ADVANCED (WOODLAND) PHASE | 1951 | Cole, F. C. et al in The Baumer Focus, in KINCAID, A PREHISTORIC ILLINOIS METROPOLIS, pp. 184-210, University of Chicago, Chicago (Baumer Subculture). | 1951 | Maxwell, Moreau S. The Woodland Cultures in Southern Illinois, pp. 232-243. Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin (Baumer Subculture). | 1951 | Ibid., pp. 78-183 (Crab Orchard Subculture). | Tennessee | 1922 | Harrington, M. R. Cherokee and Earliest Remains on Upper Tennessee River, INDIAN NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS, No. 24, New York (Round Grave People or Baumer Subculture). | 1952 | Kneberg, Madeline. The Tennessee Area in Griffin, Ed., ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN UNITED STATES, p. 192 and Fig. 102., University of Chicago, Chicago (Round Grave, Upper Valley or Baumer). | ARCHAIC PHASE | 1950 | Deuel, Thorne. Man’s Venture in Culture, STORY OF ILLINOIS SERIES, No. 6, pp. 5-12, Illinois State Museum, Springfield. | 1957 | Deuel, Thorne, The Modoc Shelter, REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS, No. 7, Springfield, revised and reprinted from Natural History, October, 1957, pp. 400-405 (Simple and Medial). | 1956 | Fowler, Melvin L. and Winters, Howard. Modoc Rock Shelter, Preliminary Report, REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS, No. 4, Illinois State Museum, Springfield. (Simple and Medial). | 1957 | Fowler, Melvin L. Ferry Site, Hardin County, Illinois, SCIENTIFIC PAPERS SERIES, Vol. VIII, No. 1, Illinois State Museum, Springfield. (Terminal Subculture). | 1950 | Titterington, P. F. Some Non-Pottery Sites in the St. Louis Area in ILLINOIS STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, N.S. Vol. I, pp. 19-31 (Terminal Subculture). | Tennessee | 1947 | Lewis, T. M. N. and Kneberg, Madeline. The Archaic Horizon in Western Tennessee, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Eva focus or subculture). | United States generally | 1957 | Wormington, H. M. Ancient Man in North America, POPULAR SERIES, No. 4, 4th Edition, revised, Denver (Archaic and Paleo-Indian Assemblages). | CLASSIC (HOPEWELLIAN) PHASE | 1937 | Cole, F. C. and Deuel, Thorne. Rediscovering Illinois, pp. 130-191. University of Chicago, Chicago. | 1952 | Deuel, Thorne, Ed. Hopewellian Communities, SCIENTIFIC PAPERS SERIES, Vol. V, Illinois State Museum, Springfield. | 1957 | Fowler, Melvin L. Rutherford Mound, Hardin County, Illinois, SCIENTIFIC PAPERS SERIES, Vol. VII, No. 1, Illinois State Museum, Springfield. | | MIDDLE (MISSISSIPPI) PHASE | Cahokia Subculture | 1937 | Cole, F. C. and Deuel, Thorne. Rediscovering Illinois, pp. 75-94, 111-125, 127, University of Chicago, Chicago. | 1928 | Moorehead, W. K. The Cahokia Mounds, University of Illinois, BULLETIN, Vol. 26, No. 4, Urbana. | 1939 | Simpson, A. M. The Kingston Village Site, Peoria Academy of Science, Peoria. (Privately printed.) | 1952 | Smith, Hale G. The Crable Site, Fulton County, Illinois, ANTHROPOLOGY PAPERS No. 7, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. | 1938 | Titterington, P. F. The Cahokia Mound Group and Its Village Site Materials, St. Louis. (Privately printed.) | Cahokia Subculture (Wisconsin) | 1933 | Barrett, S. A. Ancient Aztalan, BULL. PUBLIC MUSEUM OF MILWAUKEE, Vol. 13. | Cumberland Subculture | 1951 | Cole, F. C. et al. Kincaid, A Prehistoric Illinois Metropolis, pp. 29-164, 293-366, University of Chicago, Chicago. | Cumberland Subculture (Tennessee) | 1928 | Myer, William, Ed. Two Prehistoric Villages in Middle Tennessee, 41st ANNUAL REPORT, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, pp. 485-614, Washington. | Cumberland Subculture (Kentucky) | 1929 | Webb, William S. and Funkhouser, W. D. The Williams Site in Christian County, Kentucky, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY REPORTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, Vol. I, No. 1, pp. 5-23 followed by 36 figs., Lexington. | PALEO-INDIAN PHASE | 1954 | Kleine, Harold K. A Remarkable Paleo-Indian Site in Alabama in TEN YEARS OF THE TENNESSEE ARCHAEOLOGIST, Lewis and Kneberg, Ed., reprinted from TENNESSEE ARCHAEOLOGIST, 1954. | 1951 | Smail, William. Some Early Projectile Points from the St. Louis Area, in ILLINOIS STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, N. S., Vol. II, No. 1, pp. 11-16. | 1957 | Wormington, H. M. Ancient Man in North America, POPULAR SERIES, No. 4, 4th Edition, revised, Denver. | UPPER (MISSISSIPPI) PHASE | 1927 | Langford, George, Sr. The Fisher Mound Group, Successive Aboriginal Occupations near the Mouth of the Illinois River, in AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, pp. 153-206, Menasha. | | FINAL WOODLAND | Bluff Subculture | 1935 | Titterington, P. F. Certain Bluff Mounds of Western Jersey County, Illi
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