57175@57175-h@57175-h-3.htm.html#Page_172" class="pginternal">172; accident at polo, 184; illness, 185, 188-194; grief at the King’s death, 186; at St. George’s Chapel, 187; at Bexhill, 190; death, 194; funeral, 194 Cooch Behar, Princess Prativa (or Pretty) of, birth, 147; in England, 182; appearance, 182; character, 183; illness, 189; marriage, 203. See Mander Cooch Behar, Prince Raj Rajendra of, birth, 83; nickname, 85; appearance, 98; attack of typhoid fever, 98, 216; characteristics, 99-101, 141, 202; in London, 106; at Windsor Castle, 117; education, 158-160; at Mayo College, 159; school at Farnborough, 162; at Eton, 162; Oxford, 166; joins the Cadet Corps, 167; at Ditton Park, 170; attends the Coronation of King Edward VII., 172; appointed to a commission in the Westminster Dragoons, 172; plays in a polo match at Trouville, 174; accident, 175; at the Delhi Durbar, 177; illness 178, 189, 206-211; ordered to England, 179; in England, 182, 189, 205; attends the funeral of his father, 195; succeeds to the Gadi, 199; devotion to his mother, 199; predictions of his death, 200; dismisses the Dewan, 200; pays homage to his mother, 201; attack of ptomaine poisoning, 204; at a nursing home, 206; at Cromer, 208; death, 211; funeral, 212 Cooch Behar, Princess Sudhira of, birth, 147; in England, 182; appearance, 185; Ditton Park, 170; toy railway, 170 Diver, Maud, 235 Dover, 206 Dufferin, Lady, book on India, 87, 216; starts the Delhi Hospital, 216 Dufferin, Lord, Viceroy of India, 8, 136, 156, 216 Dugdale, Col. Frank and Lady Eva, 150 Duke, Sir William, 223 Durham, Earl of, twin brother, 127 Durnford, Sir Walter, Provost of King’s College, Cambridge, 162 Duth, Calica Das, the Dewan, 57, 89, 137 Eden, Sir Ashley, 105 Edinburgh, 124 Edinburgh, H.R.H. the Duke of, at Malta, 135 Edward VII., King, kindly tact, 114; liking for the Maharajah of Cooch Behar, 116; at Goodwood races, 125; personality, 126; Coronation, 129, 171-174; illness, 171; presents medals, 173; holds a Court, 173; State Ball, 173; death, 185 Eldridge, Mrs., 93, 143, 151; marriage, 135 Elephants at Cooch Behar, 146; procession at Delhi, 177 Elgin, Lady, 218 Elgin, Lord, Viceroy of India, 218 Elliott, Lady, 139, 223 Elliott, Sir Charles, Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, 160 Elphinstone, Lord, 124 Elphinstone, Mr., 150 Englefield Green, 182 Etawah, 12; massacre at, 13 Eton, 162 Farnborough, 162 Francis, 193 Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 139 Frederick, Emperor of Germany, at the Jubilee, 112, 117 Frederick, Empress, of Germany, at the Guildhall, 115 “Fullsaya,” or flower ceremony, 37 Galloway, Lord and Lady, 150 Ganesh, the god, 33 Ganges, marriage, 31 Sen, Nirmal, 28; marriage, 28; visit to England, 104; at Bexhill, 191 Sen, Rev. P. L., 195, 199 Sen, Profullo, 28; illness, 29; pet names, 29; marriage, 29; visit to England, 104; return to India, 134 Sen, Saral, 29; characteristics, 29; pet name, 29; care of his sisters, 164; marriage, 164; nurses the Maharajah of Cooch Behar, 192 Sen, Savitri, story of, 27; pet name, 27, 30; marriage, 30; twins, 138 Sen, Subrata, 29; pet name, 29; marriage, 29 Sen, Sucharu, sad history, 30; marriage, 30; death of her husband, 31 Sen, Sujata, character, 31; marriage, 31 Sen, Sunity, birth, 1; parents, 1-3; childhood, 15-19; education, 15; attack of fever, 16, 48; grandmother, 17; vows, 19; religious views, 24; haunted by cats, 27; brothers and sisters, 28-31; ambition, 32; negotiations for her marriage, 46-53, 55-60; meeting with her future husband, 54; betrothal, 54-56; journey to Cooch Behar, 60; marriage ceremonies, 61-67. See Cooch Behar Sen’s House, 1, 26; haunted, 26 Sergius, Grand Duchess, 111 Serpentine, the, 106 Shakespeare, W., “Winter’s Tale,” 123 Simla, 85, 144 Simpson, Sir BenjamiTHE END PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES, ENGLAND. |