

1. Corvus corax. The Raven.
2. Corvus corone. The Carrion Crow.
3. Corvus frugilegus. The Rook.
4. Corvus comix. The Hooded Crow.
5. Corvus monedula. The Jackdaw.
6. Graculus eremita. The Red-billed Chough.
7. Pyrrhocorax alpinus. The Yellow-billed Chough.
8. Pica rustica. The Magpie.
9. Regulus cristatus. The Goldcrest.
10. Lanius collurio. The Red-backed Shrike.
11. Ampelis garrulus. The Waxwing.
12. Oriolus galbula. The Golden Oriole.
13. Pastor roseus. The Rose-coloured Starling.
14. Siphia parva. The European Red-breasted Flycatcher.
15. Muscicapa grisola. The Spotted Flycatcher.
16. Geocichla sibirica. The Siberian Ground Thrush.
17. Monticola saxatilis. The Rock Thrush.
18. Saxicola aenanthe. The Wheatear.
19. Cyanecula wolfi. The White spotted Bluethroat.
20. Turdus viscivorus. The Missel Thrush.
21. Turdus pilaris. The Fieldfare.
22. Turdus iliacus. The Redwing.
23. Linota cannabina. The Linnet.
24. Passer montanus. The Tree Sparrow.
25. Passer domesticus. The House Sparrow.
26. Emberiza schoeniclus. The Reed Bunting.
27. Emberiza pusilla. The Dwarf Bunting.
28. Emberiza hortulana. The Ortolan Bunting.
29. Emberiza melanocephala. The Black-headed Bunting
30. Fringilla montifringilla. The Brambling.
31. Alauda arvensis. The Skylark.
32. Calandrella brachydactyla. The Short-toed Lark.
33. Galerita cristata. The Crested Lark.
34. Anthus trivialis. The Tree Pipit.
35. Anthus richardi. Richard’s Pipit.
36. Anthus campestris. The Tawny Pipit.
37. Anthus spinoletta. The Water Pipit.
38. Anthus pratensis. The Meadow Pipit.
39. Hirundo rustica. The Swallow.
40. Cotile riparia. The Sand Martin.
41. Chelidon urbica. The Martin.
42. Motacilla alba. The White Wagtail.
43. Motacilla melanope. The Grey Wagtail.
44. Motacilla borealis. The Grey-headed Wagtail.
45. Motacilla flava. The Blue-headed Wagtail.
46. Iynx torquilla. The Wryneck.
47. Merops phillippinus. The Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
48. Merops apiaster. The European Bee-eater.
49. Upupa epops. The Hoopoe.
50. Coracias garrula. The European Roller.
51. Cypselus alpinus. The Alpine Swift.
52. Cypselus apus. The European Swift.
53. Caprimulgus europaeus. The European Nightjar.
54. Strix flammea. The Barn Owl.
55. Scops giu. The Scops Owl.
56. Asio otus. The Long-eared Owl.
57. Asio accipitrinus. The Short-eared Owl.
58. Bubo ignavus. The Eagle Owl.
59. Nyctea scandiaca. The Snowy Owl.
60. Alcedo ispida. The Common Kingfisher.
61. Cuculus canorus. The Cuckoo.
62. Gyps fulvus. The Griffon Vulture.
63. Neophron percnopterus. The Egyptian Vulture.
64. Milvus migrans. The Black Kite.
65. Haliaetus albicilla. The White-tailed Sea Eagle.
66. Pandion haliaetus. The Osprey.
67. Accipiter nisus. The Sparrow Hawk.
68. Astur palumbarius. The Goshawk.
69. Aquila chrysÆtus. The Golden Eagle.
70. Aquila maculata. The Large Spotted Eagle.
71. Buteo desertorum. The Common Buzzard.
72. Circus cineraceus. Montagu’s Harrier.
73. Circus cyaneus. The Hen Harrier.
74. Circus aeruginosus. The Marsh Harrier.
75. Elanus caeruleus. The Black-winged Kite.
76. Falco peregrinus. The Peregrine Falcon.
77. Falco subbuteo. The Hobby.
78. Aesalon regulus. The Merlin.
79. Tinnunculus alaudaris. The Kestrel.
80. Tinnunculus cenchris. The Lesser Kestrel.
81. Columbia livia. The Blue Rock Pigeon.
82. Turtur communis. The Turtle Dove.
83. Coturnix communis. The Quail.
84. Rallus aquaticus. The Water-Rail.
85. Crex pratensis. The Corn Crake.
86. Porzana parva. The Little Crake.
87. Porzana maruetta. The Spotted Crake.
88. Fulica atra. The Coot.
89. Gallinula chloropus. The Moorhen.
90. Grus communis. The Crane.
91. Anthropoides virgo. The Demoiselle Crane.
92. Otis tarda. The Great Bustard.
93. Otis tetrax. The Little Bustard.
94. Oedicnemus scolopa. The Stone Curlew.
95. Glareola pratincola. The Pratincole.
