Superstitious ideas with regard to comets as the harbingers of disaster have long since been discarded for more rational opinions. They are no longer looked upon as ill-omened presages of evil, or as “From Saturnius sent, To fright the nations with a dire portent.” Many references are to be found among old writings to the supposed evil influence of these bodies, and to the dread which their appearance formerly incited in the popular mind. Shakespeare makes an allusion to the common belief:— “Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night! Comets, importing change of time and states, Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky;” and in relation to the habit of connecting historical events with their apparition, he further says:— “When beggars die, there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.” But, happily, the notions prevalent in former times have been superseded by the more enlightened views naturally resulting from the acquirement and diffusion of knowledge; so that comets, though still surrounded by a good deal of mystery, are now regarded with considerable interest, and welcomed, not Appearance.—From whatever point of view a large comet is considered, it deserves all the interest manifested in it and all the labour expended in its investigation. Whilst its grand appearance in the firmament arrests the notice of all classes alike, and is the subject of much curious speculation amongst the uninformed, it merits, apart from other considerations, the most assiduous observation on account of the singular features it displays and the striking variations they undergo. Indeed, the visible deportment of a comet during its rapid career near perihelion is so extraordinary as to form a problem, the solution of which continues to defy the most ingenious theories. The remarkable changes in progress, the quickness and apparent irregularity of their development, are the immediate result of a combination of forces, the operations of which can neither be defined nor foreseen. Jets of flame and wreaths of vapour start from the brilliant nucleus; while, streaming away from the latter, in a direction opposite to the Sun, is the fan-shaped tail, often traceable over a large span of the heavens and commingling its extreme fainter limits with the star-dust in the background. Large number visible.—The orbits of 400 comets have now been computed, and more than 500 others have been ob Nature of Apparition.—The apparition of a comet may be either gradual or sudden. Usually the telescope gives us the earliest intimation that one of these bodies is approaching us47. It is first seen as a small round nebulosity, with probably a central condensation or stellar nucleus of the 10th or 11th mag. The whole object brightens and expands as its distance grows less, and it assumes an elongated form preparatory to the formation of a tail. The latter varies greatly in different instances: it may either be a narrow ray, as shown in the southern comet of January 1887, or a fan-shaped extension like that of the great comet of 1744. Barnard’s Comet of December 1886 exhibited a duple tail. Occasionally a fine comet bursts upon us suddenly, like that of 1843 or 1861. The former was sufficiently bright to be discovered when only 4° from the Sun, and the latter presented itself quite unexpectedly as a magnificent object even in the strong twilight of a June sky. Tenuity of Comets.—Comets are noteworthy for the extreme thinness of their material. The smallest stars may be discerned through the denser portions of the head, without suffering any apparent diminution of light. Yet such stars would be quite obscured by the interposition of a minute speck of cloud or by a little fog or any vapour of trifling density. Comets are visible in the form of transparent nebulosities; and their mass must be inconceivably small relatively to the enormous space over which they frequently extend. Sir J. Herschel has described the “all but spiritual texture” of comets; and other authorities have referred to them as feeble wreaths of vapour, which, though obeying the laws of gravitation and suffering Differences of Orbit.—When three trustworthy observations of a comet’s place have been made, its orbit may be computed. This may be either an ellipse, a parabola, or hyperbola. If an ellipse the comet is periodical, and the period depends upon the degree of eccentricity. If a parabola the comet will not be seen again, because this form of orbit does not reunite; it consists of branches equally divergent and uniting at perihelion, but extending outwards indefinitely in nearly parallel lines and without convergence. If a hyperbola, the comet is also not returnable; the branches of the orbit are widely divergent, and show no tendency to parallelism. These several forms of orbit are somewhat different as applied to various comets, but they are the same in effect. Thus Tempel’s Comet of 1867 revolves in an ellipse having an eccentricity of about 0·4630, while that of Halley’s Comet is 0·9674. No doubt some of the parabolic orbits applied to comets really represent very eccentric ellipses; but the parabola is a convenient form of orbit for computation, and unless ellipticity is very decided it indicates the path with sufficient accuracy. Discoveries of Comets.