- 2. Corvus corone. The Carrion Crow.
- 3. Corvus frugilegus. The Rook.
- 4. Corvus comix. The Hooded Crow.
- 5. Corvus monedula. The Jackdaw.
- 6. Graculus eremita. The Red-billed Chough.
- 7. Pyrrhocorax alpinus. The Yellow-billed Chough.
- 8. Pica rustica. The Magpie.
- 9. Regulus cristatus. The Goldcrest.
- 10. Lanius collurio. The Red-backed Shrike.
- 11. Ampelis garrulus. The Waxwing.
- 12. Oriolus galbula. The Golden Oriole.
- 13. Pastor roseus. The Rose-coloured Starling.
- 14. Siphia parva. The European Red-breasted Flycatcher.
- 15. Muscicapa grisola. The Spotted Flycatcher.
- 16. Geocichla sibirica. The Siberian Ground Thrush.
- 17. Monticola saxatilis. The Rock Thrush.
- 18. Saxicola aenanthe. The Wheatear.
- 19. Cyanecula wolfi. The White spotted Bluethroat.
- 20. Turdus viscivorus. The Missel Thrush.
- 21. Turdus pilaris. The Fieldfare.
- 22. Turdus iliacus. The Redwing.
- 23. Linota cannabina. The Linnet.
- 24. Passer montanus. The Tree Sparrow.
- 25. Passer domesticus. The House Sparrow.
- 26. Emberiza schoeniclus. The Reed Bunting.
- 27. Emberiza pusilla. The Dwarf Bunting.
- 28. Emberiza hortulana. The Ortolan Bunting.
- 29. Emberiza melanocephala. The Black-headed Bunting
- 30. Fringilla montifringilla. The Brambling.
- 31. Alauda arvensis. The Skylark.
- 32. Calandrella brachydactyla. The Short-toed Lark.
- 33. Galerita cristata. The Crested Lark.
- 34. Anthus trivialis. The Tree Pipit.
- 35. Anthus richardi. Richard’s Pipit.
- 36. Anthus campestris. The Tawny Pipit.
- 37. Anthus spinoletta. The Water Pipit.
- 38. Anthus pratensis. The Meadow Pipit.
- 39. Hirundo rustica. The Swallow.
- 40. Cotile riparia. The Sand Martin.
- 41. Chelidon urbica. The Martin.
- 42. Motacilla alba. The White Wagtail.
- 43. Motacilla melanope. The Grey Wagtail.
- 44. Motacilla borealis. The Grey-headed Wagtail.
- 45. Motacilla flava. The Blue-headed Wagtail.
- 46. Iynx torquilla. The Wryneck.
- 47. Merops phillippinus. The Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
- 48. Merops apiaster. The European Bee-eater.
- 49. Upupa epops. The Hoopoe.
- 50. Coracias garrula. The European Roller.
- 51. Cypselus alpinus. The Alpine Swift.
- 52. Cypselus apus. The European Swift.
- 53. Caprimulgus europaeus. The European Nightjar.
- 54. Strix flammea. The Barn Owl.
- 55. Scops giu. The Scops Owl.
- 56. Asio otus. The Long-eared Owl.
- 57. Asio accipitrinus. The Short-eared Owl.
- 58. Bubo ignavus. The Eagle Owl.
- 59. Nyctea scandiaca. The Snowy Owl.
- 60. Alcedo ispida. The Common Kingfisher.
- 61. Cuculus canorus. The Cuckoo.
- 62. Gyps fulvus. The Griffon Vulture.
- 63. Neophron percnopterus. The Egyptian Vulture.
- 64. Milvus migrans. The Black Kite.
- 65. Haliaetus albicilla. The White-tailed Sea Eagle.
- 66. Pandion haliaetus. The Osprey.
- 67. Accipiter nisus. The Sparrow Hawk.
- 68. Astur palumbarius. The Goshawk.
- 69. Aquila chrysÆtus. The Golden Eagle.
- 70. Aquila maculata. The Large Spotted Eagle.
- 71. Buteo desertorum. The Common Buzzard.
- 72. Circus cineraceus. Montagu’s Harrier.
- 73. Circus cyaneus. The Hen Harrier.
- 74. Circus aeruginosus. The Marsh Harrier.
- 75. Elanus caeruleus. The Black-winged Kite.
- 76. Falco peregrinus. The Peregrine Falcon.
- 77. Falco subbuteo. The Hobby.
- 78. Aesalon regulus. The Merlin.
- 79. Tinnunculus alaudaris. The Kestrel.
- 80. Tinnunculus cenchris. The Lesser Kestrel.
- 81. Columbia livia. The Blue Rock Pigeon.
- 82. Turtur communis. The Turtle Dove.
- 83. Coturnix communis. The Quail.
- 84. Rallus aquaticus. The Water-Rail.
- 85. Crex pratensis. The Corn Crake.
- 86. Porzana parva. The Little Crake.
- 87. Porzana maruetta. The Spotted Crake.
- 88. Fulica atra. The Coot.
- 89. Gallinula chloropus. The Moorhen.
- 90. Grus communis. The Crane.
- 91. Anthropoides virgo. The Demoiselle Crane.
- 92. Otis tarda. The Great Bustard.
- 93. Otis tetrax. The Little Bustard.
- 94. Oedicnemus scolopa. The Stone Curlew.
