
The Organs of Circulation and Respiration.


Verloren. MÉm. sur la Circulation dans les Insectes. MÉm. cour, par l’Acad. Roy. de Belgique, Tom. XIX. (1847). [Structure of Circulatory Organs in a number of different Insects.]

Graber. Ueb. den Propulsatorischen Apparat der Insekten. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. IX. (1872). [Heart and Pericardium.]

Leydig. Larve von Corethra plumicornis. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. III. (1852). [Valves in Heart.]

Landois, H. Beob. Üb. das Blut der Insekten. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XIV. (1864). [Blood of Insects.]

Jaworowski. Entw. des RÜckengefÄsses, &c., bei Chironomus. Sitzb. der k. Akad. der Wiss. Wien., Bd. LXXX. (1879). [Minute Structure and Development of Heart.]

Landois, H., and Thelen. Der Tracheenverschluss bei den Insekten. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XVII. (1867). [Stigmata.]

Palmen. Zur Morphologie des Tracheensystems (1877). [Morphology of Stigmata and Tracheal Gills.]

MacLeod. La Structure des TrachÉes et la Circulation PÉritrachÉenne. (Brussels, 1880.)

Lubbock. Distribution of TracheÆ in Insects. Trans. Linn. Soc., Vol.XXIII. (1860).

Rathke. Untersuch. Üb. den Athmungsprozess der Insekten. Schr. d. Phys. Oek. Gesellsch. zu KÖnigsberg. Jahrg. I. (1861). [Experiments and Observations on Insect-respiration.]

Plateau. Rech. ExpÉrimentales sur les Mouvements Respiratoires des Insectes. MÉm. de l’Acad. Roy. de Belgique, Tom. XLV. (1884). Preliminary notice in Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 1882.

Langendorff. Studien Üb. die Innervation der Athembewegungen.—Das Athmungscentrum der Insekten. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. (1883). [Respiratory Centres of Insects.]

Circulation of Insects.

A very long chapter might be written upon the views advanced by different writers as to the circulation of Insects. Malpighi first discovered the heart or dorsal vessel in the young Silkworm. His account is tolerably full and remarkably free from mistakes. The heart of the Silkworm, he tells us, extends the whole length of the body, and its pulsations are externally visible in young larvÆ. He supposed that contraction is effected by muscular fibres, but these he could not distinctly see. The tube, he says, has no single large chamber, but is formed of many little hearts (corcula) leading one into another. The number of these he could not certainly make out, but believed that there was one to each segment of the body. During contraction each chamber became more rounded, and when contraction was specially energetic, the sides of the tube appeared to meet at the constrictions. The flow of blood, he ascertained, was forward, the rhythm not constant. No arteries were seen to be given off from the heart.135 Swammerdam thought that his injections ascertained the existence of vessels branching out from the heart,136 but this proved to be a mistake. Lyonnet added many details of interest to what was previously known. He came to the conclusion that there was no system of vessels connected with the heart, and even doubted whether the organ so named was in effect a heart at all. Marcel de Serres maintained that it was merely the secreting organ of the fat-body. Cuvier and Dufour doubted whether any circulation, except of air, existed in Insects. This was the extreme point of scepticism, and naturalists were drawn back from it by Herold,137 who repeated and confirmed the views held by the seventeenth-century anatomists, and insisted upon the demonstrable fact that the dorsal vessel of an Insect does actually pulsate and impel a current of fluid. Carus, in 1826, saw the blood flowing in definite channels in the wings, antennÆ, and legs. Straus-Durckheim followed up this discovery by demonstrating the contractile and valvular structures of the dorsal vessel. Blanchard affirmed that a complex system of vessels accompanied the air tubes throughout the body, occupying peritracheal spaces supposed to exist between the inner and outer walls of the tracheÆ. This peritracheal circulation has not withstood critical inquiry,138 and it might be pronounced wholly imaginary, except for the fact that air tubes and nerves are found here and there within the veins of the wings of Insects.

Fig. 73.—Heart, Alary Muscles, and Tracheal Arches, seen from below; to the left is a side view of the heart. T2, T3, A1, alary mus­cles attached to the sec­ond thora­cic, third thora­cic, and first ab­dom­inal terga. ×6. Fig.35 (p.74) is not quite cor­rect as to the details of the heart. The thor­acic por­tion should be cham­bered, and add­itional cham­bers and alary muscles rep­re­sent­ed at the end of the ab­do­men. These omis­sions are recti­fied in the pres­ent fig­ure.

Heart of the Cockroach.

The heart of the Cockroach is a long, narrow tube, lying immediately beneath the middle line of the thorax and abdomen. It consists of thirteen segments (fig.73), which correspond to three thoracic and ten abdominal somites. Each segment, as a rule, ends behind in a conspicuous fold which projects backwards from the dorsal surface; immediately in front of this are two lateral lobes. The median lobe passes into the angle between two adjacent terga, and is continuous with the dorsal wall of the segment next behind, from which it is separated only by a deep constriction, while the lateral folds conceal paired lateral inlets,139 which lead from the pericardial space to the hinder end of each chamber of the heart. Immediately in front of each constriction is the interventricular valve, a pear-shaped mass of nucleated cells, hanging down from the upper wall of the heart, and inclining forward below. The position of this valve indicates that during systole it closes upon the constricted boundary between two chambers, thus shutting off at once the inlets and the passage into the chambers behind. In this way the progressive and rhythmical contraction of the chambers impels a steady forward current of blood, allowing an intermittent stream to enter from the pericardial space, but preventing regurgitation.

