans, 39
Moral ends, 169
Moral life, 165
Moral science. See under Science
Morality, pragmatic rule, 163;
standard of judgment, 176
Morals, 126, 169;
politics and, 197
National state, 200;
end or instrument, 202-203;
rÔle of the modern, 201
Nationalistic movement, 201
Natural Science. See under Science
Naturalism and humanism, 174
Nature, contrast of ancient and modern conceptions, 53-54;
inquiry into, 32, 37, 48, 49;
loss of poetry when considered as mechanism, 69;
profound change in man's attitude to, 115;
value of mechanisation, 71-72;
web imposed on, 35-36
Neglect, 97
Neo-Platonism, 111
New World, 39
Non-being, 107
Noumenal reality, 23
Nous, 36
Obliviscence of the disagreeable, 103
Observation, 140
Optimism, 178
Opportunity, 211
Organic society, 187
Organisms, 86
Organisation, 206-207
Oriental nations, 127
Origin of philosophies, 5, 18, 24, 25
Pantheon, Greek, 105
Past, 212
Perfectibility of mankind, 49
Perfection, 177
Personality, 47, 189, 209
Persuasion, 31
Pessimism, 178
Phariseeism, 176
Phenomenal reality, 23
Philosophy, emancipation, 123;
function, 111, 122;
future aim and scope, 26;
hard and fast alternatives of English and German schools, 99-100;
history, 25;
opportunities, 49;
origin, 5, 18, 24, 25;
practical nature, 121;
proper province, 21, 124;
work, 18
Physician, 168
Physics, 75
Plato, 13, 14, 17, 19, 188, 205;
dramatic sense, 15;
experience, 79, 92;
ideas, ideal realm, 105;
on change, 107;
social arts, 94;
ultimate reality, 106
Pleasure, 181
Plotinus, 106
Pluralism, 204
Poetry, 7, 8, 103, 212
Political changes, 43
Political organisation, 44
Politics, 125;
morals and, 197;
movements, 47
Possession of knowledge, 31
Potentiality, Aristotle's use of term, 57, 58
Practical and esthetic, 66
Pragmatism, 38
Pretensions, 21
Primitive man, 4
Principles, 81, 163;
criteria of experience, 48
Probability, 21
Production, 181
Progress, 42, 48, 116, 211;
Bacon and, 32, 34;
economic and moral, contrast, 125
Transcriber's Notes:
Typos corrected:
(Chapter III) "Home Faber" to "Homo Faber"
(Index entry) "Summum Conum" to "Summum Bonum"
The text is in American-English but the Index seems to be done in British-English.
Below are some words in the Index which are different from the text:
dramatisation | dramatization |
labour | labor |
mediaeval | medieval |
Generalisations | Generalizations |
mechanisation | mechanization (2 instances) |
organisation | organization (2 instances) |
Rationalisation | Rationalization |
nomenal | noumenal (2 instances) |