
The Muscles; the Fat-Body and Coelom.


Viallanes. Histologie et DÉveloppement des Insectes. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool., Tom. XIV. (1882).

KÜhne in Stricker’s Histology, Vol.I., chap. v.

Plateau. Various Memoirs in Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belgique (1865, 1866, 1883, 1884). [Relative and Absolute Muscular Force.]

Leydig. Zum feineren Bau der Arthropoden. MÜller’s Archiv., 1855.

Weismann. Ueber zwei Typen contractilen Gewebes, &c. Zeits. fÜr ration. Medicin. Bd. XV. (1862).

Structure of Insect Muscles.

The muscles of the Cockroach, when quite fresh, appear semi-transparent and colourless. If subjected to pressure or strain they are found to be extremely tender. Alcohol hardens and contracts them, while it renders them opaque and brittle.

The minute structure of the voluntary or striped muscular fibres of Vertebrates is described in common text-books.84 Each fibre is invested by a transparent elastic sheath, the sarcolemma, and the space within the sarcolemma is subdivided by transverse membranes into a series of compartments. The compartments are nearly filled by as many contractile discs, broad, doubly refractive plates, which are further divisible into prismatic columns, the sarcous elements, each being as long as the contractile disc. Successive sarcous elements, continued from one compartment to another, form the primitive fibrils of the muscle. In cross-section the fibrils appear as polygonal areas bounded by bright lines. Outside the fibres, but within the sarcolemma, are nuclei, imbedded in the protoplasm, or living and formative element of the tissue.

The muscular fibres of Insects present some important differences from the fibres just described. The nuclei are often found in the centre, and not on the surface of the fibres in both Insects and Crustacea. In both classes the fibrils are frequently subdivided into longitudinal strands, which have not been distinguished in Vertebrate muscles (Viallanes). The sarcolemma is often undeveloped. Lastly, Insects, like other Arthropoda, exhibit the remarkable peculiarity that not only their voluntary muscles, but all, or nearly all, the muscles of the body, even those of the digestive tube, are striated.85

General Arrangement of Insect Muscles.

The arrangement of the muscles in an Insect varies greatly according to situation and mode of action. Some of the abdominal muscles consist solely of straight parallel bundles, while the muscles of the limbs usually converge to tendinous insertions. In certain larvÆ, where the segments show hardly any differentiation, the muscles form a sheet which covers the whole body, and is regularly segmented in correspondence with the exo-skeleton. As the movements of the body and limbs become more varied and more energetic, the muscles become grouped in a more complicated fashion, and the legs and wings of a flying Insect may be set in motion by a muscular apparatus almost as elaborate as that of a bird.

Muscles of the Cockroach.

The following short notes on the muscles of the Cockroach, aided by reference to the figures, will render the more noteworthy features intelligible. A very lengthy description, far beyond our space or the reader’s patience, would be required to explain in detail the musculature of the head, limbs, and other specialised regions.

Sternal Muscles of Abdomen.—The longitudinal sternal muscles (fig.34) form a nearly continuous transversely segmented sheet, covering the ventral surface between the fore-edge of the second abdominal sternum and the fore-edge of the seventh. These muscles, in conjunction with the longitudinal tergal muscles, tend to telescope the segments.

The oblique sternal muscles (fig.34), which are very short, connect the adjacent edges of the sterna (2–3, 3–4, 4–5, 5–6, 6–7). They extend inwards nearly to the middle line, but, like the longitudinal sternal muscles, they are not developed beneath the nerve-cord. Acting together, the oblique sternal muscles would antagonise the longitudinal, but it is probable that they are chiefly used to effect lateral flexion of the abdomen, and that only the muscles of one side of the abdomen contract at once.

Fig. 34.—Muscles of Ventral Wall, with the Nerve-cord. ×5.

Fig. 35.—Muscles of Dorsal Wall, with the Heart and Peri­car­dial Ten­dons. ×5.

The tergo-sternal (or expiratory) muscles (figs. 35 and 36) form vertical pairs passing from the outer part of each abdominal sternum to the corresponding tergum. Their action is to approximate the dorsal and ventral walls, and thus to reduce the capacity of the abdomen. The first tergo-sternal muscle has its ventral insertion into the stem of the postfurca, and takes an oblique course to the first abdominal tergum.

