1 To be omitted if rifle is provided with spare-part container. 2 In lieu of these the canteen, model of 1910, with canteen cover, dismounted, may be issued. 3 One saddle for each troop and the saddles for the 2 color sergeants are to be provided with a guidon stirrup. 4 In lieu of these the canteen, model of 1910, with canteen cover, dismounted, may be issued. 5 In campaign or simulated campaign, when an organization is restricted to its prescribed field-train transportation, surplus kits, overcoats, and sweaters are stored on the line of communications or other designated place with the permanent camp equipment of the organization. 6 The numbers refer to paragraphs in the Cavalry Drill Regulations, 1916. 7 Signals marked thus are preparatory signals; the signal of execution in each case is made as prescribed in par. 990. 8 In signals marked thus (combination signals) the preparatory signal consists of more than one element; the signal of execution follows the last element of the preparatory signal. 9 See pars. 239, 333. When a gait signal is added to the preparatory command the resulting signal is given as a combination signal. 10 The traverse should be at least 6 feet wide instead of 3 feet, as shown in figure 5. 11 Whenever in these regulations the word "pistol" appears the regulation applies with equal force to the revolver, if applicable to that weapon. 12 The numbers refer to paragraphs in the Small Arms Firing Manual, 1913. 13 The instructor should take cognizance of the fact that the proper aiming point is often affected by the personal and fixed peculiarities of the firer, and if unable to correct such abnormalities permit firer to direct sight at such point as promises effective results. 14 The grade of commodore ceased to exist as a grade on the active list of the Navy of the United States on Mar. 3, 1899. By section 7 of the act of Mar. 3, 1899, the nine junior rear admirals are authorized to receive the pay and allowances of a brigadier general of the Army. 15 See note, p. 388. 16 Here insert specific legacies and devises. 17 If the residue of the estate is given to several persons, add here the manner in which it is to be divided, as "in equal shares as tenants in common." 18 If the will is made in Nevada, or if the testator has real estate in that State, he should affix his seal. 19 If the will is made in Louisiana, unless it is wholly in the handwriting of the testator, there should be seven witnesses and a notary at the "sealing up." If wholly in his handwriting, no formalities are required.
Transcriber's note: Obvious printer's errors have been corrected. Hyphenation and accentuation have been standardised, all other inconsistencies are as in the original. The author's spelling has been maintained.