The Nervous System and Sense Organs.
Newport. Nervous System of Sphinx Ligustri. Phil. Trans. (1832–4). Todd’s CyclopÆdia, Art. “Insecta” (1839).
Leydig. Vom Bau des Thierischen KÖrpers. Bd. I. (1864). Tafeln zur. vergl. Anat. Hft. I. (1864).
Brandt (E.) Various memoirs on the Nervous System of Insects in HorÆ Soc. Entom. Ross., Bd. XIV., XV. (1879).
Michels. Nervensystem von Oryctes nasicornis im Larven—, Puppen—, und KÄferzustande. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XXXIV. (1881).
Dietl. Organisation des Arthropodengehirns. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XXVII. (1876).
FlÖgel. Bau des Gehirns der verschiedenen Insektenordnungen. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XXX. Sup. (1878).
Newton. On the Brain of the Cockroach. Q.J. Micr. Sci. (1879). Journ. Quekett Club (1879).
Grenacher. Sehorgan der Arthropoden. (1879). [Origin, Structure, and Action of the Compound Eye.]
Carriere. Sehorgane der Thiere, vergl.-anat. dargestellt (1885). [Comparative Structure of various Simple and Compound Eyes.]
General Anatomy of Nervous Centres.
The nervous system of the Cockroach comprises ganglia and connectives,100 which extend throughout the body. We have first, a supra-oesophageal ganglion, or brain, a sub-oesophageal ganglion, and connectives which complete the oesophageal ring. All these lie in the head; behind them, and extending through the thorax and abdomen, is a gangliated cord, with double connectives. The normal arrangement of the ganglia in Annulosa, one to each somite, becomes more or less modified in Insects by coalescence or suppression, and we find only eleven ganglia in the Cockroach—viz., two cephalic, three thoracic, and six abdominal.
Fig. 39.—Nervous System of Female Cockroach, ×6. a, optic nerve; b, antennary nerve; c, d, e, nerves to first, second, and third legs; f, to wing-cover; g, to second thoracic spiracle; h, to wing; i, abdominal nerve; j, to cerci.
The nervous centres of the head form a thick, irregular ring, which swells above and below into ganglionic enlargements, and leaves only a small central opening, occupied by the oesophagus. The tentorium separates the brain or supra-oesophageal ganglion from the sub-oesophageal, while the connectives traverse its central plate. Since the oesophagus passes above the plate, the investing nervous ring also lies almost wholly above the tentorium.
Fig. 40.—Side view of Brain of Cockroach, ×25. op, optic nerve; oe, oesophagus; t, tentorium; sb, sub-oesophageal ganglion; mn, mx, mx', nerves to mandible and maxillÆ. Copied from E.T. Newton.
The brain is small in comparison with the whole head; it consists of two rounded lateral masses or hemispheres, incompletely divided by a deep and narrow median fissure. Large optic nerves are given off laterally from the upper part of each hemisphere; lower down, and on the front of the brain, are the two gently rounded antennary lobes, from each of which proceeds an antennary nerve; while from the front and upper part of each hemisphere a small nerve passes to the so-called “ocellus,” a transparent spot lying internal to the antennary socket on each side in the suture between the clypeus and the epicranium. The sub-oesophageal ganglion gives off branches to the mandibles, maxillÆ, and labrum. While, therefore, the supra-oesophageal is largely sensory, the sub-oesophageal ganglion is the masticatory centre.
The oesophageal ring is double below, being completed by the connectives and the sub-oesophageal ganglion; also by a smaller transverse commissure, which unites the connectives, and applies itself closely to the under-surface of the oesophagus.101
Two long connectives issue from the top of the sub-oesophageal ganglion, and pass between the tentorium and the submentum on their way to the neck and thorax. The three thoracic ganglia are large (in correspondence with the important appendages of this part of the body) and united by double connectives. The six abdominal ganglia have also double connectives, which are bent in the male, as if to avoid stretching during forcible elongation of the abdomen. The sixth abdominal ganglion is larger than the rest, and is no doubt a complex, representing several coalesced posterior ganglia; it supplies large branches to the reproductive organs, rectum, and cerci.
