3669-h-1.htm.html#PARA_7" class="pginternal">7
Diffusion-pipe assembly, 67, 68
Dimensions, 9d
Discharge time, 9b
Dome-type regulator, 67d
Drums, 35-40
Duration of fire, 9b, 34
blowing out, 33j
effect on operation, 42
- E -
E1 ignition cylinders, 18a, 31
E3 portable flame thrower, 7a
Engineers’ wrenches, 10a, 48a
- F -
Filling fuel tanks
by blowing, 39
by force pump, 38
by pouring, 37
service when filling, 53
Filling plug, 37, 39, 49, 51d, 56b, 69
Filling with fuel, 4g, 34-40
Fire precautions, 15c, 40, 55
Firers, 4f, 15
Firing technique, 26-30, 54, 56b
Flexible shaft, valve
adjustment, 66d
description, 66a
installation, 66c
lubrication, 49
removal, 66b
Frame clamp, 68a, 71
capacity, 9e, 68a
characteristics, 34
destruction, 46c
left in tanks, 24b
per 100 fillings, 40j, 73d
removal, 40j, 70c, 73b, 75
replacement, 5b, 48b, 58, 70, 73
stiffening of, 21
- I -
Identification, 6
Ignition action, 14b, 44, 76a
Ignition cylinders
action, 14b, 31, 76a
description, 31, 76a
destruction, 30a, 46f
discarding, 30a
duration of fire, 9b
failure, 54a, 63, 64
loading of gun, 18, 76a
packing, 10c, 31
precautions, 18, 20, 31
storing, 31, 41
use in training, 15b, 18a, 30a
Ignition failure, 18, 26, 31, 44, 54a, 63, 64, 76d
Ignition head
assembling, 76c
cleaning, 49, 52, 54a, 76d
description, 5b, 76a
replacement, 48b, 60, 71e
tightening, 51h, 60, 71d
Service kit, 48
Service, on receipt of equipment, 12, 13
Set-screw wrenches, 10a, 48a, 67d, 76b, 76c
Shield, ignition, 18, 52d, 54a, 55d, 76
Shipment, 77
Short range, causes of, 61
Sighting, 25
Skids, use of, 24
Smoke, 3, 34
Smoking, 15, 40d
Snap ring, 76
Soaking the target, 29
Spare parts in service kit, 48, 77a
Spare parts kit, 10b
Spray of fuel, 61a
Spring case
cleaning, 52j, 76d
description, 76
effects of dust, 42, 52j
general, 10b, 18, 31, 76
lubrication at, 49, 52j, 76d
maintenance, 76d
replacement, 48b, 63b, 76d
Spring retainer and plug, 52g, 75
Spring, trigger, 63d, 76
Spring-type regulator, 58a
lubrication, 49, 56d, 74d
maintenance, 74d
removal, 74b
Valve-grip spring, 74
Valve lever
description, 74a
installation, 74c
lubrication, 49
operation, 14c, 62, 74a
play, 52e
removal, 74b
Valve needle
adjustment, 52e, 75d
cleaning, 52, 55d
description, 75a
installation, 75c
leaks, 58
removal, 75b, 75e
Valve, fuel
adjustment, 61a
cleaning, 56f, 61d
description, 5b, 74a, 75a
effects of dirt, 42
failure to close, 62
installation, 61a, 74c, 75c
leaks, 56c, 58
lubrication, 49
operation, 14c, 26b, 61a, 74a, 75a
removal, 74c, 75c
testing, 56c
Valve pressure-tank


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