—In the latter part of the last century Messier, Mechain, and Miss Herschel shared nearly all the cometary discoveries between them. Then Pons entered the It is a curious circumstance that Sir W. Herschel, during all his star-gaugings and sweeps for nebulÆ, never discovered a comet. He found a nebula on Dec. 18, 1783, near d Ceti, which he described as “small and cometic.” In Sir J. Herschel’s ‘General Catalogue of NebulÆ,’ 1864, p. 17, this object is presumed to have been a comet, as it could not be identified; but at p. 45 the doubts are cleared up, and Sir W. Herschel’s nebula, the position of which was only roughly given, is shown to be the same as another very near; it is No. 1055 of the new ‘General Catalogue’ published by the Royal Astronomical Society in January 1888. Quite possibly Sir W. Herschel’s lists of nebulÆ contain several comets, as some of his objects are missing; but errors of observation in ascribing positions may explain this. Herschel himself, in speaking of a comet visible in the winter of 1807-8, says:—“If I had met the comet in one of my sweeps, as it appeared between Dec. 6 and Feb. 21, I should have put it down as a nebula. Perhaps my lists of nebulÆ, then, contain some comets.” Large Comets.—The most widely observed and attractive 1577, Nov. and Dec.—Observed by Tycho Brahe. At the end of November it had a double tail; the longest of the two branches was about 20°. This comet was visible in the daytime. 1618 II., Nov.—“The length of its tail equalled in extent one sixth part of the zodiac.” On Nov. 18 it was estimated as 40°. Longomontanus, however, described it as 104° long, and Cysatus estimated it as 75°. Kepler referred to it as the largest comet that had appeared for a hundred and fifty years. 1680, Dec.—A fine comet, which on Dec. 12 had a narrow tail about 80° long. The nucleus was equal to a 1st mag. star. Hooke remarked jets of flame issuing from the nucleus. At perihelion the comet approached very near the Sun’s surface, similarly to the fine comets of 1843, 1880, and 1882. 1744, Jan.-Feb.—Probably the largest comet of the 18th century. At one time it displayed six tails, each of which was 4° in breadth. The head was so bright that it was perceived with the naked eye in full sunshine. At the middle of February the tail was 24° long, and it was divided into two branches. 1769, Sept.—Discovered on Aug. 8 by Messier. On Aug. 30 the comet had a trifid tail; there was a central ray of 24° and two outlying ones of 4° each. On Sept. 19 the tail had increased to 75°, and a few nights later Pingre estimated it as 90° and 97°. 1811 I., Sept.-Oct.—A very fine comet. The tail was branched; it did not, however, exceed 25° in length and about 6° in breadth. Sir W. Herschel found the nucleus to be 428 miles in diameter. This remarkable comet remained visible during a period extending over seventeen months. Its period is approximately 3000 years. 1843, Mar.—Visible in the daytime. On Mar. 4 its tail was 69° in length; it was very narrow, being only 1-1/4° in breadth throughout. At perihelion this object passed very near to the Sun, like the great comet of 1680. it revolves in an elliptical orbit; period about 376 years. This comet swept past perihelion with a velocity of 366 miles per second! The real length of its tail was 200 millions of miles! 1858 VI., Sept.-Oct.—Donati’s Comet: one of the most brilliant comets of the 19th century. Early in October it displayed a tail about 40° long, and on the 5th it passed over the star Arcturus. Its period of revolution appears to be about 2000 years. 1861 II., June-July.—Became suddenly visible at the end of June. In the opinion of Sir John Herschel this comet surpassed in grandeur the comets of 1811 and 1858. On June 30 the nucleus was equal to the brightness of Venus, and the tail was 80° long; but early in July it increased to 90°. One observer estimated its length as 100° on July 2. This comet remained visible during twelve months. It appears to have an elliptical orbit, with a period of 409 years. 1874, July.—Coggia’s Comet: a fine object in the northern sky. On July 14 the tail was 35° long, and it remained visible several days after the nucleus had disappeared below the horizon. The nucleus was about equal to a star of the 1st mag. Orbit probably elliptical, with a period of about 5711 years. 1880 I., Jan.-Feb.—A southern comet, with a long narrow tail, variously estimated from 30° to 40° in length. It passed very near to the Sun, and presents an orbital resemblance to the fine comets of 1680 and 1843. 1881 III., June-July.—This large comet appeared in the northern heavens on June 22, and became generally visible to observers in England. On the 27th it had a tail 15° long. Its period of visibility extended over nine months. 1881 IV., Aug.—This comet is scarcely entitled to rank as one of exceptional character; but it was a conspicuous object for several weeks in August, and had a tail 6° long on the 19th. 1882 III., Oct.—Well visible in the morning sky, with a tail 22° long. The nucleus underwent remarkable changes, and on Oct. 23 it showed four or five bright points or nuclei, looking like “a string of beads.” The comet threw off several small condensations, which were observed as separate comets near the parent mass. At perihelion this comet passed very close to the Sun, like the comets of 1680, 1843, and 1880; and these bodies were suspected to have an intimate relation, if not an absolute identity. But subsequent inquiries disproved this startling supposition; for the comet of 1882 was shown to have a period of about 718 years. 