Internal Structure of Ganglia.
Microscopic examination of the internal structure of the nerve-cord reveals a complex arrangement of cells and fibres. The connectives consist almost entirely of nerve-fibres, which, as in Invertebrates generally, are non-medullated. The ganglia include (1) rounded, often multipolar, nerve-cells; (2) tortuous and extremely delicate fibres collected into intricate skeins; (3) commissural fibres, and (4) connectives. The chief fibrous tracts are internal, the cellular masses outside them. A relatively thick, and very distinct neurilemma, probably chitinous, encloses the cord. Its cellular matrix, or chitinogenous layer, is distinguished by the elongate nuclei of its constituent cells.102 Tracheal trunks pass to each ganglion, and break up upon and within it into a multitude of fine branches.
Fig. 41.—Transverse section of Third Thoracic Ganglion. neu, neurilemmar cells; gc, ganglionic cells; tr, tracheal tubes; A, ganglionic cells, highly magnified. ×75.
Fig. 42.—Longitudinal vertical section of Third Thoracic Ganglion. n, connective. The other references as in fig.41. ×75.
Bundles of commissural fibres pass from the ganglion cells of one side of the cord to the peripheral nerves of the other. There are also longitudinal bands which blend to form the connectives, and send bundles into the peripheral nerves. Of the peripheral fibres, some are believed to pass direct to their place of distribution, while others traverse at least one complete segment and the corresponding ganglion before separating from the cord.
Fig. 43.—Longitudinal horizontal section of Third Thoracic Ganglion. n, peripheral nerves. The other references as before. ×75.
Many familiar observations show that the ganglia of an Insect possess great physiological independence. The limbs of decapitated Insects, and even isolated segments, provided that they contain uninjured ganglia, exhibit unmistakable signs of life.
Median Nerve-Cord.
Lyonnet,103 Newport,104 and Leydig105 have found in large Insects a system of median nerves, named respiratory (Newport) or sympathetic (Leydig). These nerves do not form a continuous cord extending throughout the body, but take fresh origin in each segment from the right and left longitudinal commissures alternately. The median nerve lies towards the dorsal side of the principal nerve-cord, crosses over the ganglion next behind, and receives a small branch from it. Close behind the ganglion it bifurcates, the branches passing outwards and blending with the peripheral nerves. Each branch, close to its origin, swells into a ganglionic enlargement. The median nerve and its branches differ in appearance and texture from ordinary peripheral nerves, being more transparent, delicate, and colourless. They are said to supply the occlusor muscles of the stigmata. In the Cockroach the median nerves are so slightly developed in the thorax and abdomen (if they actually exist) that they are hardly discoverable by ordinary dissection. We have found only obscure and doubtful traces of them, and these only in one part of the abdominal nerve-cord. The stomato-gastric nerves next to be described appear to constitute a peculiar modification of that median nerve-cord which springs from the circum-oesophageal connectives.
Stomato-gastric Nerves.
Fig. 44.—Stomato-gastric Nerves of Cockroach. fr.g., frontal ganglion; at., antennary nerve; conn., connective; pa.g., paired ganglia; r.n., recurrent nerve; v.g., ventricular ganglion.
In the Cockroach the stomato-gastric nerves found in so many of the higher Invertebrates are conspicuously developed. From the front of each oesophageal connective, a nerve passes forwards upon the oesophagus, outside the chitinous crura of the tentorium. Each nerve sends a branch downwards to the labrum, and the remaining fibres, collected into two bundles, join above the oesophagus to form a triangular enlargement, the frontal ganglion. From this ganglion a recurrent nerve passes backwards through the oesophageal ring, and ends on the dorsal surface of the crop (·3 inch from the ring), in a triangular ganglion, from which a nerve is given off outwards and backwards on either side. Each nerve bifurcates, and then breaks up into branches which are distributed to the crop and gizzard.106 Just behind the oesophageal ring, the recurrent nerve forms a plexus with a pair of nerves which proceed from the back of the brain. Each nerve forms two ganglia, one behind the other, and each ganglion sends a branch inwards to join the recurrent nerve. Fine branches proceed from the paired nerves of the oesophageal plexus to the salivary glands.