Fig. 74.—Diagram to show the inter­ven­tric­ular valves and lat­eral inlets of the Heart. ML, med­ian lobe; V, valve; I, lat­eral inlet.

Fig. 75.—Junction of two chambers of the Heart, seen from above. ML, median lobe; I, lateral inlet.

The wall of the heart includes several distinct layers. There are (1) a transparent, structureless intima, only visible when thrown into folds; (2) a partial endocardium, of scattered, nucleated cells, which passes into the interventricular valves; (3) a muscular layer, consisting of close-set annular, and distant longitudinal fibres. The annular muscles are slightly interrupted at regular and frequent intervals, and are imperfectly joined along the middle line above and below, so as to indicate (what has been independently proved) that the heart arises as two half-tubes, which afterwards join along the middle. Elongate nuclei are to be seen here and there among the muscles. The adventitia (4), or connective tissue layer, is but slightly developed in the adult Cockroach.

Within the muscular layer is a structure which we have failed to make out to our own satisfaction. It presents the appearance of regular but imperfect rings, which do not extend over the upper third of the heart. They probably meet in a ventral suture, but this and other details are hard to make out, owing to the transparency of the parts. The rings stain with difficulty, and we have not observed nuclei belonging to them. Each extends over more than one bundle of annular muscles.

The difficulty of investigating a structure so minute and delicate as the heart of an Insect may explain a good deal of the discrepancy noted on comparing various published descriptions. Perhaps the most obvious peculiarity which distinguishes the heart of the Cockroach, is the subdivision of the thoracic portions into three chambers, which, though less prominent in side-view than the abdominal chambers, are, nevertheless, perfectly distinct. The number of abdominal chambers is also unusually high; but it is so easy to overlook the small chambers at the posterior end of the abdomen, that the number given in some of the species may have been under-estimated.

Pericardial Diaphragm and Space.

The heart lies in a pericardial chamber, which is bounded above by the terga and the longitudinal tergal muscles; below by a fenestrated membrane, the pericardial diaphragm. The intermediate space, which is of inconsiderable depth, is nearly filled by a cellular mass laden with fat, and resembling the fat-body.

The pericardial diaphragm, or floor of the pericardium, is continuous, except for small oval openings scattered over its surface. It consists of loosely interwoven fibres, interspersed with elongate nuclei (connective-tissue corpuscles) and connected by a transparent membrane. Into the diaphragm are inserted pairs of muscles, which, from their shape and supposed continuity with the heart, have been named alÆ cordis, or alary muscles.140 These are bundles of striated muscle, about ·003in. wide, which arise from the anterior margin of each tergum. In the middle of the abdomen every alary muscle passes inwards for about ·04in., without breaking-up or widening, and then spreads out fanwise upon the diaphragm. The fibres unite below the heart with those of the fellow-muscle, and also join, close to the heart, those of the muscles in front and behind. The alary muscles are often said to distend the heart rhythmically by drawing its walls apart, but this cannot be true. They do not pass into the heart at all. Even if they did, a pull from opposite sides upon a flexible, cylindrical tube, would narrow and not expand its cavity. Moreover, direct observation141 shows that the heart continues to beat after all the alary muscles have been divided, and even after it has been cut in pieces. These facts suggest that the heart of Insects is innervated by ganglia upon or within it, and indeed transparent larvÆ, such as Corethra or Chironomus, exhibit paired cells, very like simple ganglia, along the sides of the heart.

Fig. 76.—Heart and Pericardial Diaphragm. On the right, as seen from above; on the left, as seen from below; the bottom figure rep­re­sents a trans­verse sec­tion. Ht, heart; PD, peri­cardial dia­phragm; AM, alary mus­cle; Tr, tra­cheal tube; PC, peri­cardial fat-cells; PC', multi­nuc­leate fat-cells.

Scattered over the upper surface of the pericardial diaphragm are groups of cells, similar to the fat-masses of the perivisceral space. Over the fan-like expansions of the alary muscles are different fat-cells, which form branched and multinucleate lobes, and radiate in the same direction as the underlying muscles.

Tracheal trunks, arising close to the stigmata, ascend upon the tergal wall towards the heart. They overlie the alary muscles, and end near the heart by bifurcation, sending one branch forward and another backward to meet corresponding branches of adjacent trunks. A series of arches is thus formed by the dorsal tracheÆ on each side of the heart. Occasionally an arch is subdivided into two smaller parallel tubes. A few branches of distribution are given off to the fat-cells of the pericardium.

Graber has explained the action of the pericardial diaphragm and chamber in the following way.142 When the alary muscles contract, they depress the diaphragm, which is arched upwards when at rest. A rush of blood towards the heart is thereby set up, and the blood streams through the perforated diaphragm into the pericardial chamber. Here it bathes a spongy or cavernous tissue (the fat-cells), which is largely supplied with air tubes, and having been thus aerated, passes immediately forwards to the heart, entering it at the moment of diastole, which is simultaneous with the sinking of the diaphragm.

