Addison, Joseph, 4, 5, 15, 16, 19, 20, 35, 59, 62, 125-136, 145, 146. Addison, Address to Mr., 112. Admiral Hosier's Ghost, 244. Agamemnon, 88. Akenside, Mark, 117. Ambitious Step-mother, the, 103. Amyntor and Theodora, 119. Analogy of Religion, 236. Appius and Virginia, 191, 193. Arbuthnot, John, 45, 49, 175-179. Arbuthnot, Epistle to Dr., 59. Armstrong, John, 242. Art of Political Lying, the, 177. Art of Preserving Health, the, 242. Atheniad, the, 244. Atterbury, Bishop, 45, 70, 207-212. Atticus, character of, 59. Augustan Age, origin of the term, 10. Baucis and Philemon, 157. Bangor, three Letters to the Bishop of, 230. Bangorian Controversy, the, 9. Bathos, treatise on the, 39. Battle of Blenheim, the, 192. Battle of the Books, the, 160. Bentley, Richard, 36, 48, 160, 207, 208, 243. Bentley's Dissertations, Examination of, 208. Berkeley, Bishop, 46, 215, 221-229. Bickerstaff, Isaac, 161; Binning, Lord, 121. Black-eyed Susan, 74. Blackmore, Sir Richard, 47, 242. Blair, Robert, 84. Blenheim, 101. Blount, Martha and Teresa, 44, 56. Boadicea, 244. Boehme, Jacob, 235. Boileau and Pope compared, 4, 47; his Art PoÉtique, 29. Bolingbroke, Lord, 8, 44, 51, 52, 59, 216-221. Boyle, Charles, 160, 207, 208. Braes of Yarrow, the, 121. Bribery, prevalence of, 19. Britannia (Thomson's), 87; (Mallet's), 119. Brooke, Henry, 242. Brothers, the, 79. Busiris, 79. Butler, Bishop, 236. Byrom, John, 243. Cadenus and Vanessa, 154, 165. Campaign, the, 126. Captain Singleton, 188. Careless Husband, the, 196, 197. Caroline, Queen, 9. Castle of Indolence, the, 93. Cato, 128, et seq. Chandos, Duke of, 57. Characteristics of Men, Manners, etc., 19, 52, 212. Charke, Mrs., Narrative of her Life, 11. Chase, the, 112. Chit-Chat, 144. Christian Hero, the, 137. Christianity, argument against abolishing, 161. Christian Perfection, 232. Christian Religion, Grounds of the, 222. Apology for the Life of, 198. Cider, 101. Colin and Lucy, 110. Colin and Phoebe, 243. Collier, Jeremy, 137. Collins, Anthony, 222. Conscious Lovers, the, 137. Contentment, Hymn to, 107. Conversion of St. Paul, Dissertation on the, 205. Coriolanus, 88. Country Mouse and City Mouse, the, 66. Country Walk, the, 114. Crawford, Robert, 121. Creation, the, 242. Criticism, the Essay on, 29, 191. Criticism in Poetry, grounds of, 192. Cruelty of the age, 18. Curll, Edmund, 42. Delany, Mrs., Life and Correspondence of, 12, 164. Dialogues of the Dead, 205. Dispensary, the, 96. Distrest Mother, the, 98. Divine Legation of Moses, the, 230, 239. Dorset, Earl of, 65. Drapier's Letters, 170. Drelincourt's Christian's Defence, etc., 187. Dryden, John, death of, 1; Dryden, Ode to, 193. Drummer, the, 134. Drunkenness, prevalence of, 17. Duelling, 13. Dunciad, the, 39, 48, et seq., 240. Edward and Eleanora, 88. Edwards, Thomas, 241. Edwin and Emma, 118. Eloisa to Abelard, 33. Elvira, 119. English Convocation, Rights, Powers and Privileges of, 208. Englishman, the, 144. English Poets, Account of the greatest, 131. Epistle to a Friend in Town, 114. Epistles of Phalaris, Dissertations on the, 160, 208. Eurydice, 119. Eusden, Lawrence, 