- Abbreviations on maps, 323
- Advance guards, 210
- Advance party of advance guard, 211
- Advice to riflemen, 241
- Aiming rifle, 235
- Alignments, 235
- Ammunition, 20
- Arm signals, 154
- Arms (see Field kit), 30
- Articles of War:
- Extracts from, 353
- Reading, 353
- Assembling Infantry equipment, 33
- Ball cartridges, 20
- Battle sight, 20
- Bayonet, manual of:
- Attacks, 75
- Combat, 84
- Combined movements, 83
- Defenses, 79
- Fencing exercises, 85
- Foot movements, 85
- General rules, 85
- Instruction without bayonet, 81
- Instruction with rifle, 74
- Instruction without rifle, 74
- Suggestions for fencing at will, 93
- Blanket roll, 33
- Calling the shot, 241
- Care of feet, 47
- Care of rifle, 21
- Company, school of:
- Close order drill—
- Alignments, 146
- Cossack post, 215
- Course in small-arms firing, 243
- Courtesies in conversation, 18
- Courtesy, military, 13
- English-French vocabularies, 371
- Equipment:
- Assembling, 33
- Part of, 33
- Facings, 61
- Feet, care of, 47
- Field kit, 30
- Field service:
- Outposts—
- Combat, 181
- Principles of Infantry training, 180
- Fire:
- Control, 192
- Direction, 191
- Discipline, 192
- Ranges, 193
- Firing with rests, 243
- First-aid rules, 338
- Flank guards, 213
- Forage ration, 41
- Form for last will and testament, 389
- French-English vocabulary, 371
- Guard duty (extracts from Manual of Interior):
- Classification of interior guards, 255
- Color sentinels, 271
- Commander of the guard, 258
- Compliments from guards, 284
- Corporal of the guard, 266
- Cou
ution for cleaning rifle, 26
- Target practice:
- Advice to riflemen, 241
- Aiming rifle, 235
- Battle sight, 236
- Calling the shot, 240
- Coordination, 241
- Firing positions, 238
- Preliminary training in markmanship, 233
- Sight adjustment, 233
- Table of sight corrections, 235
- Targets, 244
- The course in small-arms firing, 243
- Trigger squeeze, 237
- Targets, 244
- Tent Pitching, Manual of:
- Conical wall tent, 177
- Folding tents, 178
- Pitch all type Army tents (except shelter and conical wall tents), 176
- Striking tents, 178
- Trigger squeeze, 237
- Two-arm semaphore code, 231
- Uniforms, 27
- Care of, 27
- Disposing of, 27
- Dress, 28
- Full dress, 28
- How worn, 28
- Service, 28
- Use of cover, 101
- Visual signaling (see Signals):
- In general, 328
- Flag, 329
- Vocabulary—English-French, 391