1887 I., Jan.—A fine southern comet, presenting many points of resemblance to that of 1880 I. On Jan. 22, as observed at Adelaide, the comet had a long narrow tail of about 30°, but no well-defined nucleus. On the same date, at the Cape of Good Hope, the tail appeared as a narrow ribbon of light, quite straight, and of nearly uniform brightness throughout its length. It was visible in the same region of the sky as the comet 1880 I., and came into view with equal suddenness. Periodical Comets.—On page 235 is a list of the periodical comets as at present known. Some of these, marked with an asterisk, have only been observed at one return, and therefore await complete confirmation. Many other comets have shown indications of pursuing elliptical orbits. Amongst those of short period may be mentioned 1743 I., 1766 II., 1783 I., 1819 IV., 1844 I., and 1873 VII. The following are examples of longer periods:—
These figures are to be regarded as approximations only.
Halley’s Comet.—A fine comet with a tail about 15° long appeared in the summer of 1682, and Halley computed the orbit according to the method explained by Newton. He then consulted observations of previous comets, and discovered a great similarity in the paths of large comets seen in 1531 and 1607 to that of the one he himself had observed in 1682. He thereupon suspected the three bodies to be one and the same, and advised posterity to maintain a strict watch for the comet’s return in about 1758 or 1759. On pursuing his investigations still further, he alighted upon records of comets in 1305, 1380, and 1456, which greatly strengthened his opinion that the comet of 1682 moved in an elliptical path with a period of about 75½ years. He termed this body “the Mercury48 of comets, revolving round the Sun in the smallest orbit,” and said that, should it reappear according to his prediction in about the year 1758, “impartial posterity must needs allow this to be the discovery of an Englishman.” As the time drew near for the return of the comet, interest became intensified, and computations were made by Clairaut with a view to determine the precise epoch when it would arrive at perihelion. He found that the comet would be retarded by the action of Jupiter and Saturn, but that perihelion would be reached at the middle of April 1759, subject to an uncertainty of 30 days. The comet was rediscovered on Dec. 25, 1758, by Palitzch, an amateur astronomer at Politz, near Dresden, who employed a telescope of 8 feet focal length, and appears to have anticipated Messier and others who were on the alert for it. It arrived at perihelion on March 12, 1759, and within a month of the date announced by Clairaut. Early in May it had a tail nearly 50° long, and presented a fine aspect in the heavens. Thus the sagacity of Halley had revealed a periodical comet—the first known. It duly returned again in 1835, and received all the attention which a body so replete with historical associations deserved. Comet 1862 III. (Aug. 19, 1862). Sawerthal’s Comet, 1888 I. (March 25, Brooks). Encke’s Comet.—Until the year 1819 Halley’s Comet was Biela’s Comet.—This comet was discovered on Feb. 27, 1826, by Wilhelm von Biela, an Austrian officer, at Josephstadt in Bohemia, and ten days later by Gambart at Marseilles. It was found to be revolving in an orbit of short period, and its elements presented an agreement with those of the comet of 1772 (Montaigne) and 1806 I. (Pons). Identity was inferred, and the next return was fixed for Nov. 27, 1832, when the object reappeared with great punctuality. At the end of 1845 this comet displayed some startling phenomena; for it divided into two portions, apparently quite disconnected, and which travelled side by side, separated by an interval of more than 150,000 miles! The double comet was observed again in 1852, when the interval separating them had, however, increased eightfold, for the dark space between measured 1,250,000 miles. This instance of a divided comet is by no means unique. The great comet of 1882 underwent a process of disruption, by throwing off Brooks’s double Comet, Sept. 17, 1889. (10-inch reflector, power 60. W. F. Denning.) Since 1852 Biela’s Comet has been lost. The most assiduous observations have failed to recover it, and the conclusion seems irresistible that further disintegrations have occurred and that its material has been dispersed beyond recognition. The great meteoric storms of Nov. 27, 1872 and 1885, were derived from this comet, and there is little reason to hope that as a comet it will ever be seen again. Brorsen’s Comet.—A small comet was discovered in Pisces by Theodor Brorsen, at Kiel, on the evening of Feb. 26, 1846, Its observed path soon gave traces of an elliptical orbit; and the period was found to be about 5·58 years. The comet was re-observed at its return to perihelion in 1857, 1868, 1873, Faye’s Comet.—First seen at the Paris Observatory on the night of Nov. 22, 1843, when it was near the star Bellatrix in Orion. The observations clearly proved the comet to be moving in an elliptical path, and Dr. Goldschmidt of GÖttingen determined its period as 7½ years. It was re-observed in 1851, and also during each of its five subsequent returns, the last of which occurred in August 1888. The orbit of this body approaches nearer to the circular form than that of any other known comet, except Tempel’s of 1867. Its perihelion distance is considerable, for it never comes within the orbit of Mars. Prof. MÖller, of Lund, has investigated the path with all the critical acumen of a profound mathematician, and, chiefly owing to his labours, it is now regarded as one of the best known members of our system. D’Arrest’s Comet.