In the Cockroach the facts of structure do not altogether justify this explanation. The fenestrÆ of the diaphragm are mere openings without valves. The descent of a perforated non-valvular plate can bring no pressure to bear upon the blood, for it is not contended that the alary muscles are powerful enough to change the figure of the abdominal rings. Moreover, we find comparatively few tracheal tubes in the pericardial chamber, and can discover no proof that in the Cockroach the fat-cells adjacent to the heart have any special respiratory character. The diaphragm appears to give mechanical support to the heart, resisting pressure from a distended alimentary canal, while the sheets of fat-cells, in addition to their proper physiological office, may equalise small local pressures, and prevent displacement. The movement of the blood towards the heart must (we think) depend, not upon the alary muscles, but upon the far more powerful muscles of the abdominal wall, and upon the pumping action of the heart itself.

Circulation of the Cockroach.

The pulsations of the heart are rhythmical and usually frequent, the number of beats in a given time varying with the species, the age, and especially with the degree of activity or excitement of the Insect observed.143

Cornelius144 watched the pulsations in a white Cockroach immediately after its change of skin, and reckoned them at eighty per minute; but he remarks that the Insect was restless, and that the beats were probably accelerated in consequence.

In the living Insect a wave of contraction passes rapidly along the heart from behind forwards; and the blood may under favourable circumstances be seen to flow in a steady, backward stream along the pericardial sinus, to enter the lateral aperture of the heart. The peristaltic movement of the dorsal vessel may often be observed to set in at the hinder end of the tube before the preceding wave has reached the aorta.

From the heart a slender tube (the aorta) passes forward to the head. It lies upon the dorsal surface of the oesophagus, which it accompanies as far as the supra-oesophageal ganglia. In many Insects the thoracic portion of the dorsal vessel is greatly narrowed and non-valvular, forming the aorta of most writers on Insect Anatomy. The aorta often dips downward near its origin, but in the Cockroach the thoracic portion of the vessel keeps nearly the same level as the abdominal. It gives off no lateral branches, but suddenly ends immediately in front of the oesophageal ring in a trumpet-shaped orifice,145 by which the blood passes at once into a lacunar system which occupies the perivisceral space. Here the blood bathes the digestive and reproductive organs, receives the products of digestion, which are not transmitted by lacteals, but discharged at once into the blood; here, too, it gives up its urates to the excretory tubules, and its superfluous fats to the finely-divided lobules of the fat-body. The form of the various appendages of the alimentary canal (salivary glands, cÆcal tubes, and Malpighian tubules), as well as of the testes, ovaries, and fat-body, is immediately connected with the passive behaviour of the fluid upon which their nutrition depends. Instead of being compact organs injected at every pulsation by blood under pressure, they are diffuse, tubular, or branched, so as to expose as large a surface as possible to the sluggish stream in which they float.

From the perivisceral space the blood enters the pericardial sinus by the apertures in its floor, and returns thence by the lateral inlets into the heart.

No satisfactory injections of the circulatory channels can be made in Insects, on account of the large lacunÆ, or cavities without proper wall, which are interposed between the heart and the extremities of the body. In the wings and other transparent organs the blood has been seen to flow along definite channels, which form a network, and resemble true blood vessels in their arrangement. Whether they possess a proper wall has not been ascertained. It is observed that in such cases the course of the blood is generally forwards along the anterior, and backwards along the posterior, side of the appendage. The direction of the current is not, however, quite constant, and the same cross branch may at different times transmit blood in different directions.146

Blood of the Cockroach.

The blood of the Cockroach may be collected for examination by cutting off one of the legs, and wiping the cut end with a cover-slip. It abounds in large corpuscles, each of which consists of a rounded nucleus invested by protoplasm. Amoeboid movements may often be observed, and dividing corpuscles are occasionally seen. Crystals may be obtained by evaporating a drop of the blood without pressure; they form radiating clusters of pointed needles. The fresh-drawn blood is slightly alkaline; it is colourless in the Cockroach, but milky, greenish, or reddish in some other Insects. The quantity varies greatly, according to the nutrition of the individual: after a few days’ starvation, nearly all the blood is absorbed. LarvÆ contain much more blood, in proportion to their weight, than other Insects.

Respiratory Organs of Insects.

Fig. 77.—Tracheal System of Cock­roach. Side view of head seen from with­out, intro­duc­ing the chief branches of the left half. ×15.

The respiratory organs of Insects consist of ramified tracheal tubes, which communicate with the external air by stigmata or spiracles. Of these spiracles the Cockroach has ten pairs—eight in the abdomen and two in the thorax. The first thoracic spiracle lies in front of the mesothorax, beneath the edge of the tergum; the second is similarly placed in front of the metathorax. The eight abdominal spiracles belong to the first eight somites; each lies in the fore part of its segment, and hence, apparently, in the interspace between two terga and two sterna. The first abdominal spiracle is distinctly dorsal in position.

The disposition of the spiracles observed in the Cockroach is common in Insects, and, of all the recorded arrangements, this approaches nearest to the plan of the primitive respiratory system of Tracheata, in which there may be supposed to be as many spiracles as somites.147 The head never carries spiracles except in Smynthurus, one of the Collembola (Lubbock). Many larvÆ possess only the first of the three possible thoracic spiracles; in perfect Insects this is rarely or never met with (PulicidÆ?), but either the second, or both the second and third, are commonly developed. Of the abdominal somites, only the first eight ever bear spiracles, and these may be reduced in burrowing or aquatic larvÆ to one pair (the eighth), while all disappear in the aquatic larva of Ephemera.