The stomato-gastric nerves differ a good deal in different insects; Brandt107 considers that the paired and unpaired nerves are complementary to each other, the one being more elaborate, according as the other is less developed. A similar system is found in Mollusca, Crustacea, and some Vermes (e.g., Nemerteans). When highly developed, it contains unpaired ganglia and nerves, but may be represented only by an indefinite plexus (earthworm). It always joins the oesophageal ring, and sends branches to the oesophagus and fore-part of the alimentary canal. The system has been identified with the sympathetic, and also with the vagus of Vertebrates, but such correlations are hazardous; the first, indeed, may be considered as disproved.
Internal Structure of Brain.
Fig. 45.—A, lobes of the brain of the Cockroach, seen from within; c, cauliculus; p, peduncle; t, trabecula. B, ditto, from the front; ocx, outer calyx; icx, inner calyx. C, ditto, from above. Copied from E.T. Newton.
The minute structure of the brain has been investigated by Leydig, Dietl, FlÖgel, and others, and exhibits an unexpected complexity. It is as yet impossible to reduce the many curious details which have been described to a completely intelligible account. The physiological significance, and the homologies of many parts are as yet altogether obscure. The comparative study of new types will, however, in time, bridge over the wide interval between the Insect-brain and the more familiar Vertebrate-brain, which is partially illuminated by physiological experiment. Mr. E.T. Newton has published a clear and useful description108 of the internal and external structure of the brain of the Cockroach, which incorporates what had previously been ascertained with the results of his own investigations. He has also described109 an ingenious method of combining a number of successive sections into a dissected model of the brain. Having had the advantage of comparing the model with the original sections, we offer a short abstract of Mr. Newton’s memoir as the best introduction to the subject. He describes the central framework of the Cockroach brain as consisting of two solid and largely fibrous trabeculÆ, which lie side by side along the base of the brain, becoming smaller at their hinder ends; they meet in the middle line, but apparently without fusion or exchange of their fibres. Each trabecula is continued upwards by two fibrous columns, the cauliculus in front, and the peduncle behind; the latter carries a pair of cellular disks, the calices (the cauliculus, though closely applied to the calices, is not connected with them); these disks resemble two soft cakes pressed together above, and bent one inwards, and the other outwards below. The peduncle divides above, and each branch joins one of the calices of the same hemisphere.
This central framework is invested by cortical ganglionic cells, which possess distinct nuclei and nucleoli. A special cellular mass forms a cap to each pair of calices, and this consists of smaller cells without nucleoli. Above the meeting-place of the trabeculÆ is a peculiar laminated mass, the central body, which consists of a network of fibres continuous with the neighbouring ganglionic cells, and enclosing a granular substance. The antennary lobes consist of a network of fine fibres enclosing ganglion cells, and surrounded by a layer of the same. It is remarkable that no fibrous communications can be made out between the calices and the cauliculi, or between the trabeculÆ and the oesophageal connectives.
Fig. 46.—Model of Cockroach Brain, constructed from slices of wood representing successive sections.
Fig. 47.—Right half of Model-brain seen from the inner side, with the parts dissected away, so as to show the anterior nervous mass (cauliculus), a; the median mass (trabecula), m; the mushroom-bodies (calices), mb; and their stems (peduncles), st. The cellular cap, c, has been raised, so as to display the parts below: com, is a part of the connective uniting the brain and infra-oesophageal ganglia. [Figs. 45–48 are taken from Mr. E.T. Newton’s paper in “Journ. Quekett Club,” 1879.]
Fig. 48.—Diagrammatic outlines of sections of the Brain of a Cockroach. Only one side of the brain is here represented. The numbers indicate the position in the series of thirty-four sections into which this brain was cut. al, antennary lobe; mb, mushroom bodies (calices), with their cellular covering, c, and their stems (peduncles), st; a, anterior nervous mass (cauliculus); m, median nervous mass (trabecula). From E.T. Newton.