—Discovered at the Leipsic Observatory on June 27, 1851. M. Villarceau discussed the orbit, and announced it as an elliptic one with a periodic time of about 6½ years. The comet was redetected at its return in 1857-8, 1870, 1877, and 1890. It is a very faint object. Pons-Winnecke’s Comet.—Discovered at Bonn on March 8, 1858, and on the elements being computed they were found nearly coincident with those of Pons’s Comet, 1819 III. Encke had assigned a period of 5·62 years for the latter, but it managed to escape observation during the six returns that occurred in the 39 years between 1819 and 1858. Its identity was fully established in 1869, when it was again observed. Tuttle’s Comet.—A faint, diffused comet was discovered in the northern part of Hercules by H. P. Tuttle, of Cambridge, U.S.A., on Jan. 4, 1858. Its elements on being calculated were found by Pape to be similar to those of a comet discovered by Mechain on Jan. 9, 1790, and an elliptic orbit with a period of 13·66 years was derived from the new observations. On the assumption that the two bodies were one and the same there must have occurred four unobserved returns to perihelion between 1790 and 1858. The year 1871 was awaited in settlement of the question. When it came the comet returned, and the predictions received exact verification. Thus the comets of Mechain and Tuttle were placed in the inseverable bonds of identity. Of the other periodical comets it will be unnecessary to give details. Some of them are still without full corroboration, only one return to perihelion having been observed. The reappearance of Pons’s Comet (1812) in 1883-4, and of Olbers’s Comet (1815) in 1887 furnished two excellent examples of well-determined comets belonging to the same class as that of Halley. Tempel’s discoveries in 1867, 1869, and 1873 afforded some interesting additions to the family of short-period comets, and the list of these is continually extending owing to the assiduity of observers, though the lost comets of Biela and Brorsen will have to be removed from it. Peters’s Comet of 1846 is also doubtful, as it escaped rediscovery in about 1859, 1872, and 1884; but this object may yet be captured at one of its succeeding apparitions. These bodies often evade redetection when their periods and paths are not accurately known. This has been fully exemplified in the case of the comets of Pons-Winnecke and Tuttle, which were unseen at several consecutive returns. It has been supposed, and not without reason, that the periodical comets are in process of wearing away. They apparently grow fainter at each return. Halley’s Comet in 1835 was only moderately bright, whereas in ancient times its appearance was magnificent. Pons’s Comet (1812). Telescopic view. 1884, January 6, 5h 50m. (10-inch reflector, power 60. W. F. Denning.) Pons’s Comet (1812). Telescopic view. 1884, January 21, 13h 18m. (5-inch refractor; comet-eyepiece, field 1-1/4°. E. E. Barnard.) Grouping of Periodical Comets.—It is a curious circumstance that these bodies are assorted into groups having their aphelia near the orbits of major planets. The short-period comets comprised within the orbits of Encke’s (3·29 years) and M. Hoek of Utrecht has found cases in which the orbits of two or more comets exhibit a common point of intersection in distant space, and infers their derivation from the same origin. Further Observations required.—One of the chief and essential features in cometary work is the accurate determination of positions. But this entails the possession of expensive instruments, and a knowledge which amateurs have not always acquired. This department of labour can well be left to the trained hands at large observatories, where, fortunately, it meets with every attention. Ordinary observers will merely require to know the approximate place, and this is to be found by estimating the difference in R.A. and Dec. between a comet and a known star. The position of the latter may be found in a good catalogue and corrected for precession; then, allowing for the observed differences, the comet’s place may be assigned to within very small limits of error. A low power, embracing a field of 1° or more, is best adapted for these observations, as it is more likely to include a catalogued star, and will exhibit the comet, especially if a large one, to the best effect. The announcement of a new comet is always read with avidity by amateurs, and their first desire is to see it for themselves. This they may readily do by marking its place on a star-map or globe, and noting its relative place amongst the stars near. The telescope should then be directed towards the point indicated, and if the comet is not presented in the field, the instrument should be moved a little so that the surrounding region may be examined. If failure still attends the effort, the observer should point the telescope a few degrees E. or W. of the suspected point, and then carefully sweep over the place of the comet. It will then be picked up, unless it is too faint for his aperture. The first announcement of a comet generally gives the