47. Evergreen, the, 120. Examiner, the, 162. Excursion, the, 118. Fable of the Bees, the, 214, 230; Remarks on the, 231. Fables (Gay's), 73. Fair Penitent, the, 103. Fatal Curiosity, the, 138. Fool of Quality, the, 243. Force of Religion, the, 78. Freedom of Wit and Humour, the, 213. Freeholder, the, 132. Freethinking, Discourse on, 222. French Literature, influence of, 3, 4, 5. French Customs, 14. Funeral, the, 137. Garth, Sir Samuel, 96. Gentle Shepherd, the, 120. George Barnwell, 138. Gideon, 104. Glover, Richard, 244. God, the Being and Attributes of, 244. Granville, George, Lord Lansdowne, 40. Grave, the, 84. Green, Matthew, 245. Grongar Hill, 113. Grotto, the, 244. Grub Street Journal, the, 51. Grumbling Hive, the, 214. Gulliver's Travels, 167. Gustavus Vasa, 243. Halifax, Montague, Earl of, 65, 66. Hamilton, William, of Bangour, 121. Hammond, James, 245. Health, an Eclogue, 108. Henry and Emma, 67. Hermit, the, 107. Homer, Pope's Translation of, 34, et seq., 206, 243, 244. Tickell's translation, 35, 111. Hooke, Nathaniel, 245. Horace, Ars Poetica, 29. Horace, Imitations from, 55, 59, 60. Human Knowledge, Treatise on, 221, 225. Hylas and Philonous, Dialogue between, 222, 227. Hymn to Contentment, 107. Imperium Pelagi, 76. Instalment, the, 79. Iphigenia, 193. Italy, Letter from, 131. Italy, Remarks on Several Parts of, 126. Jane Shore, 103. John Bull, History of, 177. Johnson, Esther, 152, 164, 166, 172. Judgment Day, the, 104. Judgment of Hercules, the, 116. Kensington Gardens, 111. King, on the Origin of Evil, 52. Lady Jane Grey, 103. Lansdowne, Epistle to Lord, 77. Last Day, the, 77. Law, William, 194, 230-236, 243. Law, Elegy in Memory of William, 85. Leibnitz, Essais de ThÉodicÉe, 52. Leonidas, 244. Liberty Asserted, 193. Lillo, George, 138. Love in a Veil, 246. Lover, the, 144. Love's Last Shift, 196. Lying Lover, the, 137. Lyttelton, George, Lord, 204. Mallet, David, 88, 118, 219, 220. Man, Allegory on, 107. Mandeville, Bernard de, 214, 230. Mariamne, 244. Marlborough, Duchess of, 13, 57. Marlborough, Duchess of, Account of the Conduct of, 245. Marriages in the Fleet, 11, 12. Mathematical Learning, Essay on the Usefulness of, 175. Memoirs of a Cavalier, 188. Merope, 106. Middleton, Conyers, 246. Modest Proposal, etc., 172, 184. Mohocks, the, 11. Montagu, Lady M. W., 14, 42, 44, 57, 198-202. Montague, Charles, Earl of Halifax, 65, 66. Monument, the, 192. Moral Essays, the, 55, et seq. Moralties or Essays, Letters, etc., 206. Mrs. Veal, Apparition of, 186. Namur, Taking of, 70. Night Piece on Death, 107, 108. Northern Star, the, 104. Ocean, 76. Ode on St. Cecilia's day, 40. Opera, Italian, 127. Oxford, Harley, Earl of, 49. Parallel in the Manner of Plutarch, 206. Parnell, Thomas, 107. Parties, Dissertation on, 221. Partridge, John, 161. Party feeling, excess of, 19, 20. Pastoral Ballad, 116. (Philips'), 98. Patriotism, Letters on, 221. Patronage of Literature, 5, 6. Persian Tales, the, 100. Peterborough, Earl of, 45. Phalaris, Dissertation on the Epistle of, 160, 208. Philips, John, 101. Plague, History of the, 189. Pleasures of Imagination, the, 117. Plot