From the spiracles, short, wide air-tubes pass inwards, and break up into branches, which supply the walls of the body and all the viscera. Dorsal branches ascend towards the heart on the upper side of the alary muscles; each bifurcates above, and its divisions join those of the preceding and succeeding segments, thus forming loops or arches. The principal ventral branches take a transverse direction, and are usually connected by large longitudinal trunks, which pass along the sides of the body; the Cockroach, in addition to these, possesses smaller longitudinal vessels, which lie close to the middle line, on either side of the nerve-cord.148 The ultimate branches form an intricate network of extremely delicate tubes, which penetrates or overlies every tissue.

Fig. 79.—Tracheal System of Cock­roach. Back of head, seen from the front, the fore half being re­moved. ×15. The letters A–J indi­cate cor­res­pond­ing branches in figs. 77, 78, and 79.

Fig. 78.—Tracheal System of Cock­roach. Top and front of head seen from with­out. ×15.

Fig. 80.—Tracheal System of Cock­roach. The dor­sal in­tegu­ment re­moved and the vis­cera in place. ×5.

Fig. 81.—Tracheal System of Cock­roach. The vis­cera re­moved to show the ven­tral tra­cheal com­muni­ca­tions. ×5.

Fig. 82.—Tracheal System of Cock­roach. The ven­tral in­tegu­ment and vis­cera re­moved to show the dor­sal tra­cheal com­muni­ca­tions. ×5.

Fig. 83.—Tracheal tube with its epi­the­lium and spi­ral thread. Slight­ly altered from a fig­ure given by Chun (Rec­tal-drÜ­sen bei den Insek­ten, pl.iv., fig.1).

Tracheal Tubes.

The accompanying figures sufficiently explain the chief features of the tracheal system of the Cockroach, so far as it can be explored by simple dissection. Leaving them to tell their own tale, we shall pass on to the minute structure of the air-tubes, the spiracles, and the physiology of Insect respiration.

The tracheal wall is a folding-in of the integument, and agrees with it in general structure. Its inner lining, the intima, is chitinous, and continuous with the outer cuticle. It is secreted by an epithelium of nucleated, chitinogenous cells, and outside this is a thin and homogeneous basement membrane. The integument, the tracheal wall, and the inner layers of nearly the whole alimentary canal are continuous and equivalent structures. The lining of the larger tracheal tubes at least is shed at every moult, like that of the stomodÆum and proctodÆum.

Tracheal Thread.

Fig. 84.—Intima (chi­tin­ous lin­ing) of a large tra­cheal tube. The spir­al thread div­ides here and there. Copied from MacLeod, loc. cit., fig.9.

In the finest tracheal tubes (·0001in. and under) the intima is to all appearance homogeneous. In wider tubes it is strengthened by a spiral thread, which is denser, more refractive, and more flexible than the intervening membrane. The thread projects slightly into the lumen of the tube, and is often branched. It is interrupted frequently, each length making but a few turns round the tube, and ending in a point. The thread of a branch is never continued into a main trunk. Both the thread and the intervening membrane become invisible or faint when the tissue is soaked with a transparent fluid, so as to expel the air. Both, but especially the thread, absorb colouring matter with difficulty. The thread, from its greater thickness, offers a longer resistance to solvents, such as caustic alkalies, and also to mechanical force; it can therefore be readily unrolled, and often projects as a loose spiral from the end of a torn tube, while the membrane breaks up or crumbles away.149

The large tracheal tubes close to the spiracles are without spiral thread, and the intima is here subdivided into polygonal areas, each of which is occupied by a reticulation of very fine threads. This structure may be traced for a short distance between the turns of the spiral thread.

The chitinogenous layer of the tracheal tubes is single, and consists of polygonal, nucleated cells, forming a mosaic pattern, but becoming irregular and even branched in the finest branches. The cell walls are hardly to be made out without staining. Externally, the chitinogenous cells rest upon a delicate basement membrane.

Where a number of branches are given off together, the tracheal tube may be dilated. Fine branches, such as accompany nerves, are often sinuous. In the very finest branches the tube loses its thread, the chitinogenous cells become irregular, and the intima is lost in the nucleated protoplasmic mass which replaces the regular epithelium of the wider tubes.150

The Spiracles.

The spiracles of the Cockroach are by no means of complicated structure, but their small size, and the differences between one spiracle and another, are difficulties which cost some pains to overcome.

Fig. 85.—First Thoracic Spiracle (left side), seen from the out­side. ×70. V, valve; I, setose lin­ing of valve (mouth of tra­cheal tube) ×230. The oc­clus­or mus­cle is shown. The arrow indi­cates the direc­tion of air enter­ing the spir­acle. In the nat­ural posi­tion this spir­acle is set oblique­ly, the slit being inclined down­wards and back­wards. (P. ameri­cana.)

Fig. 86.—Second Thoracic Spiracle (left side), seen from the out­side. ×70. V, lower (mov­able) valve. The oc­clus­or mus­cle is shown. The arrow indi­cates the direc­tion of air enter­ing the spir­acle. (P. americana.)

