Question.—My shipper consigns me a car of lumber and marks the bill of lading “via P. R. R. delivery.” If this car arrives by the C. R. R. of N. J., can I be compelled to accept same from them, or does my original contract entitle me to insist on P. R. R. delivery? Reply: One of the important and imperative duties of a carrier is to deliver the lumber as he is directed to deliver it. A direction to deliver it to a specified connecting carrier or delivery concern cannot be fulfilled by delivering it to another, any more than a direction to deliver it to a certain consignee can be carried out by delivery to another individual. If the carrier makes a wrong delivery, as here described, he is guilty of conversion. The consignee is not bound to accept the lumber from the connecting carrier to whom it has been wrongly delivered. He may sue the original carrier for the value of the lumber as soon as he learns that a different delivery from that directed by the bill of lading has been made. Opinion No. 11.