position at discovery, and the daily rate and direction of motion. The latter must of course be allowed for when the search is instituted. The physical aspects of comets are as diversified as they are variable. No two comets are exactly alike, nor does the same comet exhibit a permanency of detail. Of course, when these objects are enormously distant, and barely visible, many of them appear to present similar characteristics; but under the closer and more expanded views obtainable near perihelion the resemblance vanishes, and every comet is seen to possess features peculiar to itself. To trace these features, and to record them by delineation and description, forms one of the most interesting branches in which amateurs may engage. Much has been learnt of previous comets by successively noting their transitions of form and brightness, and the same scrupulous attention should be given to future comets. The tails of comets are not always turned away from the Sun. Indeed, the contrary effect is sometimes produced. Occasionally there is a duple tail, the largest branch of which follows the normal direction, while the other is turned towards the Sun. Forms of this character require close watching from night to night. Is the sunward tail developed suddenly? and has it a fairly durable existence? Instances of singular curvature should also be noted. The tails are seldom perfectly straight, especially those attached to naked-eye comets, and decided changes affect their visible outlines at very short intervals. In large comets the space over which the tail The light of comets sometimes fluctuates in a very extraordinary manner, and too rapidly and irregularly to be consistent with theory. In this respect, Pons’s Comet, at its last return in 1883-4 presented an eccentric behaviour. Bigourdan found that during the nineteen days from Sept. 5 to 24, 1883, the increase in the comet’s brilliancy exceeded by thirty or forty times that resulting from reflected light alone! This increase appears to have been due to a sudden outburst on Sept. 22, which occurred some time within the four hours preceding midnight. Dr. MÜller, of Potsdam, witnessed a further outburst on Jan. 1, 1884, within 1-3/4 hour; and the extent of this was accurately determined by means of a photometer. He found an augmentation of seven tenths of a magnitude in the brightness of the comet, and an equally sudden fall to its previous lustre. While these fluctuations were in progress, he noticed variations in the shape of the nucleus not less remarkable than its variations in light. Those who observe future comets will do well, therefore, to be on the alert for similar phenomena. The apparent brightness of the nuclei and alterations of shape or size should be recorded on every night when observations are feasible. As a comet approaches the Sun its material apparently contracts, while with increasing distance from that luminary it expands. Usually the nucleus is extremely small and bright, and it often looks like a star shining through nebulosity. High powers must therefore be applied in its examination. Jets, aigrettes, luminous sectors, and other appendages are often involved with the nucleus and outlying coma, and they form a complicated structure well deserving further study. A good deal of mystery still surrounds these appearances; their curious forms and vagaries have yet to be explained. Stars are frequently observed through the head of a comet, which apparently, however, exercises no influence in dimming their lustre. But the stars are commonly seen behind the envelopes or comÆ, and very rarely through the nucleus. Nothing is better calculated to exhibit the transparent and tenuous character of comets than observations of this kind, and observers should seek for further opportunities of making them. If the motion of a comet is obviously carrying it in the direction of one of the stars in the field, the observer may determine for himself the approximate time of conjunction by noting the distance between the star and comet and allowing for the motion of the latter. He will then know when to come to his telescope and witness the phenomenon. Should it appear probable that the comet’s nucleus will pass over the star, he should commence his watch some time before it occurs; he may then make comparisons before the star is involved in the outlying nebulosity, and trace the whole event from beginning to end. Any changes in the light or aspect of either star or comet would then be manifested. The comet of 1847 is said to have passed centrally over a 5th mag. star, but the latter was unaffected. Encke’s Comet on one occasion interposed itself directly over one of a pair of 10th mag. stars, but their relatively equal brilliancy suffered no change. Encke’s Comet, however, has no stellar nucleus. The latter feature is so bright and compact as displayed in many other comets, that its transit over a small star must have some effect either in obliterating it altogether, or in detracting from its lustre. Visible evidences of rotation seem to have been suspected in certain comets, but this has never been substantiated on sufficient grounds. The circumstance is one, however, which should be remembered. During a series of observations the observer who notes the details of structure with particular regard to position may discover similar traces, and possibly learn something of the cause. The nucleus of a bright comet should always be examined with a moderately high power, so that any variations or peculiarities of form may be detected. Nomenclature of Comets.