The first thoracic spiracle (fig.85) is the largest in the body. It lies in front of the mesothorax, between the bases of the first and second legs. It is placed obliquely, the slit being inclined downwards and backwards, and is closed externally by a large, slightly two-lobed valve, attached by its lower border. The aperture immediately within the valve divides into two nearly equal cavities, each of which leads to a separate tracheal trunk; and between these cavities is a septum, thickened on its free edge, against which the margin of the valve appears to close. A special occlusor muscle arises from the integument below the spiracle, and is inserted into a chitinous process which projects inwardly from the centre of the valve. A second muscle, whose connections and mode of action we have not been able to make out satisfactorily, lies beneath the first, and is inserted into the thickened edge of the septum.

The second thoracic spiracle (fig.86) lies in front of the metathorax, between the bases of the second and third legs. It is much smaller and simpler than the first. Its valve is nearly semi-circular, and the free border is strengthened on its deep surface by a chitinous rim, which terminates beyond the end of the hinge of the valve in a process which gives insertion to the occlusor muscle.

The abdominal spiracles present quite a different plan of structure. The external orifice is permanently open, owing to the absence of valves, but communication with the tracheal trunk may be cut off at pleasure by an internal occluding apparatus. The external orifice leads into a shallow oval cup, which communicates with the tracheal trunk by a narrow slit, or internal aperture of the spiracle. The chitinous cuticle, surrounding this internal aperture, is richly provided with setÆ, which are turned towards the opening.151 Fig.87C represents a spiracle seen from within, and shows that the slit divides the cup into two unequal lips, the smaller of which inclines away from the middle line of the body, is movable, and is strengthened on its deep surface by a curved chitinous rod, the “bow” of Landois. From the opposite lip, a pouch is thrown out, which serves for the attachment of the occlusor muscle. The muscle is inserted into the extremity of the bow, and when it contracts, the bow is pulled over into the position shown in fig.87D, and the opening is closed. The antagonist muscle, which exists in all the abdominal spiracles, is shown in fig.88; it arises from the supporting plate of the spiracle, and is inserted opposite to the occlusor, into the extremity of the bow.

Fig. 87.—Four views of the First Ab­dom­in­al Spir­acle (left side). ×70. The bow is shad­ed in all the fig­ures. (P. ameri­cana.)

A—The spiracle, seen from the out­side; p, later­al pouch; I, intern­al aper­ture.

B— Do., side view.

C— Do., seen from the in­side, the aper­ture open. The oc­clu­sor mus­cle is shown.

D—The spir­acle, seen from the in­side, the aper­ture shut.

Fig. 88.—Abdominal Spiracle (left side) in side view, show­ing the bow: ×70; p, later­al pouch of spir­acle, seen from within. The tes­sel­ated struc­ture of the spir­acle and tra­chea is shown at A (×230), and the mar­gin of the exter­nal aper­ture at B (×230). (P. ameri­cana.)

Each of the eight abdominal spiracles is constructed on this plan; the first merely differs from the others in its larger size and dorsal position, being carried upon the lateral margin of the first abdominal tergum, whereas the others are placed on the side of the body, each occupying an interspace between two terga and two sterna. The bow is of about the same length in all; hence the apparent disproportion in the figures of different spiracles. The external aperture of the abdominal spiracles is oval or elliptical, placed vertically and directed backwards.

We have already pointed out that the wall of the air-tube, for a short distance from the spiracular orifice, has a tesselated instead of a spiral marking. In the thoracic spiracles the tesselated cells are grouped round regularly placed setÆ (fig.85 I). The chitinous cuticle within the opening is crowded with fine setÆ, which are often arranged so as to form a fringe on one or both sides of the internal aperture. (Supra, p.152.)

Mechanism of Respiration.

In animals with a complete circulation, aËrated blood is diffused throughout the body by means of arteries and capillaries, which deliver it under pressure at all points. Such animals usually possess a special aËrating chamber (lung or gill), where oxygen is made to combine with the hÆmoglobin of the blood. It is otherwise with Insects. Their blood escapes into great lacunÆ, where it stagnates, or flows and ebbs sluggishly, and a diffuse form of the internal organs becomes necessary for their free exposure to the nutritive fluid. The blood is not injected into the tissues, but they are bathed by it, and the compact kidney or salivary gland is represented in Insects by tubules, or a thin sheet of finely divided lobules. By a separate mechanism, air is carried along ramified passages to all the tissues. Every organ is its own lung.