Tergal Muscles of Abdomen.—The longitudinal tergal muscles extend from the fore part of each abdominal tergum, including the first, to the same part of the tergum next behind. They are interrupted by longitudinal spaces, so that the muscular sheet is less continuous than on the ventral surface, and has a fenestrated appearance. The direction of the fibres is slightly oblique.

Oblique tergal muscles, resembling the oblique muscles of the sterna, are also present.

In the thorax the general arrangement of the muscles is greatly modified by the altered form of the dorsal and ventral plates, and by the attachment of powerful limbs.

Sternal Muscles of Thorax.—Two tubular apodemes, lying one behind the other, project into the thorax from the ventral surface (p.59 and fig.27). To the foremost of these are attached three paired muscles and one median muscle. The median muscle passes to the second tubular apodeme. The anterior pair pass forwards and outwards to the base of the prothoracic leg; the next pair directly outwards to the base of the middle leg; while the posterior pair pass outwards and backwards to the arms of the medifurca. From the second tubular apodeme, in front of the metasternum, four pairs of muscles spring. Those of the anterior pass forwards and outwards to the coxa of the fore limb; the second pair directly outwards to the base of the metathoracic legs; the third pair backwards and outwards to the arms of the postfurca; the fourth pair backwards to the second abdominal sternum.

The muscles attached to the medi- and postfurca (other than those connecting them with the tubular apodemes) are:— (1) A pair passing from the posterior edge of the arms of the medifurca to the stem of the postfurca; (2) a pair which diverge from the stem of the postfurca and proceed to the fore part of the second abdominal sternum; (3) a pair passing from the posterior edge of the arms of the postfurca, these are directed inwards and backwards, and are inserted into the hinder part of the second abdominal sternum; (4) a pair already mentioned, which correspond in position and action to the tergo-sternal muscles, and spring from the stem of the postfurca, passing upwards and outwards to the sides of the first abdominal tergum.

Fig. 36.—Muscles of lateral wall, &c. ×5.

Fig. 37.—Muscles of left mesothoracic leg, seen from behind. The muscles are—?Ad­duct­or and ab­duct­or of the coxa; ex­tens­or and flex­or of fem­oral joint; flex­or and ex­tens­or of tibial joint; flex­or of tar­sus; and a re­tract­or tarsi, which swings the tar­sus back­wards, so that it points away from the head. It is op­posed by another muscle, which moves the tar­sus forwards. Both muscles parallel­ise the tar­sus to the axis of the body, but in oppo­site di­rec­tions.

The muscles attached to the arms of each furca pass to other structures in or near the middle line of the body. The pull of such muscles must alter the slope of the two steps in the ventral floor of the thorax (p.58, and fig.3, p.12). When the furca is drawn forwards, the step is rendered vertical or even inclined forward, the sterna being approximated; while, on the other hand, a backward pull brings the step into a horizontal position, and separates the sterna.

Tergal Muscles of Thorax.—The longitudinal tergal muscles are much reduced in width when compared with those of the abdomen. Sets of obliquely placed muscles, which may be called the lateral thoracic muscles, arise from near the middle of each tergum, and converge to tendinous insertions on the fore edge of each succeeding tergum, close to the lateral wall of the body.

The principal muscles of the legs are figured and named, and their action can readily be inferred from the names assigned to them.

Insect Mechanics.

The mechanics of Insect movements require exposition and illustration far beyond what is possible in a book like this. Even the elaborate dissections of Lyonnet and Straus-DÜrckheim are not a sufficient basis for a thorough treatment of the subject, and until we possess many careful dissections, made by anatomists who are bent upon mastering the action of the parts, our views must needs be vague and of doubtful value. Zoologists of great eminence have been led into erroneous statements when they have attempted to characterise shortly a complex animal mechanism which they did not think it worth while to analyse completely.86

The action of flight and the muscles attached to the wings are best studied in Insects of powerful flight. The female Cockroach cannot fly at all, and the male is by no means a good flier. Both sexes are, however, admirably fitted for running.

In running, two sets, each consisting of three legs, move simultaneously. A set includes a fore and hind limb of the same side and the opposite middle leg. Numbering them from before backwards, and distinguishing the right and left sides by their initial letters, we can represent the legs which work together as—

R1 L2 R3
L1 R2 L3

The different legs have different modes of action. The fore-leg may be compared to a grappling-iron; it is extended, seizes the ground with its claws, and drags the body towards its point of attachment. The middle leg is chiefly used to support and steady the body, but has some pushing power. The hind leg, the largest of the three, is effective in shoving, and chiefly propels the body.