Fig. 49.—Frontal section of Brain of Cockroach. C, cellular layer beneath neurilemma; ICx, inner calix; OCx, outer calix; GC, ganglion-cells; P, peduncle; T, trabecula; Op, optic nerve; AnL, antennary lobe. ×24.
Sense Organs. The Eye of Insects.
Fig. 50.—Plan of Eye of Cockroach, showing the number of facets along the principal diameters. as, antennary socket.
The sense organs of Insects are very variable, both in position and structure. Three special senses are indicated by transparent and refractive parts of the cuticle, by tense membranes with modified nerve-endings, and by peculiar sensory rods or filaments upon the antennÆ. These are taken to be the organs respectively of sight, hearing, and smell. Other sense organs, not as yet fully elucidated, may co-exist with these. The maxillary palps of the Cockroach, for example, are continually used in exploring movements, and may assist the animal to select its food; the cerci, where these are well-developed, and the halteres of Diptera, have been also regarded as sense organs of some undetermined kind, but this is at present wholly conjecture.110
The compound eyes of the Cockroach occupy a large, irregularly oval space (see fig.50) on each side of the head. The total number of facets may be estimated at about 1,800. The number is very variable in Insects, and may either greatly exceed that found in the Cockroach, or be reduced to a very small one indeed. According to Burmeister, the Coleopterous genus Mordella possesses more than 25,000 facets. Where the facets are very numerous, the compound eyes may occupy nearly the whole surface of the head, as in the House-fly Dragon-fly, or Gad-fly.
Together with compound eyes, many Insects are furnished also with simple eyes, usually three in number, and disposed in a triangle on the forehead. The white fenestrÆ, which in the Cockroach lie internal to the antennary sockets, may represent two simple eyes which have lost their dioptric apparatus. In many larvÆ only simple eyes are found, and the compound eye is restricted to the adult form; in larval Cockroaches, however, the compound eye is large and functional.
Fig. 51.—One element of the Compound Eye of the Cockroach, ×700. Co. F, corneal facets; Cr, crystalline cones; Rm, nerve-rod (rhabdom); Rl, retinula of protoplasmic fibrils. To the right are transverse sections at various levels. Copied from Grenacher.
Fig. 52.—Diagram of Insect Integument, in section. bm, basement-membrane; hyp, hypodermis, or chitinogenous layer; ct, ct', chitinous cuticle; s, a seta.
Each facet of the compound eye is the outermost element of a series of parts, some dioptric and some sensory, which forms one of a mass of radiating rods or fibres. The facets are transparent, biconvex, and polygonal, often, but not quite regularly, hexagonal. In many Insects the deep layer of each facet is separable, and forms a concavo-convex layer of different texture from the superficial and biconvex lens. The facets, taken together, are often described as the cornea; they represent the chitinous cuticle of the integument. The subdivision of the cornea into two layers of slightly different texture suggests an achromatic correction, and it is quite possible, though unproved, that the two sets of prisms have different dispersive powers. Beneath the cornea we find a layer of crystalline cones, each of which rests by its base upon the inner surface of a facet, while its apex is directed inwards towards the brain. The crystalline cones are transparent, refractive, and coated with dark pigment; in the Cockroach they are comparatively short and blunt. Behind each cone is a nerve-rod (rhabdom), which, though outwardly single for the greater part of its length, is found on cross-section to consist of four components (rhabdomeres)111; these diverge in front, and receive the tip of a cone, which is wedged in between them; the nerve-rods are densely pigmented. The rhabdom is invested by a protoplasmic sheath, which is imperfectly separated into segments (retinulÆ), corresponding in number with the rhabdomeres. Each retinula possesses at least one nucleus. The retinulÆ were found by Leydig to possess a true visual purple. To the hinder ends of the retinulÆ are attached the fibres of the optic nerve, which at this point emerges through a “fenestrated membrane.”