—It must be confessed that no perfectly satisfactory method has yet been devised as regards Curiosities of Comets.—The comet of 1729, which was hardly visible to the naked eye, has far the greatest perihelion distance (4·0435) of any comet known. Barnard’s Comet (1885 II.) comes next with a perihelion distance of 2·5068. Pons’s Comet at its return in 1883-4 remained visible for nine months. When last seen, on June 2, 1884, it was 470 millions of miles from the Earth, and more remote in the depths of space than any other observed comet since that of 1729. Barnard’s Comet (1889 I.), though never visible to the naked eye, was followed from Sept. 2, 1888, to Aug. 18, 1890. Its distance from the Sun was then 6·25 (Earth’s distance = 1), or about 580 millions of miles, which is greater than that of many of the short-period comets at aphelia. The most prolonged visibility of any previous comet was that of 1811 I. (510 days). But this comet of Barnard has been retained in view 715 days. The great comet of 1882 was watched right up to the Sun’s limb by Messrs. Finlay and Elkin at the Cape of Good Hope on Sept. 16, 1882. The comet was actually seen to disappear at the margin, and not a vestige of it could be traced during its transit across the solar disk. The nucleus of the comet was 4” in diameter, and before transit it looked as bright as a part of the Sun’s surface; but it was quite invisible when projected on the disk. The alleged observations by Pastorff and Stark, which were construed into visible transits of comets, are therefore thoroughly disproved, and will require another interpretation. At the time of the total solar eclipse of May 17, 1882, a bright comet was observed near the Sun. It was a striking object visible to the naked eye. In the photographs which were taken of the eclipse the comet is well shown, but this body escaped subsequent observation, so that its orbit could not be determined. Naked-eye Comets.—Arago mentions that twelve comets were visible to the naked eye during the period from 1800 to Comet-seeking.—For a long time after the invention of the telescope comet-seeking does not appear to have been undertaken in a methodical way, and to have formed the habitual work of certain observers. But the expected return of Halley’s Comet in 1759 roused observers to take the initiative in a branch of practical research which in after years was destined to prove remarkably productive. Messier, Palitzch, and others began a system of sweeping the heavens for the predicted comet; and it had a successful issue, for Palitzch, who did not relax his labours even on Christmas day, alighted upon the coveted prize on Dec. 25, 1758. Since that time a regular search after comets has been maintained. Messier pursued it with indomitable energy through a long period of years, and achieved many successes. It is said of him that on one occasion he was anticipated in a discovery by Montaigne, and he appears to have deplored the loss of the comet more than the loss of his wife, who was lying dead at the time. A friend visited him, and spoke a few words of sympathy in reference to his bereavement, but Messier, in despair about the comet, exclaimed: “I had discovered twelve—alas! that I should be robbed of the thirteenth by Montaigne!” and his eyes filled with tears. Recollecting himself, and appreciating the loss he had sustained in his wife, he added, “Ah, this poor woman!” Messier encountered some serious obstacles to his favourite pursuit. Breen, in his ‘Planetary Worlds,’ mentions that Messier, while walking in President Saron’s garden, fell into an ice-house, and was disabled for a time. Later on Dr. Olbers, of Bremen, was another diligent student in this field. He did not effect many discoveries, but, from an upper apartment of his house, he observed nearly all the comets which appeared during half a century. During the first twenty-seven years of the present century, Pons discovered the majority of the comets that were seen. He was a door-keeper at the Observatory at Marseilles, and owing to the teaching and encouragement he received from Thulis, the director, he achieved phenomenal success as a comet-hunter. Discoveries of comets have rarely been effected in England. This is chiefly to be assigned to two circumstances. First, because the labour involved in seeking for these bodies has never perhaps been pursued to an equal degree and with the same tenacity as it formerly was in France, and as it has recently been in the United States; and second, because the cloud-laden skies of England oppose the successful prosecution of a research in which a clear atmosphere is eminently desirable. Though comet-seeking does not always produce new discoveries, it is certainly entertaining to those engaged in it; for one of the most agreeable diversions of telescopic work is to scan the firmament with a large-field comet-eyepiece, which exhibits the most pleasing views of star-groups, coloured stars, nebulÆ, and telescopic meteors. The operation of sweeping for comets is attractive from other aspects, though it undoubtedly needs close application, patience, and much caution. The possibility of seeing a comet in the field at any time proves a constant source of allurement to the observer, and sustains his enthusiasm. The glimpsing of a nebulous object, and the expectation (before it has been identified) that it may prove a comet, induces a little excitement which pleasantly relieves the monotony that might otherwise be attached to a sedulous research of this nature; and it is one in which amateurs may suitably engage with a fair English Weather and Comet-seeking.