We must now consider in more detail how air is made to enter and leave the body of an Insect. The spiracles and the air-tubes have been described, but these are not furnished with any means of creating suction or pressure; and the tubes themselves, though highly elastic, are non-contractile, and must be distended or emptied by some external force. Many Insects, especially such as fly rapidly, exhibit rhythmical movements of the abdomen. There is an alternate contraction and dilatation, which may be supposed to be as capable of setting up expirations and inspirations as the rise and fall of the diaphragm of a Mammal. In many Insects, two sets of muscles serve to contract the abdomen—viz., muscles which compress or flatten, and muscles which approximate or telescope the segments.152 In the Cockroach the second set is feebly developed, but the first is more powerful, and causes the terga and sterna alternately to approach and separate with a slow, rhythmical movement; in a Dragon-fly or Humble-bee the action is much more conspicuous, and it is easy to see that the abdomen is bent as well as depressed at each contraction. No special muscles exist for dilating the abdomen, and this seems to depend entirely upon the elasticity of the parts. It was long supposed that, when the abdomen contracted, air was expelled from the body, and the air passages emptied; that when the abdomen expanded again by its own elasticity, the air passages were refilled, and that no other mechanism was needed. Landois pointed out, however, that this was not enough. Air must be forced into the furthest recesses of the tracheal system, where the exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid is effected more readily than in tubes lined by a dense intima. But in these fine and intricate passages the resistance to the passage of air is considerable, and the renewal of the air could, to all appearance, hardly be effected at all if the inlets remained open. Landois accordingly searched for some means of closing the outlets, and found an elastic ring or spiral, which surrounds the tracheal tube within the spiracle. By means of a special muscle, this can be made to compress the tube, like a spring clip upon a flexible gas pipe. When the muscle contracts, the passage is closed, and the abdominal muscles can then, it is supposed, bring any needful pressure to bear upon the tracheal tubes, much in the same way as with ourselves, when we close the mouth and nostrils, and then, by forcible contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal walls, distend the cheeks or pharynx. Landois describes the occluding apparatus of the Cockroach as completely united with the spiracle. It consists, according to him, of two curved rods, the “bow” and the “band,” one of which forms each lip of the orifice. From the middle of the band projects a blunt process for the attachment of the occlusor muscle, which passes thence to the extremity of the bow. The concave side of each rod is fringed with setÆ, and turned towards the opening, which lies between the two. Upon this description of the spiracles of the Cockroach we have to remark that there is no occluding apparatus at all in the thoracic spiracles, which are provided with external valves. In the abdominal spiracles the bow is perfectly distinct, but the “band” of Landois has no separate existence. Though the actual mechanism in this Insect does not altogether agree with Landois’ description, it is capable of performing the physiological office upon which he justly lays so much stress—viz., the closing of the outlets of the tracheal system, in order that pressure may be brought upon the contained air.

The injection of air by muscular pressure into a system of very fine tubes may, however, appear to the reader, as it formerly did to ourselves, extremely difficult or even impossible. Can any pressure be applied to tubes within the body of an Insect which will force air along the passages of (say) ·0001in. diameter? It may well seem that no pressure would suffice to distend these minute tubules, in which the actual replacement of carbonic acid by oxygen takes place, but that the air would either contract to a smaller volume or burst the tissues.

If we question the physical possibility of Landois’ explanation, an alternative is still open to us. The late Prof. Graham has applied the principle of Diffusion to the respiration of animals, and has shown how by a diffusion-process the carbonic acid produced in the remote cavities would be moved along the smaller tubes, and emptied into wider tubes, from which it could be expelled by muscular action. The carbonic acid is not merely exchanged for oxygen, but for a larger volume of oxygen (O 95 : CO2 81); and there is consequently a tendency to accumulation within the tubes, which is counteracted by the elasticity of the air vessels, as well as by special muscular contractions.153

Whether diffusion or injection by muscular pressure is the chief means of effecting the interchange of gases between the outer air and the inner tissues of the Insect, is a question to be dealt with by physical enquiry.

If we suppose two reservoirs of different gases at slightly different pressures to be connected by a capillary tube of moderate dimensions, such as one of the larger tracheÆ of the Cockroach, transference by the molecular movements of diffusion would be small compared with that effected by the flow of the gas in mass. But if the single tube were replaced by a number of others, of the same total area, but of the fineness (say) of the pores in graphite, the flow of the gas would be stopped, and the transference would be effected by diffusion only. We may next consider tubes of intermediate fineness, say a tracheal tubule of the Cockroach at the point where the spiral thread ceases, and where the exchange of gases through the wall of the tubule becomes comparatively unobstructed. Such a tubule is about ·0001in. diameter. If we may extend to such tubules the laws which hold good for the flow of gases in capillary tubes of much greater diameter, the quantity of air which might be transmitted in a given time by muscular pressure of known amount can be determined. Suppose the difference of pressure at the two ends of the tubule to be one-hundredth of an atmosphere, and further, that the tubule is a quarter of an inch long and ·0001in. diameter. The tubule would then be cleared out every four seconds. Such a flow of air along innumerable tubules might well suffice for the respiratory needs of the Cockroach. Without laying too much stress upon this calculation, for which exact data are wanting, we may be satisfied that an appreciable quantity of air may be made by muscular pressure to flow along even the finer air passages of an Insect.154

Respiratory Movements of Insects.

By FÉLIX PLATEAU, Professor in the University of Ghent.

The respiratory movements of large Insects are in general very apparent, and many observers have said something about what they have seen in various species. It is only since the publication of Rathke’s memoir, however, that precise views have been gained as to the mechanism of these movements. This remarkable work, treating of the respiratory movements in Insects, the movable skeletal plates, and the respiratory muscles characteristic of all the principal groups, filled an important blank in our knowledge. But, notwithstanding the skill displayed in this research, many questions still remained unanswered, which required more exact methods than mere observation with the naked eye or the simple lens.

