
This paper is primarily planned for the layman, the beginning student of prehistory and others interested in acquiring a general understanding of how primitive man lived during his successive occupations of Illinois and neighboring areas in the more important archaeological periods. Most of the archaeological data for the chief cultures or ways of life are given in references in the accompanying bibliography of technical publications selected as those from which (in the opinion of the writer) the information can be most easily gleaned.

The reconstructions given of the cultural features, where not those ordinarily inferred from archaeological findings, are based on a study of the practices commonly found among primitive people now, or until recently, living in the same stage or substage. These are tentative conclusions resulting from a study of fifty tribes in the Self-Domestication (pre-farming) stage and forty in the Plant-Raising substage. Because primitive tribes which are under pressure from people with advanced food-draft-animal agriculture or with machine industry or which are in a transitional condition between two adjacent stages are disorganized or drastically changing a formerly stabilized mode of life, great care has been exercised in drawing general conclusions from their cultural features.

The reconstructions of the perishable objects shown in the drawings are generally in keeping with the culture in which they are exhibited but cannot be vouched for as to their detailed form. The handle of an adze, the shape of a cabin roof, the headdress of a tribal chief each served the purpose for which they were made and their exact form was and is of no more consequence in the culture than the fashions in women’s hats or the fins on an automobile are in our own. The details in cultures serve to set them apart from each other; it is the basic and significant features and subfeatures that determine relationships and permit the most useful classification.

The study mentioned above is still incomplete, but results so far obtained indicate:

1. That man in the same stage (and substage) of cultural development tends to invent and employ the same broad social and spiritual features, regardless of surroundings.

2. That where significant differences arise between substages of the same stage, they are (at least sometimes) linked with peculiarities of climate and/or natural resources which the people have seized upon and exploited to the improvement of their economic situation.

3. That many details within these broad types of economic, social and spiritual features appear to vary unpredictably within the range of available possibilities.

The stage and criterion for each were proposed in an earlier issue (No. 6) of this series, Man’s Venture In Culture, (Deuel 1950, pp. 5-12) as:

1. Natural Man (Protocultural), when “man” presumably employed sticks and stones as implements and weapons.

2. Self-Domestication, following the discovery of the principle of the conchoidal fracturing of flint and its control, and the invention of tool and weapon types.

3. Farming or Food-Raising, due to the discovery that grains (grasses) and food-draft animals could be bred and raised in captivity.

4. Inanimate Power Machine (Machine Age), after the discovery of the availability of water and wind as sources for energy and the adaptation of animal-driven machines to utilize them.

Man in the wild or Protocultural stage is thought not to have reached the Americas. The oxlike mammals were not domesticated in America for drawing ploughs and vehicles, turning grain mills or to serve as a continuous food supply source. Consequently, we are concerned in the following discussion only with peoples in the Self-Domestication stage and the Plant-Raising substage of Farming.

In ordinary language, the word “culture” is used in a diversity of senses. In these pages it is used in one of two ways, the one employed being readily understood from the context. In a general sense, culture means the significant beliefs, customary activities and social prohibitions that are peculiar to man (together with the man-made tools, weapons and other material objects that he finds or has found necessary) that modify, limit or enhance in some manner, most of his discernible natural activities due to and arising from his physical animal inheritance and organization. Culture in a specific sense refers to the significant cultural features of a group or period under consideration.

For convenience, any cultural activity according to its dominant purpose may be spoken of as belonging to one of three aspects of culture, (a) economic (technological and intellectual); (b) social (and political); and (c) spiritual (religious, artistic and recreational). To lesser degrees, most cultural activities have relationships with the two aspects other than the dominant.

Certain prevalent archaeological designations have been changed to remove time implications (e.g. “early” and “late” Woodland to Initial [beginning] and Final [end of an archaeological series]), or to shorten (e.g. “Tennessee-Cumberland” or “Gordon-Fewkes” to Cumberland).

Technical terms have generally been avoided; but where it has seemed necessary to retain them or to use words in a special sense, they are explained in the text or can be found in the glossary. The terms pattern and phase are those generally employed in the McKern system of classification, for the larger groupings into which it is customary to place the “cultures” as determined from the typology of the artifacts, their association in the assemblage and pertinent data recovered at a site (or local community) with due regard to circumstances of time and location of other sites nearby and over a larger area. The largest unit is the pattern which is made up of a number of phases. Cultural divisions smaller than these units are spoken of here as subcultures.

The approximate relationships of the archaeological units to the broader cultural stages and substages are given in Table I, page 4. The succession and coexistence of the archaeological units is indicated in the diagram “The Stream of Culture”, p. 57. The summary of “Characteristics of the Archaeological-Cultural Units” occurs on pages 70-76.

This is a story mainly of Illinois when occupied by American Indians but it would not give a reasonably true picture without showing the known extensions of some of the cultures into surrounding areas and the probable intrusions from outside the state.