96. Cursorius gallicus. The Cream-coloured Courser.
97. Strepsilas interpres. The Turnstone.
98. Charadrius fulvus. The Eastern Golden Plover.
99. Charadrius pluvialis. The Golden Plover.
100. Vanellus vulgaris. The Lapwing.
101. Squatarola helvitica. The Grey Plover.
102. Aegialitis alexandrina. The Kentish Plover.
103. Aegialitis dubia. The Little Ringed Plover.
104. Aegialitis hiaticula. The Ringed Plover.
105. Haematopus ostralegus. The Oystercatcher.
106. Himantopus candidus. The Black-winged Stilt.
107. Limosa belgica. The Black-tailed Godwit.
108. Limosa lapponica. The Bar-tailed Godwit.
109. Numenius arquata. The Curlew,
110. Numenius phaeopus. The Whimbrel.
111. Recurvirostra avocetta. The Avocet.
112. Totanus hypoleucus. The Common Sandpiper.
113. Totanus glareola. The Wood Sandpiper.
114. Totanus ochropus. The Green Sandpiper.
115. Totanus calidris. The Redshank.
116. Totanus fuscus. The Spotted Redshank.
117. Totanus glottis. The Greenshank.
118. Tringa minuta. The Little Stint.
119. Tringa temmincki. Temminck’s Stint.
120. Tringa subarquata. The Curlew Stint.
121. Tringa alpina. The Dunlin.
122. Tringa platyrhyncha. The Broad-billed Stint.
123. Calidris arenaria. The Sanderling.
124. Pavoncella pugnax. The Ruff.
125. Phalaropus hyperboreus. The Red-necked Phalarope.
126. Phalaropus fulicarius. The Grey Phalarope.
127. Scolopax rusticula. The Woodcock.
128. Gallinago coelestis. The Common Snipe.
129. Gallinago gallinula. The Jack Snipe.
130. Larus ichthyaetus. The Great Black-billed Gull.
131. Larus ridibundus. The Laughing Gull.
132. Larus affinis. The Dark-backed Herring Gull.
133. Hydrochelidon hybrida. The Whiskered Tern.
134. Hydrochelidon leucoptera. The White-winged Black Tern.
135. Sterna angelica. The Gull-billed Tern.
136. Sterna cantiaca. The Sandwich Tern.
137. Sterna fluviatilis. The Common Tern.
138. Sterna dougalli. The Roseate Tern.
139. Sterna minuta. The Little Tern.
140. Sterna fuliginosa. The Sooty Tern.
141. Hydroprogne caspia. The Caspian Tern.
142. Stercorarius crepidatus. Richardson’s Skua.
143. Stercorarius pomatorhinus. The Pomatorhine Skua.
144. Oceanites oceanicus. Wilson’s Petrel.
145. Anous stolidus. The Noddy.
146. Phalacrocorax carbo. The Cormorant.
147. Platalea leucorodia. The Spoonbill.
148. Nycticorax griseus. The Night Heron.
149. Ardea manillensis. The Purple Heron.
150. Ardea cinerea. The Common Heron.
151. Herodias alba. The Large Egret.
152. Herodias garzetta. The Little Egret.
153. Bulbulcus coromnandus. The Cattle Egret.
154. Ardetta minuta. The Little Bittern.
155. Ciconia alba. The White Stork.
156. Ciconia nigra. The Black Stork.
157. Plegadis falcinellus. The Glossy Ibis.
158. Phoenicopterus roseus. The Flamingo.
159. Cygnus olor. The Mute Swan.
160. Cygnus musicus. The Whooper.
161. Anser ferus. The Grey-lag Goose.
162. Anser albifrons. The White-fronted Goose.
163. Anser erythropus. The Lesser White-fronted Goose.
164. Anser brachyrhynchus. The Pink-footed Goose.
165. Tadorna cornuta. The Sheld-Duck.
166. Casarca rutila. The Brahminy Duck.
167. Mareca penelope. The Widgeon.
168. Anas boscas. The Mallard.
169. Chaulelasmus streperus. The Gadwall.
170. Nyroca ferruginea. The White-eyed Duck.
171. Nyroca ferina. The Pochard.
172. Nyroca marila. The Scaup.
173. Nyroca fuligula. The Tufted Duck.
174. Netta rufina. The Red-crested Pochard.
175. Dafila acuta. The Pintail.
176. Clangula glaucion. The Golden-Eye.
177. Spatula clypeata. The Shoveller.
178. Querquedula urcia. The Garganey Teal.
179. Nettium crecca. The Common Teal.
180. Podiceps cristatus. The Great Crested Grebe.
181. Podiceps nigricollis. The Eared Grebe.
182. Mergus albellus. The Smew.
183. Merganser castor. The Goosander.
184. Merganser serrator. The Red-breasted Merganser.

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