The writer, who was followed a year later by Langendorff, conceived the idea of studying, by such graphic methods as are now familiar, the respiratory movements of perfect Insects. He has made use of two modes of investigation. The first, or graphic method, in the strict sense of the term, consisted in recording upon a revolving cylinder of smoked paper the respiratory movements, transmitted by means of very light levers of Bristol board, attached to any selected part of the Insect’s exoskeleton. Unfortunately, this plan is only applicable to insects of more than average size. A second method, that of projection, consisted in introducing the Insect, carried upon a small support, into a large magic lantern fitted with a good petroleum lamp. When the amplification does not exceed 12 diameters, a sharp profile may be obtained, upon which the actual displacements may be measured, true to the fraction of a millimetre. Placing a sheet of white paper upon the lantern screen, the outlines of the profile are carefully traced in pencil so as to give two superposed figures, representing the phases of inspiration and expiration respectively. By altering the position of the Insect, so as to obtain profiles of transverse section, or of the different parts of the body, and, further, by gluing very small paper slips to parts whose movements are hard to observe, the successive positions of the slips being then drawn, complete information is at last obtained of every detail of the respiratory movements: nothing is lost.

This method, similar to that employed by the English physiologist, Hutchinson,155 is valuable, because it enables us, with a little practice, to investigate readily the respiratory movements of very small Arthropods, such as Flies or Lady-birds. It has this advantage over all others, that it leaves no room for errors of interpretation.

Not satisfied with mere observation by such means as these, of the respiratory movements of Insects, the writer has also studied the muscles concerned, and, in common with other physiologists (Faivre, Barlow, Luchsinger, DÖnhoff, and Langendorff), has examined the action of the various nervous centres upon the respiratory organs. The results at which he has arrived may be summarised as follows:—

1. There is no close relation between the character of the respiratory movements of an Insect and its position in the zoological system. Respiratory movements are similar only when the arrangement of the abdominal segments, and especially when the disposition of the attached muscles are almost identical. Thus, for example, the respiratory movements of a Cockroach are different from those of other Orthoptera, but resemble those of Hemiptera Heteroptera.

2. The respiratory activity of resting Insects is localised in the abdomen. V. Graber has expressed this fact in a picturesque form, by saying that in Insects the chest is placed at the hinder end of the body.

3. In most cases the thoracic segments do not share in the respiratory movements of an Insect at rest. Among the singular exceptions to this rule is the Cockroach (P. orientalis), in which the terga of the meso- and meta-thoracic segments perform movements exactly opposite in direction to those of the abdomen. (See fig.89, Ms. th., Mt. th.)

Fig. 89.—Profile of Cockroach (P. orientalis). The black surface represents the expiratory contour, while the inspiratory is indicated by a thin line. The arrows show the direction of the expiratory movement. Ms. th., mesothorax; Mt. th., metathorax. Reduced from a magic-lantern projection.

4. Leaving out of account all details and all exceptions, the respiratory movements of Insects may be said to consist of alternate contraction and recovery of the figure of the abdomen in two dimensions—viz., vertical and transverse. During expiration the diameters in question are reduced, while during respiration they revert to their previous amounts. The transverse expiratory contraction is often slight, and may be imperceptible. On the other hand, the vertical expiratory contraction is never absent, and usually marked. In the Cockroach (P. orientalis) it amounts to one-eighth of the depth of the abdomen (between segments 2 and 3).

5. Three principal types of respiratory mechanism occur in Insects, and these admit of further subdivision:—

(a) Sterna usually stout and very convex, yielding but little. Terga mobile, rising and sinking appreciably. To this class belong all Coleoptera, Hemiptera Heteroptera, and Blattina (Orthoptera).

Fig. 90.—Transverse section of Ab­do­men, Lamelli­corn Beetle. The posi­tion of the terga and sterna after an in­spir­ation, is in­dica­ted by the thick line; the dot­ted line shows their posi­tion after an ex­pir­ation, and the arrow marks the direc­tion of the ex­pir­atory move­ment.

Fig. 91.—Transverse section of Abdomen, Cock­roach (P. orient­alis).

In the Cockroach (Periplaneta) the sterna are slightly raised during expiration. (See figs. 89 and 91.)

(b) Terga well developed, overlapping the sterna on the sides of the body, and usually concealing the pleural membrane, which forms a sunk fold. The terga and sterna approach and recede alternately, the sterna being almost always the more mobile. To this type belong Odonata, Diptera, aculeate Hymenoptera, and Acridian Orthoptera. (Fig.92.)

(c) The pleural membrane, connecting the terga with the sterna, is well developed and exposed on the sides of the body. The terga and sterna approach and recede alternately, while the pleural zone simultaneously becomes depressed or returns to its original figure. To this type the writer assigns the LocustidÆ, the Lepidoptera and the true Neuroptera (excluding PhryganidÆ). (Fig.93.)

Fig. 92.—Transverse sec­tion of Ab­do­men, Bee (Bombus).

Fig. 93.—Transverse sec­tion of Ab­do­men, Hawk Moth (Sphingina).

6. Contrary to the opinion once general, changes in length of the abdomen, involving protrusion of the segments and subsequent retraction, are rare in the normal respiration of Insects. Such longitudinal movements extend throughout one entire group only—viz., the aculeate Hymenoptera. Isolated examples occur, however, in other zoological divisions.

7. Among Insects sufficiently powerful to give good graphic tracings, it can be shown that the inspiratory movement is slower than the expiratory, and that the latter is often sudden.