and No Plot, a, 193. Poetry, Rhapsody on, 157. Polly, 74. Polymetis, 206. Pope, Alexander, a representative poet, 27; and Cibber, 96; and Lady M. W. Montagu, 14, 42, 44, 57, 199; and Spence, 205; and Arbuthnot, 209. Pope, Epistle to, 81. Pope's Translation of Homer, Spence's Essay on, 206. Progress of Wit, the, 105. Projects, Essay on, 182. Prospect of Peace, the, 109. Public Spirit of the Whigs, the, 143. Querist, the, 224. Ramsay, Allan, 120. Rape of the Lock, the, 31. Reader, the, 144. Religion, Condition of, 9. Religion, Natural and Revealed, 244. Religious Courtship, the, 189. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, 126. Revenge, the, 79. Review, the (Defoe's), 185. Rise of Women, the, 108. Robinson Crusoe, 180, 187, 189. Rosamond, 128. Roscommon's Essay on Translated Verse, 29. Rowe, Nicholas, 102. Royal Convert, the, 103. Ruin of Great Britain, Essay towards Preventing the, 223. Ruins of Rome, the, 115. Rule Britannia, 95. Savage, Richard, 246. Schoolmistress, the, 115, 116. Scriblerus, Martin, Memoirs of, 178, 222. Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, the, 244. Sentiments of a Church of England Man, 162. Shaftesbury, Lord, 19, 52, 212-215. Shakespeare, Pope and Theobald's Editions of, 39; Rowe's Edition, 132; Warburton's Edition, 241. Sheffield, John, Earl of, 29, 40. Shepherd's Week, the, 73. Shortest Way with Dissenters, the, 184. Siege of Damascus, the, 245. Sir Thomas Overbury, 246. Social Condition of the time, 10. Sophonisba, 87. South Sea Company, the, 21. Spectator, the, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20, 98, 117, 125, 127, 128, 141, 142. Spleen, the, 244. Splendid Shilling, the, 101. Stage defended from Scripture, etc., the, 194. Stage Entertainments, Absolute Unlawfulness of, 194, 232. Steele, Sir Richard, 125, 136-150. Study of History, Letters on the, 221. Swift, Jonathan, 34, 42, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62, 151-175. Swift, on the Death of Dr., 154. Tale of a Tub, the, 153, 158, 209. Tales of the Genii, 206. Tamerlane, 103. Tancred and Sigismunda, 88. Tatler, the, 125, 140, 148, 162. Tea Table, the, 144. Tea Table Miscellany, the, 120. Temple, Sir William, 152, 160, 208. Temple of Fame, the, 33. Tender Husband, the, 137. Theatre, the, 144. Theory of Vision, Essay towards a new, 221, 225. Thomson, James, 44, 47, 85-95. Tickell, Thomas, 35, 109-111, 135. Tour through Great Britain, 190. Town Talk, 144. True Born Englishman, the, 184. Trumbull, Sir William, 29, 34. Ulysses, 103. Ungrateful Nanny, 121. Universal Passion, 80. Verbal Criticism, 118. Vida's Scacchia Ludus, 32. Vision of Mirza, the, 146. Walpole, Sir Robert, 6, 8, 21, 41, 79. Wanderer, the, 247. Warburton, Bishop, 55, 56, 62, 230, 239-241. Wardlaw, Lady, 120. Warton, Joseph, 63. Watts, Isaac, 131. Welcome from Greece, a, 75. Welsted, Leonard, 47. Wesley, Charles, 131. Wesley, John, 67. Whig Examiner, the, 162. William and Margaret, 118. Winchelsea, Countess of, 247. Windham, Sir W., Letter to, 217, 221. Windsor Forest, 30. World, the, 203. Wycherley, William, 28. Yalden, Thomas, 248. Zara, 106. |