Fig. 53.—Section through Eye of Dytiscus-larva, showing the derivation of the parts from modified hypodermic cells. L, lens; Cr, crystalline cones; R, nerve-rods; N. Op. optic nerve. From Grenacher.
In the simple eye the non-faceted cornea and the retinula are readily made out, but the crystalline cones are not developed as such. The morphological key to both structures is found in the integument, of which the whole eye, simple or compound, is a modification. A defined tract of the chitinous cuticle becomes transparent, and either swells into a lens (fig.53), or becomes regularly divided into facets (fig.55), which are merely the elaboration of imperfectly separated polygonal areas, easily recognised in the young cuticle of all parts of the body. Next, the chitinogenous layer is folded inwards, so as to form a cup, and this, by the narrowing of the mouth, is transformed into a flask, and ultimately into a solid two-layered cellular mass (fig. 53). The deep layer undergoes conversion into a retina, its chitinogenous cells developing the nerve-rods as interstitial structures, while the superficial layer, which loses its functional importance in the simple eye, gives rise by a similar process of interstitial growth to the crystalline cones of the compound eye (fig.55). The basement-membrane, underlying the chitinogenous cells, is transformed into the fenestrated membrane. The nerve-rods stand upon it, like organ pipes upon the sound-board, while fibrils of the optic nerve and fine tracheÆ pass through its perforations. The mother-cells of the crystalline cones and nerve-rods are largely replaced by the interstitial substances they produce, to which they form a sheath; they are often loaded with pigment, and the nuclei of the primitive-cells can only be distinguished after the colouring-matter has been discharged by acids or alkalis.
Dr. Hickson112 has lately investigated the minute anatomy of the optic tract in various Insects. He finds, in the adult of the higher Insects, three distinct ganglionic swellings, consisting of a network of fine fibrils, surrounded by a sheath of crowded nerve-cells. Between the ganglia the fibres usually decussate. In the Cockroach, and some other of the lower Insects, the outermost ganglion is undeveloped. The fibres connecting the second ganglion with the eye take a straight course in the young Cockroach, but partially decussate in the adult.
Fig. 54.—Section through Simple Eye of Vespa. The references as above. Simplified from Grenacher.
Fig. 55.—Diagrammatic section of Compound Eye. The references as above.
All the parts between the crystalline cones and the true optic nerve are considered by Hickson to compose the retina of Insects, which, instead of ending at the fenestrated-membrane, as has often been assumed, includes the ganglia and decussating fibres of the optic tract. The layer of retinulÆ and rhabdoms does not form the whole retina, but merely that part which, in the vertebrate eye, is known as the layer of rods and cones.
As to the way in which the compound eye renders distinct vision possible, there is still much difference of opinion. A short review of the discussion which has occupied some of the most eminent physiologists and histologists for many years past will introduce the reader to the principal facts which have to be reconciled.
The investigation, like so many other trains of biological inquiry, begins with Leeuwenhoeck (Ep. ad Soc. Reg. Angl. iii.), who ascertained that the cornea of a shardborne Beetle, placed in the field of a microscope, gives images of surrounding objects, and that these images are inverted. When the cornea is flattened out for microscopic examination, the images (e.g., of a window or candle-flame) are similar, and it has been too hastily assumed that a multitude of identical images are perceived by the Insect. The cornea of the living animal is, however, convex, and the images formed by different facets cannot be precisely identical. No combined or collective image is formed by the cornea. When the structure of the compound eye had been very inadequately studied, as was the case even in Cuvier’s time (LeÇons d’Anat. Comp., xii., 14), it was natural to suppose that all the fibres internal to the cornea were sensory, that they formed a kind of retina upon which the images produced by the facets were received, and that these images were transmitted to the brain, to be united, either by optical or mental combination, into a single picture. MÜller,113 in 1826, pointed out that so simple an explanation was inadmissible. He granted that the simple eye, with its lens and concave retina, produces a single inverted image, which is able to affect the nerve-endings in the same manner as in Vertebrates. But the compound eye is not optically constructed so as to render possible the formation of continuous images. The refractive and