- 95. Glareola pratincola. The Pratincole.
- 96. Cursorius gallicus. The Cream-coloured Courser.
- 97. Strepsilas interpres. The Turnstone.
- 98. Charadrius fulvus. The Eastern Golden Plover.
- 99. Charadrius pluvialis. The Golden Plover.
- 100. Vanellus vulgaris. The Lapwing.
- 101. Squatarola helvitica. The Grey Plover.
- 102. Aegialitis alexandrina. The Kentish Plover.
- 103. Aegialitis dubia. The Little Ringed Plover.
- 104. Aegialitis hiaticula. The Ringed Plover.
- 105. Haematopus ostralegus. The Oystercatcher.
- 106. Himantopus candidus. The Black-winged Stilt.
- 107. Limosa belgica. The Black-tailed Godwit.
- 108. Limosa lapponica. The Bar-tailed Godwit.
- 109. Numenius arquata. The Curlew,
- 110. Numenius phaeopus. The Whimbrel.
- 111. Recurvirostra avocetta. The Avocet.
- 112. Totanus hypoleucus. The Common Sandpiper.
- 113. Totanus glareola. The Wood Sandpiper.
- 114. Totanus ochropus. The Green Sandpiper.
- 115. Totanus calidris. The Redshank.
- 116. Totanus fuscus. The Spotted Redshank.
- 117. Totanus glottis. The Greenshank.
- 118. Tringa minuta. The Little Stint.
- 119. Tringa temmincki. Temminck’s Stint.
- 120. Tringa subarquata. The Curlew Stint.
- 121. Tringa alpina. The Dunlin.
- 122. Tringa platyrhyncha. The Broad-billed Stint.
- 123. Calidris arenaria. The Sanderling.
- 124. Pavoncella pugnax. The Ruff.
- 125. Phalaropus hyperboreus. The Red-necked Phalarope.
- 126. Phalaropus fulicarius. The Grey Phalarope.
- 127. Scolopax rusticula. The Woodcock.
- 128. Gallinago coelestis. The Common Snipe.
- 129. Gallinago gallinula. The Jack Snipe.
- 130. Larus ichthyaetus. The Great Black-billed Gull.
- 131. Larus ridibundus. The Laughing Gull.
- 132. Larus affinis. The Dark-backed Herring Gull.
- 133. Hydrochelidon hybrida. The Whiskered Tern.
- 134. Hydrochelidon leucoptera. The White-winged Black Tern.
- 135. Sterna angelica. The Gull-billed Tern.
- 136. Sterna cantiaca. The Sandwich Tern.
- 137. Sterna fluviatilis. The Common Tern.
- 138. Sterna dougalli. The Roseate Tern.
- 139. Sterna minuta. The Little Tern.
- 140. Sterna fuliginosa. The Sooty Tern.
- 141. Hydroprogne caspia. The Caspian Tern.
- 142. Stercorarius crepidatus. Richardson’s Skua.
- 143. Stercorarius pomatorhinus. The Pomatorhine Skua.
- 144. Oceanites oceanicus. Wilson’s Petrel.
- 145. Anous stolidus. The Noddy.
- 146. Phalacrocorax carbo. The Cormorant.
- 147. Platalea leucorodia. The Spoonbill.
- 148. Nycticorax griseus. The Night Heron.
- 149. Ardea manillensis. The Purple Heron.
- 150. Ardea cinerea. The Common Heron.
- 151. Herodias alba. The Large Egret.
- 152. Herodias garzetta. The Little Egret.
- 153. Bulbulcus coromnandus. The Cattle Egret.
- 154. Ardetta minuta. The Little Bittern.
- 155. Ciconia alba. The White Stork.
- 156. Ciconia nigra. The Black Stork.
- 157. Plegadis falcinellus. The Glossy Ibis.
- 158. Phoenicopterus roseus. The Flamingo.
- 159. Cygnus olor. The Mute Swan.
- 160. Cygnus musicus. The Whooper.
- 161. Anser ferus. The Grey-lag Goose.
- 162. Anser albifrons. The White-fronted Goose.
- 163. Anser erythropus. The Lesser White-fronted Goose.
- 164. Anser brachyrhynchus. The Pink-footed Goose.
- 165. Tadorna cornuta. The Sheld-Duck.
- 166. Casarca rutila. The Brahminy Duck.
- 167. Mareca penelope. The Widgeon.
- 168. Anas boscas. The Mallard.
- 169. Chaulelasmus streperus. The Gadwall.
- 170. Nyroca ferruginea. The White-eyed Duck.
- 171. Nyroca ferina. The Pochard.
- 172. Nyroca marila. The Scaup.
- 173. Nyroca fuligula. The Tufted Duck.
- 174. Netta rufina. The Red-crested Pochard.
- 175. Dafila acuta. The Pintail.
- 176. Clangula glaucion. The Golden-Eye.
- 177. Spatula clypeata. The Shoveller.
- 178. Querquedula urcia. The Garganey Teal.
- 179. Nettium crecca. The Common Teal.
- 180. Podiceps cristatus. The Great Crested Grebe.
- 181. Podiceps nigricollis. The Eared Grebe.
- 182. Mergus albellus. The Smew.
- 183. Merganser castor. The Goosander.
- 184. Merganser serrator. The Red-breasted Merganser.