—Only two new comets having been discovered in England during the last forty years some people regard our climate as in a great measure responsible for this. But the opinion seems to be erroneous. The lack of discoveries has arisen from want of effort as much as from want of opportunity. The best weather for comet-seeking is when the atmosphere is very transparent, and the stars are lucid and sparkling. Haze, fog, or cloud of any kind offers a serious hindrance. A thoroughly good night for planetary work is not usually good for cometary observation, because sharp definition is not so requisite as a very clear sky. A little fog or thin cloud, which will often improve planetary images, utterly obliterates a small telescopic comet. The air is sometimes very pure and dark after storms, and the stars remarkably bright; it is then that the best opportunities are afforded for comet-hunting. Any systematic and regular work like this may be pursued in this country with every prospect of success by an observer who will persevere in it. From some statistics printed in the ‘Science Observer,’ Boston, it appears that during the seven months from May to November, 1882, Lewis Swift was comet-seeking during 300 hours. I have no English results of the same kind, but my meteoric observations will supply a means of comparison. From June to November, 1887 (six months), I was observing during 217 hours, and for a nearly similar period during the last half of 1877, though in each year work was only attempted with the Moon absent. My result for 1887 averages 36 hours per month, which is little less than the average derived from the comet-seeking records above quoted. It is therefore fair to suppose that as much may be done here as in some regions of the United States. Mr. W. R. Brooks wrote me in 1889, saying: “We have much cloudy weather in this part of America. While in other portions of the country clear weather abounds, it is not so in this section, where much Aperture and Power required.—Opinions are divided as to the most suitable aperture and power for this work. Any telescope of from 4-to 10-inches aperture may be employed in it. A low power (30 to 50) and large field (50' to 90´) eyepiece are imperative; and the instrument, to be really effective, should be mounted to facilitate sweeping either in a vertical or horizontal direction. A reflector on an alt-azimuth stand is a most convenient form for vertical sweeps. The defining-capacity of the telescope need not necessarily be perfect to be thoroughly serviceable, the purpose being to distinguish faint nebulous bodies, and not details of form. Far more will depend upon the observer’s aptitude and persistency than upon his instrumental means, which ought to be regarded as a mere adjunct to his powers and not a controlling influence in success, for the latter lies in himself. Very large instruments are not often used, because of their necessarily restricted fields. Moreover, a small instrument, apart from its advantage in this respect, is worked with greater facility and expedition. Mr. Brooks says: Mr. Brooks’s experience and success in this branch give weight to his suggestions, and there can be little doubt that his commendation of moderate powers is fully justified. I believe he usually sweeps with a power of 40 (field of 1° 20') on the 10-1/8-inch equatoreal of his observatory. Speaking for myself, I find powers of 32 (field 1-1/4°) and 40 (field 1°) perform very satisfactorily on my 10-inch With-Browning reflector, having frequently tried them on faint nebulÆ and comets. Sometimes I employ a power of 60, field 50'; but for ordinary purposes this is too high. It is a good plan to sweep with a moderate power, say of 40, and to keep a higher magnifier at hand to examine any suspicious objects that may be picked up. With power 32 I often encounter forms, the real character of which is uncertain. In such cases I clamp the telescope and apply the power 60, which generally exhibits the objects as several minute stars grouped together, or possibly nebulÆ, in which case I proceed to identify them. With lower magnifiers than 30 there must always be considerable danger of sweeping over faint comets. Some of these are only of the 10th, 11th, or 12th mag., and less than 1' diameter, and must certainly elude detection unless adequate power is brought to bear upon them. Dr. Doberck mentioned in the L. A. S. Journal, vol. vi. p. 236, an instrument for comet-seeking, 3½ inches in aperture, power about 10, and field of 5°, which was bought in 1842 by the late Mr. Cooper at Markree. But though with such a telescope a very large portion of the firmament might be swept in one night, there would be serious disadvantages; for small faint comets would pass through the field unseen, and render the work abortive. The necessary conditions of the Annual Rate of Discovery.—Arranging cometary discoveries during the century from 1782 to 1881 into periods of 20 years, and comparing the annual average with that during the last eight years, we get the following numbers:— These discoveries seem to have been greatly accelerated about the year 1845. The yearly average between 1842 and 1881 was about 4; but between 1882 and 1889 it increased to 5, owing mainly to the diligence of Barnard and Brooks. The months in which the largest number of cometary discoveries have been effected are July and August, the figures since 1782 being—