Of necessity in attempting a summary of the archaeology of Illinois and adjacent areas, the writer has had to lean heavily on the field work and reports of the many anthropologists who have contributed so much to the present understanding of the American Indian in the United States. To this invaluable source material and to these able scientists the indebtedness of the writer is acknowledged to be very great indeed. In the compass of a work of this type it is impossible to name them or give them credit for original or similar views, nor is it practicable to include in the bibliography all the publications used.

Acknowledgment of assistance is made especially to Georg K. Neumann, Joseph R. Caldwell and Melvin L. Fowler, Milton D. Thompson, Ruth Kerr, Nora Deuel and Orvetta Robinson for reading and discussing the manuscript from various viewpoints, to Dr. James B. Griffin for helpful information on the dates of sites and of archaeological data, to Irvin Peithmann, Southern Illinois University, for photographs furnished, for information on sites he had discovered and the privilege of visiting them in his company, to George Langford for photographs and data regarding the Fisher site, to Charles Hodge for all photographs reproduced not otherwise credited, and to Jerry Connolly, Bettye Broyles, Barbara Parmalee and Jeanne McCarty for their excellent drawings. Without all this considerable and valuable aid the publication could not have been completed.


MIDDLE MISSISSIPPI A.D. 1420±200 Crable Village Illinois Fulton
MIDDLE MISSISSIPPI 1326±250 Nodena Village Arkansas Arkansas
MIDDLE MISSISSIPPI 1156±200 Cahokia Illinois Madison
EFFIGY MOUND[2] 1041±212 Effigy Mounds National Park Iowa Allamakee
HOPEWELLIAN 508±60 Twenhafel (Weber) Md. Illinois Jackson
HOPEWELLIAN 432±200 Rutherford Mound Illinois Hardin
HOPEWELLIAN 256±200 Knight Mound Illinois Calhoun
HOPEWELLIAN 214±250 Baehr Mound Illinois Brown
HOPEWELLIAN[2] B.C. 48±160 Hopewellian Group Mound #25 Ohio Ross
HOPEWELLIAN[3] 57±108 Wilson Mound Illinois White
HOPEWELLIAN 315±164 Havana Mound Illinois Mason
ADENA 423±150 Toepfner Mound #I Ohio Franklin
ADENA 697±170 Dover Mound Kentucky Mason
ARCHAIC 704±80 Poverty Point Louisiana (N.E.) W. Carroll Parish
ADENA 826±410 Toepfner Mound #II Ohio Franklin
ARCHAIC 904±90 Poverty Point Louisiana (N.E.) W. Carroll Parish
ARCHAIC 1624±300 Kays Landing Tennessee Humphrey
ARCHAIC[2] 2170±215 Indian Knoll Kentucky Ohio
ARCHAIC[2] 2360±270 Annis Mound Kentucky Butler
ARCHAIC 2765±300 Modoc Rock Shelter Illinois Randolph
ARCHAIC 2812±250 Perry Site Alabama (N.W.) Lauderdale
ARCHAIC 2950±250 Annis Shell Mound Kentucky Butler
ARCHAIC 3325±300 Modoc Rock Shelter Illinois Randolph
ARCHAIC 3352±300 Indian Knoll Kentucky Ohio
ARCHAIC 3646±400 Oconto Old Copper Site Wisconsin (E.) Oconto
ARCHAIC[2] 3657±164 Modoc Rock Shelter Illinois Randolph
ARCHAIC 5194±500 Eva Site Tennessee Benton
ARCHAIC 5556±400 Oconto Old Copper Site Wisconsin (E.) Oconto
ARCHAIC 5945±500 Graham Cave Missouri Montgomery
ARCHAIC 6204±300 Russell Cave Alabama Jackson
ARCHAIC[2] 6219±388 Modoc Rock Shelter Illinois Randolph
ARCHAIC 7310±352 Graham Cave Missouri Montgomery
ARCHAIC 7922±392 Modoc Rock Shelter Illinois Randolph
PALEO-INDIAN (Folsom)[2] 7934±350 Lubbock Site Texas (N.W.) Lubbock
PALEO-INDIAN (Sandia) 18,000 Sandia Cave New Mexico (Center) Bernalillo
PALEO-INDIAN (?) 22,000 Tule Spring Site Nevada (S.E.) Clark
PALEO-INDIAN (Clovis?)[4] 35,000 Lewisville Site Texas Denton
[1]These dates are selected as giving a significant picture of sequence and contemporaneity of cultures. Dates based on shell specimens are excluded on account of their general unreliability. Adena sites are not included after 400 B.C. These are burial mounds and with their inferred customs may be present in two or more cultural units rather than constitute a feature characteristic of one.
[2]An average of at least two dates for this period.
[3]Average of three out of four dates. Libby’s second date disregarded as widely out of line.
[4]Two samples gave identical results. Cultural identification as Clovis based on single spearhead is doubtful.

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