elongate crystalline cones, with their pointed apices and densely pigmented sides, must destroy any images formed by the lenses of the cornea. Even if the dioptric arrangement permitted the formation of images, there is no screen to receive them.114 Lastly, if this difficulty were removed, MÜller thought it impossible for the nervous centres to combine a great number of inverted partial images. How then can Insects and Crustaceans see with their compound eyes? MÜller answered that each facet transmits a small pencil of rays travelling in the direction of its axis, but intercepts all others. The refractive lens collects the rays, and the pigmented as well as refractive crystalline cone further concentrates the pencil, while it stops out all rays which diverge appreciably from the axis. Each element of the compound eye transmits a single impression of greater or less brightness, and the brain combines these impressions into some kind of picture, a picture like that which could be produced by stippling. It may be added that the movements of the insect’s head or body would render the distance and form of every object in view much readier of appreciation. No accommodation for distance would be necessary, and the absence of all means of accommodation ceases to be perplexing. Such is MÜller’s theory of what he termed “mosaic vision.” Many important researches, some contradictory, some confirmatory of MÜller’s doctrine,115 have since been placed on record, with the general result that some modification of MÜller’s theory tends to prevail. The most important of the new facts and considerations which demand attention are these:—
Reasons have been given for supposing that images are formed by the cornea and crystalline cones together. This was first pointed out by Gottsche (1852), who used the compound eyes of Flies for demonstration. Grenacher has since ascertained that the crystalline cones of Flies are so fluid that they can hardly be removed, and he believes that Gottsche’s images were formed by the corneal facets alone. He finds, however, that the experiment may be successfully performed with eyes not liable to this objection, e.g., the eyes of nocturnal Lepidoptera. A bit of a Moth’s eye is cut out, treated with nitric acid to remove the pigment, and placed on a glass slip in the field of the microscope. The crystalline cones, still attached to the cornea, are turned towards the observer, and one is selected whose axis coincides with that of the microscope. No image is visible when the tip of the cone is in focus, but as the cornea approaches the focus, a bristle, moved about between the mirror and the stage, becomes visible. This experiment is far from decisive. No image is formed where sensory elements are present to receive and transmit it. Moreover, the image is that of an object very near to the cornea, whereas all observations of living Insects show that the compound eye is used for far sight, and the simple eye for near sight. Lastly, the treatment with acid, though unavoidable, may conceivably affect the result. It is not certain that the cones really assist in the production of the image, which may be due to the corneal facets alone, though modified by the decolorised cones.
Grenacher has pointed out that the composition of the nerve-rod furnishes a test of the mosaic theory. According as the percipient rod is simple or complex, we may infer that its physiological action will be simple or complex too. The adequate perception of a continuous picture, though of small extent, will require many retinal rods; on the other hand, a single rod will suffice for the discrimination of a bright point. What then are the facts of structure? Grenacher has ascertained that the retinal rods in each element of the compound eye rarely exceed seven, and often fall as low as four—further, that the rods in each group are often more or less completely fused so as to resemble simple structures, and that this is especially the case with Insects of keen sight.116
Certain facts described by Schultze tell on the other side. Coming to the Arthropod eye, fresh from his investigation of the vertebrate retina, Schultze found in the retinal rods of Insects the same lamellar structure which he had discovered in Vertebrata. He found also that in certain Moths, Beetles, and Crustacea, a bundle of extremely fine fibrils formed the outer extremity of each retinal or nerve-rod. This led him to reject the mosaic theory of vision, and to conclude that a partial image was formed behind every crystalline cone, and projected upon a multitude of fine nerve-endings. Such a retinula of delicate fibrils has received no physiological explanation, but it is now known to be of comparatively rare occurrence; it has no pigment to localise the stimulus of light; and there is no reason to suppose that an image can be formed within its limits.