Of 289 comets discovered during the last 108 years, Though comets are not confined to any special region of the heavens, there is no doubt that the vicinity of the Sun is the spot to which the comet-seeker should direct his chief attention. It is here where the majority of the discoveries have been made; and theoretically this should be so, seeing that the Sun is the controlling influence of the cometary flights, and that his position must be regarded as a sort of focus of their convergence and divergence. Hence the most likely spots are over the western horizon after sunset and the eastern horizon before sunrise. The twilight and zodiacal light, together with the mist at low altitudes, are impediments which are inseparable from this work; but they need not interfere to any serious extent if the observer is careful to make the best of his opportunities. But though special attention is recommended to the neighbourhood of the Sun, other regions should not be altogether neglected, for comets are occasionally found in nearly the opposite part of the heavens to the Sun’s place, as, for example, Zona’s Comet of November 1890. In order to save time, and to prevent troublesome references during the progress of sweeping, the brighter nebulÆ should be marked upon a star-chart, so that, as they enter the field, they may be instantly identified. Telescopic Comets vary in size to a considerable degree. In diameter they generally range from about 1' to 7', and are usually round, with a bright centre like the globular clusters Messier 2, 3, 13, 15, 49, and 92, as seen with a low power; but occasionally they are faint diffused masses, like the planetary nebula near UrsÆ Majoris, M. 97, or the large nebula S. of ? CassiopeiÆ, in the New General Catalogue, No. 185, R.A. 0h 33m, Dec. 47° 44' N. In brightness they range from being visible to the naked eye to objects of the last degree of faintness. They average some 2' or 3' diameter, but are sometimes less than 1'; so that the power of the sweeper should be capable of readily showing an object of this size as it passes through the field. The observer should turn his instrument upon the small planetary nebula N.G.C. 1501, Ascertaining Positions.—No observer should be without the means of determining exact positions. A ring-micrometer and comprehensive star-catalogues are most important accessories of the amateur. When a suspicious object is found its precise position should be instantly measured; but if no micrometer is at hand, the observer should carefully note the place relatively to adjoining stars, and then, after a short interval, re-observe it for traces of motion. In these comparisons the low-power eyepiece should be exchanged for one of greater amplification, because this will render a slight motion more readily sensible. If the suspicious object proves to be a comet, the extent and direction of its daily motion should be computed from the change in the observed places, and the information telegraphed to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. A statement should also be given as to the diameter and brightness of the object; we may then be satisfied that it will be readily picked up at some of the many stations where prompt attention is given to this class of observation. Amateurs who do not attempt to obtain exact positions are sometimes condemned for their negligence in this respect, and most unjustly so. By far the hardest part of the work falls to them, and professional astronomers ought to be indebted Dr. Doberck’s Hints.—Dr. Doberck has given some useful hints in connection with this subject:—“In order to be as sure as possible of ultimate success it is not enough to sweep with the instrument and watch any suspicious object for proper motion. It is better to procure a large map such as Argelander’s, and, comparing the image seen in the comet-seeker with the map, to insert all the nebulous objects according as they are discovered. At the end of the watch they are then compared with the catalogues of nebulÆ and clusters of stars. A general catalogue facilitates this, but is never quite sufficient, as there seems to be no limit to the number of objects in the sky, and more are constantly being catalogued. In the course of time an observer learns to remember the objects he has seen before in the seeker, and at last he need not consult the map at all. The subsequent observation of a newly-found comet is best made with the ring-micrometer if the telescope is not equatoreally mounted. In the latter case it should be made by aid of a steel-bar micrometer. As soon as three observations are available the first approximation to a parabolic orbit can generally be determined: the calculation of which is quite elementary, and would be enjoyed by many amateur astronomers who are fond of figures and would easily get used to Olbers’s method. Only the three positions must not be so near each other as to lie on a great circle.” Prizes for Discoveries.—The Vienna Academy of Sciences formerly gave a gold medal to the discoverer of every new |