8. In most Insects, contrary to what obtains in Mammals, only the expiratory movement is active; inspiration is passive, and effected by the elasticity of the body-wall.

9. Most Insects possess expiratory muscles only. Certain Diptera (Calliphora vomitoria and Eristalis tenax) afford the simplest arrangement of the expiratory muscles. In these types they form a muscular sheet of vertical fibres, connecting the terga with the sterna, and underlying the soft elastic membrane which unites the hard parts of the somites. One of the most frequent complications arises by the differentiation of this sheet of vertical fibres into distinct muscles, repeated in every segment, and becoming more and more separated as the sterna increase in length. (See the tergo-sternal muscles of the Cockroach, fig.36, p.76.) Special inspiratory muscles occur in Hymenoptera, AcridiidÆ, and PhryganidÆ.

10. The abdominal respiratory movements of Insects are wholly reflex. Like other physiologists who have examined this side of the question, the writer finds that the respiratory movements persist in a decapitated Insect, as also after destruction of the cerebral ganglia or oesophageal connectives; further, that in Insects whose nervous system is not highly concentrated (e.g., AcridiidÆ and Dragon-flies), the respiratory movements persist in the completely-detached abdomen; while all external influences which promote an increased respiratory activity in the uninjured animal, have precisely the same action upon Insects in which the anterior nervous centres have been removed, upon the detached abdomen, and even upon isolated sections of the abdomen.

The view formerly advocated by Faivre, that the metathoracic ganglia play the part of special respiratory centres, must be entirely abandoned. All carefully performed experiments on the nervous system of Arthropoda have shown that each ganglion of the ventral chain is a motor centre, and in Insects a respiratory centre, for the somite to which it belongs. This is what Barlow calls the “self-sufficiency” of the ganglia.

The writer has made similar observations upon the respiration of Spiders and Scorpions;156 but to his great surprise he has been unable either by direct observation, or by the graphic method, or by projection, to discover the slightest respiratory movement of the exterior of the body. This can only be explained by supposing that inspiration and expiration in Pulmonate Arachnida are intra-pulmonary, and affect only the proper respiratory organs. The fact is less surprising because of the wide zoological separation between Arachnida and Insects.

Respiratory Activity of Insects.

The respiratory activity of Insects varies greatly. Warmth, feeding, and movement are found to increase the frequency of their respirations, and also the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled. In Liebe’s157 experiments a Carabus produced ·24mgr. of carbonic acid per hour in September, but only ·09mgr. per hour in December. A rise of temperature raised the product temporarily to twice its previous amount; but when the same insect was kept under experiment for several days without food, the amount fell in spite of its increased warmth. Treviranus158 gives the carbonic acid exhaled by a Humble-bee as varying from 22 to 174, according as the temperature varied from 56° to 74°F.

LarvÆ often breathe little, especially such as lie buried in wood, earth, or the bodies of other animals. The respiration of pupÆ is also sluggish, and not a few are buried beneath the ground or shrouded in a dense cocoon or pupa-case. Muscular activity originates the chief demand for oxygen, and accordingly Insects of powerful flight are most energetic in respiration.

A rise of temperature proportionate to respiratory activity has been observed in many insects. Newport159 tells us how the female Humble-bee places herself on the cells of pupÆ ready to emerge, and accelerates her inspirations to 120 or 130 per minute. During these observations he found in some instances that the temperature of a single Bee was more than 20° above that of the outer air.

Some Insects can remain long without breathing. They survive for many hours when placed in an exhausted receiver, or in certain irrespirable gases. Cockroaches in carbonic acid speedily become insensible, but after twelve hours’ exposure to the pure gas they revive, and appear none the worse. H. MÜller160 says that an Insect, placed in a small, confined space, absorbs all the oxygen. In Sir Humphry Davy’s “Consolations in Travel161 is a description of the Lago dei Tartari, near Tivoli, a small lake whose waters are warm and saturated with carbonic acid. Insects abound on its floating islands; though water birds, attracted by the abundance of food, are obliged to confine themselves to the banks, as the carbonic acid disengaged from the surface would be fatal to them, if they ventured to swim upon it when tranquil.

Origin of Tracheal Respiration.

Kowalewsky, BÜtschli, and Hatschek have described the first stages of development of the tracheal system. Lateral pouches form in the integument; these send out anterior and posterior extensions, which anastomose and form the longitudinal trunks. The tracheal ramifications are not formed by a process of direct invagination, but by the separation of chitinogenous cells, which cohere into strings, and then form irregular tubules. The cells secrete a chitinous lining, and afterwards lose their distinct contours, fusing to a continuous tissue, in which the individual cells are indicated only by their nuclei, though by appropriate re-agents the cell boundaries can be defined.

The ingenious hypothesis propounded by Gegenbaur, that the tracheal tubes of Insects were originally adapted to aquatic respiration, and that the stigmata arose as the scars of disused tracheal gills, has been discussed in chap. iv. Semper has suggested162 that tracheÆ may be modified segmental organs, but the most probable view of their origin is that put forth by Moseley,163 that they arose as ramified cutaneous glands. In Peripatus the openings are distributed irregularly over the body; the external orifices lead to pits, from which simple tubes, with but slight spiral markings, extend into the deeper tissues.


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