The optical possibility of such an eye as that interpreted to us by MÜller has been conceded by physicists and physiologists so eminent as Helmholz and Du Bois Reymond. Nevertheless, the competence of any sort of mosaic vision to explain the precise and accurate perception of Insects comes again and again into question whenever we watch the movements of a House-fly as it avoids the hand, of a Bee flying from flower to flower, or of a Dragon-fly in pursuit of its prey. The sight of such Insects as these must range over several feet at least, and within this field they must be supposed to distinguish small objects with rapidity and certainty. How can we suppose that an eye without retinal screen, or accommodation for distance, is compatible with sight so keen and discriminating? The answer is neither ready nor complete, but our own eyesight shows how much may be accomplished by means of instruments far from optically perfect. According to Aubert, objects, to be perceived as distinct by the human eye, must have an angular distance of from 50 to 70, corresponding to several retinal rods. Our vision is therefore mosaic too, and the retinal rods which can be simultaneously affected comprise only a fraction of those contained within the not very extensive area of the effective retina. Still we are not conscious of any break in the continuity of the field of vision. The incessant and involuntary movements of the eyeball, and the appreciable duration of the light-stimulus partly explain the continuity of the image received upon a discontinuous organ. Even more important is the action of the judgment and imagination, which complete the blanks in the sensorial picture, and translate the shorthand of the retina into a full-length description. That much of what we see is seen by the mind only is attested by the inadequate impression made upon us by a sudden glimpse of unfamiliar objects. We need time and reflection to interpret the hints flashed upon our eyes, and without time and reflection we see nothing in its true relations. The Insect-eye may be far from optical perfection, and yet, as it ranges over known objects, the Insect-mind, trained to interpret colour, and varying brightness, and parallax, may gain minute and accurate information. Grant that the compound eye is imperfect, and even rude, if regarded as a camera; this is not its true character. It is intended to receive and interpret flashing signals; it is an optical telegraph.
Plateau117 has recently submitted the seeing powers of a number of different Insects to actual experiment. The two windows of a room five metres square were darkened. An aperture fitted with ground glass was then arranged in each window. At a distance of four metres from the centre of the space between the windows captive Insects were from time to time liberated. One of the windows was fenced with fine trellis, so as to prevent the passage of the Insect, or otherwise altered in form, but the size of the aperture could be increased at pleasure, so as exactly to make up for any loss of light caused thereby, the brightness of the two openings being compared by a photometer.
It was found that day-flying Insects require a tolerably good light; in semi-obscurity they cannot find their way, and often refuse to fly at all. By varnishing one or other set in Insects possessing both simple and compound eyes, it was found that day-flying Insects provided with compound eyes do not use their simple eyes to direct their course. When the light from one window was sensibly greater than that from the other, the Insect commonly chose the brightest, but the existence of bars, close enough to prevent or to check its passage, had no perceptible effect upon the choice of its direction. Alterations in the shape of one of the panes seemed to be immaterial, provided that the quantity of light passing through remained the same, or nearly the same. Plateau concludes that Insects do not distinguish the forms of objects, or distinguish them very imperfectly.
It is plain, and Plateau makes this remark himself, that such experiments upon the power of unaided vision in Insects, give a very inadequate notion of the facility with which an Insect flying at large can find its way. There the animal is guided by colour, smell, and the actual or apparent movements of all visible objects. Exner has pointed out how important are the indications given by movement. Even in man, the central part of the retina is alone capable of precise perception of form, but a moving object is observed by the peripheral tract. Plateau (from whom this quotation is made) adds that most animals are very slightly impressed by the mere form of their enemies, or of their prey, but the slightest movement attracts their notice. The sportsman, the fisherman, and the entomologist cannot fail to learn this fact by repeated and cogent proofs.
Sense of Smell in Insects.
The existence of a sense of smell in Insects has probably never been disputed. Many facts of common observation prove that carrion-feeders, for example, are powerfully attracted towards putrid animal substances placed out of sight. The situation of the olfactory organs has only been ascertained by varied experiments and repeated discussion. Rosenthal, in 1811, and Lefebvre, in 1838, indicated the antennÆ as the organs of smell, basing their conclusions upon physiological observations made upon living insects. Many entomologists of that time were inclined to regard the antennÆ as auditory organs.118 Observations on the minute structure of the antennÆ were made by many workers, but for want of good histological methods and accurate information concerning the organs of smell in other animals, these proved for a long time indecisive. It was by observation of living insects that the point was actually determined.