Muscular Force of Insects.

The force exerted by Insects has long been remarked with surprise, and it is a fact familiar, not only to naturalists, but to all observant persons, that, making allowance for their small size, Insects are the most powerful of common animals. Popular books of natural history give striking and sometimes exaggerated accounts of the prodigious strength put forth by captive Insects in their efforts to escape. Thus we are told that the flea can draw 70 or 80 times its own weight.87 The Cockchafer is said to be six times as strong as a horse, making allowance for size. A caterpillar of the Goat Moth, imprisoned beneath a bell-glass, weighing half a pound, which was loaded with a book weighing four pounds, nevertheless raised the glass and made its escape.

This interesting subject has been investigated by Plateau,88 who devised the following experiment. The Insect to be tested was confined within a narrow horizontal channel, which was laid with cloth. A thread attached to its body was passed over a light pulley, and fastened to a small pan, into which sand was poured until the Insect could no longer raise it. Some of the results are given in the following table:—

Table of Relative Muscular Force of Insects (Plateau).

Weight of body
in grammes.
Ratio of weight lifted
to weight of body.
Carabus auratus 0·703 17·4
Nebria brevicollis 0·046 25·3
Melolontha vulgaris 0·940 14·3
Anomala Frischii 0·153 24·3
Bombus terrestris 0·381 14·9
Apis mellifica 0·090 23·5

One obvious result is that within the class of Insects the relative muscular force (as commonly understood) is approximately in the inverse proportion of the weight—that is, the strength of the Insect is (by this mode of calculation) most conspicuous in the smaller species.

In a later memoir89 Plateau gives examples from different Vertebrate and Invertebrate animals, which lead to the same general conclusion.

Ratio of weight drawn to weight of body (Plateau).

Horse ·5to·83
Man ·86
Crab 5 ·37
Insects 14 ·3to23·5

The inference commonly drawn from such data is that the muscles of small animals possess a force which greatly exceeds that of large quadrupeds or man, allowance being made for size, and that the explanation of this superior force is to be looked for in some peculiarity of composition or texture. Gerstaecker,90 for example, suggests that the higher muscular force of Arthropoda may be due to the tender and yielding nature of their muscles. An explanation so desperate as this may well lead us to inquire whether we have understood the facts aright. Plateau’s figures give us the ratio of the weight drawn or raised to the weight of the animal. This we may, with him, take as a measure of the relative muscular force. In reality, it is a datum of very little physiological value. By general reasoning of a quite simple kind it can be shown that, for muscles possessing the same physical properties, the relative muscular force necessarily increases very rapidly as the size of the animal decreases. For the contractile force of muscles of the same kind depends simply upon the number and thickness of the fibres, i.e., upon the sectional area of the muscles. If the size of the animal and of its muscles be increased according to any uniform scale, the sectional area of a given muscle will increase as the square of any linear dimension. But the weight increases in a higher proportion, according to the increase in length, breadth, and depth jointly, or as the cube of any linear dimension.91 The ratio of contractile force to weight must therefore become rapidly smaller as the size of the animal increases. Plateau’s second table (see above) actually gives a value for the relative muscular force of the Bee, in comparison with the Horse, which is only one-fourteenth of what it ought to turn out, supposing that both animals were of similar construction, and that the muscular fibres in both were equal in contractile force per unit of sectional area.92

A later series of experiments93 brings out this difference in a precise form. Plateau has determined by ingenious methods what he calls the Absolute Muscular Force94 of a number of Invertebrate animals (Lamellibranch Mollusca, and Crustacea), comparing them with man and other Vertebrates. His general conclusions may be shortly given as follows:—The absolute muscular force of the muscles closing the pincers of Crabs is low in comparison with that of Vertebrate muscles. The absolute force of the adductor muscles closing a bivalve shell may, in certain Lamellibranchs, equal that of the most powerful Mammalian muscles; in others it falls below that of the least powerful muscles of the frog, which are greatly inferior in contractile force to Mammalian muscles. We find, therefore, that the low contractile force of Insect muscles is in harmony, and not in contrast, with common observation of their physical properties, and that the high relative muscular force, correctly enough attributed to them, is explicable by considerations which apply equally well to models or other artificial structures.

