DISSEMINATION OF RESTRICTED MATTER. The information contained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. 23b, AR 380-5, 15 Mar 44.) U.S. Government Printing Office Washington: 1945 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington 25, D. C., 1 January 1945 TM 11-410, The Homing Pigeon, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [AG 300.7 (6 Nov 44)] By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL Chief of Staff Official: J. A. ULIO Major General The Adjutant General Distribution: AAF (10); AGF (10); ASF (10); Arm & Sv Bd (2); Dept (10); Tech Sv (2); Sv C (10); PC & S (1); Gen & Sp Sv Sch (10); USMA (1); ROTC (1); ROTC, Lib (1); A(10); CHQ (10); D(2); Bn(1); Bn 11(2); C 11(5); T/O & E 11-39 (50) For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6.