Hauser’s experiments, though by no means the first, are the most instructive which we possess. He found that captive insects, though not alarmed by a clean glass rod cautiously brought near, became agitated if the same rod had been first dipped in carbolic acid, turpentine, or acetic acid. The antennÆ performed active movements while the rod was still distant, and after it was withdrawn the insect was observed to wipe its antennÆ by drawing them through its mouth. After the antennÆ had been extirpated or coated with paraffin, the same insects became indifferent to strong-smelling substances, though brought quite near. Extirpation of the antennÆ prevented flies from discovering putrid flesh, and hindered or prevented copulation in insects known to breed in captivity.
Following up these experiments by histological investigation of many insects belonging to different orders, Hauser clearly established the following points, which had been partially made known before:—
The sensory elements of the antennÆ are lodged in grooves or pits, which may be filled with fluid. The nerve-endings are associated with peculiar rods, representing modified chitinogenous cells. The number of grooves or pits may be enormous. In the male of the Cockchafer, Hauser estimates that there are 39,000 in each antenna. He remarks that in all cases where the female Insect is sluggish and prone to concealment, the male has the antennÆ more largely developed than the female.
Sense of Taste in Insects.
F. Will119 gives an account of many authors who have investigated with more or less success the sense organs of various Insects. He relates also the results of his own experiments, and gives anatomical details of the sensory organs of the mouth in various Hymenoptera.
Wasps, flying at liberty, were allowed to visit and taste a packet of powdered sugar. This was left undisturbed for some hours, and then replaced by alum of the same appearance. The Wasps attacked the alum, but soon indicated by droll movements that they perceived the difference. They put their tongues in and out and cleansed them from the ill-tasted powder. Two persisted at the alum till they rolled on the table in agony, but they soon recovered and flew away. In a few hours the packet was quite deserted. After a day’s interval, during which the sugar lay in its usual place, powdered, and of course perfectly tasteless, dolomite was substituted. The wasps licked it diligently and could not be persuaded for a long time that it could do nothing for them. Similar experiments were made with other substances, and Insects whose antennÆ and palps had been removed were subjected to trial. The result clearly proved that a sense of taste existed, and that its seat is in the mouth.120 Peculiar nerve-endings, such as Meinert and Forel had previously found in Ants, were found in abundance on the labium, the paraglossÆ, and the inner side of the maxillÆ of the Wasp. Some lay in pits, through the bases of which single nerves emerged, and swelled into bulbs, or passed into peculiar conical sheaths. Interspersed among the gustatory nerve-endings were setÆ of various kinds, some protective, some tactile, and others intended to act as guiding-hairs for the saliva.
Will observes that the organs described satisfy the essential conditions of a sense of taste. The nerve-endings pass free to the surface, and are thus directly accessible to chemical stimulus. Further, they are so placed that they and the particles of food which get access to them are readily bathed by the saliva. Moistened or dissolved in this fluid, the sapid properties of food are most fully developed.
The sensory pits and bulbs appropriated to taste are believed to be unusually abundant in the social Hymenoptera.
Sense of Hearing in Insects.
The auditory organs of Insects and other Arthropoda are remarkable for the various parts of the body in which they occur. Thus they have been found in the first abdominal segment of Locusts, and in the tibia of the fore-leg of Crickets and Grasshoppers, and more questionable structures with peculiar nerve-endings have been described as occurring in the hinder part of the abdomen of various larvÆ (Ptychoptera, Tabanus, &c). The auditory organ of Decapod Crustacea is lodged in the base of the antennule, that of Stomapods in the tail, while an auditory organ has been lately discovered on the underside of the head of the Myriopod Scutigera.
Auditory organs are best developed in such Insects as produce sounds as a call to each other. The Cockroach is dumb, and it is, therefore, not a matter of surprise that no structure which can be considered auditory should have ever been detected in this Insect.121
The sensory hairs of the skin have been already noticed (p.31).