The comparison between the muscular force of Insects and large animals is sometimes made in another way. For example, in Carpenter’s Zoology95 the spring of the Cheese-hopper is described, and we are told that “the height of the leap is often from twenty to thirty times the length of the body; exhibiting an energy of motion which is particularly remarkable in the soft larva of an Insect. A Viper, if endowed with similar powers, would throw itself nearly a hundred feet from the ground.” It is here implied that the equation

Height of Insect’s leapLength of Insect = Supposed ht. of Viper’s leap (100ft.)Length of Viper

should hold if the two animals were “endowed with similar powers.”

But it is known that the work done by contraction of muscles of the same kind is proportional to the volume of the muscles (“Borelli’s Law”),96 and in similar animals the muscular volumes are as the weights. Therefore the equation

Work of InsectWeight of Insect = Work of ViperWeight of Viper

will more truly represent the imaginary case of equal leaping power. But the work = weight raised × height, and the weight raised is in both cases the weight of the animal itself. Therefore

Wt. × Ht.Wt. (Insect) = Wt. × Ht.Wt. (Viper),

and Ht. (Insect) = Ht. (Viper). The Viper’s efficiency as a leaping animal would, therefore, equal that of a Cheese-hopper if it leaped the same vertical height. Therefore, if the two animals were “endowed with similar powers,” the heights to which they could leap would be equal, and not proportional to their lengths, as is assumed in the passage quoted.

Straus-DÜrckheim observes that a Flea can leap a foot high, which is 200 times its own length, and this has been considered a stupendous feat. It is really less remarkable than a schoolboy’s leap of two feet, for it indicates precisely as great efficiency of muscles and other leaping apparatus as would be implied in a man’s leap to the same height, viz., one foot.97

The Fat-body.

Adhering to the inner face of the abdominal wall is a cellular mass, which forms an irregular sheet of dense white appearance. This is the fat-body. Its component cells are polygonal, and crowded together. When young they exhibit nuclei and vacuolated protoplasm, but as they get older the nuclei disappear, the cell-boundaries become indistinct, and a fluid, loaded with minute refractive granules,98 takes the place of the living protoplasm. Rhombohedral or hexagonal crystals, containing uric acid, form in the cells and become plentiful in old tissue. The salt (probably urate of soda) is formed by the waste of the proteids of the body. What becomes of it in the end we do not know for certain, but conjecture that it escapes by the blood which bathes the perivisceral cavity, that it is taken up again by the Malpighian tubules, and is finally discharged into the intestine. The old gorged cells probably burst from time to time, and the infrequency of small cells among them renders it probable that rejuvenescence takes place, the burst cells passing through a resting-stage, accompanied by renewal of their nuclei, and then repeating the cycle of change.

The segmental tubes forming the Wolffian body of Vertebrates have at first no outlet, and embryologists have hesitated to regard this phase of development as the permanent condition of any ancestral form.99 It is, therefore, of interest to find in the fat-body of the Cockroach an example of a solid, mesoblastic, excretory organ, functional throughout life, but without efferent duct.

Fig. 38.—Fat-body of Cockroach, cleared with tur­pen­tine. A, young tissue, with dis­tinct cell-boun­dar­ies and nuc­lei, a few cells to­wards the centre with dead con­tents; B, old­er ditto, load­ed with ur­ates, the cell-walls much bro­ken down, and the nuc­lei gone; tr, tra­cheal tubes. ×250.

The fat-body is eminently a metabolic tissue, the seat of active chemical change in the materials brought by the blood. Its respiratory needs are attested by the abundant air-tubes which spread through it in all directions.

The considerable bulk of the fat-body in the adult Cockroach points to the unusual duration of the perfect Insect. It is usually copious in full-fed larvÆ, but becomes used up in the pupa-stage.

Extensions of the fat-body surround the nervous chain, the reproductive organs and other viscera. Sheets of the same substance lie in the pericardial sinus on each side of the heart.

The Coelom.

The fat-body is in reality, as development shows, the irregular cellular wall of the coelom, or perivisceral space. Through this space courses the blood, flowing in no defined vessels, but bathing all the walls and viscera. In other words, the fat-body is an aggregation of little-altered mesoblast-cells, excavated by the coelom, the rest of the mesoblast having gone to form the muscular layers of the body-wall and of the digestive tube.


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